Sunday 9th of March 2025

joe thomases...



The Federal Government says its success in getting Coalition MP Peter Slipper up for the job of Deputy Speaker yesterday proves that it is in control of its fragile majority in the House of Representatives.

Mr Slipper was nominated by Labor and went on to win a secret ballot 78 votes to 71 over the Coalition's preferred candidate, Nationals MP Bruce Scott.

Labor backbencher Mike Symon says it shows the Federal Government can get the numbers when it counts.

tony, the annoying fly on a horse's butt...

TONY ABBOTT has warned his angry charges not to drive Peter Slipper out of the Liberal Party after the renegade Queensland MP cut a secret deal with Labor to become the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives.

In a loss of face for the Opposition Leader and an important strategic victory for the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, Mr Slipper secured the job by 78 votes to 71 after at least five of the six crossbenchers, including Bob Katter, voted with the government.

Mr Slipper's elevation means that when he sits in for the Speaker, Harry Jenkins, the Coalition will lose a vote, giving Labor a 75 to 73-seat margin. When Mr Jenkins is in the chair, Mr Slipper will vote with the Coalition and Labor's margin will be 75-74.


JULIA GILLARD will be in Brussels early next week for a summit involving European and Asian leaders, but Tony Abbott may well gazump her by having his own audience with the British Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Mr Abbott, now viewed as a giant-killer by conservatives for almost bringing down the first-term Labor government, has been invited to attend the British Conservative Party's annual conference as a guest.

It will be held in Birmingham and runs from Sunday to Wednesday. Parliament does not sit next week but Mr Abbott is yet to decide whether to go.

Mr Cameron became Prime Minister this year and leads a minority government in partnership with the Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg.

Because of the conference, Mr Cameron will not attend the Asia Europe Meeting, or ASEM-8, in Brussels.


Gus: may Abbott, the "British born" un-australian dishonourable member for Warringah, stay there forever, in pommyland... Amen...

superglued to their backbench...


Outbreaks of disorderly behaviour were kept to an absolute minimum.

Was this because of the warmer, gentler spirit engendered by the new standing orders, enacted just this morning?

Or is it because of the crucial new disciplinary tool wielded by the Speaker purely as a result of the numbers on the floor of the chamber?

You see, Question Time used to feature common displays of rowdiness, after which the Speaker would ritually expel the troublemakers.

Some MPs were regular warmers of the bench; Wilson Tuckey used to be especially naughty on a Thursday, which cynics used to ascribe to the Qantas flight schedule to Perth (early sin-binning equals home by tea-time).

But in this new chamber, suspension from the House now entails more serious consequences than an early minute and the chance of a televised flounce-out.

These days, suspension or expulsion could mean the difference between winning and losing legislation in the Parliament.

For Government MPs, it could mean the difference between a peaceful continued existence and spending a nasty hour in Government Whip Joel Fitzgibbon's office with a sock full of dollar coins (the NSW Right doesn't like to leave bruises).

Obedience through fear. It's not that new a paradigm.


Gus: For Tony's goons it would mean their bare arse being superglued to the leather of the backbench or being dragged the next day in a wheelchair after an evening of knee-capping...

Meanwhile Our malcolm  is playing with his broadband cards close to his chest...:

The Federal Opposition's Communications spokesman has stopped short of saying whether he would support the National Broadband Network if a cost-benefit analysis backed the project.

Malcolm Turnbull and Federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy have gone head-to-head on the National Broadband Network in a debate on ABC TV's Lateline.

They argued over the cost of the Federal Government's proposed network, which will see broadband fibre optic cables connected to Australian homes.

They also disagreed over how the program should be implemented.

The Opposition has criticised the Government for committing to the $43 billion project before doing the cost-benefit analysis.

But Mr Turnbull will not say if he would support the project if the analysis was positive.


Gus: I have dealt with the world's richest man, Carlos Slim Helu, in another comment. Slim says we should not put all our eggs in the same basket... And I agree with him... Let's also spend $10 billions of Tony's broadband vision as a back up system on top of the cable rollout... if you see my drift..

Just make a fool of yourself and you get front page.

It has always fascinated me that "any advertising is good advertising" seems to be a truism and could be one of Julia Gillard's faults.  We must know by now that Kevin Rudd and now Julia Gillard were planned for destruction by the foreign interests using their control of the information fed to the people.  Control the information and you control the people is also a truism.

Who could have believed that a government, a new, fresh and intelligent government, could be destroyed so easily after their credentials as economic managers was heralded by every major world economic standards authority? And by a totally devided and incompetent Conservative opposition.  The power of the press.

Murdoch and the Corporations then demonstrated their power by choosing Labor’s magnificent achievement as economic managers as their target.  Fair dinkum. What was Labor’s major strength and still is - has been their handling of the world financial downturn that is still being suffered by many of the less organized western nations.

The Capitalist’s caused this recession of greed and deception and are now targeting the Labor “positives” because – they can.  Given the misinformation provided by the Murdoch Empire I feel somewhat exonerated since I have for many years claimed that unprincipled media barons elect governments but – only in democracies because – they can.

History also shows that the unregulated almost Monachal dictates of a Tory Government will eventually cause the riots that are inevitable.

I have my own opinion on the state of the nation regarding this sham of an election to nowhere.

It is and has always been simply explained by the class war which has beggared our governments since the Menzies “my way” and Howard left us with it when he was finally deposed.  Judge the current policies of Liberal v Labor and the difference between foreign interests and that of Australians is clearly evident.

Perhaps, with the new features of the Speaker of the House, we may see some reasonable control but – my short view of the Senate today would stop me from watching that debacle any more.  Make hay while the sun shines Barnaby – you lose control in July next.

IMHO the Murdoch/Corporation’s plan must be to do as much damage as possible before the new Senate is formed.  So far the Murdoch hatred of the Greens is only surpassed by his hatred of anything that supports the workers.

As far as Julia is concerned, her tactical ability will be sadly diminished by the current form of the House of Representatives and the fact that all of the information fed to the voters will be controlled by the ultra-Capitalists.

Abbott the puppet is only a pawn in Murdoch’s plans since he had to be ambitious; dishonest; and dictatorial - and may he be remembered as such. NE OUBLIE.