Sunday 8th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

too many bosses .....

too many bosses .....

Costello launches ad attacking Labor's union links

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has launched a new advertising campaign attacking the number of Labor party frontbenchers with union links.

It signals that the Coalition will attack Labor's union links throughout the election campaign.

Mr Costello released a television advertisement that shows a long line of senior Labor figures and lists their union backgrounds.

pork pirates .....

mass pork .....

from Crikey 

Kerr's campaign talking points

Christian Kerr writes: 

The Government’s tax policy is out – but why didn’t the tax cuts come sooner? The economy has been ticking along nicely for ages now.  

mini miracles .....

mini miracles .....

Ears to the pulpit, when it suits …..

Believe it or not, it now appears that Christian leaders in Australia can enter the political debate without being lectured concerning that which belongs to God and that which belongs to Caesar. Provided they choose a fashionable topic, of course. As in criticising the Howard Government's Work Choices legislation.

counterfeit rattus .....

counterfeit rattus .....

mouldy promises .....


mouldy promises .....

US 'wants Palestinian state now' ….. 


The US secretary of state has said it is time for a Palestinian state to be founded, and that the US will put its full weight behind such efforts.


Condoleezza Rice said reaching a two-state solution was a priority for her and US President George Bush.

thanks mister magic .....

the lolly man .....

preying rattus .....


preying rattus .....

rattus overboard .....

rattus overboard .....

I'll help battlers, promises Howard …..

  • Howard pledges to help battlers if re-elected
  • Howard "trying to have it both ways", says Rudd
  • Election could be called as early as today

John Howard has pledged to do more to help battlers if he is re-elected as he moved yesterday to clear the decks ahead of officially calling the election as early as today.

sanchez just doesn't get it .....


sanchez just doesn't get it .....

Ex-Commander Says Iraq Effort Is 'a Nightmare' …..

In a sweeping indictment of the four-year effort in Iraq, the former top commander of American forces there called the Bush administration's handling of the war "incompetent" and said the result was "a nightmare with no end in sight."

nobel heat prize .....

nobel heat prize .....

US stands firm on climate policy despite Gore's success …..

The Bush administration says it will not change its policy on climate change, despite the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to former US Vice President Al Gore.

US Stands Firm On Climate Policy Despite Gore's Success

nobel prize for diplomacy .....


nobel prize for diplomacy .....

US rejects Russian missile call …..

Talks between the US and Russia about a US anti-missile system in Europe have ended acrimoniously and without any sign of progress.

The US rejected Russian appeals at the talks in Moscow to halt the scheme.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said his country would take steps to neutralise the threat posed by the missile system if it went ahead.

core chameleo .....

core chamaeleo .....

The main things chameleon species do have in common is their foot structure, their eyes, their lack of ears, and their tongue.

rattus desperatus .....


rattus desperatus .....

PM does an about-face on reconciliation

Prime Minister John Howard has delivered an extraordinary election eve mea culpa to indigenous Australians, promising a referendum to recognise them formally in the constitution.

After years of refusing to apologise to Aboriginal Australians over their past treatment, Mr Howard admitted he had failed to recognise the importance of symbolism in healing the rift.

rattus con .....


rattus con .....

PM promises referendum

Prime Minister John Howard has announced his plans to hold a referendum to formally recognise indigenous Australians in the Constitution.

In a speech to the Sydney Institute Mr Howard promised to hold the referendum within 18 months of the election - if the Coalition is returned to office - which would incorporate a Statement of Reconciliation into the Constitution's preamble.

Mr Howard acknowledges he has often "struggled" with the issue of reconciliation during his time as prime minister.

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