Saturday 27th of July 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

bushit of arabia .....

bushit of arabia .....

the emperor ….. 

US President George Bush stepped up his war of words with Iran today, calling Tehran the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism in the keynote speech of his tour of the Middle East and the Gulf. 

just gotta love those old time politics .....

just gotta love those old time politics .....

In her victory speech last night, Hillary Clinton probably nailed the underlying reason for her remarkable comeback in New Hampshire. In the last three days, Clinton had changed her pattern, spending far more time taking questions and comments and less time delivering the same old stump speech.  

divine intervention .....

divine intervention .....

from Buzzflash ….. 

We received a memo from Liberty "Falwell" University on November 30th, signed by Jonathan Falwell, son of the recently deceased Jerry - and now overseer of the vast Liberty University/Moral Majority corporate empire. 

soul mates .....

soul mates .....

Putin doesn't have a soul: Clinton 

Democratic White House hopeful Hillary Clinton joked that Russian President Vladimir Putin, as an ex-KGB agent, had no soul, in the latest swipe at Russia from the 2008 campaign trail. 

come in spinner .....

come in spinner .....

In about turn, Bush signs climate change bill 

President George Bush, after years of holding out against proposals to combat climate change, yesterday signed into law an energy bill establishing higher fuel-economy standards for new cars and other conservation measures. 

shadow dancers .....

shadow dancers .....

Greenspan predicts recession in US  

As the credit crisis continues to bite around the world, two eminent economists have predicted the United States will most likely fall into a recession next year. 

fractured fairy tales .....

fractured fairy tales .....

Zeffirelli offers Pope a makeover

Franco Zeffirelli, the Italian film, stage and opera director, has said Pope Benedict XVI needs a makeover of his 'cold' image and 'showy' clothes. 

Zeffirelli told La Stampa newspaper that the Pope communicated in a cold way that was little suited to what was happening around him. 

thanks max .....

thanks max .....

Finally, Howard admits McKew has it

“The 33-year parliamentary career of John Howard ended today when he finally conceded defeat in Bennelong and congratulated the woman who beat him, Labor's Maxine McKew .... 

from the cutting room floor .....


from the cutting room floor ..... 

The involvement of agency lawyers in the decision making would widen the scope of the inquiries into the matter that have now begun in Congress and within the Justice Department.  

root cause analysis .....


root cause analysis .....


Garrett, Kerry discuss US stance on climate change ….. 

Environment Minister Peter Garrett has met US Democrats Senator John Kerry in Bali to discuss the United States' position on climate change. 

shadowland .....

shadowland .....

the opposition frontbench at a glance ….. 

Julie Bishop: employment, business and workplace relations 

Malcolm Turnbull: shadow treasurer 

Andrew Robb: foreign affairs 

embarrassing pinocchio .....

embarrassing pinocchio .....

On Tuesday, President Bush said he was never forewarned by the intelligence community that Iran had suspended its nuclear weapons program in 2003: 

zero emissions .....

zero emissions .....

Gillard defends Garrett sidelining 

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has defended Labor's decision to bar Environment Minister Peter Garrett from answering parliamentary questions about climate change. 

the value of aftertaste .....


the value of aftertaste ..... 

Steve Irwin' ship to confront Japanese whalers 

14% .....


14% .....

Faulkner may have conflict of interest with ALP job: Nelson 

The Federal Opposition says there may be a conflict of interest with new Special Minister of State John Faulkner's presidency of the Labor Party.  

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