Tuesday 21st of January 2025


abbott is a mad hypocrite....


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has set his sights on government departments, saying he will significantly restrain spending and streamline their operations if he wins the next election.

lost in celebrity land .....

lost in celebrity land .....


How amazing. In all Australian television in the past year, only one presenter is so evil that they must be hounded off air.

Well, two actually, but more about me later.

I'm talking, of course, about Yumi Stynes - now the target of a hate campaign by fat-bottomed moralists who offend me even more than she did.

Until Tuesday last week, most Australians did not even know Stynes existed, let alone that she was a host of the Channel 10 morning chat show, The Circle.

But on that fateful day Stynes made a mistake that comes from not knowing much but having much time to fill with babbling.

the victims of spin .....

the wagers of spin .....

While the military establishment and the opposition are busy jumping ugly on the Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, a few points have been overlooked.

Kate, the alleged victim of the Skype scandal, is no longer at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Through no fault of her own, her presence there has been rendered untenable and she is back in Queensland trying to continue her fledgling military career.

Of the two alleged perpetrators, one has quit and the other is still at ADFA training to be an officer.

sumptuary laws .....

sumptuary laws .....

What if there was an energy source that could meet half our needs by 2030 (but was not coal seam gas)? A source so cheap it could halve your energy bill (but was not coal), so clean it had zero emissions (but was not wind or water), with no capital costs?

Surely such an energy source would sit at the heart of our national energy policy, argued Chris Dunstan of UTS's institute for sustainable futures at a recent forum run by the Australian Alliance to Save Energy. Stupid not to, right?

hockey's crystal ball is an axe...

hockey bullshits...

The Coalition is not discounting the Australian dollar hitting $US1.25 as it shapes policy proposals for those industries which would be most affected.

of theatrics and war...




When Julia was accused of lying about the Carr affair, I decided to look at the details of the process and analyse... 

I could be totally wrong of course....

a french kiss .....

a french kiss .....

According to a documentary broadcast on BBC Radio 4 last night, the French cheated on us during the Falklands War by helping the Argies while they were pretending to help us.

No one is suggesting that President Mitterand was anything other than wholehearted in his support for the UK. He ordered an immediate and complete embargo on supplying or assisting the Argentines. Vital technical data on the French-made anti-ship Exocet missile was made available to the Ministry of Defence, the French having sold five to the Argentines before the war.

bazza's beepbeep in his bonnet...

cycling sydney...

Barry and Clover...

loose cannons .....

loose cannons .....

from Crikey .....

Eventually reality will hit the opposition's fiscal frolic

Crikey Canberra correspondent Bernard Keane writes:


the gods must be crazy .....

the gods must be crazy .....

As a rich, university-educated middle-class white guy, I do it tough. I am, dare I say it, oppressed. There, I said it, so I guess I do dare. Oppressed by shrill and difficult harpies like Germaine Greer, who by her own admission just the other day is only interested in my penis.

Oppressed by a horde of uppity little groups, and races and culture gangs who, having inconsiderately thrown off my rich, white forefathers' oppression of their poor, not-so-white forefathers and, er, foremothers, now seem intent on getting some payback.

that even the blind can see .....

that even the blind can see .....

"If you had free reign over classified networks ... and you saw incredible things, awful things ... things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC ... what would you do? ... God knows what happens now. Hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms. ... I want people to see the truth ... because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public."

Bradley Manning

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