Saturday 11th of January 2025

gunning for the redhead

low blow...

Abbott accuses Gillard of leaking the fact that she had invited him to join her to visit Afghanistan a week earlier, but that he had declined.

"I regard it as an act of low bastardry given what Gillard knew based on the conversation I'd had with her personally," Abbott charged.

Even by the robust standards of Australian political biffo, this is a startling insult.

The worst part for Abbott was that he couldn't defend himself. Politicians' visits to Afghanistan are secret till they're over. That's why he was left blathering about jet lag.

The Opposition Leader seems to be mistaken. The reporter who disclosed the fact that he had turned down the Gillard offer, The Sydney Morning Herald's Phillip Coorey, says that the information did not come from the government.

But it's too late now. Abbott, believing Gillard to have politicised the war, made it clear on the weekend that he reserves the right to speak out politically on the deployment too.


Low bastardry?... The little budgie smuggler aims low, even for him... But the soldier who sugested Abbott should be PM instead of Julia should have his head examined and be disciplined... 


the waste kid...

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has rejected Tony Abbott's claim that she engaged in "Machiavellian bastardry" over plans for the pair to visit troops in Afghanistan.

Mr Abbott arrived back in Australia overnight after making a flying weekend visit to Australian troops in Uruzgan province on his way home from the UK.

Fairfax newspapers quoted him accusing Ms Gillard of "low bastardry" after it emerged that he had rejected an opportunity to visit the troops with the PM the weekend before his secret trip.

And he said his earlier explanation that he had skipped the first trip because he did not want to be jet-lagged in the UK was "a lame one but it was the best I could do at the time".


Go and play with your budgies, Tony.... Jetlag? not a very smart excuse off the cuff, is it?.... and going separately to Afghanistan is a bit of waste of time and money...

wasted ammo...

Mr Abbott had a day of briefings and inspections, including a live firing demonstration by troops, light armoured vehicles.

He took the opportunity to fire a Steyr rifle, a .50 calibre machinegun and the 25mm main gun on a light armoured vehicle.

Later he said that ''one of the reasons why they turned on that firepower demonstration was to make crystal clear that there is an abundance of firepower available to our forces'', contradicting opposition suggestions that the troops needed more.


Gus: I believe the cost of the wasted bullets that Tony fired for fun (or possibly in virtual anger at a certain redhead) will be deducted from his next pay cheque... Yep, wasted ammo from the "anti-waste" kid...

a phoney rabid dog with a ficticious bone...

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is refusing to back away from his spat with the Prime Minister over his travel plans to Afghanistan, accusing her of a "carefully laid political ambush".

And after yesterday accusing Julia Gillard of "Machiavellian bastardry", Mr Abbott today levelled the same accusation at the entire Labor party.

Mr Abbott and Ms Gillard have been at war over the matter for more than a week after news leaked that he refused an invitation to visit the troops with her.

When asked why he had refused the invite, Mr Abbott initially had to cite jetlag concerns, because security issues prevented him from revealing he had planned his own separate trip.


Gus: that's a lot of rubbish...

Abbott could have said he'd be going in his own time without compromising anything... But the main thing was he SHOULD HAVE GONE on the same plane with Julia and not parade —a week or so later — like a phoney embedded peacock wasting precious bullets... If he wants to use guns, he should join the army. If he wants to use tasers he should join the police...

Tony should lay off Julia... Remember he was part of that grubby team of liars who kept telling us about Iraq weapons of mass destruction — when we KNEW there weren't any...

Tony looks like a rabid dog who's lost his bone after letting his bumbling lackeys, Hockey and Robb, lie about the "auditing" of the Liberal election phoney budget...


being extracted .....

Brutal video that shows corrective services officers in anti-riot gear Tasering Aboriginal man Kevin Spratt has finally been released.

The footage, which had been kept under wraps since the first evidence emerged of Mr Spratt being Tasered multiple times at the East Perth Watch House, was shown on the opening day of a Corruption and Crime Commission inquiry into the conduct of police and Watch House guards towards Mr Spratt.

Mr Spratt made headlines when it was revealed he was Tasered 13 times as nine officers surrounded him at the Watch House on August 31, 2008. It was yesterday revealed Mr Spratt was actually shocked 14 times in this initial incident. 

A week later, on September 6, Mr Spratt was Tasered 11 times when a number of helmet-clad corrective service officers, carrying riot shields, tried to "extract" him from his cell.

The shocking footage of this incident can now been viewed by the public for the first time.

New Taser Footage As Police Stun Kevin Spratt 11 Times