Saturday 11th of January 2025

a win for transparency...


The Government's lynchpin election promise of a National Broadband Network (NBN) has inched closer to fruition today, after a deal was struck with independent Senator Nick Xenophon.

Senator Xenophon had been refusing to back NBN legislation which would enable the separation of Telstra's wholesale and retail arms.

He wanted the NBN business case released before promising his vote in the Upper House on the bill to separate Telstra.

The Government has now confirmed it has agreed to release a summary of the business plan ahead of a vote in the Senate.

The Government only has until the end of tomorrow to get the bill passed this year before Parliament rises for the summer break.

Senator Xenophon has also secured a briefing from NBN Co head Mike Quigley, and a joint parliamentary committee to oversee the network's rollout.

The Government also has Greens support for the bill but still needs the backing of another independent senator, Steve Fielding, who is yet to make a final decision.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard says a 50-page summary of the business plan will be released later today.

"I have determined to do this in consultation and joint work with the minister (Stephen Conroy) after a series of detailed discussions with the independent senators," she said.

"We are continuing to engage closely with the crossbench members of the House of Representatives who supported the NBN and supported this bill.

better than ever...

The proposed national broadband network will cost a total of $35.7 billion - including nearly $14 billion earmarked Telstra's - about $7 billion less than first estimated.

The government released a 36-page summary of NBN Co's 400-page business plan just after 3pm, Canberra time today, after independent Senator Nick Xenophon insisted he see a summary before voting on key legislation.

Senator Xenophon said he would back the legislation that paves the way for Telstra’s participation in the NBN, after the government gave in and released the business plan, ending days of a political stand-off.

"Yes I will," Senator Xenophon said this afternoon, when asked by reporters if he would now support a government bill before the Senate.


fielding to the rescue...

Family First Senator Steve Fielding says he will vote in favour of a bill that splits Telstra, paving the way for the set up of the National Broadband Network.

The Government had been working to convince Senator Fielding and independent Senator Nick Xenophon to support the bill.

This afternoon the Government relented to pressure from Senator Xenophon and released a summary of the business plan for the NBN.

He has also agreed to back the bill, ensuring it will pass.

The Opposition has indicated it may try to delay a vote, but the Government has the numbers to cut debate and pass the bill tomorrow before Parliament rises for the year.


Gus: Senator Fielding has gone a few notches up in my appreciation. Thank you senator. Let's hope no-one gets sick or gets shot between now and tomorrow...

holding trumps till the end...



from "the Australian" denigrating front page...:

JULIA Gillard has buckled to political pressure from independent senators to save Labor's proposed National Broadband Network.

The PM has abandoned her refusal to release the business case for the massive communications project.

After insisting last week that information in the business case was "commercial in confidence", the Prime Minister yesterday released a summary of the document to secure support from independent senators for a bill that would deliver structural separation of Telstra and pave the way for the NBN.


John and Rose Anagnostou of Midway Point, Tasmania, have experienced problems with their phone service, which is connected through the NBN. Picture: Peter Matthew Source: The Australian



Gus: straight away the knives are out in the Murdoch camp... And silly Malcolm blurts that the independents got conned... I would say that Julia giving them what they wanted was a masterpiece of negociating. No con in there, just a skill at showing good faith and great common sense — and the power to hold trumps till the end... Her master skills are also designed to empower the negociatee (the independents) to collect the glory of the result — in which she gets all she wants... Brilliant.

Now we should unleash Julia on Netanyahu to get a much better outcome for the Palestinians. It could be their only chance to get a fair deal...

30 ayes to 28 noes...

The Senate has passed legislation which separates Telstra's retail and wholesale arms and paves the way for the $36 billion national broadband network.

The telecommunications bill now returns to the lower house where it's expected to be passed, with the upper house's amendments, on Monday.

The coalition made a number of last-ditch attempts at delaying a vote on the draft laws, but were ultimately unsuccessful.

Labor's legislation was passed with the support of all seven crossbench senators: five Australian Greens, Family First senator Steve Fielding and Independent senator Nick Xenophon.

The final vote was won 30 ayes to 28 noes.