Sunday 2nd of February 2025

prayer works

Well this is my last post for some time.  I am not a religious over-the-top, but just and ordinary Australian.  The nuns I would say  had a big influence on my life - they where wonderful teachers, and made us think about issues.  And we girls were never ever afraid to say what we thought about the world etc.

They also taught us that we have guardian angels who help us in our every day life.

So if any one is at all inclined I suggest you pray for the things the country should be.

Wealth and having to have things has taken over. There was a time in the early eighties that this happened also then the interest rate rise came, and people really did go back to values.

Do any of you remember the big thing of moving out to the country (isn't that what we use to call it some one changed the name to bush).  mmmmmm...

Well getting back to values, how about a few prayers for the country. It works.