Sunday 12th of January 2025


Cheney, Howard and Hicks

Cheney, Howard and Hicks ..... 

Some nights I wonder how much of his visions Dick Cheney revealed to Howand and his cabinet. I'm still impressed how quickly after assuming power in '97, the year of Cheney's secondmost recent vist here (and the formative year of Halliburton Australia), the Australian space legislation was altered to fast-track plans for Woomera, and still wonder if the intended purpose was to use Kistler rockets to send troops into the middle east?

the poseur from dreamland .....

the poseur from dreamland .....

The American president came to the Middle East in an attempt to deliver peace.

Instead, George W. Bush's visit to the Holy Land has only deepened the divide between the Israelis and Palestinians. 

gushing faith .....

the faith gusher .....

When James Cojanis heard the first rumblings of Armageddon, he was sitting in his San Jose home with the radio tuned to a popular Christian show called The Prophecy Club. Featured that day was a charismatic Texas oilman named Harold "Hayseed" Stephens.

always weaving the fear meme .....

always weaving the fear meme .....

Hundreds of British non-Muslims have been recruited by al-Qaeda to wage war against the West, senior security sources warned last night. 

As many as 1,500 white Britons are believed to have converted to Islam for the purpose of funding, planning and carrying out surprise terror attacks inside the UK, according to one MI5 source. 

80 Arrests At Washington Guantanamo Protest

The event staged in Adelaide was a quiet one.  Very quiet. 20-odd protesters, a dozen-odd journos, and I doubt many of them would've been there if not for the presence of Terry Hicks.  There was a heckler, a large bikie with an axe to grind about his previous "wrongful arrest" who started shouting and interjecting as soon as Terry took the mike.  Terry handled him well, coming down from the Parliament House steps to talk with him, for a good twenty minutes, the cameras clicking away while the other orators addressed empty air.  This, of course, was the only thing the local paper got around to reporting.

the rules of the game ....

the rules of the game .....

The reason the United States gave for invading Afghanistan in October 2001 was "to destroy the infrastructure of al-Qaeda, the perpetrators of 9/11".  

The women of Rawa say this is false.  

repress u .....

repress u .....

How to Build a Homeland Security Campus in Seven Steps ….. 

Free speech zones. Taser guns. Hidden cameras. Data mining. A new security curriculum. Private security contractors... Welcome to the new homeland security campus. 

the cricket tragic .....

the cricket tragic .....

the value of "aussie tony" unleashed .....

the value of "aussie tony" unleashed .....

This morning brings the remarkable news that Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has gone to work as a part time consultant for the huge JP Morgan investment bank, at a salary estimated at a million dollars a year. 

just gotta love those old time politics .....

just gotta love those old time politics .....

In her victory speech last night, Hillary Clinton probably nailed the underlying reason for her remarkable comeback in New Hampshire. In the last three days, Clinton had changed her pattern, spending far more time taking questions and comments and less time delivering the same old stump speech.  

virtual reality .....

virtual reality .....

Late in December 2007, The Associated Press reporter Salah Nasrawi wrote a story about a Bin Laden audiotape that had just been released.  

hard times .....

hard times .....

The soothsayers have slaughtered the ox and are examining the gloppy entrails for signs: Rising unemployment, a falling dollar, weak consumer spending, the credit crisis, a swooning stock market.

Could there be something wrong here?

Could we actually be approaching a, god forbid, recession? To which the only sane response is: Who cares?

amerikan vaudeville .....

amerikan vaudeville .....

An incident in the Strait of Hormuz on Sunday involving US warships & small, high-speed Iranian craft has served to heighten tensions in the Gulf on the eve of bushit’s departure for his first extended trip to the Middle East.  

International Guantanamo Closure Protests Friday

guantanamo ..... 

In Washington on Friday protesters will be marching to the Supreme Court to call for the closure of Guantanamo Bay.  Capital cities across the world will be hosting similar events as orange clad protesters show their disapproval.  The day is the sixth anniversary of the arrival of the first of theUS' War On Terror prisoners at Guantanamo.

In Australia it's a bit more personal.  We've been imprisoning the only convict of this combination of concentration camp and kangaroo court.

In Hicks home town of Adelaide the gathering will occur at 3pm on the steps of Parliament House.  I'll see you there.

divine intervention .....

divine intervention .....

from Buzzflash ….. 

We received a memo from Liberty "Falwell" University on November 30th, signed by Jonathan Falwell, son of the recently deceased Jerry - and now overseer of the vast Liberty University/Moral Majority corporate empire. 

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