Monday 24th of February 2025

Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell

 Though legislators are willing to concede that workers are not the property of their masters this has not stopped them from legislating to ensure that they are treated as property.

 It is of some consolation to Animals Rights activists that, thought there is no real movement to end the property status of animals, there is at least a recognition that their welfare is of some importance to society as a whole. Outright acts of cruelty are now criminal offences under current legislation though farm animals are largely excluded from the reach of its protection.

 While these tentative moves are to be applauded Queensland is now in the extraordinary position whereby identical legislative provisions and penalties operate with respect to the welfare of factory workers and factory farm animals alike. In both cases non-mandatory codes of practise exempt employers and farmers alike from criminal liability in the event of a breach of their duty of care to those whose welfare they are entrusted to protect.  

 Across state borders the scene is remarkably similar for both Bob the Builder and Babe the pig. Prosecutorial duties are imposed on under-resourced private organisations which overwhelmingly must focus on the very worst cases when it is already too late and are unable to work towards effective prevention strategies and routine inspection duties. Government policy is to go after the little fish while the sharks, large corporate employers and factory farmers, slip through the net.

 With a human life now worth in the order of $40,000-$60,000 it is cheaper for a business to have workers regularly injured and die than prevent the injuries from occurring.  It is totally Orwellian, though it would seem now that both farm animals and Workers have common interests and a common enemy. The greatest pain for the greatest number.