Sunday 2nd of March 2025

between tin men

between tin men

counter-memorandum pact

Despotskan's Dictator President will fly into Porkieland today. A memorandum of overstating terrorism will be signed between two tin-pot or two US lackeys whichever comes first Prime Minister Absolut Johnnee says they will also discuss prospects for cooperation between Porkieland and Despotskan in the field of mung beans. Johnnee also wants to talk about a formal partnership between the Porkieland Securities and Investments Commission (PSIC) and its Despotskan counterpart if it has any.

A role model

It's perfectly reasonable to suck up to another military dictator, especially if Cheney has channeled the strong suggestion it's a good idea. Think of the benefits.

  • Ready access to another functioning nuke plant.
  • Brush up on 'interviewing' techniques.
  • More efficient incarceration.
  • Lessons in government without the burden of opposition.
  • All this, and methods for concealing ardent Islamists.

What about those foreign "tourists" supposedly lost in the Pilbara. Does anyone know who they are, really? I bet a couple of them are digging an underground lair right now. Personally, I lament the War On Terrsts is proceeding so slowly, and it's high time it was encouraged. Why invest in bunker-busting nukes if there aren't any bunkers to bust?

Bold leadership

Nicholas Kristof has a word for Dear Leader's new chum.

Raped, Kidnapped and Silenced

The word is "nuts".