Friday 10th of January 2025

crazy like a fox .....

crazy like a fox .....

News Ltd bias this year never approached the levels of 1975 when, for the only time in our history, the company's journalists went on strike to protest against editorial distortion.

Bill Hayden joked that if Gough Whitlam had walked across Lake Burley Griffin, The Australian's headline would have been ''Gough can't swim''.

But what is most remarkable this time is these papers' bizarre post-election behaviour. When the Gillard government gained majority support in the House, News Ltd were even sorer losers than the Liberal Party. The Daily Telegraph headlined it ''The Big Steal'' and its opening statement was that Gillard's offer of a ministry to Rob Oakeshott had secured her power.

An editorial in The Australian declared the Greens ''are hypocrites'' and ''should be destroyed at the ballot box''. Putting to one side the editorial's Cromwellian absolutism, more worrying is that the paper seems determined to afford its readers only coverage of the Greens that confirms its view of them. Without irony, it then denounced Bob Brown's criticism as ''bullying''.

Sometimes the paper seems willing to say anything that will create a sensation. How else to explain its chief political correspondent arguing five days after an election that we need another poll? Never mind parliament, never mind the constitution. Let's move from three-year terms to two-week ones. This was simply crazy - like a Fox.

News Ltd Biased Against Labor During Campaign


The Australian to me is a matter of pride, not prejudice.

Ever since I became a contributor to Your Democracy I have railed against the Murdoch media empire and its blatant abuse of power to elect governments - in the UK (successfully) - in Australia (almost) and that predator's attack now on the Obama Administration is ongoing.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”!

How is it, as I have opined before, that we have very precise laws governing the contents of our famous “Meat Pies” but, no enforced control over the lack of truth; opinions and calculated misinformation - or otherwise - that is broadcast in a clearly biased and control freak destructive media?  Fair dinkum.

Contrary to the extreme right of the Howard “New Order” who would dismiss this complaint by saying that reading is “your democratic choice” - I know that a significant part of democratic government is their duty of care to the public and the accountability that comes with that oath of office.  Not so in Australia today.

The format of the Murdoch “News” Ltd., is more like pages of political ads rather than news at all.  The best one can hope for is some puppet Journalist’s opinions which are NEVER substantiated! They are fiction.

It is my opinion that the Murdoch (Citizen Kane) disease can only exist and thrive in a democracy because of the false claim that we have a choice to read the untruths – or NOT.

I do not ask for too much in a supposedly enlightened society to insist that the “News articles in the vehicles used by the News providers” must comply with the simple but democratic guidance of a Court of law on which democracy itself surely depends.

In other words, do not print personal unsubstantiated opinions other than in your Editorials – which are allowed by the Charter. Quite simply this is fair in that Murdoch’s Editor can have his say as biased as he can make it but – the NEWS he reports MUST conform to the obligation to substantiate any other claims made by the Journalists and the sources from which they come.  Otherwise, aren’t they hearsay?  And we elect our governments on hearsay?

We are selling our “rights to know” to a bunch of freedom of speech exploiters who are more influential than the government itself.

We do not elect them, why then do we allow them to tell us who to elect?

I am hoping that GetUp will try to have the Charter enforced.  NE OUBLIE.





Is Murdoch's Australian really the Heart of our Nation?

Perhaps some reader can enlighten me but - does any other advanced industrial nation allow its very personal title to be used by anyone other than their elected government?

I cannot imagine any nation allowing the use the title "The American"? Or "The New Zealander"?  Or "The English"? "Or The Irish"? Or "The French".  And I could go on but you must see my point - I hope.

To me the inference of those titles are as valuable – no, even more valuable - than patents.  They convey to the reader that this is the document that dictates the heart, history and mindset of the people called The Australians.

I am aware that this gross abuse of our individual dignity and identity as a World Class Nation was introduced before Murdoch took over in, I believe, 1974?

Murdoch even has the unchallenged gall to advertise that this is the “Heart of the Nation”! What message does that send?

So finally I hope, the Australian “voiceless” public are realizing that they have been misused in many different ways – because we deserve it? Yes.

Many different methods have been used by the US to encourage their people to serve their “flag bearer” politicians – that is not my business. But I would like to remind “The Australians” that when protestors burned the Australian flag – Howard couldn’t care less.  Nor do I remember Murdoch complaining about the burning of the flag of the “Heart of the Nation”?

Prior to the last election, I hoped that there would be enough Australians to vote for Australia rather than the Murdoch Empire's choice - which translates to the Mad Monk Tony Abbott.

But what can we do, the ordinary people as Abbott calls us, to achieve the pride and independent stature that the Rudd/Government tried to give us?

Who will stand up to Murdoch/ABC/Corporations unless we have people of courage like the current Labor Party, to put our case forward and to expose the Coalition’s success due to their subservience to the Corporations?

May I just say that we can’t make a balanced judgement unless our LAW enforces the method of information to abide by the Charter.  It is perhaps worthy that in my mind I am now looking at an activist group called Getup to continue their pro-democracy efforts on behalf of all AUSTRALIANS.  




resistance is futile...

Jon Stewart on his Monday 20th September Show had former President Jimmy Carter as guest: Carter did not mince his words about Fox: "Fox distorts the news..."

We knew that.

Uncle Rupe is having fun, fiddling with the potato-mash in our brains, turning the elegant lie into an aggressive confrontational art-form... It's porkied entertainment that slowly washes the will out of our brain-paste. We want more, more anger... 1984 came and got stuck with Uncle Rupe at the levers. We can't wake up... We're zombies, dazzled by the bullshit, trapped by luminous ludicrous headlines — caught like roos in the spotlights — and about to be rolled into oncoming giant spherical dungs pushed by pen-weilding beetles, as if we were sprinkle and they were chocolate rumballs.

We bow our heads to the master of the press, of TV, of the world. Uncle Rupe is our commander and god... Resistance is futile or we will be severely punished... Punished? Blessed Uncle Rupe for the sores.

We deserve to be flogged... as long as it's entertainingly dazzling at the same time, with handcuffs... We're masochists. Uncle Rupe provides the sadistic equipment and pushes the buttons. We're happy while being in the racks, in anger, being covered with sweet and sour spruiked sauce, our exposed genitals to be licked by Foxes...

the sky is falling .....

Yes Gus, the sky is falling .......

Whilst much of the media has been going through tough financial times, the real casualty has been hard news & investigative reporting, with real news & journalism losing ground to sensationalism & entertainment. Taking the lead of sensationalistic blogs & reality TV, the mainstream media seems to be responding with a "give the audience what they want" approach. 

That might be well & good as a way to generate revenue but news & true journalism has never been about giving people what they want. Its primary objective was & is to educate, & inform. Once we start replacing investigative journalism with celebrity scandals & reality TV train wrecks, we are in a very real sense giving away the keys to an informed public & a strong democracy.

The knee jerk reaction is understandable, because these are tough times for the media. According to the Pew Research Centre The State of the News Media 2010 report, in 2009, newspapers, including online, saw US ad revenue fall 26% during the year, which brings the total loss over the last three years to 41%. Local television ad revenue in the US fell 24% in the same time frame. Radio dropped 18%, ad pages dropped 19%, network TV 7% (& news even more). Online ad revenue over all fell about 5% & revenue to news sites most likely also fared much worse. Only cable news among the commercial news sectors did not suffer declining revenue last year.

So, panicking media outlets are trying to change the rules of the game.  

Of course it's important to entertain. It's essential. But offering entertainment 24/7 will result in a numbed & ignorant populace. The citizenry don't want to be uninformed, but, of course, they don't know what they don't know. Unless there is true quality, objective journalism that is bringing stories of corruption & malfeasance to light, you & I will never know these stories exist.

We are replacing news with controversy & entertainment. Learning that a sports star had a number of affairs is not news its sensationalism. More media outlets is not an answer if it only results in more of the same. According to the Pew report, an analysis of more than a million blogs & social media sites found that 80% of the links are to US legacy media. The only old media sector with growing audience numbers is cable, a place where the lion's share of resources is spent on opinionated hosts.

There are some encouraging & exciting things happening in the online media world, from former journalists creating specialty news sites & community sites, to citizen journalists covering neighborhoods, local blogs & social media. In 2009, Twitter & other social media showed how they could disseminate information, as well as how they could mobilize people to act & react. The collective power of these sites was able to evade the censors in Iran & communicate from Haiti after the devastating earthquake.

Still, that is no substitute for the traditional work of the mainstream media. Media's challenge now is to make a profit & deliver news. But, it is not media's challenge alone. It is ours. If, due to economic constraints the media fails to uncover stories of corruption both in government & the private sector, we become the biggest losers.

Resistance is critical .....

Just remember that Laurie Oakes is protected by Murdoch and Co.

With the possibility that our Governments - Federal, State or Territory - may finally get rid of the John Howard Media "Honor" system and crack down on the Murdoch media empire, it is often said that if you take the leader of an “illegal protest”, or the most “outspoken advocate of violence”, then you are well on the way of causing the failure of that event.

Under those circumstances, it would be impossible to ignore that - as long as the Murdoch media continues to spread its disease of dishonesty, political bias and even using "opinions" to seek to destroy people's lives - they should be footing massive financial fines plus any credibility they may have left – and this could close down all or most of the "Octopus" that is sucking the life out of our Australian right to know the truth.

Nevertheless, when one door opens another closes and the mindless and underhanded Corporation’s Coalition, who thrive on dishonesty assisted by the Murdoch Media of course, want the laws against broadcasting  anonymous “leeks” or “unsubstantiated” accusations to be lifted! This would not only allow cowardly bastards to victimize anyone they choose but have the right to do so without limitation. It is assumed that the excuse is that the public is entitled to know! Which by definition means that the accused is not! Fair dinkum.

The good old days of vigilantes lynching an accused coming back? How easy to victimize those who the Media will allow you to eh Abbott?

What a colossal removal of natural justice and the basic right of the accused to face his/her accuser!  Laurie Oaks immediately comes to mind when the media worships him for misusing someone’s trust to have a free kick at our government – or did he?  Has anyone asked him why only his word should be taken above everyone else’s? And why wasn’t he brought before a Judge by the Labor Party to divulge his source with the penalty of contempt of Court?  IF he had then revealed his source everyone would have gained.  Labor would have known the alleged traitor - Oakes' credibility with either or both the dishonest leekers and Murdoch would have expired - and perhaps the "Oakes curse" may then have been lifted from Labor and helped them to a more assured win.

Howard and Downer used the law on two Herald Sun reporters who broadcast a leek from the [leekless] Liberals.  If my memory serves me, the journalists refused and did do some time in jail but I am not sure of the ultimate result.

The belief that democracy allows every accused person to defend themselves and are entitled to their right to have their day in Court, then - what system does Abbott and his mob function in?

We know that for years Abbott denied having anything to do with the jailing of Pauline Hanson – and now it is common knowledge and the truth couldn’t get through to the public because of his media colleagues.

The Howard/Costello/Downer/Abbott “gang of four” over-used the plea that “it was NOT in the Nation’s Interests to release information they decided against.   The Howard “New Order” had a habit of increasing regulations on the working classes both middle and otherwise, while at the same time removing regulations from the Corporation’s – like Howard’s favourite newspaper, the Murdoch Daily Telegraph!  Fair dinkum.

I wish that our readers would try to follow the simple rules of thinking reasoning and using logic when receiving any form of “information” now and from whatever source.  Just think the issue through and decide for yourself whether or not the article would stand the test in a Court of Law in OUR AUSTRALIA.  May it always be so?  NE OUBLIE.


falling in the same pit...

My point exactly, John, though I was sarcastic about it... The sad part in all this is that "our" ABC and the BBC are falling in the same pit as the private dung press, although their managements would not recognise it or "obey directives"... And these two organisations don't have to look at advertising revenues, though they have to tow the line as not to upset the seat of power — sometimes bluntly told to shut up otherwise the public funding gets a cut. It was ludicrous for example that a Janet Albrechtsen be on the board of the ABC when she was a fully paid employee of a competing news organisation run by Murdoch... That's why sites like YourDemocracy are important for now and for the record... If the press and the news blabbers were doing an honest job we would not have to exist... But we would because we know they'd never do...

Pamphleteers have existed since...  rulers started to behave whateverly... possibly since early humans lived in caves.

Resistance is critical.

When will Murdoch and his Andrew Bolts be pulled into line?

When the Telegraph was following up Unfair and unbalanced: how News failed to fell government Rodney Tiffen

September 21, 2010 Fair and balanced. According to Chris Mitchell, the editor-in-chief of The Australian, the Prime Minister thanked him for the newspaper's election coverage being ''fair and balanced''. Is it a coincidence she used the much-mocked slogan of Rupert Murdoch's American TV news channel Fox News?

The slogan is so synonymous with the network that when the left-wing American media identity Al Franken titled his book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, Fox (unsuccessfully) mounted a lawsuit, claiming the title infringed their trademark.

This most controversial of American news outlets - trusted according to a recent survey by 74 per cent of Republicans but only 30 per cent of Democrats - still provokes outrage. Earlier this year, the former New York Times executive editor Howell Raines thought Fox's conduct so betrayed journalistic standards that other news organisations should ''blow the whistle'' on its propaganda campaign against the Obama administration. Even Rupert Murdoch's son-in-law, Matthew Freud, said he was ''sickened and ashamed'' by Fox's ''horrendous and sustained disregard'' of journalistic standards.

More than any other media proprietor in the English-speaking world, Murdoch has recognised and cultivated the commercial and political benefits of partisanship. Having been an enthusiastic supporter of Margaret Thatcher in Britain, when he was building his American beachhead with the purchase of the New York Post in the 1970s, he was determined to make his mark.

He campaigned for Ed Koch for mayor, which Koch said made his victory possible. His opponent, Mario Cuomo, lamented that when Murdoch endorses you, he hands the whole newspaper over to your campaign.

In Australia, News Ltd titles account for about two-thirds of daily newspaper circulation, far higher than any proprietor enjoys in any other established democracy. Whatever the company's virtues, such domination is not healthy for democracy or for the development of professional excellence and media diversity. Increasingly, News Ltd manifests monopoly arrogance, not least in its attitudes to anyone who criticises it.

This year, Murdoch's Daily Telegraph published an editorial advocating the election of an Abbott government, starting on the front page and running over the next two. It is not only Labor sympathisers who thought the editorial views of the Telegraph and The Australian informed the papers' selective news priorities and the framing of their coverage.

one of the leaks disclosed by Laurie Oakes and Peter Hartcher, who reported that Gillard had privately opposed the size of the pension increases, it assailed her with many critical comments from pensioners - ''live a day in our shoes''. Strangely, none of those quoted expressed gratitude that the Labor government had increased the rate by $30 a week, or contrasted Labor's greater generosity compared with the Howard government's.

But the most notable aspect of the story was the image of a haggard 80-year-old Gillard dominating the front page. I cannot remember the Telegraph ever doing this to a male leader or to a Liberal, and it is hard to imagine it doing so.

Its opinion pages carry a constricted range of views, dominated by the prolific but predictable outpourings of the columnists Piers Akerman and Andrew Bolt. My guess is that they have little impact electorally, read only by those addicted to a daily dose of outrage.

The Australian has a much greater pluralism in its opinion columns, even if still skewed towards the right. But the paper's key feature is the way its news judgments are filtered through its political prism. There is little clear air for alternative views or developments to emerge. Look, for example, at its coverage of climate change over the past few years. Only Labor government stuff-ups - never government achievements - are deemed newsworthy.

Of course, News Ltd bias this year never approached the levels of 1975 when, for the only time in our history, the company's journalists went on strike to protest against editorial distortion. Bill Hayden joked that if Gough Whitlam had walked across Lake Burley Griffin, The Australian's headline would have been ''Gough can't swim''.

But what is most remarkable this time is these papers' bizarre post-election behaviour. When the Gillard government gained majority support in the House, News Ltd were even sorer losers than the Liberal Party. The Daily Telegraph headlined it ''The Big Steal'' and its opening statement was that Gillard's offer of a ministry to Rob Oakeshott had secured her power.

An editorial in The Australian declared the Greens ''are hypocrites'' and ''should be destroyed at the ballot box''. Putting to one side the editorial's Cromwellian absolutism, more worrying is that the paper seems determined to afford its readers only coverage of the Greens that confirms its view of them. Without irony, it then denounced Bob Brown's criticism as ''bullying''.

Sometimes the paper seems willing to say anything that will create a sensation. How else to explain its chief political correspondent arguing five days after an election that we need another poll? Never mind parliament, never mind the constitution. Let's move from three-year terms to two-week ones. This was simply crazy - like a Fox.

Rodney Tiffen is emeritus professor of government and international relations at the University of Sydney.



Opinions and truth - not the same by a long shot.

Once again we learn of the Howard "New Order's" assistance to unlawful opinions in the news media, by changing the rules so that there is NO PUNISHMENT even if they are found guilty.   Fair dinkum. 

So the picture of a smirking Andrew Bolt is appropriate in Your Democracy and is so damned embarrassing to people concerned with justice FOR ALL, they must feel like joining Get Up to fight.

Personally I am sick of the lies and never-ending OPINIONS portrayed in the cancerous Murdoch media, intended to influence people's belief in what is true and what isn't.  The political bias is breathtaking and so dangerously planned that it is not surprising that, like in the U.K. Murdoch came within an inch of changing the government.  They have been aligned now to a "minority" government which - like the "Abbott proof of invincibility" and the almost complete reversal of a person’s normal character, [leading an out of date team of has-beens] has forced the same in Australia. Struth.

With his oversized helmet and his oversized flack jacket and his ability to run faster than his minders – Howard has shown his ability to lead a “charge” in his illegal war in Iraq when he had a “flying political visit”.

It is true that one should not oppose a plan unless you have an alternative and better proposition. In the case of the Murdochracy unsubstantiated opinions can only be opposed by a like powerful source of information – or a government which has the courage to apply the same laws of responsibility as they apply to each and every citizen.

Yes – “democracy” is the breeding ground for these repulsive leeches and perhaps – just perhaps – Abbott was Murdoch’s shock weapon to avoid a Labor government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Bernard Keane is right – we are reaching a stage where we only live our lives by the dictates of an ever increasing media influence.  And it is our fault.

Probably because it wasn’t noticed but, it was not so long ago that Shanahan and his band of unlawful journalists, were printing ad infinitum the thoughts and anti-social and political OPINIONS without identifying them as such?

Am I noticing a change in that the Shanahan mob are actually listing some of their bias tirades as OPINIONS?

Not good enough.  History tells us that the original “freedom of the press” was fought for so that TRUTH could be known?  So the freedom to tell the truth has now been changed 180 degrees to the freedom to lie?

Never mind the freedom of the press – be alarmed at its power. NE OUBLIE.



rooting rupert .....

Canadian Avaaz members successfully protected their democracy this month by shutting down a bid to subsidize a new, biased news channel with close ties to the Prime Minister's office. 83,000 people signed a petition against special government handouts for Sun TV - a propagandistic TV channel set up by Prime Minister Harper's former spin doctor, Kory Teneycke.

The project was conceived after a secret lunch between Harper, Teneycke, and the infamous Rupert Murdoch, who ruthlessly exploits his vast media empire to manipulate political leaders of several major countries. Murdoch has spawned the radical right tea party movement in the US after being spurned by Barack Obama, employs 5 of the leading US Republican presidential candidates, and no UK government has won an election without his support in 30 years. Canadians were determined to stop Murdoch's "crony-media" style of subversion of democracy from being brought to Canada.

After Avaaz mobilized against SunTV, the media empire threw every big corporate tactic at us - smear pieces in a dozen of their newspapers, threats of lawsuits if we didn't immediately suspend the campaign, and even links to a criminal sabotage of our petition campaign. Avaaz members didn't scare and fought back with 83,000 petition signatures, 21,000 personal letters to the government's media commission, and over $400,000 donated to take on any lawsuits, fight the media battle and pursue a criminal investigation into the sabotage. The donations also allowed Avaaz to hire Canada's top lawyers and experts to help challenge SunTV's application to the government.

The result was a victory on all counts! Kory Teneycke was forced to resign, admitting he had "debased the debate" and SunTV abandoned its attempt to get its launch funded by a government handout. Murray Dobbin, a well-known commentator, wrote, "It is a huge victory for every Canadian who took time to write, email, phone or otherwise protest this grotesque plan to move Canadian political culture to the far right.

And a victory in particular for Avaaz the on-line social movement that flushed Teneycke and his bully tactics into the open."

Canada, Italy, Brazil...People Power is Winning!

secret war against the Palestinians...

On October 13, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the nation's foremost Jewish civil rights organization, presented an award to media magnate Rupert Murdoch "for his stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism," according to a press release on the organization's website.

In his acceptance speech, Murdoch -- who of course is the CEO of News Corp, parent of Fox News -- spoke of the "soft war" against Israel, and the "ongoing war against the Jews." Perhaps the most eye-opening part of Rupert Murdoch's speech was his assertion about the source of most of today's worst anti-Semitism: the Left.

The same day, the ADL released its own blacklist of sorts, what it calls the "Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups In America."US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Council on American-Islamic Relations. Also on the list is Jewish Voice For Peace, which is "the only national Jewish organization that provides a voice for Jews and allies who believe that peace in the Middle East will be achieved through justice and full equality for both Palestinians and Israelis."
These are generally progressive peace activist groups, and civil rights and human rights organizations that are critical of Israeli government policy, and advocate for Palestinian self-determination. They include groups such as US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Council on American-Islamic Relations. Also on the list is Jewish Voice For Peace, which is "the only national Jewish organization that provides a voice for Jews and allies who believe that peace in the Middle East will be achieved through justice and full equality for both Palestinians and Israelis."


From Mr Murdoch:

THE threats facing Jews today are real.

THE Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 in response to something we cannot imagine in America today: the lynching of an innocent Jew.

In the century since then, the league has fought anti-Semitism wherever you have found it. You have championed equal treatment for all races and creeds. And you have held America to her founding promise.

So successful have you been, a few years ago some people were beginning to say, "Maybe we don't need an ADL any more".

That is a much harder argument to make these days.

My own perspective is simple: we live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews.

For the first decades after Israel's founding, this war was conventional in nature. The goal was straightforward: to use military force to overrun Israel. Well before the Berlin Wall came down, that approach had clearly failed.

Then came phase two: terrorism. Terrorists targeted Israelis both home and abroad from the massacre of Israeli athletes at Munich to the second intifada. Terrorists continue to target Jews across the world. But they have not succeeded in bringing down the Israeli government nor weakened Israeli resolve.

Now the war has entered a new phase. This is the soft war that seeks to isolate Israel by delegitimising it. The battleground is everywhere: the media, multinational organisations, non-government organisations. The aim is to make Israel a pariah.

The result is the curious situation we have today: Israel becomes increasingly ostracised, while Iran - a nation that has made no secret of wishing Israel's destruction - pursues nuclear weapons loudly, proudly and without apparent fear of rebuke.

For me, this ongoing war is a fairly obvious fact of life

Every day, the citizens of the Jewish homeland defend themselves against armies of terrorists whose maps spell out the goal they have in mind: a Middle East without Israel.


Gus: in true form, Uncle Rupe is very selective about history... Even after the formation of Israel during which the Zionists did commit many acts of terrorism to displace people and even terrorism against the west, the Zionists have taken over most of the occupied Palestinian territories and are continuing to grab so. In reality the Israelis have taken all of the Palestinian land by default and only allowing a few Palestinians to subsists in a shrinking environment which has become fully divided and restricted like a prison.

Had Israel made a genuine effort for peace, there would not be this "pariah" feeling against Israel.

Every attempt to have a "peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians is basically a farce for which the Israeli don't even bother to give lip service anymore... They just continue with the settlements on the entire "Palestinian lands" which the Israelis "now own" by theft. In twenty years the deed will be complete apart from that small portion of Gaza, unless the Gazans revolt and get exterminated or pushed back further south into Egypt...

Every day, the citizens of the Palestinian homeland defend themselves against armies of Zionist terrorists whose maps spell out the goal they have in mind: a Middle East Jewish-only-state without Palestinians.

Wake up Mr Murdoch...

The Murdoch Media Empire is Australia's Worst Enemy.

It pleases me no end to see how the courage of a people can change the situation of the media choosing governments by false informtion to the voting public.

rooting rupert ..... [Partial quote with emphasis added]

 “Canadian Avaaz members successfully protected their democracy this month by shutting down a bid to subsidize a new, biased news channel with close ties to the Prime Minister's office……

The project was conceived after a secret lunch between Harper, Teneycke, and the infamous Rupert Murdoch, who ruthlessly exploits his vast media empire to manipulate political leaders of several major countries. Murdoch has spawned the radical right tea party movement in the US after being spurned by Barack Obama, employs 5 of the leading US Republican presidential candidates, and no UK government has won an election without his support in 30 years. Canadians were determined to stop Murdoch's "crony-media" style of subversion of democracy from being brought to Canada.” [Bless them for their courage] 

Apparently this is also happening in Brazil and Italy.  I have always been convinced that the word democracy has been bastardized to a point which allows such exploitation and manipulation as that currently causing chaos is Australia.

The only saving grace could be that the Murdoch Empire in Australia is known as News Ltd., along with many other off shoots like Sky and LynFox.  This information should warn us with a big red sign that the contents of those “opinions” are skewed and orchestrated for political purposes only.  Murdoch elected Howard and kept him there until more use of him would probably caused riots.

His biggest win through Howard was the removal of the Keating “Cross Media Ownership” laws – I believe that with the current hung parliament there are sufficient believers in Australia’s entitlement to the truth and the prevention of massive monopolies to bring back that protection for us. 

Murdoch almost won in the UK but not quite.  The fact that Tony Abbott, a devoted fascist, chose to go to a meeting of the highest level warmongers in Britain rather than show support for our troops, is an indication of where his loyalties lie and WHO would dictate HIS foreign policies?

In the meantime Murdoch and his unprincipled cronies continue to lie with the knowledge that the Jewish Congress would be behind them provided they obey the dictates of the Supreme Council of the Zionists.

The clear and present danger of the so-called “elected” voting practices on foreign policy by the politicians being bought [legally?] in the US is a major factor in the loss of trust, credibility and reliability of the United States of America itself. Just a servant of the Zionists now.

In Australia alone the effect of a recession caused by banking greed was avoided because the Rudd government took the hard choice of stimulus before the Murdoch/Liberal Party chosen method of grin and bear it.  This would have put our people in the financial trap of the world wide meltdown where Goldman Sachs was one of the few who actually made a profit.  Why?

Just let us keep our eyes on the relationship between Abbott and the Murdochracy.  At the moment Abbott is back to himself due to his "phoney Tony" act failing to bring off the coup of the century with the help of the media baron.

At least for now Murdoch may concentrate on the mid-term elections in the US where he despises the “peaceful” objections of Barak Obama.  After all, it only took him 12 months to destroy Kevin Rudd and almost place the “Mad Monk” in charge of our foreign policies; our economy and our health.  Struth. NE OUBLIE.

The Murdoch Media Empire is Australia's Worst Enemy.



While Murdoch practices reverse psychology.

After WW II, the Zionist leaders in the US, had long since scrubbed their reported deal with Adolf Hitler to force the Jewish people into giving up their European citizenship and wealth and travelling to what was then Palestine. These arrangements were documented as was the same sort of deal which brought the US into WW I.

Centuries of Jewish absolute control of the finances of various States have caused the expulsion of the Jewish people in those countries.  This included Judea, Rome (the Diaspora) England, Spain, Germany and Russia among others.  These too are documented even though the Zionists over the years have tried to change history even to the present day when they are burning the recorded history of the Palestinian people.

The pitiful attempt by one of the most heinous of Zionist media power brokers, Rupert Murdoch, which is recorded above, is truly an example of the belief by the Elders of Zion that to take advantage of the honesty or peaceful intentions of non-Jews is quite honourable - although the reverse would be claimed as anti-Semitism.

The present day practice of the Conservatives to always accuse their opposition of doing what they themselves are doing, is clear in the excuses by Rupert Murdoch.  The trick is to always put your enemy on the defensive because they are obliged to defend themselves.  Works for Abbott.

So, when we read the accusations of Murdoch we must first consider that the pros are ONLY for the Zionists and the cons are for the rest of that world out there?  It is surely true that over the recorded centuries the Jewish leaders have portrayed themselves as superior to all other races while accumulating the wealth for power and organising every form of government departments for a nation with virtually no borders at all.

A planet of their own with the untermenschen as slaves?

While the Zionists like Murdoch are in fact the real enemies of the Jewish people, Murdoch is still Australia’s biggest enemy to independence of choice and true freedom of thought. 

He has been taken on and beaten by people of good intent and, unless we really regulate and draw limits to his abuse of freedom, we will find ourselves bound by HIS laws and the cronies he has bought and employed.  NE  OUBLIE.