Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Democratic World Parliament

Hi All,

Just to let you know about an online project developing a Democratic World Parliament (as proposed by George Monbiot in his recent awe-inspiring book 'The Age of Consent').

For anyone who may be looking to get involved in this venture, there is now a site you may be interested in;

We are starting from scratch really, but there are currently 530 members from around the globe and growing faster every day. We need creative minds to help form the project, so come have a look.

At the very least this represents a chance for the people of the world to be heard and educate one another in the face of corporatised media.

Voting and new proposals change over on a Sunday night, so every week you get a new chance for input, check it out!

The World Parliament Experiment

George Monbiot provides a good summary at his blog: Let the People Rule the World Alternative link to The World Parliament Experiment Jozef Virtual Reference

A call for action.

A global referendum / petition for a democratic world parliament has been started directed at Kofi Annan / United Nations.

Members of the WPE are all asked to lend support at;


It would also be great if you could pass on to any of your other contacts via email / other forums etc.


Hi everyone,

I recently came across another very positive development in ‘internet democracy’ and wanted to share with you.

An e-parliament project is underway at that has already gathered the interest of governments, organisations and institutions across the globe. Democrats leader Lyn Allison was involved in its inception. 

The project allows for input from citizens, organizations, legislators and such to vote and voice their ideas in a global meeting place. I assume as it gains more momentum it could force some pretty drastic changes. 

At the very least it will provide a great measure for 'Global Public Opinion' as Kofi Annan calls it.

Hope you all take a look and get registered to vote!