Monday 24th of February 2025

Industrial Relations

who knows the future

gus is loopy

Coal to liquid

Linc Energy has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with Syntroleum Corporation (USA), one of the world leaders in Coal To Liquids (CTL), whereby Linc has access to their CTL technology. Syntroleum has designed, built and currently operates a CTL plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma using its unique air based CTL process.

CTL is the generic term used to describe the process of converting a gas into a liquid hydrocarbon product. This technology has already been tested and proven by numerous companies including major oil companies. The combination of UCG and CTL is subsequently called Coal to Liquids (CTL), as the initial energy source is coal.

Basically, a CTL plant consists of three main processes:

Syngas Production: this process converts a solid, liquid or gas feedstock (usually natural gas) into hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

Interesting twist

I have recently started working for Brisbane Catholic Education and the new IR laws have created an interesting dimension to working for this company. There is some loophole which means that BCE can be designated a 'trading company' which puts it under the federal IR laws. Not quite sure how this works as I'm not particularly ofay with the new laws. Anyway, BCE is the only Catholic Education system which has suggested that its hands are tied. Of course the union is fighting it.

MPs on AWAs

MPs are so supportive of the AWA in Australia so why aren't they themselves on one? It seems the logical way to progress. Why not take it a step further and include local government councils as well?


Who is out of work ? you are only unemployed if you get 100% of your dole payment.

73.2% of kids 15 to 24 are working and getting part dole payment.

41.8%  25 to 60 years old get part payment.

51.3% of wives get a payment for low income.

Over 60 years old don't get counted by the goverment.

The McWorkChoice Menu

Menu item 1- 

Take it or leave it 

Menu item 2 

see above 

Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell

 Though legislators are willing to concede that workers are not the property of their masters this has not stopped them from legislating to ensure that they are treated as property.

 It is of some consolation to Animals Rights activists that, thought there is no real movement to end the property status of animals, there is at least a recognition that their welfare is of some importance to society as a whole. Outright acts of cruelty are now criminal offences under current legislation though farm animals are largely excluded from the reach of its protection.

Is Labour a commodity? Is there such thing as a labour market?

The dismal scientists


According to nearly every economist of the last 300 odd years, labour is a commodity for which there is a supply and demand. A great fallacy underlies this assumption and it has generated an array of absurdities which has reached even to the heights of the United Nations. Economic theory itself however is not at fault. Poor application of basic economic and scientific principles is responsible.

You have been job matched

You’ve been ‘Job-Matched’


Somehow or other you find a small a job,

 whatever is going, but pays a few bob.

You’re a piece in the puzzle, a cog in the machine,

it not what you wanted, but life’s not a dream.

Workplace Agreements

The Federal government believes that workplace agreements benefit the “worker

do they no or even care what then

After listening to the 17 dollars handed down by the wages commission today I am wondering if this may be the last held. I did hear at one stage that Mr Senator elect  Barnaby Joyce is not happy. Could some one elighten us if this is the case?

Also do the workers know or even care, why is Australia in a state of intertia? When will they wake up? When everything is gone that they take for granted? No holiday loading, used mainly for paying bills in the real world, penalty rates factored in to most famillies budgets. Gone.

Also are we talking to the converted on this site is there any one out there who really cares about our core values?  And again i ask the question about the polls re Mr. Beazley wanting more for the low paid in tax releif .

Gross Conflict of Interest for The Insurers

Insurers should cough up: Law Council.

Employer's are duty bound and required by law to have Workers Compensation Insurance to protect their workers and themselves against medical expenses and loss of income in the event of an accident occurring in the course of the employee executing theor duties. This should entitle the employee to have access to the medical treatment deemed neccessary by the treating doctor or specialist. It should also cover the employee against loss of income until the treating Doctor or specialist deems the employee fir to return to work. The employer is exercising Duty of Care to the employee.

industrial relations tax cut

I was very dissapointed to see the newspool this morning, but I might add that I have never been called nor has any one I know. So I am wondering what electorates they do call.

I was dissapointed more that once that again aussies are thinking of their pocket, when marking down Kim. I can see where he is coming from, standing up for the low paid.

Perhaps he should have just sympathised with them and left it at that. Who knows.

This is probably in the wrong area.

But I would like people in different electorates to say whether they have ever been polled.

It would be fascinating to see which ones are.

Strange Bedfellows

The pending removal of workers rights/conditions seems to be moving quickly.

Only yesterday the news had reports that all State Labor Premiers would be united in opposing such change from a State perspective. Today's Courier Mail reports both Carr and Bracks are making deals with Howard already. Solidarity of one day, a new record perhaps.

Carr: Link.

Bracks: Link

On the other hand the Catholic Church is looking to support unions on this issue: Link

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