Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

to the victor the spoils .....

to the victor the spoils .....

Giuliani expected to endorse Florida winner McCain 

Rudy Giuliani is expected to throw his weight behind John McCain's campaign for the Republican nomination after the senator for Arizona won a convincing victory in the Florida primary to become the clear front runner. 

nelson of the never never .....

nelson of the never never .....

from Crikey ….. 

A sorry tale of politics, pragmatism and principles 

Editor of The National Indigenous Times Chris Graham writes: 

republican bolognaise .....

republican bolognaise .....

The Republican contest for Florida ended in acrimony on Monday as the two leading candidates traded attacks, aggressively courting voters across the Florida peninsula in a primary battle that could produce a clear front-runner for the party’s presidential nomination before a virtual national primary next week.

that's all folks .....

that's all folks .....

Openly celebrating George Bush's last state of the union address, Democrats in Congress last night dismissed his entreaties on tax cuts and government wiretaps but left the president some room on a $150bn economic aid package.  

into the twilight darkening .....

into the twilight darkening .....

Economy, War To Dominate State of Union

Bush's Challenge May Be Getting People to Listen

For years, President Bush and his advisers expressed frustration that the White House received little credit for the nation's strong economic performance because of public discontent about the Iraq war.

from the bridge of the ss bushit .....

from the bridge of the ss bushit .....

Economic Woes Again Batter Global Stocks 

Persistent fears about the world economy battered global stocks again on Monday and drove investors towards safer assets despite expectations of more interest cuts from the Federal Reserve to bolster growth. 

beggarman chief .....

beggarman chief .....

To pay for World War II, Americans bought savings bonds and put extra notches in their belts. President Harry Truman raised taxes and cut non-military spending to pay for the Korean conflict. During Vietnam, the US raised taxes but still watched deficits soar.

But to pay for the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US has used its credit card, counting on the Chinese and other foreign buyers of its debt to pay the bills. ... 

come all ye faithful .....

come all ye faithful .....

Real faith makes us humble and mindful, not of the faults of others, but of our own. It makes us less judgmental, as we see others with the same frailties we have. Faith gives us strength in the face of injustice and motivates us to do our best for "the least of us." 

Our nation was birthed in a spirit of faith - not a prescriptive one telling us whether to believe, but one acknowledging that a providence pervades our world. 

easily impressed .....

easily impressed .....

Primary Choices: Hillary Clinton 

This generally is the stage of a campaign when Democrats have to work hard to get excited about whichever candidate seems most likely to outlast an uninspiring pack. That is not remotely the case this year. 

l'enfant terrible .....

l'enfant terrible .....

Hoping to give a quick adrenaline shot to the ailing economy, President Bush and House leaders struck a deal on Thursday for a $150 billion fiscal stimulus package, including rebates for most tax filers of up to $600 for individuals, $1,200 for couples and, for families, an additional $300 a child. 

corey speaks out on inflation .....

corey speaks out on inflation .....

Malcolm Turnbull has accused the Treasurer of being almost schizophrenic in his comments.  

The Federal Opposition has accused Treasurer Wayne Swan of adding to inflationary concerns with his recent statements about the economy. 

the resurrection of strangelove .....

the resurrection of strangelove .....

The west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the "imminent" spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, according to a radical manifesto for a new Nato by five of the west's most senior military officers and strategists.  

hillary hiccups .....

hillary hiccups .....

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton defended her recent remarks on civil rights Sunday, as Sen. Barack Obama weighed in on the controversy for the first time, describing Clinton's earlier comments about the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. as "unfortunate" and "ill-advised." 

good night & good luck .....

good night & good luck .....

The Australian share market is experiencing its biggest one-day fall since the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. 

Local stocks have plunged 6.4 per cent, after heavy losses on Asian and European markets overnight. 

more smoke & mirrors .....

the house wins .....

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said that if she became president, the federal government would take a more active role in the economy to address what she called the excesses of the market and of the Bush administration. 

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