Sunday 8th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

made men .....


made men .....

Army Defends Recruitment Standards

from the washington post …..

The Army last year again increased the number of its recruits
who have prior criminal records by granting them special exceptions.

The Pentagon's top personnel official defended the policy, saying it's so
stringent that many in Congress would have difficulty getting into the
military today, too, because of things they did in their youth.

courageous dissent .....


courageous dissent .....

"I often ask myself whether the Mabo decision in 1992 or the Wik decision in 1996 would be decided by the High Court the same way today," he said.

After listing a series of developments that emerged from dissenting judgments, including expanded freedoms of the press, free speech and rights to a lawyer, Justice Kirby said: "The answer to all of these questions of whether such cases would be answered the same way today seems to be: probably not.

the highwayman .....

the highwayman .....

Vaile says NSW must commit on Hwy upgrade

Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile says the New South Wales Government cannot support any Federal Labor plan to upgrade the Pacific Highway, if it refuses to back the Coalition's proposal announced today.

Mr Vaile and Prime Minister John Howard have today promised $2.4 billion in federal funding to upgrade the Pacific Highway in New South Wales.

states to take-over defence .....


states to take-over defence .....

Defence to spend $8m on Eden-Monaro roads

The Federal Government has announced $8 million worth of funding for road upgrades in the marginal seat of Eden-Monaro and is challenging state and territory governments to chip in.

The money will come from the Department of Defence which is building its new headquarters near the town of Bungendore.

Defence Minister Brendan Nelson says it is unusual for Defence to fund road upgrades but it is part of preparing the area for the new command centre.

fooled by that old aspirational prosperity .....


fooled by aspirational prosperity .....

Australians too optimistic according to insurance company

A new survey has found Australians are optimistic about life, to the point that they are underinsured.

Insurer "AXA" has released the findings of an international study, that compared insurance rates and attitudes in 11 countries, including Australia, France, Germany, the US and Japan.

from the little prime prattler .....


from the little prime prattler .....

Howard has no plans to make price fixing criminal

Prime Minister John Howard has refused to commit to making price fixing a criminal offence but said the government would continue to review the Trade Practices Act.

His comments come after billionaire businessman Richard Pratt yesterday admitted his company Visy was involved in price fixing in the cardboard market.

the value of appearances .....

the value of appearances .....

Minchin 'surprised' by criticism of possible Parliament recall ....

Federal Finance Minister Nick Minchin has dismissed claims that it would be a waste for Parliament to sit next week.

The Labor Party is using today's three-year anniversary of the last election to again call on Prime Minister John Howard to set a date for this year's poll.

If Mr Howard calls the election before next Monday, Parliament will not return until after the poll.

making Orwell proud .....

making Orwell proud .....

from The Observer

The PM might mouth platitudes, but our phone records lie exposed, a whistleblower is prosecuted and a demonstration is banned.

The art of government these days is to extend power without people noticing. Gordon Brown proclaims his solemn duty 'to uphold freedom of speech, freedom of information and freedom of protest', yet his ministers steal through the night to attack each one of these rights. We are moving with a sickening speed to a point where the reality of government intentions is the precise opposite of its presentational rhetoric.

how convenient .....

how convenient .....

US accuses Iran's envoy to Iraq

The top US military commander in Iraq, Gen David Petraeus, has accused Iran's ambassador of belonging to an elite unit of Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

Gen Petraeus said Hassan Kazemi-Qomi was a member of the Quds Force, which the US believes backs foreign Islamic revolutionary movements.

Gen Petraeus said he had no doubt Iran was behind attacks that had led to the deaths of US soldiers.

the turd blossom syndrome .....


the turd blossom syndrome .....

In two separate legal opinions written in 2005, the Justice Department
authorized the C.I.A. to barrage terror suspects with a combination of
painful physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping,
simulated drowning and frigid temperatures.

The memorandums were written just months after a Justice Department opinion
in December 2004 declared torture "abhorrent."

rattus stains .....

rattus stains .....

chip chip chip-away .....


chip chip chip-away .....

Trees are our most valuable resources in combating global warming, IF WE LEAVE THEM THERE, but we are about to cut more of them for paper.


moving in mysterious ways .....


moving in mysterious ways .....

Vatican buys soccer club

The players of Italian third division side Ancona will most likely think twice before misbehaving on the pitch after the club was bought by the Vatican.

La Stampa reported on Wednesday that the Centro Sportivo Italiano (CSI) has bought 80% of the club through a group of Milanese Catholic entrepreneurs, leaving 20% to the former president Sergio Schiavoni.

great moments in health care .....


great moments in health care .....

Abbott announces $15m health plan for elderly

Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott has announced the Federal Government will provide Medicare-funded health checks for people aged 65 and over.

Patients can be referred to a geriatrician, who can then develop treatment plans to help patients stay out of aged care homes.

Mr Abbott says the program will cost about $15 million over four years.

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