Saturday 1st of February 2025

blaming labor is going according to plan...

the plan...

The Morrison government needs to wake up. It spent the entire election campaign telling us the economy was strong despite clear evidence that was not the case, and now in the light of some of the worst economic growth figures this century it would have us believe all is going to plan.

If that is so, what the heck does that say about their plan?

At the Liberal party election campaign launch in May, Scott Morrison told the audience: “You know, it all begins with keeping our economy strong.”


yes, but has the schrödinger's cat with 20 qubits got furballs?...


In 1935, the physicist Erwin Schrödinger put forward the thought experiment with the quantum cat, in which the cat is enclosed in a box together with a radioactive sample, a detector and a lethal amount of poison.

chinapolis versus US hegemony fancy and a tired europe...


Are we reading China the wrong way? For years, our Western governments have treated China like a backwater second rate citizen of the planet... Suddenly Trump sees the "threat". China has been steadily streamlining 1.4 billion people into a powerhouse that can and will challenge the US "superiority", mostly through trade and innovations, quietly, with no other ambition than to be good. Boy, this is annoying to those used to sort out problems with fist fights rather than cooperation...



if your pay packet is not reaching the stars, blame the desire to balance the soft cheese of the economy...


The conspicuous exhilaration of the near-death escape turns up pretty regularly in politics as spectator sport.

democracy in tatters...


Democracy (rule by the people), and specifically liberal democracy (democracy with individual rights and freedoms protected), is a central and precious part of our heritage. But now, in Britain and around the world, it is in danger. Political philosophers, social scientists and psychologists are considering how and why, and whether they can and should do more.

be afraid, very afraid...


Scott Morrison had to backtrack on comments made about the boats from Sri Lanka stopped by Border Force, writes John Wren.

the carrot cakes versus the nuclear bombs...

carrots cakes

In the days leading up to Woodstock, posters and advertisements pronounced the music festival—held 50 years ago on 15 to 18 August 1969—as an “Aquarian exposition.”

the shortest honeymoon in parliamentary history...


I enjoy schadenfreude as much as the next guy and for the millions of us who detest Boris, last night brought the stuff in spades. I was quite taken by Jeremy Corbyn’s comment. Too much the gentleman to refer to BoJo in person, Jezza’s was as neat a slice of alliteration as you’re likely to come across in a parliamentary put-down.


This government has no mandate, no morals and as of today no majority.

barely two days into spring...


Weather conditions are pointing to a catastrophic fire danger rating for parts of the Darling Downs and Maranoa tomorrow, the Queensland Rural Fire Service says, while residents in the Gold Coast hinterland are being told to prepare to leave.

when less efficiency means more energy... thus more profits for the energy suppliers...

genius t

Trump Administration Rolls Back Rules Requiring More Energy-Efficient Bulbs

In 2007, a bipartisan Congress said that requiring energy efficient light bulbs was the right idea. The Trump administration disagrees.

The Trump administration announced new rules on Wednesday to roll back requirements for energy-saving light bulbs, a move that could contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

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