Friday 20th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

colorfoul lingo

colorfoul lingo...


great news...


black dog and us...


From the SMH

Senior Liberal Andrew Robb, one of the opposition's star performers, is to take three months' leave to undergo treatment for depression in a move his colleagues say will help others confront their own mental health problems.


and court costs...


Johann Hari: We must stop the 'vulture funds' that feed on the world's poor

The energy that drove Jubilee 2000 needs to be summoned again

Friday, 18 September 2009

blue sky...



September 18, 2009

White House Scraps Bush’s Approach to Missile Shield


across the divide...



more of moore



From the Washington post

So far, so anti-Republican.

feminism vs feminism...


From Annabel Crabb:


Tony Abbott, re-entering the chamber at 2.40pm after a 24-hour suspension, blew a lavish kiss to a surprised Jenny Macklin, Minister for Families.

Wilson Tuckey continued his one-man commentary on women in the workplace, a loose series of mutterings tentatively entitled: ''They Just Want a Job on the Weekends When Dad's Home to Look After the Kids.''

To be fair on the Libs, they have been trying.

better things to do...



Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida is under heavy pressure in its strongholds in Pakistan's remote tribal areas and is finding it difficult to attract recruits or carry out spectacular operations in western countries, according to government and independent experts monitoring the organisation.

Speaking to the Guardian in advance of tomorrow's eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, western counter-terrorism officials and specialists in the Muslim world said the organisation faced a crisis that was severely affecting its ability to find, inspire and train willing fighters.

foul metaphors...



Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she is not offended by Opposition frontbencher Tony Abbott's use of bad language to criticise her.

Leaving Federal Parliament on Thursday night, Mr Abbot said Ms Gillard had been sporting a "shit-eating grin" during Question Time.

Ms Gillard, who spent much of the parliamentary week defending the Government's $16 billion stimulus spend on schools amid claims of mismanagement and wasteful spending, has laughed off the comments.

thank you hugo...



Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has delighted his Russian hosts during a visit by announcing that Caracas was recognising the Georgian rebel regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent.

The shock decision, which Mr Chavez said was effective immediately, was a triumph for Russia, which has struggled to convince other countries to follow its lead in granting diplomatic recognition to the two territories.

media wars

james' war


in memoriam

in memoriam...

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