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BlogsRetired, 70+, brought up in Liberal heartland, moving further left the older I get! (Elizabeth Vitek)I can't begin to tell you how this book made me feel. I thought I knew a bit about how things are in this country and have been getting more and more despairing by the day. But Margo, you have opened my eyes a lot wider to the truth. I have to thank you for showing me Brian Harradine and Pauline Hanson in a new light. I don't know when I have read anything that is so balanced, but at the same time so passionate. It was a privilege to meet you in Bungendore last Saturday, and I hope your book will be read by many, many people.
Lighting a fire for democracy. (Dave Gaukroger)I have long agonised over the way so many Australians seem to be disconnected from our political process. Margo's excellent book will hopefully shake people out of their complacency and leave them more demanding of our elected representitives from all sides of politics. Let's regain control of our democracy and put the pollies on notice that we won't stand for their spin any longer.
Exciting, new and patchy, capturing the zeitgiest for the elites, at least (David Eastwood)On balance I liked the book. Strong compelling arguments, well evidenced, got me in. But, a couple of flaws in the logic I reckon:
Judith Ireland's 'take' on Sydney launch ()Sydney Uni media n' government student and freelance writer Judith Ireland - who recently did a SMH internship under MK's supervision - has a ripper take on the Sydney launch over at Vibewire. We particularly loved Judith's nod to some useful political anthropology. Here's a sample of her piece:
Wonderful can I enjoy a book so much that makes me feel so disturbed?! (Catherine Burgess)Congratulations. Never has a book made me feel so affirmed that my anger towards this current govt. is legitimate. As one of the 'mob' dismissed by John Howard after the march in Sydney I will be passing this book on to many of my peers and encouraging many more to purchase it. I have never put a bumper sticker on my car in my life but the Not Happy John! one has made it to the back of the car and will hopefully encourage many to visit this site and read the book.
Sparking debate (A Gallagher)I picked up NHJ! at Sydney airport on a return trip to Perth recently, after hearing Tim Webster interview Margo on radio. Several chapters in, a nearby passenger enquired what I was reading, which sparked a debate about Australia's involvement in the invasion of Iraq, the complexities of war, human suffering, former leaders and what the future holds. The passenger believed Howard to be a decent leader, and that the western nations with their democratic free will can improve the quality of life for the fallen and for future generations. As simplistic as it sounds, I talked about the cycle of grief, despair, hatred and revenge a citizen (and a nation) must go through when they witness fellow humans blown to pieces.
Ouch ()Many thanks to reviewer David Eastwood for his criticisms. (See Review section for the full review). My bold in the extract below shows the bits that pushed my (Lefty's) buttons particularly deftly:
Webdiarist, refugee advocate, peace monger (Marilyn Shepherd)When Andrew Wilkie came to Adelaide at the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, I asked him a question he said I would find the answer to in his book. He understood that I had participated in many of the debates on Webdiary - everything from SIEVX, refugees, the Bakhtyari children's terrible plight (still ongoing), Honest Politics and of course, the Iraqi invasion. It would be a foolish soul who accused me of holding back.
Fourth generation Australian, grandson of a Gallipoli ANZAC thoroughly disgusted with where Howard has led this country. (Gary BJohn Howard didn't just appear on the political stage in the 1990's. He has decades of form. His record alone on race issues should have been enough to convince any fair minded person that he was not fit to be an Australian Prime Minister. This is the man who Malcolm Fraser says, alone in the Fraser Cabinet, opposed asylum for Vietnamese boat people; who vehemently opposed sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa; who raised the issue of Asian immigration and condemned multiculturalism; who voted in the Parliament against a resolution congratulating the Holt Liberal Government for abandoning the White Australia policy and reaffirming that Australia's immigration program must not be based on race. How any educated person could have voted for this man in 1996 is beyond my comprehension. Thanks for doing something to expose the true John Howard to more Australians.
Not Happy, Joh.......n! ()TIM MILFULL submitted this review/mini-profile from up in Brizzy, which we thought we'd publish here as a blog entry. Tim is a freelance writer and critic up that way who hones in on the link between the Joh years and the subsequent determination of many Queenslanders like MK, whose political consciousness was forged in those grim times, to keep a very close watch on Australia's democratic freedoms elsewhere as a result. Tim interviewed Margo for QUT's UTOPIA Magazine last week, and I think a review/profile will be running in an upcoming July issue. Thanks, Tim - hope you don't mind our corny title.
Absolute tripe (Rob Bruce)Hysterical, overblown and completely unsubstantiated. At least the spirit of Webdiary lives on, hypocrisy and selective interpretation rules.
One breath of fresh air, many more needed! (Ray Miller)Thanks Margo for putting your book together, it is a breath of fresh air amongst the stench of neo-liberal ideals that have the illusion of democracy while attacking the very democracy of OUR communities in which we live. Books by an Australian author Sharon Beder
Offer from NHJ! reader/webhoster ()NHJ! reader Andrewd writes with an offer to NHJ! punters:
Side-stepping truth. Again. ()So, it's two weeks since our book was released. We've been told, by Penguin and other reliable sources, that sales are going through the roof and people are going into bookshops demanding Margo's book. Thanks so much for all your support. Maybe we'll actually get a Mike Moore sales tally before we know it?!
Quick and honest review (S and J Daily)Not bad Mango, indeed, very good.How-hard's legacy needs to be documented. Even if there are a few gaps. Guess that is the nature of getting a book up for publishing, quickly.You are not Mike Moore, as somebody said. (We live in Oz, don't we? Maybe he/she came onto wrong website...)
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