Thursday 23rd of January 2025


crap .....

crap ....

guru on a mountain


Up to this point, Turnbull had been holding his own in the discussion by showing that he understood the technical differences between his proposal and the government’s NBN and he was doing a good job of explaining his views. But, when faced with a refutation of his comment about the NBN’s ‘cost effectiveness’, he chose not to engage as an adult, and instead pulled out a ‘glib one liner’ — and one which left the Twitter audience none the wiser about what he really thought about the cost effectiveness of the NBN.

on a road to no-where ....

on a road to no-where ....

The tragedy of Ashby and Slipper: Act Five

singo and gina...


Media figure and businessman John Singleton will form an alliance with mining magnate Gina Rinehart at Fairfax, after buying a small stake in the company.

mutually designed destruction...



from Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz

the nra solution: more guns...

nra solution

The powerful US gun rights lobby went on the offensive today arguing that schools should have armed guards, on a day that Americans remembered the victims of the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre with a moment of silence.

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