Saturday 11th of January 2025

a clown at a funeral...


hopefully his


This is a repeat of an article posted earlier this morning in response to Barrie Cassidy who for "balance's sake" peddles crap:

Conviction politicians are hard to find in Australia these days.

Ten years ago, the then Liberal Party federal director, Lynton Crosby, said his research turned up two genuine conviction politicians - John Howard and Bob Brown.

But today, the leaders of the two major parties - Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott - are constantly wrestling with the concept, confusing the public about their positions on key policies. Their approach to climate change is the most graphic demonstration of that.

Gillard by all accounts was instrumental in persuading Kevin Rudd to drop an ETS when he was running the country. Then, as leader and in the run up to the election, she ruled out a carbon tax.

Now she is arguing passionately for a tax and eventually an ETS.

Abbott one day questions the science and the next declares that man made climate change is a reality.

Gillard, from the Labor Party's left, an atheist with a live-in boyfriend, nevertheless resists gay marriage and euthanasia. The public wonders whether that is her political, as opposed to her personal position.

The vulnerability of both leaders was on display in the parliament yesterday as they stood toe to toe and hurled insults at one another.

Abbott said of Gilllard that the public sees "wooden Julia, teary Julia, all the way with LBJ Julia, the George Washington never tell a lie Julia." But, he said, they never see the truthful Julia.

He said if she really was a conviction politician then "she should have the guts to face the people, to seek a mandate for the carbon tax."

Gillard said of Abbott that he was a hollow, bitter man who constantly got the big judgments wrong, whether it be on the flood levy or the mining tax.


Gus: to me, journos like Barrie Cassidy never scratch below the surface... And they have to appear "balanced" because he works for the ABC... So it's one portion for Julia and one portion for Tony...

But there are far more convictions in Julia's that there is in Tony... To me, Tony has sociopath tendencies. He lies and changes his mind, he says things that are simpatico with some people then says the opposite but simpatico with others... One day it's climate warming is not proven, one day he wants to do something to stop global warming, within one hour he speaks of the "human" CO2 not being a culprit and do nothing. He has no idea. He just goes with what he does not know as long as it sounds good. The one thing he is consistent with and is a winner amongst his adulating ageing crowd of old blue rinse and R M Williams shirts is that he hates Julia. Possibly because he knows that Julia will get the better of him. Tony will do and say anything to destroy her — and destroy the democratic future of this country... and of the planet at the same time. He does not care much beyond that... Sure he may appear to profess a few "charitable" issues here and there but overall, Tony's attitude is that "one can commit sins till one goes blue in the face and then confess with a 'I did not mean it so forgive me I'm really a nice person' routine..." Totally whacko. Incredible duplicitous. Efficiently hypocritical. Sociopath destructive tendency.

For Julia, the core of the the matter is that one cannot negotiate nor get any proper ideas across when there is a clown making loud farting noises and pumping music with car trumpets and bicycle bells in the same room where you are delivering a eulogy. And you can't ask that clown to leave... half of the audience is made up of careless silly old clowns. Your message is not going to be heard. Every word that you are going to say will be twisted and covered by that clown overbearing noise and flashing lights. One cannot concentrate. it's like loud music and bright lights in the cells at Guantanamo bay 24 hours a day.... At least one would hope that Tony goes to sleep from time to time but his loopy backers make sure the noise stays at psychological destructive levels... Even Barrie Cassidy helps by doing a "they're all crappy" routine... I would not be surprise if, secretly, Barrie does not like Julia but loves Tony's clowning... But he also loves Malcolm general custard stand routine... (yes I know I know... It's General Custer's last stand... but can't you take a pie in the face?)

Julia, contrary to clowning Abbott, has a strong agenda and solid convictions. But she has to go around the paddock to avoid being pestered by an idiotic Tony who is not interested in any other things but making life miserable for Julia. Julia is smarter than the average bear — Tony. So far the political points are all in her favour despite the public being cool to her and warming to clown Tony's distracting destruction.

To me, Julia has a few ideas that are wrong, such as on Israel and on Julian Assange... But to some extend I am not convinced she's convinced about these. But she is committed about climate change action. What Barrie says about her that she forced Rudd to drop the ETS, is total crap. If Rudd had wanted Rudd to have an ETS he would have continued with it, Julia or no Julia...

Julia is a decent woman with a few faults and a few wrong ideas but she has strong convictions. Tony's convictions are like that of clown in a circus. But when clowns in circuses remove their make up in the dressing rooms, they have a soft sad side to them reflected back to them in the mirrors... When Tony removes his make up, there is another clown under it.

Tony is like a clown at a funeral... The sooner he's the one in the pine box (politically speaking), the sooner we'll all be relieved... and then can enjoy the wake with booze and lamingtons...

And please Barrie don't add to the folkloric legend that Howard was a man of conviction. He opposed the GST when Keating was thinking about it and did a never ever routine to con-vince us with it. Same with whatever he could get away with. The only conviction in Johnnee's mind was to bash workers as hard as one could, for fun.

Journos like Barrie Cassidy end up impaling themselves by sitting on the fence for too long...

extremists in cardigans...

There were chants, mainly “No Carbon Tax” “Liar, liar…” and at one point, yes “Ditch the Witch”. Perhaps most disturbingly of all for the Prime Minister, thousands of extremists chanted “Election, election… “

We were told that the ABC and GetUp were investigating the corporate movers and shakers behind the extremist movement. Let me save the investigators some time right here. According to the acknowledgments, a Kennards franchise lent them some of the equipment, a small business in Penrith lent them some speakers, and someone called Valerie was responsible for printing some signs.

When it ended the Federal police stood in a line in front of Parliament House with their trousers tucked into their steel capped boots just so.  A man in a Hawaiian shirt went up to the tallest one and tried to get him to join the revolution.

While the Feds were distracted, several extremists with cardigans and fold-up chairs slipped through the cordon and headed towards the gift shop to buy snow domes.

Back at the bus station in Sydney I saw a woman talking to someone I took to be her daughter and a grandchild of about five.

She told her daughter, “They called us extremists!”


Gus: that's the problem with extremists in cardigans... They look so sweet and are so screwed... Wear this badge of "extremists" as a badge of honour, ms mum, and start reading the real scientific papers about global warming... But you may choose to be extremist with no knowledge of the science, but be of extreme conviction against it. Yes, you listen to Alan Jones' lies... Yes, you think Abbott is god... and that Julia is "Browns bitch"...  Yes, you are ignorant and will protest on a sunny day to protect your right to be ignorant. Fair's fair...

But I will defend my right to know.