Sunday 9th of March 2025

clarksoning in low gear...


The BBC has been forced to apologise after television presenter Jeremy Clarkson said British public sector workers taking part in a 24-hour walkout should be shot in front of their families.

The national broadcaster issued an on-air apology, saying Clarkson's comments in an interview on the BBC One live talk show, The One Show, were a misjudged attempt at comedy.

When asked what he thought of the strikers, Clarkson said: "I would have them all shot".

"I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families," added the presenter, best known as the face of the BBC's top-rated Top Gear car show.

a few million damp squib...

Workers are angry they are being asked to contribute more to their retirement and work for longer before they are eligible for pensions.

Around half of the UK's state schools were closed and thousands of operations were cancelled in hospitals around the country.

Prime minister David Cameron played down the impact of the strike, calling it "something of a damp squib", saying 40 per cent of schools were open and the main London airports were working smooth.

I did not mean it, either...

British prime minister David Cameron has criticised Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson's calls for striking public sector workers to be "shot in front of their families."

Clarkson, whose mocking personality helped make the Top Gear automobile show a popular broadcast around the world, was speaking on Wednesday as state workers like nurses, teachers and civil servants were staging a 24-hour strike against government plans to make them pay more and work longer for their pensions.

"I'd have them all shot," the 51-year-old said on the BBC's prime-time One Show.

"I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families," he added.

"I mean how dare they go on strike when they have got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?"

A BBC spokesman noted the One Show had apologised at the end of the show to viewers who may have been offended.

Mr Cameron, who is a friend of the presenter, said on the ITV's Good Morning program the comments were a "silly thing to say".

"I'm sure he didn't mean it," he added.


I'm sure I didn't mean the cartoon at top as well...

apology of sorts...

Jeremy Clarkson has apologised for his controversial "I'd have them all shot!" comments on BBC1's The One Show about public sector strikers, insisting his remarks were light hearted and taken out of context.

The BBC also issued a statement, rapping the Top Gear presenter for an item that "wasn't perfectly judged", in the hope of drawing a line under an affair that has prompted more than 5,000 complaints in less than 24 hours.

Clarkson's statement said: "I didn't for a moment intend these remarks to be taken seriously – as I believe is clear if they're seen in context. If the BBC and I have caused any offence, I'm quite happy to apologise for it alongside them."

approaching top gear...

Jeremy Clarkson may have apologised, but the outrage over his comments on public sector strikers being shot continues – with more than 21,000 complaints to the BBC by early Friday morning.

The row over Clarkson's remarks on Wednesday night's The One Show looks set to outdo the "Sachsgate" controversy in 2008, which prompted the resignation of Russell Brand and led to Jonathan Ross's suspension without pay. By 9.30am on Friday, the BBC had received 21,335 complaints.

a forgotten planet in peril...

Durban Conference: The forgotten planet

Sunday, 04 December 2011

The world's ministers and their mandarins gather in their thousands this weekend to hammer out a plan for the small matter of saving the planet. Yet few of us appear to have noticed.

Despite apocalyptic warnings about temperatures reaching record levels and carbon emissions rising faster than ever, the delegates at the vast UN climate conference in South Africa this weekend could not be further from reaching a deal – or further from the thoughts of a global population gripped by economic fears.

More than 10,000 ministers, officials, campaigners and scientists from 194 countries are meeting in Durban in an attempt to counter the devastating effects of global warming. With little hope of a major agreement, many are happy to be out of the spotlight.

Not long ago, politicians were proclaiming that climate change was the greatest threat facing the world. David Cameron drove a pack of huskies across a glacier, proclaiming that the Conservatives had to lead a "new green revolution and recapture climate change from the pessimists". Today, amid the preoccupations of a global recession, the future of the world itself seems a secondary concern for the political classes.

The key villain remains the United States, which a year before presidential elections will not sign up to a new green target. China will not play ball either. Japan, Russia and Canada have pulled out of the current negotiations.

Britain has witnessed the dramatic slide of environmentalism down the political agenda. Last night, the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, accused Mr Cameron of being "desperately out of touch with anyone who cares about our environment". Liberal Democrats claimed their coalition partners no longer saw electoral advantage in their "vote blue, go green" message. Even the Prime Minister's own "green guru", Steve Hilton, confesses he has doubts about the climate-change argument.

However, the issue will be placed centre stage this week when Sir David Attenborough's highly acclaimed BBC series Frozen Planet concludes with a personal testimony from the much-loved natural history broadcaster about how polar bears and other species still remain on the front-line of the environmental threat.

George Osborne, the Chancellor, signalled a major shift in Tory positioning last week when he suggested cutting carbon emissions would threaten jobs: "We are not going to save the planet by shutting down our steel mills, aluminium smelters and paper manufacturers." His anti-green rhetoric sparked a rift in a coalition that had pledged to be "the greenest government ever".

The Liberal Democrat president, Tim Farron, accused Mr Osborne of adopting climate-sceptic language "to placate 50 or 60 climate deniers on the [Tory] back benches, people who read the Daily Mail and people called Jeremy Clarkson".

32,000 complaints...

JEREMY CLARKSON's views on public sector workers may have generated more than 32,000 complaints, but his job appears to be safe today. BBC director-general Mark Thompson laughed off calls for him to be sacked while BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten called Top Gear one of the country's leading exports.
Thompson and Patten defended Clarkson during an appearance before the House of Commons culture committee.
The presenter was forced to apologise after saying, during a live appearance on The One Show on 30 November, that public sector workers who had gone on strike that day should be taken out and shot in front of their families.
Labour MP Jim Sheridan challenged the BBC to sack Clarkson, but Thompson said to do so "would set precedents that mean a lot of people would never get to broadcast".

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a bad joke indeed...

SO MUCH for the fourth estate’s festive spirit. After three weeks of being door-stepped and harangued for his tongue-in-cheek suggestion that public sector strikers should be taken out and shot in front of their families, Jeremy Clarkson has used his Sunday Times column to hit back at the Daily Mail.

“Have you ever had one of those nightmares,” asks Clarkson, “where you can neither see nor feel the monster that’s attacking you? But you know it’s going to gobble you up, burn your house down and sell your children for medical experiments?

“Well, let me tell you, such a creature exists in real life. It’s called the Daily Mail. Like a Terminator, it doesn’t know right from wrong. You can’t reason with it.”

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witty self-help...

Clarkson later withdrew the injunction which he described as "pointless", but Ms Hall said she had only been given two or three days notice of his intention and her ex-husband had been "hugely cavalier" in his behaviour.

She said one of her children had to leave their job and another took two weeks off school to avoid the publicity.

Ms Hall said she was not going to publish "salacious details" about the couple's relationship, but wanted to write "a witty self-help book"

ugly clarkson with a face like the bum of a truck...


If you saw someone with a facial disfigurement walking down the street, would you A) Laugh at them B) Point at them C) Call them names or D) Carry on walking? If your answer is D then you shouldn’t have found Jeremy Clarkson’s latest comments the least bit funny.

In a recent episode of Top Gear, Clarkson compared the size of a new Japanese car to people with growths on their faces; mimicking Joseph Merrick (the Elephant Man) in the process: “You know sometimes you meet someone and they have a growth on their face and it is bigger than their face… one of those really ugly things”. The audience laughed, and the so-called joke was included in the Thursday repeat. It was an odious TV performance.

My apologies to trucks... see toon at top.


hammonding it up...

One viewer commented: "I don't think Richard Hammond is a suitable presenter for wildlife documentaries. He's more interested in trying to be funny and should stick to low grade, inane series that he can't ruin."

Another said: "What a pity such a potentially good programme was spoilt by the MADDENING Richard Hammond. We were never allowed to view the scenes of the animals for any length of time. Such wonderful camera work was always interrupted by Hammond's prattle."

obtuse, bigoted, immature babies of men...

British singer-songwriter and actor Will Young outlined his anger at the remarks made by the cast of The Grand Tour in a string of posts on Twitter, stating "you can be honest and funny without this ridiculous 'lad' ooh being gay and let's laugh about it mentality."

One of the remarks in question features Clarkson describing the Jeep Wrangler as being "bought by people who like cruising the streets of San Francisco and Key West and Brighton and Sydney".

Young, who was a guest on Top Gear, described the comments about the supposed sexuality of Jeep Wrangler drivers made on a recent episode of the program as "bigoted", "pathetic" and "homophobic".

He described the cast — which also features fellow former Top Gear co-hosts James May and Richard Hammond — as "obtuse, bigoted, immature babies of men".



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he make money by burning rubber...

Of course, Jeremy Clarkson, the guy who entertains the bogans — the failed yobos who got married and have 2 and a half kids and who drive 4-wheel drives on Sunday through the streets of Sydney, dreaming of going to the peaks of stones and imbecility at a switch of a button, as shown in the Adverts when they bought their gas-guzzling contraption — with a show about destroying cars and petrol tanks with stunts that we all abandoned when our clowning mate blew himself up with a German-made grenade, at the end of WW2...

So the stupididy of Team Clarkson is getting worse by the second. Making the smallest impact? I suppose Jeremy's silly show is to do as much damage as possible so we don't do any ourselves by showing how one driving idiot can do so much damage. Read from top:


I might have to show you my old adverts for Goodyear tyres of the 1950s. That could shut him up:




Note that the picture at top was made with Dinky Toys, of course. The date of publication: March 4 1959, The Sydney Morning Herald...


The news of the day was also full of gems, where the West was sweet-talking the Russians, to slowly con them into the culminating Gorbachev/Reagan destruction of the USSR... Meanwhile Tito and Soekarno were complaining of Foreign "Meddling" back then... Nothing new...

jeremy is a carbon-neutered nazi petrol wanker...

The Grand Tour host is not a fan of the young Swede, who made headlines earlier this year scolding world leaders for stealing children’s future and ignoring climate problems. Following toxic rants on Twitter and in a column in The Sun, the TV star launched another offensive against the climate activist while promoting a new episode of his show.

Former Top Gear star Jeremy Clarkson, who is now launching a new episode of his show The Grand Tour for Amazon Prime, has scolded teen eco-warrior from Sweden Greta Thunberg for sowing panic and making so much noise about climate change despite people having been aware of it for quite some time.

In an interview with The Independent, he referred to the activist as “that weird Swede running around making all sorts of ‘we're going to die’ noises, so we're all aware of it”.

“But rather than having her jumping up and down and waving her arms in the air, you can actually go there and say, ‘Bloody hell, fire! Look at what this climate change has done to this place’. We simply said, ‘Here's an example of it’. What do you want me to do now? Get on my carbon fibre yacht and go and shout at Donald Trump?” he said.

When asked about his criticism of the 16-year-old, namely his Twitter tirade and column in The Sun, he fired back: “She's a stupid idiot”.

After the interviewer suggested that some think that he is attacking Thunberg because he feels guilty about his show’s carbon footprint, Clarkson argued he is “completely carbon neutral”. According to him, he plants “hundreds of trees a year and grows crops” at his farm.



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Jeremy could be a carbon-neutered nazi petrol wanker. For all I know, he's a stupid petrol-head idiot...  Read from top.


the petrol-head loves bad food...

Twitter has erupted with fury after British broadcaster Jeremy Clarkson said he was “fed up to the back teeth of the whingeing” over the clamour that the quality of free school meal parcels has provoked.

The British government came under fire last week for distributing “woefully inadequate” parcels to families entitled to free school meals. 

The issue was highlighted by footballer and anti-poverty activist Marcus Rashford who shared a series of photos on Twitter of the parcels that families had received, which included half a pepper and one potato. The boxes for a week’s worth of lunches are offered in some areas of England instead of a £30 voucher.


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pissing badgers...

Over early morning coffee at his Oxfordshire farmhouse, Jeremy Clarkson is talking about his new nemesis, badgers, and the fact that they constantly urinate, usually on his grass. “If they’ve got TB and a cow eats that bit of grass, then you, the taxpayer, pay for that cow to be killed. A quarter of the world’s badgers live in the UK, causing chaos. But if you say, ‘I’m going to shoot a badger’, you can expect to find your house on fire within 10 minutes. Carrie Johnson is a badger enthusiast, so the government aren’t likely to do anything while she’s running around.”


Your understanding of why badgers, and the leanings of Boris Johnson’s wife, have got Clarkson’s Levi’s in a twist may depend on how far along his career you’ve travelled. Since leaving the BBC’s Top Gear in 2015, he has co-hosted four series of The Grand Tour (basically Top Gear with 300 times the budget) on Amazon Prime Video. In his most recent Amazon venture – Clarkson’s Farm – he attempts to cultivate the 1,000 acres of land he’s owned since 2008 but didn’t give an agricultural hoot about until the actual farmer who worked them retired in 2019. “I didn’t have a clue what was growing in my fields,” he says, gesturing all around. “Now I know what’s in them all.”


Clarkson’s Farm has delighted Clarksonphiles by showing TV’s leading boor/buffoon utterly out of his comfort zone and sinking fast. “I had the most awful accident last week,” he says at one point. “I hit a telegraph pole with a very expensive piece of borrowed equipment. So I’m in deep shit.” But there has, inevitably, been criticism from Clarksonphobes, whose existence he acknowledges with the words: “A lot of people don’t like cars, or me, and certainly don’t like the combination of the two.”


Clarkson doesn’t grant many interviews. “You inevitably say something stupid. Then they say, ‘He’s stupid.’ So it’s easier not to bother.” But there is a reason why I’m sitting in front of this mud-splattered figure: he’s got a book out, a collection of his newspaper columns on farming. “I look like a farmer,” he says. “I’ve even bought a check shirt and a pair of steel-toed boots, which are incredibly heavy. I don’t know how farmers walk about.”


Clarkson’s Farm split the Guardian’s TV writers. “Unlike his motoring shows,” wrote Stuart Heritage, “where his stock reaction to any problem was to blast out of it in an orgy of explosive cluelessness, the Clarkson we meet here is actively willing to learn. Better yet, he isn’t the in-your-face alpha of this show, because everyone else knows so much more than him.” However, in her one-star review, Lucy Mangan called the show, which she renamed Jeremy Buys a Tractor, “wearisome, meretricious rubbish”.

Clarkson is 61 now. When I ask him how he hopes to die, he pops a piece of Nicorette in his mouth and says: “I used to think I’d put out my last cigarette age 107 and just die. But I stopped smoking four years ago. When my dad died at 61, I thought, ‘That’s a pretty good innings.’ Now I’m 61, if I died, I’d be furious. I’m nowhere near finished. So, yes, I think about dying every day. There’s your headline. In 40 years, I shall be dead and nobody shall remember me.” Although some channel will probably still be showing Top Gear repeats, I suggest. “No blue plaque,” he agrees with a laugh, “but I’ll be on Dave.”


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driving in the royal mud.....

Broadcaster Jeremy Clarkson has said he is "horrified" after "causing so much hurt" in a column he wrote in the Sun about the Duchess of Sussex.

More than 12,000 complaints have been made to the press regulator after Clarkson wrote on Friday that he "hated [Meghan] on a cellular level".

In a tweet on Monday, he said: "Oh dear. I've rather put my foot in it."

The column has now been removed from the Sun's website, at Clarkson's request, and replaced with his tweet.