Saturday 11th of January 2025

Halliburton's Adelaide


 Reprinted from Margo Kingston's Webdiary, this  piece serves well as an overview of the last few months of blogging

While Australians have sat in their trees like manna-gum-'stoned' koalas, the economic landscape has changed around them dramatically.  The new King and Queen of the Southern Defence Colony, affectionately known as Condy and Rummy, will be crowned by Alexander Downer in Adelaide this November, with most of us none the wiser.

As I watched South Australia's Premier Mr Rann tell us that now that a U.S. company had won the design contract for Adelaide's contribution  to the US Missile Shield it should set up an office here, I thought " that when they've finished ours we can start the work for Taiwan."

I now consider Halliburton to be more middle-men, than boogie-men. True, they've organised protection for Woomera and Pine Gap, transport of fuel and water resources and reservoirs for southern expansion, northern supply and extraplanetary migration, but you won't see their logo on everything not so much as part of what appears at times to be an almost-sinister concealment of their activities, but because they're contractors and subcontractors for other people and projects, like the water meter reading, the  council park, mowing, the Warship and Joint Strike Fighter programs.

They've kept their names out of the local media much more successfully than they did in the U.S. and U.K  (a pity about the Rolling Stones), but when, in that country and ours, you begin to see the likes of the favourite company of the Bushes and Bin Ladens, Carlyle, begin to show its head at the top   of the pecking order, you see two paths leading to  the same destination. That's when you begin to wonder how many years of preparation have taken place.

It's difficult when you live here to consider how much of a nexus to southern hemispheric activities our insignificant little city has become, and was possibly planned to be since the end of the Second World War. In 1947, in his novel following his theories of geosynchronous orbit and satellite-based communications, Arthur C. Clark presumed that Britain would be the supreme extraplanetary power because of her control of Woomera. According to U.S. Homeland Security Consultant Scott Bates, Adelaide was mooted as the centre of humanity's nuclear-winter survival outpost at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Back then it wasn't known that the State contained forty per cent of the world's uranium. In front bars around town anyone you have a beer with about what's happening will ask "What's so special about Adelaide?"  Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice, White House Secretaries of Defence and State, seem to have a fair idea. In spite of the "humble" reasoning of the aspirant figurehead of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, Rumsfeld and "Condy" (Downer's term of endearment, not mine) haven't come to a pow-wow in Adelaide just because the man lives here. They've come to 'inspect the troops'.

From here, troops will rest, train  and refurbish while their weapons and supplies run across the continent. From here, liquid natural gas supplies will run north to Asia and south to New Zealand creating a possible reverse supply line when mining begins in Antarctica. Another use of the same pipes would mean that water can be coordinated and distributed to what is left of the globe, with a continually drained and refilled Great Artesian Basin acting as the supply depot... Also useful for 'water downloading' if an extraterrestrial water source is found.  While we're waiting, don't forget that the icecaps contain 90 % of the world's fresh water.

From here, Jindaee's radar detection of possible enemies is already carried out. No doubt in the future satellites will feed in global strategic information, if they're not already. The arrival of a National Tsunami Centre suggests that sub-sea activities are also fairly well 'scoped'.

From here, given modern real-time communications, the world could be run quite effectively, at a pinch, with the commanders never being in danger of running out of anything. At the end of the day, with an inexhaustible supply of energy and fresh water, the US Dynasty would be able to outlast any enemy.

To the north of Adelaide, plastic and paper are being imported to landfills and recycled into composites to make lightweight armour for land and air and space vehicles.

In the meantime  we can be happy little koalas munching on Manna from America to keep us obliviously content.

A lesson from Katrina

From letters to The Age, Tuesday September 6, 2005 Katrina exposes the catastrophic failure of privatisation.

The central problem in Mississippi and Louisiana isn't race or class or the Bush Administration's incompetence. People find themselves in the deplorable state they are in because there is no mechanism within a capitalist society to deal with catastrophic loss. Insurance and philanthropy - capitalism's customary response to disaster - cannot cope with a calamity as big as hurricane Katrina. ...

... It's quite possible we are witnessing the end of the privatisation experiment. It's obvious that it's not possible for private organisations to deliver services and make profit without cheating those they are contracted to provide services for. We are drawing to the end of an era, an era that has seen the gains made by ordinary people during the 20th century lost in a fire sale of state assets to the private sector. ...

Water governance

At the Parliamentary Library, Issues encountered in advancing Australia's water recycling schemes [HTML] [PDF 683KB]

Adelaide's United Utilities is mentioned. 

Dig deep for Katrina

Where's Dick Cheney?

Uncle Dick has been spotted in Rundle Mall, busking for Halliburton.
"Spare 2 bob for an old codger down on his luck. No cash? No worries! Cheques preferred, marked 'cash to KBR.'"

Aussies would be wise to keep their donations for causes that can't be tainted by Cheney and the Bush family.
Bush Asks for $51.8 Billion in Relief Aid
Bush vows probe of 'what went wrong'

... Barbara chuckled as she said: "So many of the people here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them. ...

Ex Bush Campaign Manager, Emergency Chief Turns KBR consultant..

This story is going to strike a nerve.

If character profiles like this were used in Neighbours  the show would lose credibility.  However, it's all quite acceptable in real life.

What other personal connections could you not consider credible ?  That Prime Ministers and corporation chiefs co-operated?   That S.A. Government consultants turn up as torturers at Abu Graibh?

 It's true- thruth is stranger

Follow the Sun

A concept that's intuitively obvious, and used in the IT industries.

An article in AFR Sep 23 explains why Australia is a favoured location for some of the US armaments projects, 'Sun never sets on the design of jet fighter'.

Robert Hill is quoted referring to the contribution of Melbourne-based GKN Aerospace to the JSF.

Follow the Sun Engineering

Adelaide who?

Terry Lane, ABC talker and writer for The Sunday Age, doesn't understand why Mike Rann is so gung-ho about the new control orders.

From The war on tyranny starts now

... What are the chances of Adelaide or Perth being the sites of the next al-Qaeda attack? Zero? You would rate it as highly as that? ...

Mr Lane is an infidel, and is a candidate for 'Behaviour Analysis & Tracking'.

Mr Lane also needs to be told that nice KBR execs want a secure city, where their wives can do their shopping and their kiddies go to school without scruffy, rude protesters getting in their way.

Adding it up

From Alexander Downer's recent speech, as he declined to accept the Nobel Peace prize.
... We know that a number of terrorist groups, such as Al Qaida, are seeking nuclear, chemical and biological weapons - and that in our own region, groups like Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) have similar ambitions. Osama Bin Laden has declared openly that he would use such weapons if he had them. And Jemaah Islamiyah's spiritual leader Abu Bakar Ba'asyir recently stated that the use of nuclear weapons was justified “if necessary

At the Mining Club

In 'Uranium for power: Fu' (Financial Review, Dec 2nd; $2.50):
China's ambassador to Australia, Fu Ying, yesterday told a packed audience of miners and financiers in Melbourne that China was able to meet its military needs for uranium from domestic sources. ...
... She said the embassy was following very closely the positions of the Australian political parties and of those in the states with uranium deposits.

From China rules out talks with Premier Wen and Koizumi:
China Wednesday ruled out a meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and Japanese counterpart Junichiro Koizumi this month because of frosty ties between the two countries. The two leaders are scheduled to attend the ninth summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK); and the first East Asia Summit in Malaysia in mid-December. "Sino-Japanese relations are facing difficulties, and it is impossible to expect bilateral ties to develop as usual," said Cui Tiankai, director of the Asian Affairs Department of the Foreign Ministry. He was asked during a news briefing whether the Chinese and Japanese leaders would meet on the sidelines of the ASEAN-plus-three summit as they did in the past. "It is self-deceiving for the Japanese side to wish everything proceeds normally as if nothing has happened," he said. He was apparently referring to Koizumi's latest visit to the Yasukuni Shrine that honours convicted Class-A World War II criminals. ...

... The ASEAN-plus-three summit will be followed by the inaugural East Asia Summit, which also includes India, Australia and New Zealand. ...
With a bit of luck, Ming Howard will get caught up in the crossfire.

From The foundations for an Asian oil and gas grid:
... The emphasis on the grid comes in wake of reports that India and China, the most aggressive shoppers for oil and gas assets in the world, are coming together to put in a joint bid. The China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and the Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), two of the most high-profile emerging global oil companies in the past year, could jointly bid for Petro-Canada's $1-billion oil and gas fields in Syria. Both India and China feel the strategic need to diversify their energy sources from the current dependence on West Asia. ...