Sunday 23rd of February 2025

The sweeping lady... of IR

The sweeping lady...of IR

sweeping statement

The image which does appear here quite small... (data transfer problems) depicts the sweeping lady of IR (Johnnee) who transforms herself into a Big Bad Witch... ( a bit like Mr Hyde turning into Frankenstein rather than turning back into Dr. Jekyll... or whatever) I think it's funny... but tragic really... Sorry.

Sweepers jeepers

I'm glad to imagine this topic, Gus, before the full pic returns from its journey to deep outer space.

I've just been noticing, in other places, themes on forces for change. One is an article at Slashdot, on setting up a high-tech meeting room. It's tech talk, but there are lots of valuable insights.

Another is Online opportunities for civic engagement? (An examination of Australian third sector organisations on the internet) in a publication by Australian Centre for Emerging Technologies and Society. On the same theme of 'third forces' is Sean Barratt at SMH. In Say you want a revolution: start with the silent warriors Barratt writes:

People argue about what constitutes the so-called third sector but the truth is that people are putting their time and money where their beliefs are. Membership and support for non-government organisations are increasing; the opposite is the case with traditional political parties.

Research continues to show that trust in non-government organisations is greater than in business and politicians. Many activist groups do not have traditional membership structures but coalesce around an issue.

The adept use of the internet and texting is revolutionising activism. Activists have a method of communication and mobilising free from media mediation, government regulation and exploitation by marketers. Cyberactivism is not the domain just of the young. Professional campaigners are finding that anyone with access to a computer is a potential activist. Mothers at home, professionals in their offices, wage slaves and schoolchildren can pursue their concerns.

In yet another place, I read about an activist who wants to start a group for change. He suggests meeting at a Sydney pub. I think this proposal is regressive, in that the venue will be a factor for self-selecting a particular demographic. If I was asked to meet in a pub, the first thing I'd want to know is whether I will be exposed to tobacco smoke. This particular pub has a website, but I can't see anything there about smoking on the premises. Maybe the patrons stand outside, on the footpath or huddled in a doorway, to top up. A few of them may have a care about the poor fish that are condemned to choke on their discarded butts. But looking at the piles of butts on the ground outside any city office block, the thought of taking their own rubbish home is not something that appeals to the average smoker. You see what I mean? I'm only a bit greenish, but the sight of butt-litter really pisses me off, for some reason.

But, there may be a compromise, and opportunities for low-paid work. I suggest the government loosens up the restrictions on the illegal aliens in the compounds. How about they are let out, and put on patrol in our bustling and feverish city streets, to collect the butts? Minimal equipment required, just an old coffee can, a little trolley, and a broom. I can see the next union protest meeting now. Those big tough guys, smoking away their childrens uni fees, contempuously flicking their butts toward the bosses - and a fleet of little brown people rushing around to clean up. There's opportunity, equality and a fair go at the Ozzie ideal. Within two generations, the children of the sweepers will be running the cigarette factories, and the Craig Johnsons will be happy to mop up.

The bewitching of IR

Changes to industrial relations are not in favour of the Australian workers although the government may spruik to the contrary... These changes are designed to create more uncertainty for the workers and more flexibility for the employers . They will increase worry for workers not essentially efficiency. and cooperation between people. The Government changes to Industrial relations are more of a cracking whip rather than a sweet carrot for service supplied Most existing rules and regulations protect the dignity of the weaker person in our society. By changing the safety of industrial relations, these people will soon be cast adrift and eventually become liability to the group as their ability to survive becomes more precarious. It is a recipe to increase criminality and despair for creating a poorer working class under the guise of improving productivity... It's slaving more and more for the Aussie worker who already is working harder than ever to survive... Shame Howard shame... as the bad bad witch of Canberra concocting poisoned policies...