Sunday 12th of January 2025

get up!...



fighting a multi-million dollar scare campaign...

Did you see the ad in this morning's paper with the big orange letters attacking the proposed climate price? It's just the beginning of a multi-million dollar scare campaign to mislead voters and intimidate MPs into backing down. Here's the good news: the facts are on our side and it's easy to prove. We just need to ensure voters get the straight story.

We can't outspend the industry giants. But we can get our message out widely enough that every time voters see an ad from the polluters, they already know why it's wrong. Once the facts are clear, even the biggest PR budgets in the country can't make people forget the truth.

So we're moving fast this afternoon to get a response ad in tomorrow morning's papers. We're trying for a national buy with very little notice, which is pricey, so we all need to chip in right away to pull it off. Can you pitch in to make it happen before tonight's deadline?

Thanks for jumping into action,

The GetUp Team

P.S. Advertising industry insiders have told us that in the coming days more ads have been booked by the big polluters. Let's get out the truth before their campaign really ramps up so that every time voters see their ads they already know the facts.

more action...


There is much to do in a short period of time. It is time to get moving with the direct action programs put forward by our government. Focusing our limited resources on implementing a very effective Clean Energy Finance Corporation and tackling the tricky, but doable, task of replacing our worst emitting power stations is a big step forward in the right direction.

Further, these actions, I sense, are ones that the community will get right behind. The ongoing noise and angst to the carbon tax, however, may overcome these very good initiatives, and put at risk achieving tangible outcomes to underscore our future.

Andrew Dyer has worked extensively in the energy and utilities industries in Europe, the US, Asia and Australia. He is now a Company Director.

get up...

GetUp called for Jones to issue an on-air correction of the alleged statement.
"We'd certainly like to see Mr Jones correct this incorrect statement," spokesman Paul Mackay said.
Jones responded: "Tell them to get stuffed.
"Who are Getup? What credibility do these people have? Nil.
"Other than they've backed the Labor Party."
Asked what his reaction would be if ACMA found in GetUp's favour and demanded he made an on-air correction, Jones replied: "Good luck, we don't frighten easily.
"This is intimidatory stuff that's being practised everywhere because they're backed into a corner."

Read more:


Jones lies... but does not scare easy...

don't be fooled by the phoney ritewing...

Carbon tax blame game has moved beyond reality

By ABC's Annabel Crabb

Has the Opposition reached the end of its list of things for which the carbon tax can be blamed?

I know - I know. It's a surprising suggestion, seeing as the list of potential blameables is so temptingly long. But I ask only because in Question Time yesterday, the Opposition's carbon tax questions concerned mainly things for which the carbon tax cannot be blamed.

Possibly the most memorable entry in this ledger was a question from Michael McCormack, the Nationals Member for Riverina, who rose late in the piece to acquaint the chamber with the news that in Sunday night's finale of The Block, Waz and Polly emerged victorious only by virtue of the fact that none of their competitors' properties even made reserve. The real estate market is in a nosedive, Mr McCormack advised the Prime Minister. Did she still think it wise, under these circumstances, to persist with a carbon tax?

The Prime Minister was slightly nonplussed.

inappropriate and offensive...

The activist group GetUp! and the Australian Greens are demanding Liberal senator Ian Macdonald withdraw comments linking them to the youth league of Nazi Germany.

Queensland Liberal Senator Ian MacDonald made the remark during a fiery Senate debate on the carbon tax legislation in response to GetUp! plans for nationwide celebrations on Tuesday to mark the expected passage of the bill.

Referring to the organisation as  “the Hitler Youth wing of the Greens political movement,’’ Senator MacDonald repeated his statement after the Greens Deputy Leader, Christine Milne, objected on a point of order and demanded  the comment be withdrawn.

Senate deputy president Stephen Parry refused to rule the comment out of order and the Greens have pledged to refer both Liberal senators to the upper house privileges committee,  saying the ‘‘Coalition’s dirty politics have hit a new low’’.

GetUp! national director Simon Sheikh has written a letter to the chairman of the privileges committee, Western Australian Senator David Johnston, saying the comparison was  made with ‘‘a weight of hatred and ignorance’’.

GetUp! is demanding their response be included in Hansard.

Jewish Liberal backbencher Josh Frydenburg slapped down his colleagues saying ‘‘while robust political debate is part of a vibrant democracy, however, the use of Nazi analogies to make political points is inappropriate and offensive’’.

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Senator Ian Macdonald is the same person who:
has blasted Independent MPs for their "stupid selfishness" in denying the Coalition a chance to form government.

Senator Ian Macdonald also claimed Coalition leader Tony Abbott – if prime minister – would have prevented the deaths of 50 asylum seekers killed in last [week's] Christmas Island boat disaster.

What an idiot!!!

Tony Abbott would have destroyed the only chance Australia had to have a proper broadband network, Tony Abbott (Macdonald's leader) would have reintroduced draconian work place relations, Tony Abbott would have made life for most Australian a misery, except the rich. The list of Abbott's crap is long, including a disbelief in global warming which is scientifically accurately measured and attributed to human activity... At present Australians are on top of the world... Tough titties, isn't it?

And as to claim Tony would have prevented the death of these poor people is beyond the pale. Ian Macdonald should be sacked...