Monday 24th of February 2025

be afraid, very afraid...

abbott's folly

I must have written this when I was drunk last night. but here it is anyway...

I am going to stick my neck out... I am going to say that Tony Abbott is worse than Anders Behring Breivik. 

Breivik if you don't know is a murderer in Norway who killed 77 people in July 2011. Breivik acted under a Nazi philosophy of purity of race and a way to de-emotionalise himself... 

I don't know what philosophy is haunting the brains of Tony Abbott (apart from a sneaky stupidity descended from catholic devious ideology swimming in forgiveness for being a dorky deliberate sinner), but his unhealthy obsession in wanting to "kill" the carbon tax is equivalent to a desire to kill off millions of people who, in the future, will die because of his climate change denialist attitude. 

This is serious. very serious. Imagine that by 2040, your life depends on what people like Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott did or did not do today. This will be the case then. 

Climate on Earth is changing. 

Many scientific observations have shown this — and even the most ardent of scientists opposed to the idea of global warming all have acknowledged that the earth IS WARMING. The contention to solve now resides in finding the origin of this warming. Most scientists (more than 95 per cent) for the past 30 years have pointed out that the EXTRA carbon dioxide that humans is adding to the atmosphere IS THE CULPRIT. Carbon dioxide from burning — or processing —  fossil fuels IS THE CULPRIT.

This can be verified by experiment and/or statistics as compiled about 120 years ago and confirmed many times, including as recently as last year. Of course, all the carbon merchants have been trying to demolish this concept by many means, including having undue influence upon politicians like Tony Abbott... and publishing false scientific papers to confuse the issue.

I have pointed out many times before today, that not doing anything to prevent or to minimise this human induced global warming IS CRIMINAL... Sure, there are people who dispute this, but in this year of 220 US tornadoes, even the lowly evangelical populace there is thinking "hang on, we've been warned that the weather is going to go bonkerer and bonkerer as climate change kicks in further... and the culprit is carbon dioxide... Hum..."

PEOPLE WILL DIE. People will die because of global warming. 

Tony Abbott frothes at the mouth to stir crowds of thick-brained Australians hell bent against the first of many steps to reduce the impact of global warming. This is CRIMINAL... Far more CRIMINAL than 77 souls shot in a few minutes... Millions of people will die. Millions of people have already died due to climate change. 

A "carbon tax" is one of the bravest of all concept so far, towards the development of better policies dealing with global warming. It may not be ideal, but in a nutshell WE HAVE TO REDUCE OUR CARBON CONSUMPTION... Abbott's own "policies" on the subjects are so far out of touch that even Turnbull knows they are pure bullshit... 

Tony doesn't believe in global warming. He believes in god having created the earth for humans to plunder. 

And whatever Tony says at any time is irrelevant to his beliefs... Tony will SAY ANYTHING to get elected, via spruiking in devious popularism to people who'd gobble anything....

The "killing" of the carbon tax by Tony if it eventuates, will be an act of gross vandalism akin to massive killings and murder... Not one person hurt, not 77 persons either, but millions — millions of people —  far more will die from the repeal of the carbon tax, (designed to reduce our carbon emission), than Hitler ever killed in gas chambers, in battlefield and nasty reprisals. Tony desire to "kill off" the carbon tax is murder on a grand scale. Slow murder, but murder nonetheless.

Tony, you're a disgrace to humanity... and some people believe you're god... Ugly, Ugly, ugly... 

abbott is a dangerous idiot...

Mr Abbott said the carbon tax had been one of the issues which had contributed to former Brisbane lord mayor Campbell Newman's election success. He said a federal Coalition government would do whatever was necessary to repeal the carbon tax, including calling a double dissolution election.

But Mr Abbott doubted a Labor opposition would ''commit suicide twice'' by supporting the tax in the Senate.

''If I'm wrong, if an incoming Coalition government can't get its carbon tax repeal legislation through the Senate, well, we will not hesitate to go to a double dissolution,'' he told Sky News.

Read more:

abbott is the clue to our destruction of the future...

Today Manne is still crusading from a left-of-centre position. Rare among Australian academics, he is willing to take a stance in the public arena and wear the opprobrium that comes from controversy. His new blog on The Monthly ’s website is true to these values. I find his work to be irresistibly rational, especially on the pre-eminent issue of our time, climate change.

Late last year Manne blogged on the question that should be troubling all intellectuals: how has the hard evidence of modern science been so thoroughly undermined that action against global warming is now an unpopular position in Australian politics? Manne calls it “the mysterious rise of climate change denialism”.

I share this concern, not from the standpoint of academia, but from talking to people where I live in south-west Sydney, a typically consumer-inclined and aspirational community. It is difficult to find anyone who believes in global warming, let alone the legitimacy of collective action against the problem. Denialism is on the rise, creating a sharp paradox in the formation of public opinion.

The longer the climate change debate has gone on, the weaker the community’s acceptance of climate change has become. This is more than just part of the political cycle, a consequence of the damage caused by Julia Gillard’s broken promise on carbon taxation and the general unpopularity of her government. It goes to the science of the issue and how scientists themselves are perceived in society.

Well, we should blame Abbott for this shift of "belief"... Knowledge of what's to come is being destroyed by the biggest con artist Australian politics has ever thrown at us... Abbott is a shameless dangerous liar and a spruiker of illogical porkies... But he does it with confidence... AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE, WAKE UP! Abbott is a crook... 


more methane in the arctic...


The study, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, covered several flights into the Arctic at different times of the year. They covered an area about 950 miles north of the coast of Alaska and about 350 miles south of the North Pole. Dr Kort said that the levels of methane coming off this region were about the same as the quantities measured by other scientists monitoring methane levels above the shallow sea of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf.

"We suggest that the surface waters of the Arctic Ocean represent a potentially important source of methane, which could prove sensitive to changes in sea ice cover," the researchers write. "The association with sea ice makes this methane source likely to be sensitive to changing Arctic ice cover and dynamics, providing an unrecognised feedback process in the global atmosphere-climate system," they say.

Climate scientists are concerned that rising temperatures in the Arctic could trigger climate-feedbacks, where melting ice results in the release of methane which in turn results in a further increase in temperatures.

"We should be concerned because there's so many things in the Arctic where the warming feeds further warming. There are many things in the Arctic that do respond to warming," said Euan Nisbet, a methane expert at Royal Holloway University of London.

Meanwhile, there's a lot of hot "air" coming from Abbott's orifice of deception...