Friday 10th of January 2025

On a Sabbath of 2005, in the Garden of Oz

On a Sabbath of 2005, in the Garden of Oz

Adam and Eve fell for it... What will be your exccuse?

Johnnee's softened IR? As spruiked by Sunday's foretold scribes? More like a beautifully skinned fruit but rotten to the core... Workers beware... Give an inch and you'll be damned for your working lifeand beyond. Ah, I don't believe you've got the ticker to resist temptation... Be damned if you must.

Never, ever

I'd like to see him in the chair, being asked the question by Dr Szell.

Your conditions are safe

Meanwhile, he's making an urgent call on his new-found friend and benefactor, Mr Hu, to demand more details about Mob attack key Chinese democrat, for Mr Ruddock's Dissident Control measures.