Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Petition to stop Queensland authorities to act in the interests of Russian special services


22nd of May 2011



The Honourable Julia Gillard MP,

Prime Minister of Australia,

Parliament House,



Copy: His Excellency Mr Barack Obama,

           The President of the United States of America,

The White House,

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500, USA


The Honourable Anna Bligh,

Premier of Queensland,

PO Box 15185,

City East, Queensland, 4002, AUSTRALIA


Re: Petition to stop Queensland authorities to act in the interests of Russian special services and some political and religious forces in Russian Federation against Australian citizen Vincent Victor Berg



Dear Prime Minister,


 In September 1993, the Australian Federal authorities had concluded that my father Vincent Victor Berg was indeed persecuted in the USSR for his political and religious beliefs and activities, that his life would be in danger in the Russian Federation, and granted him a political refugee status under Australian domestic protection.

Therefore, any information from Russian officials or received via Russian officials in regard to Vincent Victor Berg, must be treated with extreme caution and scrutinised for credibility by experts, as the Russian officials still have significant interests in harming him.

However, Queensland Police and the DPP have not only instigated a criminal case against Vincent Victor Berg regarding his professional qualifications solely on the basis of disinformation supplied by Russian authorities, but are also actively using against Vincent Victor Berg material fabricated by the KGB, which the Federal Government clearly presumed to be false.

In 1993, while considering Vincent Victor Berg’s application for a refugee status, Federal authorities were well informed about his criminal case fabricated by the KGB for political reasons and were provided with relevant evidence about this matter. They, perhaps, also considered massive evidence about Soviet authorities’ common practices to mask political cases by replacing them with fabricated criminal cases or with cases of mental illness. Competent Australian Federal authorities also considered substantial evidence that Soviet courts were totally controlled by communist and KGB officials.  

By granting Vincent Victor Berg a political refugee status under Australian domestic protection, Federal authorities have recognised that Vincent Victor Berg’s criminal case and conviction in the USSR was of a political motivation and could therefore not be interpreted otherwise. Indeed, Federal authorities have used Vincent Victor Berg’s conviction basis upon which a conclusion was that he was in fact persecuted, was endanger of further persecution and needed domestic protection.

Queensland authorities are therefore deliberately misrepresenting facts in this matter.

I also bring your attention to the fact that Queensland authorities have disclosed Vincent Victor Berg’s identity to Russian authorities for the purposes of their local investigation. I refer to section 336E(3)(b)(i) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), which prescribes that “a disclosure is not a permitted disclosure if it is for the purpose of investigating an offence against a law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory” as well as to section 336F(4)(a)(i) of the same Act, which prescribes that “a disclosure is taken not to be authorised… if the person to whom the identifying information relates is an applicant for a protection visa”. Hence, I submit that relevant Queensland authorities are responsible for the violation of section 336E of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), which should lead, under section 336E(1) of the Act, to “imprisonment for 2 years, or 120 penalty units, or both”.

As this is a matter related to the area of international and Australian Federal competence than that of the State of Queensland, I am respectfully asking to intervene in this matter and to stop Queensland authorities to act, in fact, in the interests of Russian special services and some political and religious forces in Russian Federation against Australian citizen Vincent Victor Berg.




Sincerely yours,





Andreas Berg.