Saturday 11th of January 2025

mad max...


mad max

The judge might also help determine whether Mr. Gibson has a future in Hollywood — indeed whether he will ever again be viewed as anything other than a growling monster.

A star and filmmaker who has brought in billions of dollars at the box office with pictures as diverse as “The Passion of the Christ” and the “Lethal Weapon” series, Mr. Gibson experienced an extraordinary shunning after last July posted what appeared to be recordings of him ranting in obscene and racist terms at Ms. Grigorieva.

He was dropped by his agency and banished, because of cast and crew objections, from even a cameo role in “The Hangover Part II.” Two pictures in which he stars — “The Beaver,” directed by Jodie Foster, and “How I Spent My Summer Vacation,” from the first-time director Adrian Grunberg — are still unreleased, awaiting decisions about their future.

Mr. Gibson and Ms. Grigorieva have now squared off in the family law corner of Los Angeles County Superior Court, a semi-private forum that is being asked to settle a very public dispute. And their battle royale promises to define not just their parental rights, but also the reputation of each, their possible exposure to prosecution — he on a battering complaint, she on an extortion accusation — and the limits to which a judicial system can be stretched to accommodate that ever-expanding beast, celebrity.

Although there is evidence that audiences may be forgiving of Mr. Gibson — in a “60 Minutes”/Vanity Fair poll only 20 percent of respondents said his scandal made them less likely to see one of his pictures — the film industry seems to be waiting to take its guidance from the legal system. If it goes well in court for Mr. Gibson, for instance, Summit Entertainment, which is looking for just such a sign of support, would have the cover it needs to release at long last “The Beaver,” a $20 million comedic drama about a man who communicates with a hand puppet.

Stewart Till, the chief executive of Icon UK Group, which is handling the international distribution of “How I Spent My Summer Vacation,” said the movie had found buyers in most foreign territories and was scheduled to open abroad next year, but plans for a domestic release have yet to be settled. The film, which was made by Mr. Gibson’s own Icon Productions, is still being finished and will be shown soon to potential distributors in the United States.

Some industry veterans contend that Mr. Gibson’s career is too seriously damaged to be helped even by a judge’s determination that he is a fit father. One is Lindsay Conner, a partner in the entertainment division of the law firm of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, which does not represent Mr. Gibson. “What happens in family court will certainly affect Mel’s personal life,” Mr. Conner said. “But absent some truly startling revelation, I don’t believe it will change his overall marketability.”       


Gus: like many artists, Mel Gibson appears to be a flawed tormented man with power to sublimate. Very talented, he has shown an extraordinary amount of courage (delusion in self-belief leading to gold-medal survival or total annihilation) to go out on his own and tread where other people would not. He has pushed against the system, using crude and sometimes demented schemes... He was in many good movies.. He has produced many good movies, including Apocalypto — a movie than many people claimed was one of the finest ever made... But the Jewish run Hollywood may finally get rid of him... He told them where to get off when he was pissed and apologised for it later — though I deeply believe he thought he was right in relation to his faith, since demised, and in relation to what the zionists do... He insulted the Jews, he has "misbehaved" and they can take no more of his unfunny ways...

But he's too good to be wasted, even wasted by his own deplorable antics, some of which would be driven by the insecurity in his own worth or by the awakening at the delusions that drive others — including the delusion of zionism... He has made mistakes, he has believed in a religious credo with incredible passion. He has been distracted by the process of getting old... especially his family getting old... while he felt he had more sex and more love to give... Mid-life crisis ahoy for all of us... As an artist, he is a far greater actor than say a woody Tom Cruise...

Sex and lust mistaken for love has once again destroyed several lives with Mel in it. And Mel would know it... Hard to know where it all came from, but in this I am prepared to think that Mel was the most honest — possibly too demanding, too weird — and mad.

I know mad. Creative mad... Many artists are mad, especially the creative ones, not so much the "interpreters" of works who also can becoming mad from the need to be someone else with conviction. Mel is both — creator and interpreter... Creators can be confused. The process of creation and the mill of real life can merge into powerful illusions. From the onset, Mel has been a creative character who goes beyond the show of performance. He shows he believes in the action and purpose of performance.

I am prepared to believe that his best work is still in front of him, but it may never get out. He may have entered the phase of artistic self-destruction, where sought-after mistakes and deliberate abuse become the only muses. I have been "mad" all my life. I've made mistakes. I've managed. I have subscribe to a through-line of solving problems in order to maintain a happily sustainable reality amongst failure and success of artistic creative actions.

the Jewish run Hollywood may finally get rid of Mel Gibson... He got rid of them a long time ago — not with his catholicism, but with his madly-driven gall to succeed... but his behaviour is sadly interfering with other people's lives who think they know him when he does not know himself. It's not a one way street... It's for other people to understand and accept where he's coming from — other than his money. And I believe few people have understood.

He might understand the next creative step...

Note: Some people may wonder what this has to do with "democracy". Most of Gibson's work has been performed in relation to a greater "social context". Not just action movie or an interesting vignette. He may have learned this from his Mad Max — the road warrior — days with George Miller. But his protrayal of Tim was also laced with subtext than only Mel added by his own weird persona. In many of his role or directed movies, there is a social decay or a change of social order: he may not have realised this yet. But I think he knows. It's a battle as to who controls the social order, in which nothing is ever clear cut.

the decline of mel...

Apocalypto is a 2006 American film directed by Mel Gibson. Set in Yucatan, Mexico, during the declining period of the Maya civilization, Apocalypto depicts the journey of a Mesoamerican tribesman who must escape human sacrifice and rescue his family after the capture and destruction of his village.

The film, similar to Cornel Wilde's 1966 The Naked Prey features a cast of Mexicans and some Native Americans, and its Yucatec Maya dialogue is accompanied by subtitles.

mad mel...

Actress Winona Ryder, back in the public eye because of her turn as a washed-up ballerina in drama Black Swan, has banged another nail into Australian actor Mel Gibson's career coffin with the revelation he once called her an "oven dodger".

Ryder, who is half-Jewish, told GQ magazine she met Gibson at "one of those big Hollywood parties" in the mid-1990s. Ryder was then at the height of her fame after indy comedy Heathers made her a star.

She said the actor, who was "really drunk", first made a homophobic joke – she was with a gay friend. Then, as the pair reeled in horror from Gibson's remark, he added further offence with the reference to the Nazi gas chambers in which millions of Jewish prisoners were murdered during WWII.

"He said something about 'oven dodgers,' but I didn't get it," Ryder told the magazine, adding: "I'd never heard that before.

"It was just this weird, weird moment. I was like, 'He's anti-Semitic and he's homophobic.' No one believed me!"

Read more:,people,entertainment,mel-gibson-called-me-an-oven-dodger-says-winona#ixzz18VpSX1SE

a winning hand puppet...

Mel Gibson needed some good news after being sentenced on a battery charge last week over a fight with his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva – and now he has three reasons to be cheerful.

His new film Beaver, in which he acts alongside a hand puppet, has had a better-than-expected early response from critics and viewers. On top of that, Jodie Foster, who directed the film and co-stars with him, has been telling the world what a great guy he is. And, just for good measure, he's also become a grandfather for the third time.

Beaver, starring Gibson as a depressed businessman given a beaver puppet so he can express his feelings, was given a "strong ovation" at a screening at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas, according to Deadline Hollywood.

The movie site reported that "when Mel came on screen for the first time, there were no boos". But among audience members prepared to overlook Gibson's controversial recent past, was one who said: "People were really moved by it. They were rapt. He's phenomenal. People were really surprised they could let go of all the other stuff with him. It went as good as it could have been."

A full review in the Hollywood Reporter says the film "survives its life/art parallels - thanks to its star, Mel Gibson - to deliver a hopeful portrait of mental illness that is quirky, serious and sensitive".

Read more:,people,entertainment,suddenly-everyone-loves-mel-gibson-again#ixzz1GwJWAhSL

Remember that Mel Gibson did a movie early in his career called Tim, where he played a half-simpleton... The movie was made from one of the first books by Colleen McCullough...see toon at top...

look at yourself...

Rarely has the Cannes film festival been the scene of so daring a plan: the attempted resuscitation of Mel Gibson's shattered career.

But even the assertion by Jodie Foster that he was "the most loved actor in Hollywood" and a "kind and loyal and thoughtful" friend is unlikely to help revive his ailing reputation.

Foster, his director and co-star in The Beaver, which received a special screening at Cannes, said: "I can't excuse Mel's behaviour. Only he can explain that. But I do know the man that I know, who is somebody who has been a friend for many years, who is probably the most-loved actor in Hollywood."

She went on to describe a character far from the figure suggested by recent scandals, which have included his being put on probation for a spousal battery charge as well as claims of antisemitic remarks. "He is kind and loyal and thoughtful," said Foster, "and I can spend hours on the phone with him talking about life. And he's complex, and I appreciate his complexity and what it brings to his work."

The film's material is arguably close to the bone, with the main character, Walter Black, going off the rails on national television.

Asked whether the movie could help his damaged reputation, Foster said that making the films "allows you to look deeper at yourself and the people around you and the effect of what you do, and has to have some therapeutic, cathartic end."

see toon and article at top...

mad max reconciles with judah maccabee...

Judah was a son (Josephus) of Mattathias the Hasmonean, a Jewish priest from the village of Modiin. In 167 BCE Mattathias, together with his sons Judah, Eleazar, Simon, John, and Jonathan, started a revolt against the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who since 175 BCE had issued decrees that forbade Jewish religious practices. After Mattathias's death in 166 BCE, Judah assumed leadership of the revolt in accordance with the deathbed disposition of his father. The First Book of Maccabees[1] praises Judah's valor and military talent, suggesting that those qualities made Judah a natural choice for the new commander.

In the early days of the rebellion, Judah received a surname Maccabee. Several explanations have been put forward for this surname. One suggestion is that the name derives from the Aramaic maqqaba ("makebet" in modern Hebrew), "hammer" or "sledgehammer" (cf. the cognomen of Charles Martel, the 8th century Frankish leader), in recognition of his ferocity in battle. It is also possible that the name Maccabee is an acronym for the Torah verse Mi kamokha ba'elim YHWH, "Who among the gods is like you, O Jehovah?" (Exodus 15:11). Rabbi Moshe Schreiber writes that it is an acronym for his father's name Mattityahu Kohen Ben Yochanan. Some scholars maintain that the name is a shortened form of the Hebrew maqqab-ya ¯hû (from na ¯qab, ‘‘to mark, to designate’’), meaning ‘‘the one designated by Yahweh.’[2]

Mindful of the superiority of Seleucid forces during the first two years of the revolt, Judah's strategy was to avoid any engagement with their regular army, and to resort to guerrilla warfare, in order to give them a feeling of insecurity. The strategy enabled Judah to win a string of victories. At the battle of Nahal el-Haramiah (wadi haramia), he defeated a small Assyrian force under the command of Apollonius, governor of Samaria, who was killed. Judah took possession of Apollonius's sword and used it until his death as a symbol of vengeance. After Nahal el-Haramiah, recruits flocked to the Jewish cause.


HAVE YOU heard the one about the alleged anti-Semite who made a film about a Jewish hero? You have now – Mel Gibson is producing a new movie on the renowned Hebrew warrior Judah Maccabee.

Gibson, best known for his roles in Braveheart and Lethal Weapon, is infamously alleged to have launched a torrent of anti-Semitic slurs in 2006 when arrested by police. "Fucking Jews," the Australian actor said, according to a police report. "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."

Now it appears Gibson is trying to make amends. The 55-year-old has teamed up with Basic Instinct writer Joe Eszterhas to bring out a historic drama based on the life of Judah Maccabee. Gibson has been reportedly working on the project for a decade and has received interest from a number of studios, including Warner Bros.

Maccabee was a priest who successfully led a revolt in the 2nd century BC against the ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who had forbidden Jewish practices. He has been described, inevitably, as the 'Jewish Braveheart'.

Read more:,people,entertainment,mel-gibson-to-produce-film-about-famous-jewish-hero#ixzz1XY1rWjgy


judah maccabee does not reconcile with mad max...

MEL GIBSON'S interest in directing and starring in a film based on the exploits of the legendary Jewish warrior Judah Maccabee has been greeted with dismay by Jewish community leaders.

The actor has dealt with themes of legendary revolt before, notably in his 1995 hit Braveheart, which chronicled the exploits of the 13th century Scots rebel William Wallace.

But he faced criticism after his arrest in 2006 for drink driving which resulted in an antisemitic outburst, and for the depiction of Jewish figures in his film The Passion of the Christ.

The national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, told the Hollywood Reporter website: ''Judah Maccabee deserves better. It would be a travesty to have his story told by one who has no respect and sensitivity for other people's religious views.''

Read more:
Methinks that Mel is the best story teller who would do justice to Maccabee — warts and all, including tenacity, cunning and shakespearean glory. Hollywood would do yet another glorious glossover with gory themes like in any Die Hard movies... Entertainment, sure... "Historical" script? Bugger that.

no mad cow...


Hollywood actor Mel Gibson is keen to assist the Fijian Government in the agricultural sector.

And there was confirmation that Gibson, 57, has already met senior government officials to express his interest.

Speaking to The Fiji Times from China yesterday, Agriculture Minister Lieutenant Colonel Inia Seruiratu confirmed having a meeting with Gibson.

"I met him last month. I will comment on the matter when I return to Fiji," Lt-Col Seruiratu said.

However, a report published by The Daily Telegraph newspaper said the film star was set to work as an agricultural consultant to the Fijian Government. The Australian actor, whose love affair destroyed his marriage and to some extent his career, has offered his service as a prime producer of beef and meat products to strengthen the Fijian tourism industry.

Gibson runs a cattle farm on Fiji's Mago Island, which he bought from Japan's Tokyu Corporation for $15million in 2005.

The report revealed that he met with Lt-Col Seruiratu and invited government officials to inspect his facilities.

The minister was quoted by The Daily Telegraph saying he appreciated the fact that private sector players like Gibson were involved and could be drivers in the industry.

Good on you, Mel... 

See articles from top ... see also:

On a different note, see also:



end of purgatory...

Eight years after Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant during a drunk-driving arrest, Hollywood is debating the rehabilitation of an Oscar winner who was once one of the industry's most bankable stars.

The heated discussion was sparked by a March 12 opinion piece in Deadline Hollywood by Allison Hope Weiner, a freelance writer who covered Gibson's infamous spiral out of favour and now considers him a friend. Her appeal for an end to what she called a "quiet blacklisting" has generated more than 5700 comments on's movie page and more than 800 on the Deadline Hollywood site, which is read by many in the industry.

Read more:

See toon and story at top...

congratulations mel gibson

Mel Gibson has won best direction for his World War II drama Hacksaw Ridge, which swept the big prizes at the AACTA Awards.

The night's big winners
  • Best director: Mel Gibson
  • Best film: Hacksaw Ridge
  • Best Actor: Andrew Garfield for Hacksaw Ridge
  • Best Actress: Odessa Young for The Daughter
  • Best Supporting Actor: Hugo Weaving for Hacksaw Ridge
  • Best Supporting Actress: Miranda Otto for The Daughter

In an emotional speech, Gibson said he needed to thank Australia for making Hacksaw Ridge, shot in New South Wales, which also picked up best film, best screenplay and two actor awards.

"All the way up and down it's a homegrown film," Gibson told the audience at the ceremony in Sydney.

Andrew Garfield won the award for best lead actor, while Hacksaw Ridge cast-mate Hugo Weaving won best supporting actor.

Gibson said the cast and crew were of such a high calibre that he was not the only director who wanted to make films here, name checking Alien director Ridley Scott as another.

read more:


Read from top (written in 2010).

he fixed himself...

In July 2006, Gibson made headlines after he was recorded making anti-Semitic comments during a DUI arrest in Malibu, California. He was also largely criticized for "The Passion of the Christ" movie, which caused controversy after Jewish and other religious groups attacked the film for carrying the idea that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.


Last year, Gibson said in an interview with Deadline that he deliberately stayed out of the spotlight for a decade as he wanted to educate and "fix himself," instead of just pretending as if he was cured and quickly "screwing up again."

Report: Mel Gibson Privately Working to Help Holocaust Survivor Charity

— The_News_Trump (@The_Last_NewsPa) 19 марта 2017 г.

​According to Buzby, Gibson — who was nominated for an Oscar this year for the World War II drama "Hacksaw Ridge" — has managed to turn his life around.

"I think that everyone makes mistakes in life, and I think the real proof of what kind of human being you are is what you do with that mistake." She said.

"He's done philanthropic work now, and I think that actions speak very loudly… and his actions have helped a lot of people."

Buzby pointed out that Gibson doesn't just write a check but has learned about the mission and helped raise additional funds by getting other people involved.    

read more:

mad max in russia...

Minsk played host to an epic, post-apocalyptic themed destruction derby on Saturday, involving swashbuckling teams of daredevil drivers from Belarus, Norway, and Russia.

The heavily customized and reinforced vehicles took part in the ‘Battle of Cars 2017’ event over the weekend to test their mettle in a duel of mechanized horsepower and strength of will.

The spectacle not only displayed some sensational driving skills, but also some dedicated and inspiring design work in honor of the Mad Max franchise of films.

read more:


With Donald Dumb in charge of the world, we all might have to sharpen our "Mad Max" skills for survival...

revisiting the apocalypse of civilisation...



Too few people saw director Mel Gibson’s stunning 2006 film Apocalypto, which is very violent (it’s Gibson, after all), but as an adventure and suspense movie, is terrific. Gibson fudged historical facts, and acknowledged that. It’s supposedly about the Mayas on the eve of the Spanish conquest, but the kind of human sacrifice depicted in the film was an Aztec thing, and anyway, Mayan civilization had already faded from history before the Spanish arrived. The Spanish conquered the Aztecs, and other Mesoamerican peoples. Nevertheless, the film (which is notabout the Spanish!) is a gripping depiction of the terror of that culture of death.

At the time, Apocalypto was read — misread, I think — as an apologia for colonialism. It’s understandable, given Gibson’s fervent Catholicism. But the truth is almost certainly more complicated. Keep in mind how violent Gibson’s films are (the ones he’s directed, that is), and how Apocalypto, his most violent, begins with this Will Durant quote:

A great civilisation is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.

Aztec civilization — the one that resembles the civilization in the movie; I can’t figure out why Gibson called them Maya — was obsessed by death and violence. Given how spectacularly Gibson blew up his marriage, his career, and his life, in the years around the film’s release (his drunk driving arrest, the collapse of his marriage, etc.), it’s interesting to consider this unusual movie as a window into the soul of a man whose inner violence eventually bested him, and destroyed him.

[In what follows, I’m going to reveal a spoiler about the movie. Don’t read on if you don’t want to know it.]

Reading the film as a simple account of Christian and colonialist triumphalism at the hands of a traditionalist Catholic filmmaker is too reductive. In 2006, David Van Biema of Time magazine wrote an essay about Gibson and the movie,  in which he wonders why  Gibson ended the film as he did. Specifically:

For the Christian viewer, the biggest question about Mel Gibson’s movie Apocalypto is: why does its hero turn away from the Cross at the end?


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Note: Gus is a fierce atheist. This means that Gus sees religions as powerful deceptions — not just delusions — designed to keep the humans (in their various states of races, species and philosophies) busily submissive, with beliefs in supernatural force(s) and the "invention of souls", to ruthless "priests" and despots who are no more than psychopathic thieves of minds.

Read from top.