Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

the inspirational figure of tony abbott ...


Apart from the rotten government - or more likely because of the rotten government - the root of our troubles is what we are told is the two-speed economy. Australians west of Alice Springs and north of Toowoomba are whooping it up in their McMansions and their Ferraris while the rest of us are battling to pay off the eight-year-old Camry. The latest slug, sky-rocketing gas and electricity prices, will have us huddled for warmth around the light of a guttering candle.

It's all very well Glenn Stevens and Wayne Swan blathering on about the half-full glass, but that's cold comfort for struggling families doing their sums around the kitchen table and wondering how on earth they are going to afford this month's 4G smartphone or the Wi-Fi enabled Blu-ray 3D 64" home theatre system.So, anyway, is the view from the opposition. In these dark times, how fortunate we are to have the inspirational figure of Tony Abbott to sound the tocsin. Not a day goes by without him plucking a chook, humping a load of bricks or driving a forklift for the TV cameras in his noble pursuit of the prime ministership that is rightfully his, the long march that will lead us into broad, sunlit uplands.It beats me why his opinion poll approval ratings look like the temperature chart of a cold day in Reykjavik. Bemoaning this to his media adviser Alan Jones the other day, he explained it's because he's seen as the bearer of bad tidings. Poor man, a prophet without honour in his own land. It must be the pollsters.Cunning manipulators, they seek out those few misguided loons who believe Tony is an unprincipled opportunist devoid of policies but intent on forcing his antediluvian moral code upon us."WE'RE here to play," declared Mal Meninga as he arrived in Sydney on Wednesday morning for the State of Origin. "That's what the boys are focused on."Read more:

elected positions regardless of their day jobs?...

"There certainly was swearing in that meeting and I was certainly guilty of it as well," Mr Palmer said.
"I've got particular views on certain things, he's got particular views and they may be different."
Mr Palmer believes lobbyists should not hold executive positions in the party. This would disqualify Alexander Downer and Queensland powerbroker Santo Santoro serving as party vice- presidents.
Mr Palmer said his views were not personally directed against those people, but felt such office bearers should choose between those roles or remaining a paid lobbyist.
However, Mr Abbott said earlier today that everyone was entitled to serve in elected positions regardless of their day jobs, so long as they were qualified.
Mr Palmer said it was an "interesting discussion" and Mr Abbott was the first to raise his voice.
"I don't think I was the first person to raise my voice but I may have been the last one," he said.

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so far, tony has only done disservice to this country...


'I have an ingrained instinct to serve': Abbott

Tony Abbott has claimed some of the economic mantle of the Howard government and asked the Australian people to take him on the record of his lifetime and his "ingrained' instinct to serve.

Mr Abbott told the Liberal Party that he did not enter politics to become prime minister but to serve the country.

In a speech to the Liberal federal council that was pitched to positives rather than negatives, the Opposition Leader said he had been part of a good government that inherited a $10 billion budget black hole and turned it into surpluses.

"Those surpluses weren't just John Howard's and Peter Costello's," he said.

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Gus: The greatest service Abbott can do for this country is to vanish into thin air.... Come on!  Shooo!!!