Sunday 8th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

power surge .....

power surge .....

Iemma to push ahead with privatisation plan ….. 

New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma is planning to defy the will of his own party and push ahead with electricity privatisation. 

Yesterday the state conference of the New South Wales Labor Party voted 702 to 107 against privatisation of electricity assets. 

the terror master .....

the terror master .....

The world's most dangerous terrorist, who has already slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, has launched yet another campaign of murder and destruction.

blowin' smoke .....

jackpot .....

The Iemma Government will defer the poker machine tax payments of scores of clubs in a bid to compensate for a loss of revenue since the indoor smoking ban came into force. 

The Gaming and Racing Minister, Graham West, confirmed yesterday that the Government was drawing up a policy in response to a request from Clubs NSW to allow as many as 150 clubs to defer their payments for a year or 18 months. 

on dead-drops & microdots .....

on dead-drops & microdots .....

For anyone at the CIA or the Pentagon who might be considering moonlighting as a spy, the report offers a warning: 'Since 1990, American spies have been poorly paid.' 

In fact, the proportion of those who received no payment at all for espionage increased from 34 percent before 1980 to 59 percent during the 1980s and to 81 percent since 1990. 

if wishes were horses, beggars would ride .....



if wishes were horses, beggars would ride ..... 

For months, beleaguered American consumers have defied expert forecasts that they would soon succumb to the pressures of falling home prices, fewer jobs and shrinking pay-checks. Now, they appear to have given in. 

obummer .....

obummer .....

Senator Barack Obama broke forcefully on Tuesday with his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., in an effort to curtail a drama of race, values, patriotism and betrayal that has enveloped his presidential candidacy at a critical juncture. 

always someone-else .....

always someone-else .....

President Bush today blamed Congress for many of the nation's economic woes, charging that lawmakers have blocked his proposals for dealing with problems ranging from soaring gasoline prices to the increasing cost of food.

when crime pays .....

when crime pays .....

The mortgage industry, facing the prospect of tougher regulations for its central role in the housing crisis, has begun an intensive campaign to fight back. 

the value of a bushit endorsement .....

the value of a bushit endorsement .....

Bush pokes fun at his successors …..

Referring to Republican candidate John McCain's absence, he said: "He probably wanted to distance himself from me."  

The annual dinner dates back to 1924 and is attended by media personalities, celebrities and politicians.

escapist rhapsodies .....

escapist rhapsodies .....

As many historians have written, Europeans in the Middle Ages lived with an almost childlike emotional intensity. There were stark contrasts between daytime and darkness, between summer heat and winter cold, between misery and exuberance, and good and evil. Certain distinctions were less recognized, namely between the sacred and the profane. 

the spirits business .....

the spirits business .....

A vicar is to apply for a drinks licence so he can sell wine and beer at his small village church. 

The Reverend Geraint ap Iorwerth could be made licensee of St Peter ad Vincula Church in Pennal, near Machynlleth, close to the Powys-Gwynedd border. 

a war of euphemisms .....

a war of euphemisms .....

Mr Gates said that he and President Bush had settled on the four-star general for the post because he is best suited to oversee American operations, not just in Iraq but also in Afghanistan and other areas where the United States is engaged in “asymmetric” warfare, a euphemism for battling terrorists and non-uniformed combatants.

winning hearts & minds .....

winning hearts & minds .....

Even as American and Iraqi troops are fighting to establish control of the Sadr City section of this capital, the Iraqi government’s program to restore basic services like electricity, sewage and trash collection is lagging, jeopardizing the effort to win over the area’s wary residents.

mirror, mirror, on the wall .....

mirror, mirror, on the wall .....

The head of Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy, Professor David Flint, says the selection of the governance panel at the 2020 Summit was a gerrymander worthy of an African dictatorship. 

Professor Flint told a Sydney lunch celebrating the Queen's birthday that the governance panel that called for an Australian republic was stacked with pro-republican delegates. 

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