Thursday 19th of September 2024


me trying .....

australia day .....

‘Like Bush's America, Howard's Australia is not so much a democracy as a plutocracy, governed for and by the "big end of town," even though, as Mark Twain pointed out, this is "an entire continent peopled by the lower orders." He was not that far out; for my generation, like that of my parents, we were the poor who had got away. There was a sense that we had inherited something other than the British legacy. Long before the rest of the western world, Australians gained a minimum wage, an eight-hour working day, pensions, maternity allowance, child benefits and the vote for women. The secret ballot was invented here and became known as the "Australian ballot." The Australian Labour Party formed governments 25 years before any comparable social democracy in Europe. In the 1960s, with the exception of the Aboriginal people - who are always the exception - Australians could boast the most equitable spread of personal income in the world.

Something There In Your Neighbourhood... Who You Gonna Call?

This will need remembering.  For some reason I find this to be quite disturbing.  No doubt an Australian  equivalent will follow.
[from Construction and Maintenance (posted today)]

 KBR awarded U.S. Department of Homeland Security project

Arlington, Virginia – KBR announced that the Department of Homeland
Security’s (DHS) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
component has awarded KBR an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
(IDIQ) contingency contract to support ICE facilities in the event of
an emergency.

a maximum total value of $385 million over a five-year term, consisting
of a one-year based period and four one-year options, the competitively
awarded contract will be executed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Fort Worth District. KBR held the previous ICE contract from 2000
through 2005.

ICE is one of three agencies that make up the
Border and Transportation Security (BTS) Directorate of the DHS. The
mission of the BTS Directorate is to secure the nation's air, land and
sea borders. ICE, the largest investigative arm of the DHS, is
responsible for identifying and shutting down vulnerabilities in the
nation’s border, economic, transportation and infrastructure security.

is the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton. KBR
employs more than 60, 000 people in 43 countries around the world.

Halliburton Watch continues:

SA Defence Land Acquisition approved- Hill Halliburtonises South Australia

 As he steps down as Defence Minister, Robert Hill is completing the militarisation of South Australia

MR Hill says that  said he had written to the
leaseholders and local indigenous groups indicating his approval of the
acquisition of land near the Cultana training area, near Port Augusta.

The training centre, currently used by Army units for manoeuvre and
weapons training, will triple in size, making it one of Australia's
largest military training areas.

"This project will see an expanded range ready for use by 2009 and will
increase the Army's presence in regional South Australia, providing
significant economic benefits, particularly for Port Augusta and
Whyalla," .
"An expanded all-weather training range at Cultana will provide the
Australian Defence Force with a training area that can be used during
the northern Australian wet season and support future joint training

US Government Spied On Scott Parkin- Newsweek

 If this is the information that ASIO used to deport Parkin, some questions will need to be asked.

Firstly, was ASIO acting based on a current profile of Parkin, or outdated infomation it had previously received from TALON

is the Australian Cabinet, from Prime Minister Howard downward, guilty
of acting on inappropriate information simply because it existed ?

Have ASIO's activities in Australia mirrored the intensity of Paul
Wolfowitz' US program?  If so, how many how many profiles of Australian
anti-war activists and writers now exist in ASIO's files.

Halliburton Australia-Moment Of Truth Has Arrived

"Contractors with conflicts of interest would be prohibited from conducting oversight or writing contract requirements they could bid on, as Halliburton did for its $7 billion no-bid Iraqi oil contract awarded in 2003."

Australian aside:..... and  the warship environmental  measures, and the nuclear dump safety consultancies, and South Australia's Major Works Development 

Adding to the statement in the introductory paragraph,  US Democrats believe what is needed is  “closing the revolving door between federal contract officials and private contractors.”

Council Took Halliburton Tender To Avoid Lawsuit

If an Australian local council has "emotional problems" using Halliburton, it must accept them anyway.  That's the message being sent to the world this week by the Shire Council of Byron Bay, on the Northern coast of New South Wales.

The town, once the haven of surfers and hippies, now the "holiday home" of international stars such as Paul Hogan and Hugh Jackman,  is now home to KBR employees as they upgrade the local sewerage plant.

Councillor Tom Tabart made the situation plain when he recently told the Northern Star newspaper that " "Refusal on a political basis would have surely resulted in legal action against us,"

Halliburton.... Giving Troops The ^^^^

US television and newspapers today are dumping the story into Middle America of how, at one particular army base, Halliburton have been dumping sewerage into a river and then using it to serve U.S. troops.

While on-the-ground KBR employees emailed thunderous complaints, from deep in the bowels of Halliburton Headquarters the stamdard response was trotted out- Halliburton stood firmly behind the statement that there was no problem.
While bottled water is used for drinking, the contaminated water, reportedly twice as dirty as the river Euphrates, is used for everything else, including making coffee.

why iran is next .....

‘The Iranian government has finally developed the ultimate "nuclear" weapon that can swiftly destroy the financial system underpinning the American Empire. That weapon is the Iranian Oil Bourse slated to open in March 2006. It will be based on a euro-oil-trading mechanism that naturally implies payment for oil in Euro.  


In economic terms, this represents a much greater threat to the hegemony of the dollar than Saddam's, because it will allow anyone willing either to buy or to sell oil for Euro to transact on the exchange, thus circumventing the U.S. dollar altogether. If so, then it is likely that almost everyone will eagerly adopt this euro oil system:’ 

a pimp called security .....

‘Britain has long been replaced by the United States as the world’s civilizing Santa. But aside from the Big Stick years of Presidents McKinley and the first Roosevelt, who left no natives unturned in the Philippines and South of the Border, it should be said that American imperialism had a decidedly Wilsonian bend for most of the 20 th century. It was too busy saving the world rather than conquering it (except, again, South of the Border, where American presidents have never been able to resist the impulse to act like Teddy Roosevelt gunslinging in his wildlife preserves). When the Soviet Union fell, it looked as if America ’s job as world’s sheriff was done. Finally, the West’s trillions could be invested in something more constructive than missiles and fearmongers’ dividends. Sure enough, Pentagon budgets quit sprawling under Bill Clinton.  

Defence Minister Resigns

The Federal Defence Miinister, Senator for S.A Mr Robert Hill, is tipped to resign from Federal Politics today.

Mr Hill, the architect of the conversion of S.A. into the Defence State of Australia, has been offered the position of Australian Ambassador to the United Nations.

Senator Hill was Australia's longest serving Minister for the Environment where he was responsible for major programs in areas such as climate change and biodiversity. Senator Hill's major achievements in this portfolio were the passage of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the biggest overhaul of environmental laws in Australia's history and the establishment of the $2.5 billion Natural Heritage Trust, the largest environmental rescue package ever undertaken by an Australian Government.

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