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gold surplus....Grain loading in WA (picture by Gus). Australia recorded a trade surplus of $2.33 billion in May, easily exceeding analyst forecasts of a sub-$2 billion number. It is the fifth biggest trade surplus since the ABS figures began in 1971. The Bureau of Statistics figures show exports increased 3 per cent to $26.26 billion, seasonally adjusted, while imports remained roughly the same at $23.93 billion. The biggest rise in exports came from non-monetary gold, which jumped 49 per cent (but is highly volatile), while rural goods were up 6 per cent. Exports of non-monetary gold were the fifth highest on record, hitting $1.62 billion.
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at the wheel of fortune...
‘‘The main driver behind the overall 3.2 per cent rise in exports was the volatile non-monetary gold component,’’ he said.
The Australian dollar reacted little to the trade figures, but fell below 107 US cents shortly after the announcement on unrelated news from China over debt levels.
The stronger trade data is not expected to change the central bank’s outlook for monetary policy.
‘‘It just confirms that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) will maintain a tightening bias, but I don’t think that this is something that would trigger a near-term rate rise,’’ Ms Dean said.
Mr Redican said the outlook for employment and consumer spending would have more influence on the RBA’s interest rate decisions over coming months.
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the federal liberals (conservatives) are dragging their feet
The Pastoralists and Graziers Association says the federal Liberal Party is stalling the shift towards a fully deregulated wheat industry.
The party was due to debate the issue at its state council meeting in Perth at the weekend.
But, that was suspended after the deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop outlined her plan to introduce two codes of conduct relating to port access and supply chains before full deregulation.
The PGA's John Snooke says a code of conduct governing port access has already been developed by industry.
"What the Liberal Party are doing is causing a stalling effect of that code of conduct; they are having no input into it, and it's sending mixed messages to the industry which has been working maturely behind the scene to full deregulation," he said.
"Julie Bishop and the Liberal Party have had no input into the codes of conduct whatsoever.
"Julie Bishop is claiming they are consulting with industry; not one Liberal Party member from WA contacted any industry participant on wheat marketing matters."
Ms Bishop says the debate will be revisited once the codes have been drafted.
see picture at top...
And tonight, Malcolm Turnbull on the 7:30 Report had the gall to accuse Labor for the shamble of question time in parliament! When his boss, Tony Abbott, went with a million ways to disrupt the proceeding and for a billion times kept asking the same question?
wanting it but not wanting it...
The Federal Government has clinched the support of key WA Nationals MP Tony Crook for its plan to deregulate the wheat export market.
The Member for O'Connor joined the federal National Party room in May, but the Coalition's platform to oppose the deregulation of the wheat export market has forced Mr Crook into an uncomfortable corner.
Mr Crook has announced for the first time since joining the party room he will break ranks and vote with the Government.
He says he has been convinced by his electorate to support Labor's plan to fully deregulate wheat exports and phase out regulatory watchdog Wheat Exports Australia.
He says it is his duty to vote in the interests of his electorate and not be dictated to by east coast-centric politics.
WA is the largest wheat exporter in Australia and farmers have profited from a less-regulated system.
The federal Liberals support deregulating the wheat market but have backed their Coalition partners, The Nationals, in deferring internal party debate on the legislation.
The Liberals (conservatives) tenet of "free market" is, of course, all bull.... Hum... Unless they want the glory for doing the "deregulation" themselves... Yes I think that's it: the Libs want the thingy, but not if Labor gives it to them... But can the farmers wait for them while there is cash to be made? Dilemma!!!... Idiots...
being shafted by wheat...
Divisions within the Federal Coalition over wheat industry deregulation are deepening, with a Liberal backbencher declaring he will abstain from a vote in defiance of his party's position.
The move will put pressure on deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop, who has urged her West Australian colleagues to fall into line at the risk of destabilising Tony Abbott's leadership.
The Coalition is trying to delay Labor's bid to fully deregulate the industry but is internally divided on the issue between east coast Nationals who oppose deregulation and west coast Liberals who support it.
This "liberal" (conservative) attitude is ludicrous... To be against its own Liberal (conservative) mantra of "free market" just to prop up Tony Abbott's stupidity is crazy... See, Tony Abbott does not want the Labor government to get any credit or cudos for anything, he's prepared to hurt his own partners and his own beliefs to get his NO-TO-ANYTHING way...
Tony Abbott is a grandiose idiott...
I am with slipper...
Former parliamentary speaker Peter Slipper has lashed out at Coalition MPs, accusing them of abandoning their free market principles by opposing Labor's wheat deregulation bill.
The Opposition has decided to vote against deregulation, but some Coalition members say they will cross the floor to back Labor.
The bill abolishes Wheat Exports Australia (WEA) and the 22-cents-a-tonne charge it imposes on producers.
The legislation has split the Coalition, with east coast MPs against it and some West Australian MPs wanting to back it.
Mr Slipper is going to vote with the Government.
He says deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop and other Opposition MPs are hypocrites because they favour wheat deregulation but are voting the other way to avoid a fight with the Nationals.
"I suspect many of them will vote for a heavy heart with the Opposition because there are many people on this side of the house who support the Government's intentions," he said.
"This is all about preserving the flawed and fatal and terminal leadership of the Leader of the Opposition, the Member for Warringah."