Today, Fair Work Australia launched civil action against Craig Thomson based on a flawed investigation that has already been totally discredited. Peter Wicksreports.
Today, everybody acted all shocked and surprised when Fair Work Australia announced its claims against Craig Thomson.
These claims were based on the Fair Work Australia investigation that took what seemed like an eternity to complete - such was its total and utter mismanagement and mishandling.
This afternoon Bernadette O’Neill announced 37 alleged breaches of rules for officers of registered organisations such as unions, and 25 alleged breaches of the rules of the Health Services Union, of which Craig Thomson was secretary.
For a start, we need to understand that these are civil claims, not “charges” as the propaganda pieces in The Australian are already calling them. There are no such things as “civil charges”. Civil matters, civil cases, civil proceedings, and civil claims are real, but not civil charges. They don’t exist; it is like referring to hot ice ― total fiction.
Leave it to The Australian to create new terms like “civil charges” in an effort to incriminate Thomson over a civil matter.
Craig Thomson has denied all of these findings, and seems to believe that they are politically motivated. Who knows? Maybe he is right; maybe it is something to do with senate estimates, I don’t know, and frankly I’m not going to say I believe that as I haven’t given it much thought. I don’t really think that it matters.
What does matter, and what really surprises me, is how soon everybody seems to have forgotten the KPMG Report regarding the sorry excuse for what Fair Work Australia, loosely referred to as an “investigation”. Although, as I write this, someone at the ABC has remembered, I’m assured.
Just the fact that KPMG were asked to look at the investigation and produce an independent report should set alarm bells off. The KPMG report was thorough, and left the FWA Investigation looking somewhat less than amateur. For those who have forgotten, there is a link to the full report below:
The KMPG report was completed with the co-operation of all of the FWA staff except one, Michael Lawler, Kathy Jackson’s fiancé and appointee of Tony Abbott. However, Michael has stated that he had no involvement in the investigation, despite evidence that seems to dispute that claim.
So if the KPMG Report is to be dismissed, as Eric Abetz seems to think, then one can assume that the only flaw could be due to the fact that FWA Vice President Michael Lawler didn’t co-operate with KPMG. Does that mean that Abetz thinks Lawler influenced the investigation? After all, Lawler refused to hand over his laptop, the same one that had allegedly accessed HSU’s network.
So, if we take the results of FWA’s own independent report into the investigation at face value, than to say that investigation was flawed is an understatement. How can any of the claims that come from a totally discredited investigation be taken in any way seriously?
To say that a flawed investigation ended up at the right conclusion is like hoping to reach your destination by heading off in the wrong direction.
Once the dust-storm around this has settled, and Eric Abetz has finally calmed down, people will understand that these are just civil matters, the bulk of which Thomson has defended successfully previously. What really matters are the criminal matters and charges ― like those being faced by Michael Williamson.
However, I’m sure there will be those hoping to gain mileage out of today’s events.
People like Katrina Hart, Marco Bolano and Fluer Behrens will no doubt have plenty to say about Craig Thomson being appointed by Michael Williamson, and accusing everyone but themselves of being factional.
But they should remember that their backer and factional leader Kathy Jackson was also appointed by Williamson, and is currently being investigated by Victoria Police on numerous matters.
Katrina Hart, in particular, likes to tell everybody how anybody who ever passed Williamson in the street is irredeemably tainted, and that when it comes to cleaning out the union:
“There is only one way to be sure”.
On that statement, I totally agree ― don’t vote Hart, Bolano, or Behren’s; indeed, it’s the only way to be sure.
Craig Thomson's lawyer and Victorian Police are outraged the media seemingly knew search warrants would be executed at the federal MP's house early this morning.
NSW Police spent five hours at Mr Thomson's house, in Bateau Bay, and his electoral office, in Tuggerah, on behalf of Victorian Police, who are investigating his alleged misuse of union money.
Mr Thomson's lawyer, Chris McArdle, is outraged that a media scrum was there not long after the search began, with photographers and television news crews capturing most of the raid.
The MP's NSW central coast home and electorate office are more than an hour away from Sydney, where most of the media is based.
"The scandalous aspect of this is that press arrived almost at the same time as the police, and a camera crew was outside at almost the same time as the police," Mr McArdle said.
"In other words, Mr Thomson knew nothing about this but every journalist in the country did."
Lawyers for federal independent MP Craig Thomson are planning to take legal action against a Health Services Union (HSU) member who accused him of being a liar.
Katrina Hart, who is contesting HSU elections, was given seven days to retract comments she made about Mr Thomson or face defamation action.
That deadline expired on Monday.
Mr Thomson's lawyer, Chris McArdle, says he is serious about taking legal action against anyone who makes defamatory comments about his client.
"We will commence proceedings at a time of our client's choosing, but most likely after we have achieved dismissal of the defective and wrongly based litigation that has been commenced against him," Mr McArdle said in a letter to Ms Hart.
"The claims against him, made by you in the article in the Telegraph, are false."
The letter was sent on October 22 and offers to drop the legal action if Ms Hart apologised within a seven-day period.
But Ms Hart is refusing to budge, arguing she feels as though she is being forced into an apology.
"On top of that, I mean the evidence has been published in the papers," Ms Hart told ABC News Online.
"They can try (to sue me), but I've had three sets of legal advice - all separate - and everyone has actually laughed at that letter."
The legal threat was prompted by comments Ms Hart is quoted as having made to the Daily Telegraph newspaper on October 19 that Mr Thomson was not telling the truth in relation to claims he used HSU funds to pay for prostitutes.
Mr Thomson, who was the HSU's national secretary before entering Parliament, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing in relation to the accusations.
Ms Hart had publicly dared the federal MP to sue her.
TODAY THERE HAS BEEN a huge development in the case against Craig Thomson.
As those of you who have followed the case will be aware, the case against Thomson is based on two things:
The word of disgraced union turncoat Kathy Jackson.
The Fair Work Australia investigation that took place while Kathy Jackson’s then fiancé Michael Lawler was its Vice President and was later torn asunder by KPMG after an independent report into it was commissioned.
The former Fair Work Australia ‒ now the Fair Work Commission ‒ have been pursuing Thomson in court now for what now seems like an eternity about civil matters.
These civil claims started out, many may remember, at a headline grabbing figure of over $500,000. This figure has steadily dropped as things like facts and evidence have been taken into account and the figure now is well and truly under $30,000. Although ancient history, publications like The Australian still like to portray the old $500,000 figure as fact despite it being utter fiction.
Today there has been a development you won’t have to attend a shock jock’s wedding on the taxpayer dollar to find out about.
Today, the figure the Fair Work Commission is disputing seems to have dropped even further — much further, in fact.
The Fair Work Commission has today requested in court to settle the case through a mediator in a bid to reach a confidential agreement between themselves and Thomson.
Thomson has welcomed this proposal, which will no doubt be of considerable relief to him financially, as the cost of the constant travelling and legal representation to defend himself has been an anchor around his neck.
It is important to note that this request to settle though a mediator was made by the Fair Work Commission and not by Craig Thomson, which is a clear indication about which of the parties has the weaker case.
Once an agreement is reached ‒ if it is reached ‒ the civil case against Craig Thomson will cease.
Williamson now faces a hefty gaol sentence, where he will have plenty of time to sit back and ponder how he took the funds of some of the nation’s lowest paid workers to live the high life.
Even Kathy Jackson came out of hiding to have her say, being hailed as a hero from the right wing press and telling reporters there should be an inquiry into the HSU.
Kathy, I could not agree more.
We could start with your fiancé and his involvement. When there was an independent inquiry into the Fair Work Australia Investigation, an organisation at which your fiancé Michael Lawler was vice president, he was the only one who refused to co-operate with KPMG in the enquiry.
The only one. Why is that?
No need for an inquiry into Williamson, he is facing it in court as we speak.
No need for one into Thomson either, he is still in and out of court and Fair Work seem to be looking to bow out quietly in the civil matters by going into mediation.
So, I guess that leaves an inquiry into your spending on ski holidays, child care, booze etc and the cash payments and cash cheques, and companies that you owned such as Neranto #10. I could go on, but I won’t, the police have it all, and much of it is up on my Jacksonville resource page.
I think it is a fair question as to why you would think Craig Thomson spending $15 on an in-house movie while he was away from home on business is a horrendous rort of union members funds that should be punished, but your spending over $20,000 on a ski holiday on a union credit card is fine.
AsI suggested in a previous post, the Williamson case is being used as a trigger to mount a Royal Commission or Judicial Inquiry into union corruption. Kathy Jackson is being used as the Coalition puppet that pulls the trigger.
So what’s in this for Jackson?
I would presume that she is trying to seek immunity from prosecution from the mountains of allegations against her and immunity for Michael Lawler for his alleged involvement.
As we wait to hear whether Craig Thomson will appeal the verdict handed down in Magistrates Court last Tuesday, I thought it may be timely to clear a couple of things up.
THE ARTICLES I HAVE WRITTEN regarding the HSU saga, which is ongoing, have been grouped under the title Jacksonville for a reason. It’s because the investigation primarily relates to the evidence against Kathy Jackson and her factional support network.
Those who claim that the articles published here have been primarily about Craig Thomson are either flat-out lying or are perhaps supporters of Kathy Jackson, for whatever reason, be it politically or financially motivated.
Clearly Craig Thomson and his ongoing legal issues are a part of the HSU story and as such I have written many articles on his continuing legal battle.
However, my position on Thomson’s case has never been that he is innocent, my position has always been, and continues to be that he deserves a fair trial and that should not involve a trial by media.
On the other hand, I believe we have reported fairly and accurately at all times. Where we have made mistakes, as we have on a very small number of occasions, we have corrected these immeidately and made prominent notes to that effect.
The magistrate has made his decision, which surprised us somewhat given the many legal opinions we had heard on the case, but we have no gripe with it. If Thomson feels he has been hard unjustly convicted, he is able to appeal, as is fair and proper.
As a part of my coverage, I have endeavoured to show the aspects of the case that the mainstream media have decided you are not worthy of hearing and much of that would involve Thomson’s defence and reporting on some of the issues of the case against him.
However, what I could not ignore was what appeared to be a campaign of completely false claims, selective reporting of facts and blatant lies in the mainstream coverage of his case. I thought that the public should be aware of the fiction that was being published as fact and started reporting on the media.
For this, I have been called a Thomson cheerleader and flag waver by imbeciles that appear to like being misled and lied to by elements of the mainstream press. Then again, perhaps they are just Jackson cronies, hangers-on or right-wing nutjobs.
However, I was not alone in my condemnation of the mainstream, some of you may recall the opening statement of Magistrate Rozencwajg during the trial regarding the shameful coverage by ‒ surprise, surprise ‒ The Australian.
“Before we commence. At the outset I feel it is necessary to state that the article on the front page of The Australian last Tuesday reporting on the mention held on the 2nd September was factually incorrect in several significant respects. The court certainly made no determination as declared in the blaring headline, in fact I made no determination whatsoever. I have requested the Court Strategic Communications Advisor to take this issue up with the editor of The Australian newspaper and if necessary the Australian Press Council.”
I didn’t hear cries about the magistrate being a Thomson cheerleader however.
Allegations that Health Services Union (HSU) whistleblower Kathy Jackson ran a secret fund worth $285,000 have been sent to the royal commission into union governance and corruption.
Craig McGregor, the secretary of the Victorian HSU number 3 branch, says an investigation of internal banking records has confirmed that large sums of money were transferred into an account called the National Health Development Account.
"We've referred this matter to the relevant authorities, being the royal commission of course, and to Fair Work," he said.
"I would think that something like this would need to be disclosed to the membership.
"In fact... there seems to be some suggestion that there were efforts taken to make sure that this information wasn't discovered."
Mr McGregor is not alleging Ms Jackson used the money to help her political allies get elected.
"I'm suggesting there was some untoward movement of money from the union to another account and as to what purpose that money was put, at this stage, we don't know," he said.
Nine HSU branches are holding elections in June and Mr McGregor was asked if he would be running against allies of Ms Jackson.
"Certainly one would expect in a robust union that there would be elections transpire in every branch, certainly," he said.
The development comes as Ms Jackson pursues a claim for back pay from the union.
"There's certainly some irony there," Mr McGregor said.
"Ms Jackson has had a very colourful presence in the media for a long period of time but I think to many on the inside this comes as no great surprise.
"It's been a frustrating period for a lot of people."
"It dawned upon me after that visit, seeing what I saw and seeing some the behaviour of the people there, that something had to be done. But I knew that if I did something, it wasn't an easy thing to do, because they'd be after me."
Yesterday, the commission heard evidence that a $250,000 settlement for underpaid workers was transferred from the HSU into Ms Jackson's slush fund, called the National Health Development Account.
But Ms Jackson said she had been targeted for speaking out.
"I'm here telling the truth - I've always told the truth. And here I am as a target, not by the membership, but more importantly a target by the media, a target by the ALP and the Labor movement, which I knew would happen, but I'd never thought it would happen this badly."
, where to start with Kathy Jacksons one and a half days on the stand?
I could talk of how she spent half of her first day of testimony talking about the bullying and intimidation she claims to have received from Michael Williamson’s faction whilst her righthand man Marco Bolano was outside trying to intimidate and bully people during the breaks.
I could talk about the never-ending string of cash withdrawals that were made from the HSU bank account by her, one as high as $50,0000, that she nowclaims to not remember.
I could also talk of the fact that when Craig Thomson told us that others within the union could have accessed his credit card details, the notion was labelled outrageous and ridiculous by Kathy Jackson. Suddenly, when her expenditure is under question the entire union had access to her three credit cards.
I could also focus on why Jackson seems more interested in spending a fortune on lawyers to argue what may or may not be on her missing credit card statements, when she could just phone the bank and have copies sent to her.
Another strong contender for discussion could be the $284,000 taken from cancer workers and put into a slush fund which Jackson controlled and a significant portion allegedly used for her own personal purposes.
It would also be worth looking at a payment made to Shaun Hudson as a hush payment. Hudson was seeking to take legal action against the HSU Number 1 Branch for non-payment of his entitlements and was demanding money. Jackson in her sworn testimony accessed NHDA funds on Michael Williamson's advice to“shut him up”.
In 2007, details emerged of a secret slush fund called ‘Friends of Indi’, that included donations from British American Tobacco and was discovered after former Liberal Member Sophie Mirabella neglected to declare it, in direct breach of Australian Electoral Commission regulations..
At the time, Bede Fennell stated that he thought the money was being donated to the Liberal Party. However he went even further, stating:
“For us that’s the main thing. That’s why we disclose it. We wouldn’t be giving money to bodies that aren’t connected to the Liberal Party.”
To me, that is a very telling statement indeed.
If British American Tobacco will only donate to bodies connected to the Liberal Party, why then did they decide to fund HSU election campaigns for Kathy Jackson’s faction of the HSU?
Controversial unionist Kathy Jackson will attempt to avoid a $700,000 lawsuit against her by mounting part of her defence on the grounds that the alleged misuse of members' funds happened too long ago.
Ms Jackson, who is being sued by the Health Services Union in the Federal Court, filed a statement of defence on Friday, which strongly rejects the damning allegations against her.
The union claims Ms Jackson misused her office and misappropriated $250,000 of union money in a slush fund she created called the National Health Development Account.
The former union boss and whistleblower, who has been on extended leave from the HSU, said in her statement that the actions during each incident in question had been "rendered valid" under organisational law because they happened more than four years ago.
Under the Workplace Relations and Fair Work acts, an organisational officer's actions are validated after four years unless the Federal Court believes that to do so would cause "substantial injustice" to the organisation or anyone associated with it.
The authors of a sensational book about the corrupt former New South Wales Labor politician Eddie Obeid will offer a formal apology after it was pulled from shelves due to defamation action by one of the book’s subjects.
The best-selling book, He Who Must be Obeid, by journalists Kate McClymont and Linton Besser, alleged a former tourism taskforce (TTF) spokesman, Chris Brown, was “in business” with the Obeids.
Brown said the authors – who also mentioned his father John Brown, a former Hawke minister – mistook him for another Chris Brown.
McClymont on Thursday tweeted “a formal apology to come re mistaken identity”.
Brown was confused with Christopher Geoffrey Charles Brown, who was born 19 years before Brown in England, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph reported.
“The great investigative journalists who wrote the book didn’t bother to take the four minutes to check the Asic website,” Brown said.
I believe somewhere in this line of articles, Kate McClymont is mentioned for having used Kate Jackson as a source to bury Craig Thomson. If my memory serves me correctly, NOWHERE in Kate McClymont's "investigation" was Jackson shown as having siphoned possibly as much as 2 million dollars out the HSU... though the information (and some "proof") was available — since journalist Peter Wicks had shown it over and over in his blogs and articles. Now Jackson is about to fall down as she possibly should, but who knows what the courts will do...
I know better journalists who triple-check everything and editors who check five times over, not just the spelling of things... Usually stuff like this also go through "legals" where a legal eagle will ask the right questions... Where was this mistake made and why?
Those of us watching got to see some of Jeff’s charm and sense of humour in several his responses, involving the purchase of a Saab car that didn’t quite come off and the"very memorable day" he separated from Kathy.
However it was his recollection regarding the two payments he received from Kathy for $50,000 and $58,000 that were of greatest interest.
Kathy had previously explained away one as a loan to the Number 1 Branch of the union, despite it being paid to ex-husband Jeff directly and the other as being paid to him for electioneering purposes. Both of these payments were made from union members funds, the $50,000 payment was made using money from Kathy’s NHDA account, however records show that money had been transferred into that account from the HSU Cheque account.
“I believe, my best recollection was that it was payment in relation to a property settlement.”
It would seem from Jeff’s statement under oath, Union members have had the pleasure of paying for Kathy’s divorce settlement.
Lamps, child care, $3000 earrings, ski trips, divorce settlements and so on and so on — it seems there is not a lot Kathy’s members haven’t paid for by now.
After a short cross-examination, Kathy’s lawyer asked questions for what seemed like forever, but was probably about 15 minutes trying to raise doubt over Jeff’s testimony by questioning him on his memory, something which had already been established. It is worth noting that Jeff remained confident on his original response.
After lunch, some of Kathy’s faction went back on the witness stand and the wheels on that Jacksonville bus really started wobbling.
Former HSU Number 3 Branch vice president Kate Wilkinson was first up and was asked questions relating the BCOM member payments that she testified were no more than $100 a day. I mentioned in my article last time this testimony was given that this did not add up to what was withdrawn from the account.
Turns out I was right, the varying figures each month left thousands of dollars in change that went into a kitty, which was apparently kept in a steel box, was at Kathy’s disposal, and was unaudited and unregulated.
One thing was for sure, it was one well fed kitty. Some may even refer to it as a fat cat.
Wilkinson also stated that the money from the Peter Mac settlement – that some have described as a bribe – was passed to Kathy to use at her disposal for purposes for the good of the Union.
Normally, for a trade union, this would include flyers, and membership services and so on. For Kathy’s Union, it meant paying an ex-husband, child dentistry and spending at JB Hi-Fi and David Jones.
Health Services Union whistleblower Kathy Jackson has asked for a lawyer to be stopped from cross-examining her at the royal commission into union corruption because she had sex with him more than 20 years ago.
Ms Jackson submitted a statement outlining her sexual history with Mark Irving, who was scheduled to cross-examine her on behalf of the Health Services Union.
Commissioner Dyson Heydon rejected the submission and questioned the relevance of the sexual relationship, which took place in 1992.
Tony Abbott today launched another politically motivated witch hunt into supposed union corruption yet seems to have deliberately excluded any investigation into his former hero, Kathy Jackson. Peter Wicks from Wixxyleaks reports. WE USED TO BE FRIENDS!
This morning Tony Abbott launched his latest stunt — a joint police taskforce to investigate alleged corruption, violence and organised crime connections in the construction industry.
Announced in a press conference this morning with Victorian Premier Denis Napthine, the taskforce between the AFP and Victoria Police serves the dual purposes of again kicking the union industry as well as attempting to win votes for Napthine’s Coalition Government.
Allegations about so-called union corruption are seen as a sure vote winner in Liberal circles because of the union movement’s close links to the ALP. With the Liberals trailing Daniel Andrews’ ALP 44-56 (two party preferred) and the election set for November 29, Napthine will be hoping the taskforce brings up some serious dirt — and fast.
Of course, it is interesting that this new dirtdigging unit is only interested in looking into the construction industry union, the CFMEU.
It wasn’t so long ago, during the term of the previous government, that the Health Services Union was portrayed as being the worst of the worst by Abbott and co — yet it seems to have been deliberately excluded from this latest witch hunt.Could this have anything to do with the fall from grace of brave Joan of Arc-like whistleblower Kathy Jackson — a name that formerly could not be said enough times for the Coalition’s liking; a name that, in Coalition ranks, once seemed to be synonymous with everything the Liberal Party claimed to stand for?
This, of course, was back in the days when the HSU saga was working in the Liberal Party’s favour and they felt comfortable hitching the Coalitions credibility to Kathy Jackson’s integrity — blithely ignoring the mountain of allegations against her, even then.
Back then, current Employment Minister Eric Abetz couldn’t find enough glowing words to say about her — in fact every time he spoke of her it looked like his head was going to explode with pride and he even had her name was on his telephone’s speed dial.
George Brandis too, as Attorney-General and as Shadow AG has spoken about Jackson with admiration and a glint in his eye many a time.
Jackson was lauded by the shock-jocks, hailed a hero by the right-wing commentators and was even the guest of honour at an event at the home of union hatred, the HR Nicholls Society, which she happily attended as the guest of the lovable architect of WorkChoices, Peter Reith.
Yes, not so long ago, in the eyes of the Coalition and its many one-eyed camp followers, while she was piling allegation after allegation on Craig Thomson and running down the Labor Party, Jackson could do no wrong.
Moreover, back then Jackson was engaged to be married into a family considered Liberal Party royalty — the mighty Lawler family. Her fiancé Michael Lawler was the Tony Abbott appointed Vice President of Fair Work Australia, his brother John Lawler was then CEO of the Australian Crime Commission and their father Sir Peter Lawler — a senior staffer to PM Robert Menzies and Australia’s first Ambassador to the Holy See (The Vatican). Like the Abbotts, the Lawlers are said by some to have strong ties to the shadowy arch-conservative Catholic sect Opus Dei, as well as the Liberal Party.
But now, sadly for Jackson, things appear to have changed. The Coalition have seemingly turned on Kathy quicker than you can say “James Ashby”.
In Question Time on the 28 October, Christopher Pyne acting on Eric Abetz’s behalf as the Minister for Employment was attempting to besmirch Bill Shorten and Victorian Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews by linking the Victorian ALP to the CFMEU, when Labor MP Rob Mitchell made a comment about the Liberal’s friendship with Kathy Jackson, at which point the Speaker Bronwyn Bishop intervened.
The SPEAKER: Whoever made that comment will withdraw.
Mr Albanese: Madam Speaker, on a point of order: in what way is the name 'Kathy Jackson' unparliamentary?
The SPEAKER: Because it was reflecting on another member. I said: whoever made the comment will withdraw the comment.
I spoke to Rob Mitchell about the comment that had so greatly offended and its context.
Christopher Pyne had been trying to Labor Party as corruptly linked to the CFMEU, so Rob retorted with:
"Thanks Kathy Jackson"
Speaker Bronwyn Bishop was having none of it. Apparently, the same Party that could not align themselves with Jackson enough now think it is a huge insult to be linked with her.
How the mighty have fallen.
In Victoria, as part of their campaign the Liberal Party have launched a new website called:
‘Which Dodgy Character Will Turn Up At Labor’s Launch’.
It features a number of people the Victorian Liberal Party apparently view as dodgy.
One of those on the Coalition’s “dodgy” list is none other than their former Joan of Arc hero — Kathy Jackson.
The Victorian Liberal party describe her thus:
‘Health Services Union Secretary, Kathy Jackson, is alleged to have grossly misused union credit cards, cash cheques and general accounts and made unauthorised payments of over $1 million which workers are now trying to recover. These funds belonged to low paid, hardworking health workers.’
So, since the mainstream media started seeing Jackson’s true colours, the Liberal Party have tried to distance themselves from her — first by ignoring anything to do with her, then making mention of her name “unparliamentary” and then in Victoria even labelling her “dodgy” and seemingly accusing her of being a crook.
However, despite it being suddenly open season on Jackson, the man supporting and advising her ‒ someone allegedly heavily involved in the Jacksonville saga ‒ has so far been given a free pass while the taxpayer continues to pay his hefty wages.
One of the last people to receive a knighthood before they were abolished was Sir Peter Lawler, who is said to be a close friend of Tony Abbott’s father. I wonder if this had any bearing on Abbott’s decision.
Sir Peter is also a founder of the Australian Family Association, a far right-wing Christian lobby group, and, in 1986, was given the papal honour of Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX, a papal knighthood.
Currently, Sir Peter Lawler’s prospective future daughter-in-law Kathy is in a psychiatric hospital and, when she emerges, will face Federal Court for around $1.4 million in member’s funds she is alleged to have misappropriated, and will then likely face criminal charges.
I wonder if she’ll refer to Sir Peter and Lady Mary as Mum and Dad.
The civil claim against controversial unionist Kathy Jackson, who is being sued for $1.4 million for fraud and theft, has been delayed for a number of months due to her mental health problems.
The Federal Court on Wednesday heard evidence of Ms Jackson's health problems - certain details of which were suppressed by Justice Richard Tracey.
Justice Tracey said that the evidence of her psychiatrist Irwin Pakula was that Ms Jackson would not be able to deal with her legal issues until mid-January 2015 at the earliest.
Justice Tracey said Ms Jackson was in a medical facility under the care of her psychiatrist as a voluntary patient. The Federal Court had previously heard Ms Jackson was unable to give advice to her lawyers.
Associate Professor Pakula had said Ms Jackson was on medication which made her drowsy but that was over time her condition and ability to concentrate expected to improve, Justice Tracey said, although certain "stressors" such as dealing with legal issues could make it worse.
A mention hearing is set for February 6. Ms Jackson, who rose to prominence for exposing the corruption of Michael Williamson in the Health Services Union, is now being pursued by the union for corruption herself through this civil action. That trial had been set for December 1.
Here at Jacksonville alias (see main Jacksonville), we can only genuinely wish Kathy Jackson a speedy recovery... Meanwhile we wish to know who is footing the bill for Kathy's mental health care facility. Of course the Libs (CONservatives) and their scribes who were viciously after Craig Thomson by using Kathy as their shining light, are giving Kathy a quiet time...
Last month, the PIN numbers on Rofe’s bank account had to be changed after Jackson allegedly went on a spending spree with his card buying computer equipment — despite Rofe never having used a computer and being in no condition to learn now. This occurred in the same month Jackson’s lawyer tried to tell court that she may still be incapable of a defence due to the mental stress brought on on by a minor fire in a desperate (bid) to further delay her case from being heard.
In amongst all this, Jackson’s partner, Fair Work Commission Vice President Michael Lawler also became heavily involved in the finances of the dementia sufferer.
Michael Lawler fought for and was granted a power of attorney over the Rofe estate, as well as procuring for himself the role of David Rofe's financial manager through the NSW Guardianship Tribunal.
With this authority, Lawler purchased a $1.35 million dollar home with Rofe's money right next door to Jackson’s house in Wombarra, apparently for the dementia suffering 83-year-old man to stay in. Lawler insisted it was in Rofe’s best interest, despite the house allegedly being extremely poorly suited for a man of Rofe’s age and condition.
While all of this was going on, apparently Michael Lawler was hard at work on his approximately $435,000 taxpayer funded salary.
All this, of course, leaves another huge question mark over the judgement of the man who appointed him — Tony Abbott.
Michael Lawler was appointed to his senior role at the now Fair Work Commission by Tony Abbott in 2002 when he was Workplaces Relations Minister. This is an important judicial position, equivalent of a Federal Court judge, making it imperative that the holder of this position is someone of high moral standing, given they in a position to pass serious judgement on others. This is not the type of role for someone closely involved with an individual allegedly responsible for possibly the largest fraudulent misappropriation of union members' funds this country has ever seen. Nor is it the type of role that should be given to someone who, based on these latest allegations, has all the appearances of a gold digger a la, allegedly, Sophie Mirabella.
Former Federal MP and Health Services Union figure Craig Thomson should not face a civil trial because he has serious mental health problems, a court has heard.
Thomson is appearing in the Federal Court in Melbourne, accused of misspending union funds when he was national secretary.
He is being sued by the Fair Work Commission in the wake of a criminal trial and appeal.
Thomson, who is representing himself, told the court he is suicidal and living day-to-day.
Craig Thomson insists he is too mentally ill to return to court to fight a civil lawsuit after a judge dismissed his bid to have the case thrown out.
Federal court judge Christopher Jessup ruled the Fair Work Commission’s claim for compensation and damages over Thomson’s alleged misuse of Health Services Union funds should proceed.
But Thomson, who had argued the case should be dismissed because he is too mentally fragile, said he would not be in court when the hearing resumed on Monday afternoon.
“Without the help of mental health professionals I am not able to proceed,” Thomson said on Monday morning.
The former federal MP and disgraced former union boss made the statement in court after the judge dismissed his arguments.
He told the court he was suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome and a psychotic disorder, and the trauma he had suffered was exacerbated by media scrutiny.
Representing himself, he argued the legal battle risked causing serious deterioration of his mental health and there would be no utility in punishing him, as he had already suffered enough.
I am not saying that Thomson should not be facing "justice", but that he should be afforded the same respite alleged treatment as Ms Jackson who seems to be still an alleged "protected species" despite having allegedly rorted the union fund far more than Thomson is allegedly having done. But her alleged "boyfriend" is one bigwig at the Fair (alleged) Work Commission and one should not expect any less alleged than a few favours, allegedly. Where is alleged Ms Jackson anyway? Is she still in treatment for alleged mental derangement or is she allegedly taking advantage of her alleged newly acquired fortune "by having taken alleged care" of a dying old man, with her alleged "boyfriend"?... Was she a mirage in our alleged binoculars?
With Kathy Jackson facing Federal Court over allegedly rorting the HSU for $1.4 million and her Fair Work Commission partner Michael Lawler trying desperately to get hold of her assets, maybe it is time Tony Abbott has a long think about the quality of his friends. Peter Wicks from Wixxyleaks reports.
There appears to be no end of criticisms that can be directed at Tony Abbott. And that chorus of criticisms has become louder, of late, with Abbott refusing to answer questions on whether he has made payments to people smugglers.
This week, two of those close to Abbott had their integrity once again called into question.
Kathy Jackson, the woman Tony Abbott saw fit to praise uncategorically on the floor of Parliament, has made yet another desperate bid to have the $1.4 million matter against her thrown out of Federal Court. As those who have followed the case would be aware, this matter has been delayed for over a year now and Kathy will be finally forced to stand trial on 28 June.
It should also be remembered that this is just the civil matter against Jackson. At present Victorian Police are still investigating Jackson's actions and many are expecting criminal charges to be laid after the civil matter is out of the way.
If criminal charges are laid against Jackson and she is found guilty, then much of her wealth could be viewed as the proceeds of crime.
Long before that happens, though, the long suffering members of Kathy Jackson’s former branch – a branch that has gone forward in leaps and bounds since her faction was voted out of power – will be hoping some of their money can be retrieved via the Federal Court.
One thing is clear, those in the Jacksonville camp are not confident about the outcome of the Federal Court case they have succeeded in delaying for around a year. If confidence were something Jackson’s team were overflowing with, the matter would have been dealt with long ago, instead there have been breaches of court orders, dialing in a lawyer from what sounded like the beach complete with seagulls, admissions to luxury psychiatric facilities and a litany of failures to provide the correct documentation or attend listed hearings.
However, this week perhaps the greatest sign of impending doom from the Jackson camp has become known and, lo and behold, it involves one of Tony Abbott’s childhood friends and court appointees.
That's right, Michael Lawler, the man Tony Abbott appointed as vice president of Fair Work Australia – now the Fair Work Commission – has once again entered the fray.
Lawler is partner of self-proclaimed HSU blower Kathy Jackson. It has emerged this week that Jackson has started the process of transferring her $1.8 million property into Michael Lawler’s name, although the process has yet to be completed. Attempts are now being made through the courts to prevent the transfer from happening.
This is the man whom we have been repeatedly assured had nothing to do with the HSU saga. Perhaps these assurances have come due to his convenient and close proximity to the Fair Work Australia investigation that was the basis for his partner Jackson’s self-proclaimed whistle-blower status over the media trial and public bloodlust for Craig Thomson, who was eventually found not guilty of virtually every charge in court, with the only charges sticking being ones for paltry amounts that had nothing to do with prostitution, brothels, pornography or any of the other unproven and wild allegations so beloved by Australia's media.
Abbott’s mate Lawler has seen his reputation being slowly torn asunder, with last weekend's The Australian detailing much of what regular readers here have known for a long time now. Details of the enormous amount of time off Lawler has been taking from his $430,000 per annum taxpayer funded role at FWC, the ludicrous intervention in Federal Court proceedings on Jackson’s behalf and even the snail's pace at which Lawler’s publicly funded hearings proceeded.
Although claims were made that he has had nothing to do with the HSU matter, despite being the partner of a central figure and being vice president of the organisation that kicked the whole matter off, these claims have proven to have a strong stench about them. A stench that must be all too familiar to the man who appointed him, Tony Abbott — arguably the country's most notorious breaker of promises and promoter of his own strange and unique brand of "gospel truth".
Former Health Services Union boss Kathy Jackson has declared bankruptcy and has not appeared for the first day of a hearing into a civil claim against her, the federal court has been told.
Jackson was due to appear in the federal court on Monday for the start of a civil case brought against her by the union for allegedly acting outside her authority as national secretary and spending $660,000 in funds on personal expenses, including holidays and shopping.
The HSU had also been seeking to freeze Jackson’s assets.
Barrister James Johnson, acting for Jackson’s former lawyer and her partner Michael Lawler, told the court on Monday that “events had occurred over the weekend involving the bankruptcy of Ms Jackson”.
----------------------------- Excellent... All the tricks in the book... All her assets have been transferred to Michael Lawler... And she and her mate Lawler are great friends with our Turdy who in his suppository wisdom forced Thomson to apologise to Jackson and others, some crooks, IN PARLIAMENT... When the sewer stinks, think of Turdy... Actually think of Turdy as a sewer... Not appearing in court, though her lawyer did (how is he paid if Jackson is "bankrupt"? Pro-bono? Paid by "someone" else?) can often lead to "contempt of court"...
It would be interesting to see how that would handled should he pass during her bankruptcy period (that the union may seek to extend to eight years); the union may be able to claim almost all of it.
Rest assured, however, that I’m sure Tony Abbott’s brave and courageous woman, and the man he appointed as the nation's second highest-ranking industrial judge, are working on that now. No doubt the dementia-dollars will find themselves funneled into some trust fund in a kid's name or something.
As for the bankruptcy, Team Jackson has appointed Hall Chadwick to handle the affairs. To say Hall Chadwick don’t come cheap is an understatement of epic proportions, below is their rate card.
This to me seems a bit like buying a Rolls Royce to hook up a trailer so you can cart your belongings to the pawn shop.
Fortunately, Lawler is picking up the tab, which is likely more affordable when you are in receipt of a multi-million dollar property and receive a massive taxpayer funded wage for the job you seldom seem to show up for.
On this subject, The Australian is currently dumping all over Michael Lawler for taking month after month of sick-leave from his $430,000 taxpayer-funded role that Tony Abbott bestowed upon him.
Perhaps News Ltd should cut him a little slack?
I can think of at least one time where Lawler has rocked up to the office well outside office hours. Not only that, the occasion even occurred on his son’s birthday.
You see, Lawler and Jackson allegedly held an 18th birthday party for Lawler’s son. Kathy knew Lawler’s son well, as payslips prove; she had previously employed him at her union, paying him a higher rate than most of her members earned and during Xmas holidays. She did this despite Lawler’s son being located in a different state. Just for good measure, she also employed Lawler’s other son.
Insider Mike Seccombe says Tony Abbott should be defended for his Kathy Jackson "captain's pick" because, he says, everyone 'thought she was a hero at the time'. Managing editor David Donovan says he's heard it all now.
Do you watch ABC Insiders?
You know, that long hour on Sunday when those incomparable experts from the Canberra Press Gallery sit around on comfortable chairs talking to each other about the state of the nation for the vast benefit of us slow-witted simpletons.
Regrettably, I caught a bit of this show last week. I turned it off when one of them started talking about how "everyone" was wrong about the world's worst ever whistleblower, Katherine Jackson.
You see, former HSU boss Kathy Jackson was, last week, adjudged by the Federal Court of to have rorted about $1.4 million from some of the lowest paid workers in the country.
Back in 2012, Parliament hung on a knife edge and the Liberal Party were waging a campaign to remove Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson, and so the Gillard Government. Then in walked Kathy Jackson, dishing the dirt on Craig Thomson. As a result, she was described as "heroic" and "credible" by silly Tony Abbott and a "lion of the union movement" by oily Christopher Pyne.
"She blew the whistle because I urged her and encouraged her to do so and reminded her that it was her duty to do so," he said.
"Really this, for her, is a case of redemption."
Lawler admits to working on Jackson's defence while on leave
Filming with Four Corners for five weeks, Mr Lawler's decision to break his silence coincides with a government-ordered investigation into his conduct announced last week.
His vice presidency at the Fair Work Commission can only be terminated through a motion of Parliament.
Mr Lawler has been criticised over his involvement with the legal dramas of Ms Jackson, his partner of seven years, while on extended leave.
He has taken more than nine months' sick leave since May 2014.
Mr Lawler confirmed to Four Corners that during his time off he spent extensive time working on Ms Jackson's defence. All the while he was paid his full, taxpayer-funded salary of approximately $430,000.
Now, taken sick leave? NINE MONTHS? Working on Ms Jackson's defence? IS THIS SICK-LEAVE OR JUST PLAIN SICK? Was the SICK leave approved by the board of Fair Work Commission for him to work on Ms Jackson's case? Would not this would be fraudulent of the board to grant such approval? "A case of redemption" for Kathy blowing the whistle on Craig Thomson having possibly accidentally charged the HSU around $5000 amount he was not entitled to, while she extracted more than $1.4 million in fringe benefits SHE WAS NOT ENTITLED TO?
Is redemption a case of admitting a sin and being redeemed for it? Is this redemption not like a case of of stealing thousand times more that the person she ratted on?
WHAT WAS THE POLITICAL MOTIVATION? Lawler was (is?) a friend of Tony Abbott, isn't he? Who pushed Lawler's buttons?
Ah I see... there was the case of some "prostitutes" somewhere...
I hope 4-C is not going to tell us to feel sorry about the shameful mistreatment of Mr Lawler and Ms Jackson by the "social media"... Can one say that those two made life a misery for Craig Thomson — for nothing else but political advantage for Tony Abbott against Julia Gillard? Should they both should be shamed and send to the stockade for fraud ON ALL COUNTS?
"that he helped organise a private investigator to look into the conduct of Craig Thomson and Michael Williamson."
Who paid for the private investigator? My guess is the bill would have been sent to the Fair Work Commission... Another No-No with public entities...
The former Health Services Union official Kathy Jackson has been charged with 70 counts of criminal misconduct.
Guardian Australia understands the charges were laid on Wednesday morning by Victoria police, and Jackson will face Melbourne magistrates court on 19 September.
Victoria police said that it and the Australian federal police’s joint union taskforce Heracles had charged a 49-year-old New South Wales woman with 70 counts of theft and deception-related offences as a part of an ongoing investigation.
In August 2015 Jackson was involved in a case before the federal court with the HSU seeking repayment of $1.4m relating to her time as national secretary of the union. Jackson was national secretary between January 2008 and February 2015.
Jackson became a household name as a whistleblower alleging corruption within the HSU. Before her case against her former union, she was lauded by Coalition figures including Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne, who said she would be remembered as a “lion of the union movement”.
Guardian Australia has contacted Jackson for comment.
The former Health Services Union official Kathy Jackson has been charged with 70 counts of criminal misconduct.
Guardian Australia understands the charges were laid on Wednesday morning by Victoria police, and Jackson will face Melbourne magistrates court on 19 September.
Victoria police said that it and the Australian federal police’s joint union taskforce Heracles had charged a 49-year-old New South Wales woman with 70 counts of theft and deception-related offences as a part of an ongoing investigation.
In August 2015 Jackson was involved in a case before the federal court with the HSU seeking repayment of $1.4m relating to her time as national secretary of the union. Jackson was national secretary between January 2008 and February 2015.
Jackson became a household name as a whistleblower alleging corruption within the HSU. Before her case against her former union, she was lauded by Coalition figures including Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne, who said she would be remembered as a “lion of the union movement”.
Guardian Australia has contacted Jackson for comment.
The former Health Services Union official Kathy Jackson has been charged with 70 counts of criminal misconduct.
Guardian Australia understands the charges were laid on Wednesday morning by Victoria police, and Jackson will face Melbourne magistrates court on 19 September.
Victoria police said that it and the Australian federal police’s joint union taskforce Heracles had charged a 49-year-old New South Wales woman with 70 counts of theft and deception-related offences as a part of an ongoing investigation.
In August 2015 Jackson was involved in a case before the federal court with the HSU seeking repayment of $1.4m relating to her time as national secretary of the union. Jackson was national secretary between January 2008 and February 2015.
Jackson became a household name as a whistleblower alleging corruption within the HSU. Before her case against her former union, she was lauded by Coalition figures including Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne, who said she would be remembered as a “lion of the union movement”.
Guardian Australia has contacted Jackson for comment.
When he read the moving tale of brave whistleblower Marco Bolano in the Herald last Saturday, Peter Wicks nearly choked on his cornflakes. Here he tells the real story of Jacksonville’s “good people”, including Kathy Jackson’s astonishing activities just prior to the police raid on the HSU offices in May.
As progress was made this week in cleaning up the HSU, Peter Wicks turns his gaze towards that other apparently “compromised” organisation, Fair Work Australia.
IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION that some of the suspicions I have had regarding Michael Lawler’s involvement in the Fair Work Australia investigation into his fiancé’s Union, HSU, may be “circumstantial”.
This is true, there are some things that can be put down to chance, and given that the vice president of FWA, Lawler is engaged to Kathy “Joan Of Arc” Jackson, Secretary of the Health Services Union, I guess it can be easy to jump to conclusions.
[New to the saga? Get up to date at IA’s dedicated “Jacksonville” page.]
In a remarkable coincidence, in December 2011, somebody accessed HSU’s computer network, including all of the personnel files. I suppose these things can happen; people playing silly buggers, someone accidentally hitting the keys in the right order — not that alarming, I guess.
Peter Wicks unearths explosive documents showing HSU East auditor Ian Temby QC intentionally ignored any allegations of corruption not connected to Michael Williamson.
Well, it seems it’s finally going to happen — HSU East is actually going to cease to exist once and for all. Below is a link to the newsletter announcing it.
It would appear that the Administrator is aiming for tomorrow for the de-merger, thus splitting the union back into three pieces again. Those three pieces would be HSU NSW, and the Number 1 and Number 3 branches in Victoria.
This brings us to the election of secretary, and assistant secretaries, of each of these union branches — something there has been much speculation about.
Kathy Jackson, knowing just what to aim for, is hoping for the position of executive president, according to her words in a recent interview in The Australian. And why not? Who wouldn’t go after that position?
Actually, there are quite a few who wouldn’t. You see, what apparently hasn’t yet dawned on Jackson yet is that after the de-merger that position won’t exist. She would have a better chance going for a gig as the lead singer of Pussy Riot.
Still, the members in Victoria should be pleased Jackson has moved to Sydney for the occasion. Keen to show members she is just like them, she has changed her address to Chifley – a suburb near the airport – in a house that is far from glamorous.
For those of you getting all teary eyed and concerned after this drastic drop in living standards, don’t panic. Remember, Jackson and fiancé Lawler aren’t really struggling; it hasn’t been that long since their combined incomes put them in the top 1 per cent of earning households in the country. You know, just like most of the Union members…
What Jackson hasn’t told everybody is that the house she is renting in Chifley is owned by Katrina Hart, and Jackson still has her multi-million dollar mansion in Melbourne.
THE acting national president of the embattled Health Services Union, Chris Brown, has moved formally to remove Kathy Jackson as the union's national secretary and is expecting a long and protracted fight. Ms Jackson, the so-called whistleblower on the alleged corruption in the union, ignored calls from Mr Brown last week to step down after Victorian police said they were investigating her time as secretary of the now defunct Victoria Number 3 branch. ''I will be charging Kathy Jackson under the registered rules of the union with gross misconduct, gross neglect of duty and substantial breach of the rules and be seeking her removal from office,'' Mr Brown said last night. ''This move is necessary to ensure that the rebuilding of the Health Services Union … had every chance of succeeding.'' Mr Brown is charging Ms Jackson with 10 breaches of the union rules, which are not the same as the allegations made to police. However, the investigation by the Victoria Police fraud and extortion squad was a factor.
...allegations regarding Michael Lawler are particularly interesting, as he has consistently claimed he has not been involved with, or interfered in, HSU business, despite the amount of evidence disputing this claim. Maybe a front page with a photo of Lawler with a stretched nose, and the headline “We Don’t Believe You” would be in order?
Apart from the language, and the alleged threatening nature of the call, the most alarming thing to me is this part:
“… you can fuck off and take sick leave if you don’t want to do the work and still be paid but you can’t resign, just go off on sick leave but don’t do this.”
I was unaware that the vice president of Fair Work Australia had the authority to tell people not show up for work on the HSU’s behalf, or to exert pressure on employees of the HSU.
Indeed, I was unaware that the vice president of Fair Work Australia had the authority to decide on members behalf that their money should be spent paying somebody to do nothing. I was most certainly unaware that the vice president of Fair Work Australia could tell an employee of the HSU directly that they cannot resign.
Luckily for the members, Carol had just a little more integrity than her abusive caller, preferring instead to actually work for a living. I know that probably seems foolish to people like Jackson, Lawler, and Jackson’s mate Rob Elliott — who still, to this day, collects a salary from the HSU despite not having worked there for years. But the members should count their blessings Carol Glen does not feel the same.
When will the "real" media (sorry I meant the Merde-och gutter press) start to challenge Senator Abetz and his friends (Tony Abbott's friends actually) Lawler and Jackson on this HSU issue... Of course the Libs (conservatives) would know something more, would not they? Tony Abbott appointed Lawler, did not he?...
I guess it is fortunate that Higgins wrote his story, as it provides a chance for the truth to reach the membership and for them to become aware of the factional goings on behind the scenes. It also helps Stuart Miller in his campaign, I’m sure, as it is my understanding that the number of members that read these articles on Independent Australia andWixxyLeaks vastly exceeds the number of members who read The Australian.
For good measure, Higgins mentions at the end of the story that Michael Williamson “did not return calls”, seemingly to add a sense of conspiracy.
Higgins may have missed it when I broke the story here, or maybe he has been living in a cave for the last week or so, but Michael Williamson was charged recently with a number of offences relating to the HSU. One result of this is that, as part of his bail conditions, he is not allowed to discuss HSU matters with anybody but his lawyer and police; this would most definitely count Mr Higgins out.
Higgins may as well have included Barack Obama, The Pope, or the Queen as part of his conspiracy ― he would have had a greater chance of any of these people returning his call.
The public perception of The Australian over the last couple of years has been that of printed propaganda. I am also aware that this is something News Ltd is attempting to address. However, it is articles like this that encourage the perception.
In fact, I would suggest that stories like this go a step further to become factional printed propaganda.
There is never a dull moment in Jacksonville, it seems.
Kathy Jackson, apparently, has tired of the idea of taking on the Federal Court’s Justice Flick and his idea of appointing an administrator to the HSU, yesterday dropping her appeal against Flick’s ruling. Now that so much of the members’ money has been wasted on the process, apparently she has walked past a café and smelt the coffee. The best option now, she says, is to call HSU elections as quickly as possible!
I wonder, does this mean she has recently found new factional allies? I have heard murmurs of her doing deals with some of those running tickets that, until this announcement, I would not have thought were likely bedfellows at all.
My gut tells me, and it speaks loudly at times, that this new move is primarily to do with the Temby Report’s release this week.
You see, now that the much awaited Temby Report is out, Kathy may believe she has some clear air to make a dash for the elections. After all, Kathy has been claiming proudly that the Temby Report exonerates her and shows she was right all along.
No and no. It doesn’t do either of those things.
Because the dismally disappointing Temby Report did not go into any of the allegations, actions, or operations of the Victorian branches. Branches like the HSU #1 Branch and the #3 Branch merged with HSU NSW and formed HSU East. While the investigation went into allegations regarding Michael Williamson, pre-merger in NSW, nothing into the Victorian allegations was looked into whatsoever.
For Kathy Jackson to claim this report exonerates her is totally and utterly ridiculous. This is like a historian doing a report on the history of European war crimes and leaving out Germany entirely, overlooking anything that occurred after 1938, and then claiming the report exonerates Adolf Hitler.
Yes, Jackson’s claims are that ludicrous.
As for Temby’s report showing that Kathy was right about saying there was corruption within the HSU — well tie me down and call me Nancy! What a revelation that was. One only has to take a look at any newspaper on any day to see that it seems rife with corruption. Temby pointing out the bleeding obvious doesn’t exonerate anyone, it just shows one has powers of observation at least on a par with the average 2 year-old. In fact, Craig Thomson was talking about internal corruption long before Jackson and long, long, before Temby.
Seeing as the Temby Report is now out, I thought a “Wixxy Report” might be in order. I’ll warn you, though, I’m not a QC and I’m not paid in 5 minute increments, so I won’t bother to bore you with 91 pages of superfluous crap. I have, however, been looking into the goings on within this Union for quite a while now and have some points that others seem to have missed — despite possessing considerable advantages in time and resources.
My report may not be as formal as others, but you’ll be pleased to know that it is no less opinionated than the Temby Report. I just like to think my brief report will be easier to read and will waste less ink and paper if someone deems it worthy of printing. (Note: please don’t print it — read it online and help save the planet.)
The one thing I know HSU members will love about my brief report is this: it won’t cost them jack. Some people will say that is what it’s worth, but hey — at least I’m trying to provide value, a little bit of bang for no bucks.
So here it is:
The Wixxy Report
The Temby Report
Yes, coming in at 91 pages and $465,300 ( approximately $5113.18 per page) is the Temby Report.
For this, Ian Temby QC was paid $223,300 and his bean counter, Robertson, $242,000 (including GST).
Kate McClymont of Fairfax, however, despite having clearly contributed vast amounts of the information to this report received nothing!
If I was Kate, I’d be shooting off an invoice. Her work seemed to be the basis of much of this report and I reckon she has been hard done by.
For the Union members, the cost must seem outlandish. In fact, given that the paper Kate McClymont writes for, the Sydney Morning Herald, costs $1.70, the Union could have just purchased a copy of the paper each day. And they could have done this for over 749 years and still saved themselves money. (Plus they would have had pictures and TV guides.)
The Temby Report suggests that there should be more tenders for services provided to the Union. Given the quality of this report, and the fact that there was no tender process involved when Temby was appointed the job, he may be onto something.
In true professional manner, Temby has chosen to include a few things in his report that others may have neglected. Things others would consider private, like home addresses and the salary details of employees who are not executives or elected officials. Charming.
However, just when you think it can’t sink any lower, there is a former employee named – for no apparent reason, it would seem, other than to smear them – who retired in 2002. I would suggest that this is bad form, except for one thing — the person mentioned passed away 4 years ago. What was the point?
The Temby Report had guidelines, which are detailed in the document, below details of the Union Council Motion.
The report, it is clearly stated, is to be on HSU East — not any other branches. However there is a point that raises the possibility of Temby looking into related branches that merged to form HSU East — branches such as HSU NSW and the number 1 and 3 branches in Victoria. Or, as it says:
“Other matters as determined appropriate by the Independent Panel.”
With that in mind, the “Independent Panel” decided that it was not appropriate to look into the older branches like Branch 1 and Branch 3 — the ones run by Jeff and Kathy Jackson.
However, further displaying their independence, in the investigation into NSW, things were run a little differently. In looking at the HSU NSW branch, run by Michael Williamson, it suddenly became entirely appropriate to go beyond the report parameters, it seems. Well, past them, in any case.
The companies listed below were investigated, and have had outstanding payments withheld in some circumstances. All of these companies were dealing with the HSU before HSU East was formed.
Access Focus
United Edge
Mah Chut Architects
Studio 19
Imaging Partners
Some of these companies are owned, or partially owned, by the Williamson family – such as Canme, United Edge and Studio 19 – so I guess that is fair enough to delve into. But why the others?
Also, why not investigate Koukouvaos Consulting, Neranto #10, and Pinpoint Training? They are all owned by the Jacksons, and all seem to have large amounts of union money going through them. That would show independence.
Maybe independence was just an aspiration for Temby — one that doesn’t seem to have played out in practice.
Later in the report, wage rises are mentioned. After amalgamation, Peter Mylan received a lucky 13 per cent increase for performing a monumental task of holding the Union together through its biggest crisis. Michael Williamson received a 25 per cent increase that seems questionable at best.
Kathy Jackson, meanwhile, received a whopping 66 per cent and Marco Bolano an utterly obscene 70 per cent increase — for, from what I can see, absolutely nothing whatsoever.
One notable thing that did – or, more accurately, didn’t – come out of the report was the total lack of any evidence concerning Craig Thomson.
Temby talks scathingly about nepotism throughout the union, like it is a disease that plagued it— in NSW. Of course, there are Jackson family and friends scattered throughout Victoria and Michael Lawler’s kids were even employed by Jackson on handsome hourly rate, yet none of this was worthy of a mention by Temby?
Temby, it seems, does not like to see friends, or particularly family being promoted in the workplace.
However, the Cupco flyer, pictured below, was allegedly attached to documents circulated by Temby to HSU staff. The idea being to promote his son Luke at his upcoming “doll” exhibition.
What good form from the QC, and what a fine display of taste also — to attach a flyer advertising a display of “Paedophiles, Bitches, Shitler, Gadaffi”. Sheer elegance personified.
In my view, far from the Temby report being a smoking gun, as some hysterical media organisations have sought to portray it, in fact the final report bears more of a resemblance to a steaming …. well, I’m sure you can finish that thought.
The Fair Work Australia Investigation
One of the longest investigations in Australia’s history was, at long last, finally thrust into our faces on the 7th of May 2012.
The investigation’s parameters appear to have been broad — to find corruption in the HSU by anybody whose surname was not Jackson.
The investigation by Fair Work Australia has seen the President of FWA, Iain Ross, repeatedly refuse to endorse it in any way. The investigation has also launched a Senate Inquiry.
The Secretary of the union supposedly being investigated, Kathy Jackson, told the world on ABC’s 7.30 program how she used to discuss the investigation in depth with her fiancé at home, and a PDF file even shows she accessed a FWA computer during the investigation. Could that be because her fiancé is the second most senior officer in that organisation?
Michael Lawler, the vice president of FWA, Tony Abbott appointee, son of Sir Peter Lawler (Liberal Party legend as well as board member of a Catholic Political Lobby group) is now best known as the fiancé of Kathy Jackson.
Michael Lawler is also the man who Jeff Jackson had allegedly complained to the FWA President about, concerning conflicts of interest due to his involvement with the HSU and Jackson’s wife at the time — Kathy Jackson. Lawler is also the man that General Secretary, Peter Mylan, complained to FWA about him repeatedly interfering in Union business.
Lawler’s fiancé, and HSU secretary, Kathy Jackson, was also the one who delivered boxes of evidence to the investigator, Terry Nassios. Of course, Nassios also complained — that these boxes he had been delivered arrived opened, so therefore any evidence was compromised.
It should therefore come as little surprise that the findings seemed to totally miss the mountains of documentation that raised questions about Jackson. The documentation IA found part-time in a few day with no money and almost no resources.
The FWA investigation, despite taking years, is worth next to nothing in my view. It relies on hearsay, evidence that has now been discredited by its own source, and used documentation that was allegedly tampered with.
FWA investigator Terry Nassios said it best at the Senate Committee hearing last week, when when he said his investigation “would not stand up to police scrutiny”.
What was the point of it, then?
Wixxy’s Opinion and Recommendations
Facing court in Victoria currently, are Pauline Fegan and Shaun Hudson. These people are bit players, however justice should run its course and we should wait and see what the courts decides their fate should be.
Also facing court in Victoria is Jeff Jackson. Jeff, however, is not a bit player — not at all.
I would recommend a forensic audit of the entire HSU number 1 Branch — Jeff’s old branch. There are many questions raised in my earlier posts about credit card expenditure on things such as brothels, travel, restaurants, and even Foxtel subscriptions — all of which appear on Jeff’s Union credit card statement. There are also issues concerning Jeff’s entitlements after his employment ceased at the HSU. For example, why did he still have a company car until April 2012 and why was he allegedly still receiving payments from the Union years after finishing there? The forensic audit should go back to a year before Jeff Jackson became secretary, in my opinion.
Craig Thomson should be left alone, at least by the media. If he has, in fact, done something wrong – and I’m not saying at all that he hasn’t – it would appear to have been minor. The media talked up the allegations against him, plastering them all over the front pages, but largely ignored the explanations that have so far cleared him. He has been investigated by everybody but Inspector Gadget and yet no charges have ever been laid. If there is something there with substance, let’s save his poor family the death by a thousand cuts and deal with it in the appropriate forum. Otherwise, let’s build a bridge and move on.
When it comes to Michael Williamson, I don’t know how much more needs to be done. Michael has more questions to answer than a contestant on Jeopardy so let’s just get on with it without any more delays and dragged out investigations. There are many people who would like nothing more than to get on with their lives.
Unfortunately, their fate is tied up with the Michael Williamson investigation through no fault of their own, with no suggestion they did anything wrong. They are the most tragic victims of this whole affair.
There is, seemingly, a mountain of evidence for the courts to wade through, so let’s roll up our sleeves, grit our teeth and let rip. If we need more investigators, let’s get them; this whole mess has taken way too long.
As for Kathy Jackson, well, I think she is 100 per cent right about one thing — she is overpaid. The HSU number 3 branch needs a forensic audit and a forensic investigation into its activities, its expenditure and, above all, its management and leadership.
Kathy Jackson should be investigated as heavily as Michael Williamson. With the sheer amount of unexplained expenditure allegedly connected to her, I do not understand what is holding things up.
To demonstrate the concerns, below is a letter sent to the Victorian Police Commissioner from Peter Mylan, which details items that need police investigation.
My investigations have uncovered more information on some of these queries, as have internal HSU investigations, however it is well past time for the police to ramp up their efforts. I am aware Victoria Police are investigating, however again things are moving far too slowly.
A Judicial Inquiry is required to look into the FWA investigation, which has become a farce, with the President refusing to endorse it and the investigator claiming it would not stand up to police scrutiny. Indeed, it was released under Parliamentary privilege because there were fears it could spark defamation actions. Questions have been raised, such as: why was the investigation so weak? Why did it take so long? Why did the Union secretary have access to FWA computers? And why did Michael Lawler become so involved in HSU affairs? These questions need to be answered promptly and forensically.
A Senate Inquiry has failed to address these issues. Indeed, one member of that Inquiry, Eric Abetz, has had his name appear on Jackson’s phone records for the period the Inquiry was sitting. Another reason a Judicial Inquiry is vital.
I would also recommend a Royal Commission or an investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption into any Liberal Party involvement or influence over any of the investigations. (Perhaps this could also take in the James Ashby – Peter Slipper affair, which has a similar smell about it.)
We have seen phone calls and texts from Jackson to Eric Abetz’s staff and NSW Finance minister Greg Pearce. Tony Abbott has been making passionate speeches in Parliament praising Jackson. We have also seen Jackson making speeches at HR Nicholls Society events.
I would also like to see Rob Elliott stop receiving a wage, despite not having worked at the Union since 2002. Marco Bolano’s right hand man, Jamie Martorana, also still receives payments despite no longer working at the HSU. This is not good enough; members money should be spent defending members, not paying mates.
For anything less than the above to occur is going to deliver a half-arsed result and is, in my view, only going to confirm suspicions about corrupt practices at work.
It is also worth noting that this union controls over 600 delegate votes at ALP conferences. That is quite a substantial number and quite a lot of power.
The Union members are predominantly left leaning, however the votes under the management of Michael Williamson have propped up the ALP Right’s vote.
I, for one, would like to see the members delegates vote in a way that that reflects the wishes of the members — not the leader, and especially not one who is being investigated for corruption.
The members — because, after all, that what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Some of you in the Union hierarchy may remember them.
I have been writing articles about Jacksonville and its inhabitants for quite a while now. So, now it is time to look at another friend – well, ex-friend – of Kathy Jackson and his involvement in alleged misadventures with HSU funds.
However, you may have to bear with me, as there is not a lot of documentation I have received on any of these allegations. It seems any evidence against him was either found by police or is rumoured to be held by someone else.
Dark forces at work, perhaps?
His name is Michael Williamson, and for many years he was the General Secretary of a Union we have all become rather familiar with — the Health Services Union, or the HSU.
Some of you may also remember a post I did a while back which went into some family favours that were going on inside the HSU in regards to paid positions.
I reported that Michael Lawler, the vice president of Fair Work Australia, had two of his children working at his girlfriend Kathy Jackson’s branch. FWA, of course, were the body that conducted an investigation into any aspect of the HSU that, it appears, didn’t involve anyone called “Jackson” — and was the only investigation to implicate Craig Thomson, out of eight that have been so far conducted.
Anyway, back to Michael Williamson.
Michael Williamson was elected to the position of State Secretary of the Association, then known as the Health and Research Employees Association of NSW, in 1995. Whilst there, the rules changed and he became General Secretary. In 2003, a decision was made to adopt a new logo and change the name of the union to the Health Services Union.
Changing names and logos were not the only changes made unfortunately. In fact, there was a huge change in the way the Union was run, and a Union that was supposed to be “for the members” appeared to become anything but.
Below is a link to an email from Kathy Jackson to Peter Mylan, raising her concerns quite spectacularly about Williamson’s behaviour and the police investigations into his conduct — ones which are remarkably similar to those she is now facing herself. Irony…
So, what is all the fuss about Canme Services, at any rate?
In a situation that is remarkably similar to the Neranto Number 10 (the K. Koukouvaos Consulting scandal), the consulting companies owned by Jackson that invoiced the HSU for vast sums of money, Canme Services is owned by Julieanne Williamson — Michael’s wife.
Canme Services, for those who doubt the Williamson family connection, owes it strange name to the family. You see, Christopher, Alexandra, Nicholas, Madeline, and Elizabeth; CANME, you see, are the Williamson children.
Canme Services were paid the extortionate amount of $384,625 by the Union’s membership. That is an awful lot of money to be shelled out by any stretch of the imagination — and one would hope that everything had been disclosed to the membership, and the executive committee of the union, given that the company being paid is owned by General Secretary’s wife. Especially when we consider that the Union is now reportedly close to insolvency.
One would be disappointed. It seems that nobody was aware of the family connection other than Williamson himself.
The services provided by Canme Services were to do with the electronic storage of old documentation. Old records and documentation were to be scanned in and then saved onto the HSU network.
Although this seems both an expensive and a lengthy process — it does seem to be a task that needed performing. However, where it becomes a bit puzzling is where the records list this as clerical or secretarial services. Not only that, it seems that although Mrs Williamson was flat out doing it for 7 long years — a substantial amount of document scanning and uploading still had to be done in-house. From what I am given to understand, not a lot of information on the system from the periods supposedly scanned in anyway. Hardly one years’ worth of scanning, allegedly, let alone seven…
Anyway, these matters are being looked into by the NSW police.
On a separate issue, I’m a bit of a music fan — I love seeing bands perform at pubs and clubs. It is important that these bands have places to rehearse, and these places can be quite pricey to set up.
There is a way of setting up a rehearsal studio cheaper though. Ensure that you daddy runs a union.
In 2006, the HSU under Williamson’s control spent $800,000 of the members’ money on a warehouse. That, to me, is 800,000 litres of blood sweat and tears, from some of the country’s hardest working, yet most underpaid, workforce. So, it would want to be a warehouse that the members thought held something pretty damn important.
Important to a member it may well be, if they are in a rock band.
You see, this $800,000 warehouse near Sydney Airport was used as Studio 19, a rehearsal studio. Funnily enough, the person running the studio goes by the name of Chris, or Christopher Williamson, also known as C in Canme Services. Union members will be pleased to know, however, that Michael didn’t overcharge his son Chris on the rent. Actually, it would seem he forgot to charge him rent at all.
I wonder if Union members got a discount rate?
Chris was a part of Tank Stream Productions, the media studio arm of the HSU. Interestingly, Kate McClymont reported in the Sydney Morning Herald that, according to the HSU Financial report, in 2010 the HSU spent $140,000 on the HSU History and Media Centre.
This did not even include salaries or payments to freelancers.
Proceedings against Craig Thomson have begun over his alleged use of union credit cards to pay for prostitutes, among other allegations, with the national industrial umpire today lodging its claims against the MP in the Federal Court.
Today, everybody acted all shocked and surprised when Fair Work Australia announced its claims against Craig Thomson.
These claims were based on the Fair Work Australia investigation that took what seemed like an eternity to complete ― such was its total and utter mismanagement and mishandling.
This afternoon Bernadette O’Neill announced 37 alleged breaches of rules for officers of registered organisations such as unions, and 25 alleged breaches of the rules of the Health Services Union, of which Craig Thomson was secretary.
For a start, we need to understand that these are civil claims, not “charges” as the propaganda pieces inThe Australian are already calling them. There are no such things as “civil charges”. Civil matters, civil cases, civil proceedings, and civil claims are real, but not civil charges. They don’t exist; it is like referring to hot ice ― total fiction.
Leave it to The Australian to create new terms like “civil charges” in an effort to incriminate Thomson over a civil matter.
Craig Thomson has denied all of these findings, and seems to believe that they are politically motivated. Who knows? Maybe he is right; maybe it is something to do with senate estimates, I don’t know, and frankly I’m not going to say I believe that as I haven’t given it much thought. I don’t really think that it matters.
What does matter, and what really surprises me, is how soon everybody seems to have forgotten the KPMG Report regarding the sorry excuse for what Fair Work Australia, loosely referred to as an “investigation”. Although, as I write this, someone at the ABC has remembered, I’m assured.
However, Ean Higgins of The Australian has run a story virtually every day on the HSU goings on. You can bet your bottom dollar that if someone on a non-Jackson election ticket farts in public, Higgins will have a quarter page article with vivid descriptions of the ensuing odour. Bolano, Behrens, and Hart on the other hand, could raise campaign funds with Balaclava’s and sawn off shotguns and it wouldn’t rate a mention.
Higgins has , it seems, become the minister for propaganda and campaign material for the Jackson faction.
If this Jackson Five were a real band, Higgins would be a roadie. It would seem in this campaign he is doing all the heavy lifting.
I guess by pumping this post out, I may be seen as just as bad as the others in putting out factional propaganda. Well, I can accept this.
But it should be noted that I am on the side of the Union largest faction ― that of ordinary. This is the only faction that counts and the only faction with the power to put the corrupt factions out on their ass. So, I will not shy away from the cause.
Because the dismally disappointing Temby Report did not go into any of the allegations, actions, or operations of the Victorian branches. Branches like the HSU #1 Branch and the #3 Branch merged with HSU NSW and formed HSU East. While the investigation went into allegations regarding Michael Williamson, pre-merger in NSW, nothing into the Victorian allegations was looked into whatsoever.
For Kathy Jackson to claim this report exonerates her is totally and utterly ridiculous. This is like a historian doing a report on the history of European war crimes and leaving out Germany entirely, overlooking anything that occurred after 1938, and then claiming the report exonerates Adolf Hitler.
Yes, Jackson’s claims are that ludicrous.
As for Temby’s report showing that Kathy was right about saying there was corruption within the HSU — well tie me down and call me Nancy! What a revelation that was. One only has to take a look at any newspaper on any day to see that it seems rife with corruption. Temby pointing out the bleeding obvious doesn’t exonerate anyone, it just shows one has powers of observation at least on a par with the average 2 year-old. In fact, Craig Thomson was talking about internal corruption long before Jackson and long, long, before Temby.
from fairyland ....
Today, Fair Work Australia launched civil action against Craig Thomson based on a flawed investigation that has already been totally discredited. Peter Wicks reports.
Today, everybody acted all shocked and surprised when Fair Work Australia announced its claims against Craig Thomson.
These claims were based on the Fair Work Australia investigation that took what seemed like an eternity to complete - such was its total and utter mismanagement and mishandling.
This afternoon Bernadette O’Neill announced 37 alleged breaches of rules for officers of registered organisations such as unions, and 25 alleged breaches of the rules of the Health Services Union, of which Craig Thomson was secretary.
Craig is not the only one to have had allegations of breaches of union rules levelled at him ― you may remember Kathy Jackson faced similar allegations not that long ago.
For a start, we need to understand that these are civil claims, not “charges” as the propaganda pieces in The Australian are already calling them. There are no such things as “civil charges”. Civil matters, civil cases, civil proceedings, and civil claims are real, but not civil charges. They don’t exist; it is like referring to hot ice ― total fiction.
Leave it to The Australian to create new terms like “civil charges” in an effort to incriminate Thomson over a civil matter.
Craig Thomson has denied all of these findings, and seems to believe that they are politically motivated. Who knows? Maybe he is right; maybe it is something to do with senate estimates, I don’t know, and frankly I’m not going to say I believe that as I haven’t given it much thought. I don’t really think that it matters.
What does matter, and what really surprises me, is how soon everybody seems to have forgotten the KPMG Report regarding the sorry excuse for what Fair Work Australia, loosely referred to as an “investigation”. Although, as I write this, someone at the ABC has remembered, I’m assured.
I say “loosely referred to”, as FWA President Iain Ross seemed to want to distance himself from it when he appeared on 7 30 with Leigh Sales.
Just the fact that KPMG were asked to look at the investigation and produce an independent report should set alarm bells off. The KPMG report was thorough, and left the FWA Investigation looking somewhat less than amateur. For those who have forgotten, there is a link to the full report below:
[KPMG review FWA]
The KMPG report was completed with the co-operation of all of the FWA staff except one, Michael Lawler, Kathy Jackson’s fiancé and appointee of Tony Abbott. However, Michael has stated that he had no involvement in the investigation, despite evidence that seems to dispute that claim.
So if the KPMG Report is to be dismissed, as Eric Abetz seems to think, then one can assume that the only flaw could be due to the fact that FWA Vice President Michael Lawler didn’t co-operate with KPMG. Does that mean that Abetz thinks Lawler influenced the investigation? After all, Lawler refused to hand over his laptop, the same one that had allegedly accessed HSU’s network.
So, if we take the results of FWA’s own independent report into the investigation at face value, than to say that investigation was flawed is an understatement. How can any of the claims that come from a totally discredited investigation be taken in any way seriously?
To say that a flawed investigation ended up at the right conclusion is like hoping to reach your destination by heading off in the wrong direction.
Once the dust-storm around this has settled, and Eric Abetz has finally calmed down, people will understand that these are just civil matters, the bulk of which Thomson has defended successfully previously. What really matters are the criminal matters and charges ― like those being faced by Michael Williamson.
However, I’m sure there will be those hoping to gain mileage out of today’s events.
People like Katrina Hart, Marco Bolano and Fluer Behrens will no doubt have plenty to say about Craig Thomson being appointed by Michael Williamson, and accusing everyone but themselves of being factional.
But they should remember that their backer and factional leader Kathy Jackson was also appointed by Williamson, and is currently being investigated by Victoria Police on numerous matters.
Katrina Hart, in particular, likes to tell everybody how anybody who ever passed Williamson in the street is irredeemably tainted, and that when it comes to cleaning out the union:
“There is only one way to be sure”.
On that statement, I totally agree ― don’t vote Hart, Bolano, or Behren’s; indeed, it’s the only way to be sure.
Thanks for the heads up, Katrina.
Strange Days In Jacksonville
f$%#@k the media and the police...
Craig Thomson's lawyer and Victorian Police are outraged the media seemingly knew search warrants would be executed at the federal MP's house early this morning.
NSW Police spent five hours at Mr Thomson's house, in Bateau Bay, and his electoral office, in Tuggerah, on behalf of Victorian Police, who are investigating his alleged misuse of union money.
Mr Thomson's lawyer, Chris McArdle, is outraged that a media scrum was there not long after the search began, with photographers and television news crews capturing most of the raid.
The MP's NSW central coast home and electorate office are more than an hour away from Sydney, where most of the media is based.
"The scandalous aspect of this is that press arrived almost at the same time as the police, and a camera crew was outside at almost the same time as the police," Mr McArdle said.
"In other words, Mr Thomson knew nothing about this but every journalist in the country did."
I believe she does not read independent australia...
Lawyers for federal independent MP Craig Thomson are planning to take legal action against a Health Services Union (HSU) member who accused him of being a liar.
Katrina Hart, who is contesting HSU elections, was given seven days to retract comments she made about Mr Thomson or face defamation action.
That deadline expired on Monday.
Mr Thomson's lawyer, Chris McArdle, says he is serious about taking legal action against anyone who makes defamatory comments about his client.
"We will commence proceedings at a time of our client's choosing, but most likely after we have achieved dismissal of the defective and wrongly based litigation that has been commenced against him," Mr McArdle said in a letter to Ms Hart.
"The claims against him, made by you in the article in the Telegraph, are false."
The letter was sent on October 22 and offers to drop the legal action if Ms Hart apologised within a seven-day period.
But Ms Hart is refusing to budge, arguing she feels as though she is being forced into an apology.
"On top of that, I mean the evidence has been published in the papers," Ms Hart told ABC News Online.
"They can try (to sue me), but I've had three sets of legal advice - all separate - and everyone has actually laughed at that letter."
The legal threat was prompted by comments Ms Hart is quoted as having made to the Daily Telegraph newspaper on October 19 that Mr Thomson was not telling the truth in relation to claims he used HSU funds to pay for prostitutes.
Mr Thomson, who was the HSU's national secretary before entering Parliament, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing in relation to the accusations.
Ms Hart had publicly dared the federal MP to sue her.
jacksonville 60...
TODAY THERE HAS BEEN a huge development in the case against Craig Thomson.
As those of you who have followed the case will be aware, the case against Thomson is based on two things:
The former Fair Work Australia ‒ now the Fair Work Commission ‒ have been pursuing Thomson in court now for what now seems like an eternity about civil matters.
These civil claims started out, many may remember, at a headline grabbing figure of over $500,000. This figure has steadily dropped as things like facts and evidence have been taken into account and the figure now is well and truly under $30,000. Although ancient history, publications like The Australian still like to portray the old $500,000 figure as fact despite it being utter fiction.
Today there has been a development you won’t have to attend a shock jock’s wedding on the taxpayer dollar to find out about.
Today, the figure the Fair Work Commission is disputing seems to have dropped even further — much further, in fact.
The Fair Work Commission has today requested in court to settle the case through a mediator in a bid to reach a confidential agreement between themselves and Thomson.
Thomson has welcomed this proposal, which will no doubt be of considerable relief to him financially, as the cost of the constant travelling and legal representation to defend himself has been an anchor around his neck.
It is important to note that this request to settle though a mediator was made by the Fair Work Commission and not by Craig Thomson, which is a clear indication about which of the parties has the weaker case.
Once an agreement is reached ‒ if it is reached ‒ the civil case against Craig Thomson will cease.
TUESDAY, 15 October 2013 was a significant day in the history of the Health Services Union.
It was the day Michael Williamson finally pleaded guilty to over 50 charges relating to fraud and the destruction of evidence. The amount of money he defrauded from the union came to close to $1 Million, that’s a lot of member contributions.
Williamson now faces a hefty gaol sentence, where he will have plenty of time to sit back and ponder how he took the funds of some of the nation’s lowest paid workers to live the high life.
Even Kathy Jackson came out of hiding to have her say, being hailed as a hero from the right wing press and telling reporters there should be an inquiry into the HSU.
Kathy, I could not agree more.
We could start with your fiancé and his involvement. When there was an independent inquiry into the Fair Work Australia Investigation, an organisation at which your fiancé Michael Lawler was vice president, he was the only one who refused to co-operate with KPMG in the enquiry.
The only one. Why is that?
No need for an inquiry into Williamson, he is facing it in court as we speak.
No need for one into Thomson either, he is still in and out of court and Fair Work seem to be looking to bow out quietly in the civil matters by going into mediation.
So, I guess that leaves an inquiry into your spending on ski holidays, child care, booze etc and the cash payments and cash cheques, and companies that you owned such as Neranto #10. I could go on, but I won’t, the police have it all, and much of it is up on my Jacksonville resource page.
I think it is a fair question as to why you would think Craig Thomson spending $15 on an in-house movie while he was away from home on business is a horrendous rort of union members funds that should be punished, but your spending over $20,000 on a ski holiday on a union credit card is fine.
As I suggested in a previous post, the Williamson case is being used as a trigger to mount a Royal Commission or Judicial Inquiry into union corruption. Kathy Jackson is being used as the Coalition puppet that pulls the trigger.
So what’s in this for Jackson?
I would presume that she is trying to seek immunity from prosecution from the mountains of allegations against her and immunity for Michael Lawler for his alleged involvement.
This cannot be allowed to happen at any cost and, if it does, it will be a sure sign that the corruption goes all the way to the top of the Liberal Party, given Lawler was appointed by Tony Abbott himself, andGeorge Brandis and Eric Abetz have been involved throughout the ordeal.
a fair trial — not a trial by media...
From Peter Wicks at Independent Australia...
As we wait to hear whether Craig Thomson will appeal the verdict handed down in Magistrates Court last Tuesday, I thought it may be timely to clear a couple of things up.
THE ARTICLES I HAVE WRITTEN regarding the HSU saga, which is ongoing, have been grouped under the title Jacksonville for a reason. It’s because the investigation primarily relates to the evidence against Kathy Jackson and her factional support network.
Those who claim that the articles published here have been primarily about Craig Thomson are either flat-out lying or are perhaps supporters of Kathy Jackson, for whatever reason, be it politically or financially motivated.
Clearly Craig Thomson and his ongoing legal issues are a part of the HSU story and as such I have written many articles on his continuing legal battle.
However, my position on Thomson’s case has never been that he is innocent, my position has always been, and continues to be that he deserves a fair trial and that should not involve a trial by media.
On the other hand, I believe we have reported fairly and accurately at all times. Where we have made mistakes, as we have on a very small number of occasions, we have corrected these immeidately and made prominent notes to that effect.
The magistrate has made his decision, which surprised us somewhat given the many legal opinions we had heard on the case, but we have no gripe with it. If Thomson feels he has been hard unjustly convicted, he is able to appeal, as is fair and proper.
As a part of my coverage, I have endeavoured to show the aspects of the case that the mainstream media have decided you are not worthy of hearing and much of that would involve Thomson’s defence and reporting on some of the issues of the case against him.
However, what I could not ignore was what appeared to be a campaign of completely false claims, selective reporting of facts and blatant lies in the mainstream coverage of his case. I thought that the public should be aware of the fiction that was being published as fact and started reporting on the media.
For this, I have been called a Thomson cheerleader and flag waver by imbeciles that appear to like being misled and lied to by elements of the mainstream press. Then again, perhaps they are just Jackson cronies, hangers-on or right-wing nutjobs.
However, I was not alone in my condemnation of the mainstream, some of you may recall the opening statement of Magistrate Rozencwajg during the trial regarding the shameful coverage by ‒ surprise, surprise ‒ The Australian.
“Before we commence. At the outset I feel it is necessary to state that the article on the front page of The Australian last Tuesday reporting on the mention held on the 2nd September was factually incorrect in several significant respects. The court certainly made no determination as declared in the blaring headline, in fact I made no determination whatsoever. I have requested the Court Strategic Communications Advisor to take this issue up with the editor of The Australian newspaper and if necessary the Australian Press Council.”
I didn’t hear cries about the magistrate being a Thomson cheerleader however.
Read more:,6213
a frustrating period for a lot of people...
Allegations that Health Services Union (HSU) whistleblower Kathy Jackson ran a secret fund worth $285,000 have been sent to the royal commission into union governance and corruption.
Craig McGregor, the secretary of the Victorian HSU number 3 branch, says an investigation of internal banking records has confirmed that large sums of money were transferred into an account called the National Health Development Account.
"We've referred this matter to the relevant authorities, being the royal commission of course, and to Fair Work," he said.
"I would think that something like this would need to be disclosed to the membership.
"In fact... there seems to be some suggestion that there were efforts taken to make sure that this information wasn't discovered."
Mr McGregor is not alleging Ms Jackson used the money to help her political allies get elected.
"I'm suggesting there was some untoward movement of money from the union to another account and as to what purpose that money was put, at this stage, we don't know," he said.
Nine HSU branches are holding elections in June and Mr McGregor was asked if he would be running against allies of Ms Jackson.
"Certainly one would expect in a robust union that there would be elections transpire in every branch, certainly," he said.
The development comes as Ms Jackson pursues a claim for back pay from the union.
"There's certainly some irony there," Mr McGregor said.
"Ms Jackson has had a very colourful presence in the media for a long period of time but I think to many on the inside this comes as no great surprise.
"It's been a frustrating period for a lot of people."
poor petal claims she has been victim of a conspiracy...
"It dawned upon me after that visit, seeing what I saw and seeing some the behaviour of the people there, that something had to be done. But I knew that if I did something, it wasn't an easy thing to do, because they'd be after me."
Yesterday, the commission heard evidence that a $250,000 settlement for underpaid workers was transferred from the HSU into Ms Jackson's slush fund, called the National Health Development Account.
But Ms Jackson said she had been targeted for speaking out.
"I'm here telling the truth - I've always told the truth. And here I am as a target, not by the membership, but more importantly a target by the media, a target by the ALP and the Labor movement, which I knew would happen, but I'd never thought it would happen this badly."
The hearing continues.
Like in many such cases, there is a strong need to study timelines with a fine tooth comb...
many discrepancies in Kathy Jackson's evidence...
, where to start with Kathy Jacksons one and a half days on the stand?
I could talk of how she spent half of her first day of testimony talking about the bullying and intimidation she claims to have received from Michael Williamson’s faction whilst her righthand man Marco Bolano was outside trying to intimidate and bully people during the breaks.
I could talk about the never-ending string of cash withdrawals that were made from the HSU bank account by her, one as high as $50,0000, that she nowclaims to not remember.
I could talk about the credit cards that she spent an alleged $1.3 million dollars on that there are no details of expenditure for at all.
I could also talk of the fact that when Craig Thomson told us that others within the union could have accessed his credit card details, the notion was labelled outrageous and ridiculous by Kathy Jackson. Suddenly, when her expenditure is under question the entire union had access to her three credit cards.
I could also focus on why Jackson seems more interested in spending a fortune on lawyers to argue what may or may not be on her missing credit card statements, when she could just phone the bank and have copies sent to her.
Another strong contender for discussion could be the $284,000 taken from cancer workers and put into a slush fund which Jackson controlled and a significant portion allegedly used for her own personal purposes.
It would also be worth looking at a payment made to Shaun Hudson as a hush payment. Hudson was seeking to take legal action against the HSU Number 1 Branch for non-payment of his entitlements and was demanding money. Jackson in her sworn testimony accessed NHDA funds on Michael Williamson's advice to“shut him up”.
At the time, it was imperative the matter be kept out of court as it would have involved Jeff Jackson and would have made allegations against Jeff Jackson’s misuse of members money on things like prostitutes public knowledge.
read more:,6603
smoking jacksons...
So just who is the mysterious Bede Fennelly?
Well suffice to say he was no Benedictine Monk, however nor was he an employee or representative of Philip Morris.
Bede Fennell ‒ not Fennelly ‒ was, in fact, an employee of British American Tobacco — he had never worked for Philip Morris.
Despite the Commissions attempts to link the tobacco donations to the Labor Party Bede Fennell is also a former director of the NSW Branch of the Liberal Party and a former Liberal Party staffer.
Many may remember Mr Fennell as being part of the infamous “Wentworth Seven”, that involved Malcolm Turnbull back in 2003-2004.
In 2007, details emerged of a secret slush fund called ‘Friends of Indi’, that included donations from British American Tobacco and was discovered after former Liberal Member Sophie Mirabella neglected to declare it, in direct breach of Australian Electoral Commission regulations..
At the time, Bede Fennell stated that he thought the money was being donated to the Liberal Party. However he went even further, stating:
“For us that’s the main thing. That’s why we disclose it. We wouldn’t be giving money to bodies that aren’t connected to the Liberal Party.”
To me, that is a very telling statement indeed.
If British American Tobacco will only donate to bodies connected to the Liberal Party, why then did they decide to fund HSU election campaigns for Kathy Jackson’s faction of the HSU?
read more:,6615
a long long time ago in jacksonville...
Controversial unionist Kathy Jackson will attempt to avoid a $700,000 lawsuit against her by mounting part of her defence on the grounds that the alleged misuse of members' funds happened too long ago.
Ms Jackson, who is being sued by the Health Services Union in the Federal Court, filed a statement of defence on Friday, which strongly rejects the damning allegations against her.
The union claims Ms Jackson misused her office and misappropriated $250,000 of union money in a slush fund she created called the National Health Development Account.
The former union boss and whistleblower, who has been on extended leave from the HSU, said in her statement that the actions during each incident in question had been "rendered valid" under organisational law because they happened more than four years ago.
Under the Workplace Relations and Fair Work acts, an organisational officer's actions are validated after four years unless the Federal Court believes that to do so would cause "substantial injustice" to the organisation or anyone associated with it.
Read more:
Hummmmmmmmmm ? Is she really up there?
a mistake too many...
The authors of a sensational book about the corrupt former New South Wales Labor politician Eddie Obeid will offer a formal apology after it was pulled from shelves due to defamation action by one of the book’s subjects.
The best-selling book, He Who Must be Obeid, by journalists Kate McClymont and Linton Besser, alleged a former tourism taskforce (TTF) spokesman, Chris Brown, was “in business” with the Obeids.
Brown said the authors – who also mentioned his father John Brown, a former Hawke minister – mistook him for another Chris Brown.
McClymont on Thursday tweeted “a formal apology to come re mistaken identity”.
Brown was confused with Christopher Geoffrey Charles Brown, who was born 19 years before Brown in England, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph reported.
“The great investigative journalists who wrote the book didn’t bother to take the four minutes to check the Asic website,” Brown said.
Brown has hired the defamation lawyer Mark O’Brien and is demanding a public apology, the ABC reported. O’Brien has previously acted for Obeid.
read more:
I believe somewhere in this line of articles, Kate McClymont is mentioned for having used Kate Jackson as a source to bury Craig Thomson. If my memory serves me correctly, NOWHERE in Kate McClymont's "investigation" was Jackson shown as having siphoned possibly as much as 2 million dollars out the HSU... though the information (and some "proof") was available — since journalist Peter Wicks had shown it over and over in his blogs and articles. Now Jackson is about to fall down as she possibly should, but who knows what the courts will do...
I know better journalists who triple-check everything and editors who check five times over, not just the spelling of things... Usually stuff like this also go through "legals" where a legal eagle will ask the right questions... Where was this mistake made and why?
the wheels are falling off... and remembering sex of 1992...
Yesterday’s big drawcard, however, was Kathy Jackson's former husband and former HSU boss Jeff Jackson.
Those of us watching got to see some of Jeff’s charm and sense of humour in several his responses, involving the purchase of a Saab car that didn’t quite come off and the"very memorable day" he separated from Kathy.
However it was his recollection regarding the two payments he received from Kathy for $50,000 and $58,000 that were of greatest interest.
Kathy had previously explained away one as a loan to the Number 1 Branch of the union, despite it being paid to ex-husband Jeff directly and the other as being paid to him for electioneering purposes. Both of these payments were made from union members funds, the $50,000 payment was made using money from Kathy’s NHDA account, however records show that money had been transferred into that account from the HSU Cheque account.
When asked about the $50K payment Jeff stated:
“I believe, my best recollection was that it was payment in relation to a property settlement.”
It would seem from Jeff’s statement under oath, Union members have had the pleasure of paying for Kathy’s divorce settlement.
Lamps, child care, $3000 earrings, ski trips, divorce settlements and so on and so on — it seems there is not a lot Kathy’s members haven’t paid for by now.
After a short cross-examination, Kathy’s lawyer asked questions for what seemed like forever, but was probably about 15 minutes trying to raise doubt over Jeff’s testimony by questioning him on his memory, something which had already been established. It is worth noting that Jeff remained confident on his original response.
After lunch, some of Kathy’s faction went back on the witness stand and the wheels on that Jacksonville bus really started wobbling.
Former HSU Number 3 Branch vice president Kate Wilkinson was first up and was asked questions relating the BCOM member payments that she testified were no more than $100 a day. I mentioned in my article last time this testimony was given that this did not add up to what was withdrawn from the account.
Turns out I was right, the varying figures each month left thousands of dollars in change that went into a kitty, which was apparently kept in a steel box, was at Kathy’s disposal, and was unaudited and unregulated.
One thing was for sure, it was one well fed kitty. Some may even refer to it as a fat cat.
Wilkinson also stated that the money from the Peter Mac settlement – that some have described as a bribe – was passed to Kathy to use at her disposal for purposes for the good of the Union.
Normally, for a trade union, this would include flyers, and membership services and so on. For Kathy’s Union, it meant paying an ex-husband, child dentistry and spending at JB Hi-Fi and David Jones.
read more:,6823
Health Services Union whistleblower Kathy Jackson has asked for a lawyer to be stopped from cross-examining her at the royal commission into union corruption because she had sex with him more than 20 years ago.
Ms Jackson submitted a statement outlining her sexual history with Mark Irving, who was scheduled to cross-examine her on behalf of the Health Services Union.
Commissioner Dyson Heydon rejected the submission and questioned the relevance of the sexual relationship, which took place in 1992.
Read more:
turdy tony's stunt, glorious jacksonville plus knighthoods...
Tony Abbott today launched another politically motivated witch hunt into supposed union corruption yet seems to have deliberately excluded any investigation into his former hero, Kathy Jackson. Peter Wicks from Wixxyleaks reports.
This morning Tony Abbott launched his latest stunt — a joint police taskforce to investigate alleged corruption, violence and organised crime connections in the construction industry.
Announced in a press conference this morning with Victorian Premier Denis Napthine, the taskforce between the AFP and Victoria Police serves the dual purposes of again kicking the union industry as well as attempting to win votes for Napthine’s Coalition Government.
Allegations about so-called union corruption are seen as a sure vote winner in Liberal circles because of the union movement’s close links to the ALP. With the Liberals trailing Daniel Andrews’ ALP 44-56 (two party preferred) and the election set for November 29, Napthine will be hoping the taskforce brings up some serious dirt — and fast.
Of course, it is interesting that this new dirtdigging unit is only interested in looking into the construction industry union, the CFMEU.
It wasn’t so long ago, during the term of the previous government, that the Health Services Union was portrayed as being the worst of the worst by Abbott and co — yet it seems to have been deliberately excluded from this latest witch hunt.Could this have anything to do with the fall from grace of brave Joan of Arc-like whistleblower Kathy Jackson — a name that formerly could not be said enough times for the Coalition’s liking; a name that, in Coalition ranks, once seemed to be synonymous with everything the Liberal Party claimed to stand for?
This, of course, was back in the days when the HSU saga was working in the Liberal Party’s favour and they felt comfortable hitching the Coalitions credibility to Kathy Jackson’s integrity — blithely ignoring the mountain of allegations against her, even then.
Back then, current Employment Minister Eric Abetz couldn’t find enough glowing words to say about her — in fact every time he spoke of her it looked like his head was going to explode with pride and he even had her name was on his telephone’s speed dial.
George Brandis too, as Attorney-General and as Shadow AG has spoken about Jackson with admiration and a glint in his eye many a time.
Of course, Education Minister Christopher Pyne and Prime Minister Tony Abbott have both piled praise on Jackson, with Pyne arranging a parliamentary apology to her over a Craig Thomson speech speech to Parliament, while Abbott referred to her as “heroic” and brave, amongst other many glowing accolades while he was opposition leader.
Jackson was lauded by the shock-jocks, hailed a hero by the right-wing commentators and was even the guest of honour at an event at the home of union hatred, the HR Nicholls Society, which she happily attended as the guest of the lovable architect of WorkChoices, Peter Reith.
Yes, not so long ago, in the eyes of the Coalition and its many one-eyed camp followers, while she was piling allegation after allegation on Craig Thomson and running down the Labor Party, Jackson could do no wrong.
Moreover, back then Jackson was engaged to be married into a family considered Liberal Party royalty — the mighty Lawler family. Her fiancé Michael Lawler was the Tony Abbott appointed Vice President of Fair Work Australia, his brother John Lawler was then CEO of the Australian Crime Commission and their father Sir Peter Lawler — a senior staffer to PM Robert Menzies and Australia’s first Ambassador to the Holy See (The Vatican). Like the Abbotts, the Lawlers are said by some to have strong ties to the shadowy arch-conservative Catholic sect Opus Dei, as well as the Liberal Party.
But now, sadly for Jackson, things appear to have changed. The Coalition have seemingly turned on Kathy quicker than you can say “James Ashby”.
In Question Time on the 28 October, Christopher Pyne acting on Eric Abetz’s behalf as the Minister for Employment was attempting to besmirch Bill Shorten and Victorian Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews by linking the Victorian ALP to the CFMEU, when Labor MP Rob Mitchell made a comment about the Liberal’s friendship with Kathy Jackson, at which point the Speaker Bronwyn Bishop intervened.
The SPEAKER: Whoever made that comment will withdraw.
Mr Albanese: Madam Speaker, on a point of order: in what way is the name 'Kathy Jackson' unparliamentary?
The SPEAKER: Because it was reflecting on another member. I said: whoever made the comment will withdraw the comment.I spoke to Rob Mitchell about the comment that had so greatly offended and its context.
Christopher Pyne had been trying to Labor Party as corruptly linked to the CFMEU, so Rob retorted with:
Speaker Bronwyn Bishop was having none of it. Apparently, the same Party that could not align themselves with Jackson enough now think it is a huge insult to be linked with her.
How the mighty have fallen.
In Victoria, as part of their campaign the Liberal Party have launched a new website called:
‘Which Dodgy Character Will Turn Up At Labor’s Launch’.It features a number of people the Victorian Liberal Party apparently view as dodgy.
One of those on the Coalition’s “dodgy” list is none other than their former Joan of Arc hero — Kathy Jackson.
The Victorian Liberal party describe her thus:
‘Health Services Union Secretary, Kathy Jackson, is alleged to have grossly misused union credit cards, cash cheques and general accounts and made unauthorised payments of over $1 million which workers are now trying to recover. These funds belonged to low paid, hardworking health workers.’So, since the mainstream media started seeing Jackson’s true colours, the Liberal Party have tried to distance themselves from her — first by ignoring anything to do with her, then making mention of her name “unparliamentary” and then in Victoria even labelling her “dodgy” and seemingly accusing her of being a crook.
However, despite it being suddenly open season on Jackson, the man supporting and advising her ‒ someone allegedly heavily involved in the Jacksonville saga ‒ has so far been given a free pass while the taxpayer continues to pay his hefty wages.
Last year, as most would be aware, Tony Abbott reintroduced knighthoods to Australia.
One of the last people to receive a knighthood before they were abolished was Sir Peter Lawler, who is said to be a close friend of Tony Abbott’s father. I wonder if this had any bearing on Abbott’s decision.
Sir Peter is also a founder of the Australian Family Association, a far right-wing Christian lobby group, and, in 1986, was given the papal honour of Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX, a papal knighthood.
Currently, Sir Peter Lawler’s prospective future daughter-in-law Kathy is in a psychiatric hospital and, when she emerges, will face Federal Court for around $1.4 million in member’s funds she is alleged to have misappropriated, and will then likely face criminal charges.
I wonder if she’ll refer to Sir Peter and Lady Mary as Mum and Dad.
Catch up on the full Jacksonville saga here. Follow Peter Wicks on Twitter @madwixxy.
read and see more:,7053
delayed due to mental problems...
The civil claim against controversial unionist Kathy Jackson, who is being sued for $1.4 million for fraud and theft, has been delayed for a number of months due to her mental health problems.
The Federal Court on Wednesday heard evidence of Ms Jackson's health problems - certain details of which were suppressed by Justice Richard Tracey.
Justice Tracey said that the evidence of her psychiatrist Irwin Pakula was that Ms Jackson would not be able to deal with her legal issues until mid-January 2015 at the earliest.
Justice Tracey said Ms Jackson was in a medical facility under the care of her psychiatrist as a voluntary patient. The Federal Court had previously heard Ms Jackson was unable to give advice to her lawyers.
Associate Professor Pakula had said Ms Jackson was on medication which made her drowsy but that was over time her condition and ability to concentrate expected to improve, Justice Tracey said, although certain "stressors" such as dealing with legal issues could make it worse.
A mention hearing is set for February 6. Ms Jackson, who rose to prominence for exposing the corruption of Michael Williamson in the Health Services Union, is now being pursued by the union for corruption herself through this civil action. That trial had been set for December 1.
Read more:
Here at Jacksonville alias (see main Jacksonville), we can only genuinely wish Kathy Jackson a speedy recovery... Meanwhile we wish to know who is footing the bill for Kathy's mental health care facility.
Of course the Libs (CONservatives) and their scribes who were viciously after Craig Thomson by using Kathy as their shining light, are giving Kathy a quiet time...
the jackson saga continues...
Last month, the PIN numbers on Rofe’s bank account had to be changed after Jackson allegedly went on a spending spree with his card buying computer equipment — despite Rofe never having used a computer and being in no condition to learn now. This occurred in the same month Jackson’s lawyer tried to tell court that she may still be incapable of a defence due to the mental stress brought on on by a minor fire in a desperate (bid) to further delay her case from being heard.
In amongst all this, Jackson’s partner, Fair Work Commission Vice President Michael Lawler also became heavily involved in the finances of the dementia sufferer.
Michael Lawler fought for and was granted a power of attorney over the Rofe estate, as well as procuring for himself the role of David Rofe's financial manager through the NSW Guardianship Tribunal.
With this authority, Lawler purchased a $1.35 million dollar home with Rofe's money right next door to Jackson’s house in Wombarra, apparently for the dementia suffering 83-year-old man to stay in. Lawler insisted it was in Rofe’s best interest, despite the house allegedly being extremely poorly suited for a man of Rofe’s age and condition.
While all of this was going on, apparently Michael Lawler was hard at work on his approximately $435,000 taxpayer funded salary.
All this, of course, leaves another huge question mark over the judgement of the man who appointed him — Tony Abbott.
Michael Lawler was appointed to his senior role at the now Fair Work Commission by Tony Abbott in 2002 when he was Workplaces Relations Minister. This is an important judicial position, equivalent of a Federal Court judge, making it imperative that the holder of this position is someone of high moral standing, given they in a position to pass serious judgement on others. This is not the type of role for someone closely involved with an individual allegedly responsible for possibly the largest fraudulent misappropriation of union members' funds this country has ever seen. Nor is it the type of role that should be given to someone who, based on these latest allegations, has all the appearances of a gold digger a la, allegedly, Sophie Mirabella.
read more:,7434
see if they afford him the same leniency as la jackson...
Former Federal MP and Health Services Union figure Craig Thomson should not face a civil trial because he has serious mental health problems, a court has heard.
Thomson is appearing in the Federal Court in Melbourne, accused of misspending union funds when he was national secretary.
He is being sued by the Fair Work Commission in the wake of a criminal trial and appeal.
Thomson, who is representing himself, told the court he is suicidal and living day-to-day.
The hearing continues.
read more:
nupe... (see articles above)
Craig Thomson insists he is too mentally ill to return to court to fight a civil lawsuit after a judge dismissed his bid to have the case thrown out.
Federal court judge Christopher Jessup ruled the Fair Work Commission’s claim for compensation and damages over Thomson’s alleged misuse of Health Services Union funds should proceed.
But Thomson, who had argued the case should be dismissed because he is too mentally fragile, said he would not be in court when the hearing resumed on Monday afternoon.
“Without the help of mental health professionals I am not able to proceed,” Thomson said on Monday morning.
The former federal MP and disgraced former union boss made the statement in court after the judge dismissed his arguments.
He told the court he was suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome and a psychotic disorder, and the trauma he had suffered was exacerbated by media scrutiny.
Representing himself, he argued the legal battle risked causing serious deterioration of his mental health and there would be no utility in punishing him, as he had already suffered enough.
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I am not saying that Thomson should not be facing "justice", but that he should be afforded the same respite alleged treatment as Ms Jackson who seems to be still an alleged "protected species" despite having allegedly rorted the union fund far more than Thomson is allegedly having done. But her alleged "boyfriend" is one bigwig at the Fair (alleged) Work Commission and one should not expect any less alleged than a few favours, allegedly. Where is alleged Ms Jackson anyway? Is she still in treatment for alleged mental derangement or is she allegedly taking advantage of her alleged newly acquired fortune "by having taken alleged care" of a dying old man, with her alleged "boyfriend"?... Was she a mirage in our alleged binoculars?
turdy's minionets...
With Kathy Jackson facing Federal Court over allegedly rorting the HSU for $1.4 million and her Fair Work Commission partner Michael Lawler trying desperately to get hold of her assets, maybe it is time Tony Abbott has a long think about the quality of his friends. Peter Wicks from Wixxyleaks reports.
There appears to be no end of criticisms that can be directed at Tony Abbott. And that chorus of criticisms has become louder, of late, with Abbott refusing to answer questions on whether he has made payments to people smugglers.
This week, two of those close to Abbott had their integrity once again called into question.
Kathy Jackson, the woman Tony Abbott saw fit to praise uncategorically on the floor of Parliament, has made yet another desperate bid to have the $1.4 million matter against her thrown out of Federal Court. As those who have followed the case would be aware, this matter has been delayed for over a year now and Kathy will be finally forced to stand trial on 28 June.
It should also be remembered that this is just the civil matter against Jackson. At present Victorian Police are still investigating Jackson's actions and many are expecting criminal charges to be laid after the civil matter is out of the way.
If criminal charges are laid against Jackson and she is found guilty, then much of her wealth could be viewed as the proceeds of crime.
Long before that happens, though, the long suffering members of Kathy Jackson’s former branch – a branch that has gone forward in leaps and bounds since her faction was voted out of power – will be hoping some of their money can be retrieved via the Federal Court.
One thing is clear, those in the Jacksonville camp are not confident about the outcome of the Federal Court case they have succeeded in delaying for around a year. If confidence were something Jackson’s team were overflowing with, the matter would have been dealt with long ago, instead there have been breaches of court orders, dialing in a lawyer from what sounded like the beach complete with seagulls, admissions to luxury psychiatric facilities and a litany of failures to provide the correct documentation or attend listed hearings.
However, this week perhaps the greatest sign of impending doom from the Jackson camp has become known and, lo and behold, it involves one of Tony Abbott’s childhood friends and court appointees.
That's right, Michael Lawler, the man Tony Abbott appointed as vice president of Fair Work Australia – now the Fair Work Commission – has once again entered the fray.
Lawler is partner of self-proclaimed HSU blower Kathy Jackson. It has emerged this week that Jackson has started the process of transferring her $1.8 million property into Michael Lawler’s name, although the process has yet to be completed. Attempts are now being made through the courts to prevent the transfer from happening.
This is the man whom we have been repeatedly assured had nothing to do with the HSU saga. Perhaps these assurances have come due to his convenient and close proximity to the Fair Work Australia investigation that was the basis for his partner Jackson’s self-proclaimed whistle-blower status over the media trial and public bloodlust for Craig Thomson, who was eventually found not guilty of virtually every charge in court, with the only charges sticking being ones for paltry amounts that had nothing to do with prostitution, brothels, pornography or any of the other unproven and wild allegations so beloved by Australia's media.
Abbott’s mate Lawler has seen his reputation being slowly torn asunder, with last weekend's The Australian detailing much of what regular readers here have known for a long time now. Details of the enormous amount of time off Lawler has been taking from his $430,000 per annum taxpayer funded role at FWC, the ludicrous intervention in Federal Court proceedings on Jackson’s behalf and even the snail's pace at which Lawler’s publicly funded hearings proceeded.
Although claims were made that he has had nothing to do with the HSU matter, despite being the partner of a central figure and being vice president of the organisation that kicked the whole matter off, these claims have proven to have a strong stench about them. A stench that must be all too familiar to the man who appointed him, Tony Abbott — arguably the country's most notorious breaker of promises and promoter of his own strange and unique brand of "gospel truth".
read more:,7829
Kathy Jackson is broke... not broken...
Former Health Services Union boss Kathy Jackson has declared bankruptcy and has not appeared for the first day of a hearing into a civil claim against her, the federal court has been told.
Jackson was due to appear in the federal court on Monday for the start of a civil case brought against her by the union for allegedly acting outside her authority as national secretary and spending $660,000 in funds on personal expenses, including holidays and shopping.
The HSU had also been seeking to freeze Jackson’s assets.
Barrister James Johnson, acting for Jackson’s former lawyer and her partner Michael Lawler, told the court on Monday that “events had occurred over the weekend involving the bankruptcy of Ms Jackson”.
“She is, as of today ... bankrupt,” Johnson said. Jackson had no available assets, he said, and the court was told Jackson had engaged a more:
Excellent... All the tricks in the book... All her assets have been transferred to Michael Lawler... And she and her mate Lawler are great friends with our Turdy who in his suppository wisdom forced Thomson to apologise to Jackson and others, some crooks, IN PARLIAMENT... When the sewer stinks, think of Turdy... Actually think of Turdy as a sewer...
Not appearing in court, though her lawyer did (how is he paid if Jackson is "bankrupt"? Pro-bono? Paid by "someone" else?) can often lead to "contempt of court"...
the bankrupt friend of turdy...
It would be interesting to see how that would handled should he pass during her bankruptcy period (that the union may seek to extend to eight years); the union may be able to claim almost all of it.
Rest assured, however, that I’m sure Tony Abbott’s brave and courageous woman, and the man he appointed as the nation's second highest-ranking industrial judge, are working on that now. No doubt the dementia-dollars will find themselves funneled into some trust fund in a kid's name or something.
As for the bankruptcy, Team Jackson has appointed Hall Chadwick to handle the affairs. To say Hall Chadwick don’t come cheap is an understatement of epic proportions, below is their rate card.
This to me seems a bit like buying a Rolls Royce to hook up a trailer so you can cart your belongings to the pawn shop.
Fortunately, Lawler is picking up the tab, which is likely more affordable when you are in receipt of a multi-million dollar property and receive a massive taxpayer funded wage for the job you seldom seem to show up for.
On this subject, The Australian is currently dumping all over Michael Lawler for taking month after month of sick-leave from his $430,000 taxpayer-funded role that Tony Abbott bestowed upon him.
Perhaps News Ltd should cut him a little slack?
I can think of at least one time where Lawler has rocked up to the office well outside office hours. Not only that, the occasion even occurred on his son’s birthday.
You see, Lawler and Jackson allegedly held an 18th birthday party for Lawler’s son. Kathy knew Lawler’s son well, as payslips prove; she had previously employed him at her union, paying him a higher rate than most of her members earned and during Xmas holidays. She did this despite Lawler’s son being located in a different state. Just for good measure, she also employed Lawler’s other son.
read more:,7905
thank you peter wicks...
Thanks to Peter Wicks (and IA) for having fought for the truth in Journalism. We owe him big.
'Jacksonville 48: What a way to win a Walkley':
some drummers never get it...
Insider Mike Seccombe says Tony Abbott should be defended for his Kathy Jackson "captain's pick" because, he says, everyone 'thought she was a hero at the time'. Managing editor David Donovan says he's heard it all now.
Do you watch ABC Insiders?
You know, that long hour on Sunday when those incomparable experts from the Canberra Press Gallery sit around on comfortable chairs talking to each other about the state of the nation for the vast benefit of us slow-witted simpletons.
Regrettably, I caught a bit of this show last week. I turned it off when one of them started talking about how "everyone" was wrong about the world's worst ever whistleblower, Katherine Jackson.
You see, former HSU boss Kathy Jackson was, last week, adjudged by the Federal Court of to have rorted about $1.4 million from some of the lowest paid workers in the country.
Now, if you have been reading IA for any length of time, this should have come as no surprise to you — because we've been reporting on her flagrant rorting since May 2012.
Back in 2012, Parliament hung on a knife edge and the Liberal Party were waging a campaign to remove Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson, and so the Gillard Government. Then in walked Kathy Jackson, dishing the dirt on Craig Thomson. As a result, she was described as "heroic" and "credible" by silly Tony Abbott and a "lion of the union movement" by oily Christopher Pyne.
read more:,8090
see also:,5295
do I smell pork burning on the barbecue?...
"She blew the whistle because I urged her and encouraged her to do so and reminded her that it was her duty to do so," he said.
"Really this, for her, is a case of redemption."Lawler admits to working on Jackson's defence while on leave
Filming with Four Corners for five weeks, Mr Lawler's decision to break his silence coincides with a government-ordered investigation into his conduct announced last week.
His vice presidency at the Fair Work Commission can only be terminated through a motion of Parliament.
Mr Lawler has been criticised over his involvement with the legal dramas of Ms Jackson, his partner of seven years, while on extended leave.
He has taken more than nine months' sick leave since May 2014.
Mr Lawler confirmed to Four Corners that during his time off he spent extensive time working on Ms Jackson's defence. All the while he was paid his full, taxpayer-funded salary of approximately $430,000.
read more:
Now, taken sick leave? NINE MONTHS? Working on Ms Jackson's defence? IS THIS SICK-LEAVE OR JUST PLAIN SICK? Was the SICK leave approved by the board of Fair Work Commission for him to work on Ms Jackson's case? Would not this would be fraudulent of the board to grant such approval? "A case of redemption" for Kathy blowing the whistle on Craig Thomson having possibly accidentally charged the HSU around $5000 amount he was not entitled to, while she extracted more than $1.4 million in fringe benefits SHE WAS NOT ENTITLED TO?
Is redemption a case of admitting a sin and being redeemed for it? Is this redemption not like a case of of stealing thousand times more that the person she ratted on?
WHAT WAS THE POLITICAL MOTIVATION? Lawler was (is?) a friend of Tony Abbott, isn't he? Who pushed Lawler's buttons?
Ah I see... there was the case of some "prostitutes" somewhere...
I hope 4-C is not going to tell us to feel sorry about the shameful mistreatment of Mr Lawler and Ms Jackson by the "social media"... Can one say that those two made life a misery for Craig Thomson — for nothing else but political advantage for Tony Abbott against Julia Gillard? Should they both should be shamed and send to the stockade for fraud ON ALL COUNTS?
"that he helped organise a private investigator to look into the conduct of Craig Thomson and Michael Williamson."
Who paid for the private investigator? My guess is the bill would have been sent to the Fair Work Commission... Another No-No with public entities...
70 counts of criminal misconduct...
The former Health Services Union official Kathy Jackson has been charged with 70 counts of criminal misconduct.
Guardian Australia understands the charges were laid on Wednesday morning by Victoria police, and Jackson will face Melbourne magistrates court on 19 September.
Victoria police said that it and the Australian federal police’s joint union taskforce Heracles had charged a 49-year-old New South Wales woman with 70 counts of theft and deception-related offences as a part of an ongoing investigation.
In August 2015 Jackson was involved in a case before the federal court with the HSU seeking repayment of $1.4m relating to her time as national secretary of the union. Jackson was national secretary between January 2008 and February 2015.
Jackson became a household name as a whistleblower alleging corruption within the HSU. Before her case against her former union, she was lauded by Coalition figures including Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne, who said she would be remembered as a “lion of the union movement”.
Guardian Australia has contacted Jackson for comment.
read more:
see also:
70 counts of criminal misconduct...
The former Health Services Union official Kathy Jackson has been charged with 70 counts of criminal misconduct.
Guardian Australia understands the charges were laid on Wednesday morning by Victoria police, and Jackson will face Melbourne magistrates court on 19 September.
Victoria police said that it and the Australian federal police’s joint union taskforce Heracles had charged a 49-year-old New South Wales woman with 70 counts of theft and deception-related offences as a part of an ongoing investigation.
In August 2015 Jackson was involved in a case before the federal court with the HSU seeking repayment of $1.4m relating to her time as national secretary of the union. Jackson was national secretary between January 2008 and February 2015.
Jackson became a household name as a whistleblower alleging corruption within the HSU. Before her case against her former union, she was lauded by Coalition figures including Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne, who said she would be remembered as a “lion of the union movement”.
Guardian Australia has contacted Jackson for comment.
read more:
70 counts of criminal misconduct...
The former Health Services Union official Kathy Jackson has been charged with 70 counts of criminal misconduct.
Guardian Australia understands the charges were laid on Wednesday morning by Victoria police, and Jackson will face Melbourne magistrates court on 19 September.
Victoria police said that it and the Australian federal police’s joint union taskforce Heracles had charged a 49-year-old New South Wales woman with 70 counts of theft and deception-related offences as a part of an ongoing investigation.
In August 2015 Jackson was involved in a case before the federal court with the HSU seeking repayment of $1.4m relating to her time as national secretary of the union. Jackson was national secretary between January 2008 and February 2015.
Jackson became a household name as a whistleblower alleging corruption within the HSU. Before her case against her former union, she was lauded by Coalition figures including Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne, who said she would be remembered as a “lion of the union movement”.
Guardian Australia has contacted Jackson for comment.
read more:
fair suck of the sav .....
An update from Jacksonville ….
When he read the moving tale of brave whistleblower Marco Bolano in the Herald last Saturday, Peter Wicks nearly choked on his cornflakes. Here he tells the real story of Jacksonville’s “good people”, including Kathy Jackson’s astonishing activities just prior to the police raid on the HSU offices in May.
Episode 18 - Kathy Jackson & The Real Marco Bolano
then ….
As progress was made this week in cleaning up the HSU, Peter Wicks turns his gaze towards that other apparently “compromised” organisation, Fair Work Australia.
Episode 19 - HSU Moves One; Question Marks Over FWA
it may be “circumstantial”...
IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION that some of the suspicions I have had regarding Michael Lawler’s involvement in the Fair Work Australia investigation into his fiancé’s Union, HSU, may be “circumstantial”.
This is true, there are some things that can be put down to chance, and given that the vice president of FWA, Lawler is engaged to Kathy “Joan Of Arc” Jackson, Secretary of the Health Services Union, I guess it can be easy to jump to conclusions.
[New to the saga? Get up to date at IA’s dedicated “Jacksonville” page.]
In a remarkable coincidence, in December 2011, somebody accessed HSU’s computer network, including all of the personnel files. I suppose these things can happen; people playing silly buggers, someone accidentally hitting the keys in the right order — not that alarming, I guess.
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flawed investigation...
An independent review of the Fair Work Australia investigation into the Health Services Union (HSU) has found flaws in the way it was conducted.
The Fair Work investigation stretched for almost four years and included the time Federal MP Craig Thomson was the union's national secretary.
The review by KPMG has identified a lack of experienced investigators.
KPMG says there were also problems with the planning, management and execution of the investigation.
It says the investigators did not consider all potential sources of information and security arrangements for documents were inadequate.
More details soon.
the puppet show in jacksonville...
Peter Wicks unearths explosive documents showing HSU East auditor Ian Temby QC intentionally ignored any allegations of corruption not connected to Michael Williamson.
Well, it seems it’s finally going to happen — HSU East is actually going to cease to exist once and for all. Below is a link to the newsletter announcing it.
Read the HSU Demerger Newsletter in full.
It would appear that the Administrator is aiming for tomorrow for the de-merger, thus splitting the union back into three pieces again. Those three pieces would be HSU NSW, and the Number 1 and Number 3 branches in Victoria.
This brings us to the election of secretary, and assistant secretaries, of each of these union branches — something there has been much speculation about.
Kathy Jackson, knowing just what to aim for, is hoping for the position of executive president, according to her words in a recent interview in The Australian. And why not? Who wouldn’t go after that position?
Actually, there are quite a few who wouldn’t. You see, what apparently hasn’t yet dawned on Jackson yet is that after the de-merger that position won’t exist. She would have a better chance going for a gig as the lead singer of Pussy Riot.
Still, the members in Victoria should be pleased Jackson has moved to Sydney for the occasion. Keen to show members she is just like them, she has changed her address to Chifley – a suburb near the airport – in a house that is far from glamorous.
For those of you getting all teary eyed and concerned after this drastic drop in living standards, don’t panic. Remember, Jackson and fiancé Lawler aren’t really struggling; it hasn’t been that long since their combined incomes put them in the top 1 per cent of earning households in the country. You know, just like most of the Union members…
What Jackson hasn’t told everybody is that the house she is renting in Chifley is owned by Katrina Hart, and Jackson still has her multi-million dollar mansion in Melbourne., as the wind blows...
THE acting national president of the embattled Health Services Union, Chris Brown, has moved formally to remove Kathy Jackson as the union's national secretary and is expecting a long and protracted fight.
Ms Jackson, the so-called whistleblower on the alleged corruption in the union, ignored calls from Mr Brown last week to step down after Victorian police said they were investigating her time as secretary of the now defunct Victoria Number 3 branch.
''I will be charging Kathy Jackson under the registered rules of the union with gross misconduct, gross neglect of duty and substantial breach of the rules and be seeking her removal from office,'' Mr Brown said last night.
''This move is necessary to ensure that the rebuilding of the Health Services Union … had every chance of succeeding.''
Mr Brown is charging Ms Jackson with 10 breaches of the union rules, which are not the same as the allegations made to police. However, the investigation by the Victoria Police fraud and extortion squad was a factor.
Read more:
jacksonville 24...
...allegations regarding Michael Lawler are particularly interesting, as he has consistently claimed he has not been involved with, or interfered in, HSU business, despite the amount of evidence disputing this claim. Maybe a front page with a photo of Lawler with a stretched nose, and the headline “We Don’t Believe You” would be in order?
Apart from the language, and the alleged threatening nature of the call, the most alarming thing to me is this part:
“… you can fuck off and take sick leave if you don’t want to do the work and still be paid but you can’t resign, just go off on sick leave but don’t do this.”
I was unaware that the vice president of Fair Work Australia had the authority to tell people not show up for work on the HSU’s behalf, or to exert pressure on employees of the HSU.
Indeed, I was unaware that the vice president of Fair Work Australia had the authority to decide on members behalf that their money should be spent paying somebody to do nothing. I was most certainly unaware that the vice president of Fair Work Australia could tell an employee of the HSU directly that they cannot resign.
Luckily for the members, Carol had just a little more integrity than her abusive caller, preferring instead to actually work for a living. I know that probably seems foolish to people like Jackson, Lawler, and Jackson’s mate Rob Elliott — who still, to this day, collects a salary from the HSU despite not having worked there for years. But the members should count their blessings Carol Glen does not feel the same.
When will the "real" media (sorry I meant the Merde-och gutter press) start to challenge Senator Abetz and his friends (Tony Abbott's friends actually) Lawler and Jackson on this HSU issue... Of course the Libs (conservatives) would know something more, would not they? Tony Abbott appointed Lawler, did not he?...
the australian news rag wades in mud...
I guess it is fortunate that Higgins wrote his story, as it provides a chance for the truth to reach the membership and for them to become aware of the factional goings on behind the scenes. It also helps Stuart Miller in his campaign, I’m sure, as it is my understanding that the number of members that read these articles on Independent Australia andWixxyLeaks vastly exceeds the number of members who read The Australian.
For good measure, Higgins mentions at the end of the story that Michael Williamson “did not return calls”, seemingly to add a sense of conspiracy.
Higgins may have missed it when I broke the story here, or maybe he has been living in a cave for the last week or so, but Michael Williamson was charged recently with a number of offences relating to the HSU. One result of this is that, as part of his bail conditions, he is not allowed to discuss HSU matters with anybody but his lawyer and police; this would most definitely count Mr Higgins out.
Higgins may as well have included Barack Obama, The Pope, or the Queen as part of his conspiracy ― he would have had a greater chance of any of these people returning his call.
The public perception of The Australian over the last couple of years has been that of printed propaganda. I am also aware that this is something News Ltd is attempting to address. However, it is articles like this that encourage the perception.
In fact, I would suggest that stories like this go a step further to become factional printed propaganda.
The public expect better.
the wixxy report .....
There is never a dull moment in Jacksonville, it seems.
Kathy Jackson, apparently, has tired of the idea of taking on the Federal Court’s Justice Flick and his idea of appointing an administrator to the HSU, yesterday dropping her appeal against Flick’s ruling. Now that so much of the members’ money has been wasted on the process, apparently she has walked past a café and smelt the coffee. The best option now, she says, is to call HSU elections as quickly as possible!
I wonder, does this mean she has recently found new factional allies? I have heard murmurs of her doing deals with some of those running tickets that, until this announcement, I would not have thought were likely bedfellows at all.
My gut tells me, and it speaks loudly at times, that this new move is primarily to do with the Temby Report’s release this week.
You see, now that the much awaited Temby Report is out, Kathy may believe she has some clear air to make a dash for the elections. After all, Kathy has been claiming proudly that the Temby Report exonerates her and shows she was right all along.
No and no. It doesn’t do either of those things.
Because the dismally disappointing Temby Report did not go into any of the allegations, actions, or operations of the Victorian branches. Branches like the HSU #1 Branch and the #3 Branch merged with HSU NSW and formed HSU East. While the investigation went into allegations regarding Michael Williamson, pre-merger in NSW, nothing into the Victorian allegations was looked into whatsoever.
For Kathy Jackson to claim this report exonerates her is totally and utterly ridiculous. This is like a historian doing a report on the history of European war crimes and leaving out Germany entirely, overlooking anything that occurred after 1938, and then claiming the report exonerates Adolf Hitler.
Yes, Jackson’s claims are that ludicrous.
As for Temby’s report showing that Kathy was right about saying there was corruption within the HSU — well tie me down and call me Nancy! What a revelation that was. One only has to take a look at any newspaper on any day to see that it seems rife with corruption. Temby pointing out the bleeding obvious doesn’t exonerate anyone, it just shows one has powers of observation at least on a par with the average 2 year-old. In fact, Craig Thomson was talking about internal corruption long before Jackson and long, long, before Temby.
Seeing as the Temby Report is now out, I thought a “Wixxy Report” might be in order. I’ll warn you, though, I’m not a QC and I’m not paid in 5 minute increments, so I won’t bother to bore you with 91 pages of superfluous crap. I have, however, been looking into the goings on within this Union for quite a while now and have some points that others seem to have missed — despite possessing considerable advantages in time and resources.
My report may not be as formal as others, but you’ll be pleased to know that it is no less opinionated than the Temby Report. I just like to think my brief report will be easier to read and will waste less ink and paper if someone deems it worthy of printing. (Note: please don’t print it — read it online and help save the planet.)
The one thing I know HSU members will love about my brief report is this: it won’t cost them jack. Some people will say that is what it’s worth, but hey — at least I’m trying to provide value, a little bit of bang for no bucks.
So here it is:
The Wixxy Report
The Temby Report
Yes, coming in at 91 pages and $465,300 ( approximately $5113.18 per page) is the Temby Report.
For this, Ian Temby QC was paid $223,300 and his bean counter, Robertson, $242,000 (including GST).
Kate McClymont of Fairfax, however, despite having clearly contributed vast amounts of the information to this report received nothing!
If I was Kate, I’d be shooting off an invoice. Her work seemed to be the basis of much of this report and I reckon she has been hard done by.
For the Union members, the cost must seem outlandish. In fact, given that the paper Kate McClymont writes for, the Sydney Morning Herald, costs $1.70, the Union could have just purchased a copy of the paper each day. And they could have done this for over 749 years and still saved themselves money. (Plus they would have had pictures and TV guides.)
The Temby Report suggests that there should be more tenders for services provided to the Union. Given the quality of this report, and the fact that there was no tender process involved when Temby was appointed the job, he may be onto something.
In true professional manner, Temby has chosen to include a few things in his report that others may have neglected. Things others would consider private, like home addresses and the salary details of employees who are not executives or elected officials. Charming.
However, just when you think it can’t sink any lower, there is a former employee named – for no apparent reason, it would seem, other than to smear them – who retired in 2002. I would suggest that this is bad form, except for one thing — the person mentioned passed away 4 years ago. What was the point?
The Temby Report had guidelines, which are detailed in the document, below details of the Union Council Motion.
Special Union Council Meeting Sept 2011
The report, it is clearly stated, is to be on HSU East — not any other branches. However there is a point that raises the possibility of Temby looking into related branches that merged to form HSU East — branches such as HSU NSW and the number 1 and 3 branches in Victoria. Or, as it says:
“Other matters as determined appropriate by the Independent Panel.”
With that in mind, the “Independent Panel” decided that it was not appropriate to look into the older branches like Branch 1 and Branch 3 — the ones run by Jeff and Kathy Jackson.
However, further displaying their independence, in the investigation into NSW, things were run a little differently. In looking at the HSU NSW branch, run by Michael Williamson, it suddenly became entirely appropriate to go beyond the report parameters, it seems. Well, past them, in any case.
The companies listed below were investigated, and have had outstanding payments withheld in some circumstances. All of these companies were dealing with the HSU before HSU East was formed.
Some of these companies are owned, or partially owned, by the Williamson family – such as Canme, United Edge and Studio 19 – so I guess that is fair enough to delve into. But why the others?
Also, why not investigate Koukouvaos Consulting, Neranto #10, and Pinpoint Training? They are all owned by the Jacksons, and all seem to have large amounts of union money going through them. That would show independence.
Maybe independence was just an aspiration for Temby — one that doesn’t seem to have played out in practice.
Later in the report, wage rises are mentioned. After amalgamation, Peter Mylan received a lucky 13 per cent increase for performing a monumental task of holding the Union together through its biggest crisis. Michael Williamson received a 25 per cent increase that seems questionable at best.
Kathy Jackson, meanwhile, received a whopping 66 per cent and Marco Bolano an utterly obscene 70 per cent increase — for, from what I can see, absolutely nothing whatsoever.
One notable thing that did – or, more accurately, didn’t – come out of the report was the total lack of any evidence concerning Craig Thomson.
Temby talks scathingly about nepotism throughout the union, like it is a disease that plagued it— in NSW. Of course, there are Jackson family and friends scattered throughout Victoria and Michael Lawler’s kids were even employed by Jackson on handsome hourly rate, yet none of this was worthy of a mention by Temby?
Temby, it seems, does not like to see friends, or particularly family being promoted in the workplace.
However, the Cupco flyer, pictured below, was allegedly attached to documents circulated by Temby to HSU staff. The idea being to promote his son Luke at his upcoming “doll” exhibition.
What good form from the QC, and what a fine display of taste also — to attach a flyer advertising a display of “Paedophiles, Bitches, Shitler, Gadaffi”. Sheer elegance personified.
In my view, far from the Temby report being a smoking gun, as some hysterical media organisations have sought to portray it, in fact the final report bears more of a resemblance to a steaming …. well, I’m sure you can finish that thought.
The Fair Work Australia Investigation
One of the longest investigations in Australia’s history was, at long last, finally thrust into our faces on the 7th of May 2012.
The investigation’s parameters appear to have been broad — to find corruption in the HSU by anybody whose surname was not Jackson.
The investigation by Fair Work Australia has seen the President of FWA, Iain Ross, repeatedly refuse to endorse it in any way. The investigation has also launched a Senate Inquiry.
The Secretary of the union supposedly being investigated, Kathy Jackson, told the world on ABC’s 7.30 program how she used to discuss the investigation in depth with her fiancé at home, and a PDF file even shows she accessed a FWA computer during the investigation. Could that be because her fiancé is the second most senior officer in that organisation?
Michael Lawler, the vice president of FWA, Tony Abbott appointee, son of Sir Peter Lawler (Liberal Party legend as well as board member of a Catholic Political Lobby group) is now best known as the fiancé of Kathy Jackson.
Michael Lawler is also the man who Jeff Jackson had allegedly complained to the FWA President about, concerning conflicts of interest due to his involvement with the HSU and Jackson’s wife at the time — Kathy Jackson. Lawler is also the man that General Secretary, Peter Mylan, complained to FWA about him repeatedly interfering in Union business.
Lawler’s fiancé, and HSU secretary, Kathy Jackson, was also the one who delivered boxes of evidence to the investigator, Terry Nassios. Of course, Nassios also complained — that these boxes he had been delivered arrived opened, so therefore any evidence was compromised.
It should therefore come as little surprise that the findings seemed to totally miss the mountains of documentation that raised questions about Jackson. The documentation IA found part-time in a few day with no money and almost no resources.
The FWA investigation, despite taking years, is worth next to nothing in my view. It relies on hearsay, evidence that has now been discredited by its own source, and used documentation that was allegedly tampered with.
FWA investigator Terry Nassios said it best at the Senate Committee hearing last week, when when he said his investigation “would not stand up to police scrutiny”.
What was the point of it, then?
Wixxy’s Opinion and Recommendations
Facing court in Victoria currently, are Pauline Fegan and Shaun Hudson. These people are bit players, however justice should run its course and we should wait and see what the courts decides their fate should be.
Also facing court in Victoria is Jeff Jackson. Jeff, however, is not a bit player — not at all.
I would recommend a forensic audit of the entire HSU number 1 Branch — Jeff’s old branch. There are many questions raised in my earlier posts about credit card expenditure on things such as brothels, travel, restaurants, and even Foxtel subscriptions — all of which appear on Jeff’s Union credit card statement. There are also issues concerning Jeff’s entitlements after his employment ceased at the HSU. For example, why did he still have a company car until April 2012 and why was he allegedly still receiving payments from the Union years after finishing there? The forensic audit should go back to a year before Jeff Jackson became secretary, in my opinion.
Craig Thomson should be left alone, at least by the media. If he has, in fact, done something wrong – and I’m not saying at all that he hasn’t – it would appear to have been minor. The media talked up the allegations against him, plastering them all over the front pages, but largely ignored the explanations that have so far cleared him. He has been investigated by everybody but Inspector Gadget and yet no charges have ever been laid. If there is something there with substance, let’s save his poor family the death by a thousand cuts and deal with it in the appropriate forum. Otherwise, let’s build a bridge and move on.
When it comes to Michael Williamson, I don’t know how much more needs to be done. Michael has more questions to answer than a contestant on Jeopardy so let’s just get on with it without any more delays and dragged out investigations. There are many people who would like nothing more than to get on with their lives.
Unfortunately, their fate is tied up with the Michael Williamson investigation through no fault of their own, with no suggestion they did anything wrong. They are the most tragic victims of this whole affair.
There is, seemingly, a mountain of evidence for the courts to wade through, so let’s roll up our sleeves, grit our teeth and let rip. If we need more investigators, let’s get them; this whole mess has taken way too long.
As for Kathy Jackson, well, I think she is 100 per cent right about one thing — she is overpaid. The HSU number 3 branch needs a forensic audit and a forensic investigation into its activities, its expenditure and, above all, its management and leadership.
Kathy Jackson should be investigated as heavily as Michael Williamson. With the sheer amount of unexplained expenditure allegedly connected to her, I do not understand what is holding things up.
To demonstrate the concerns, below is a letter sent to the Victorian Police Commissioner from Peter Mylan, which details items that need police investigation.
See the Vic Police Letter in PDF
My investigations have uncovered more information on some of these queries, as have internal HSU investigations, however it is well past time for the police to ramp up their efforts. I am aware Victoria Police are investigating, however again things are moving far too slowly.
A Judicial Inquiry is required to look into the FWA investigation, which has become a farce, with the President refusing to endorse it and the investigator claiming it would not stand up to police scrutiny. Indeed, it was released under Parliamentary privilege because there were fears it could spark defamation actions. Questions have been raised, such as: why was the investigation so weak? Why did it take so long? Why did the Union secretary have access to FWA computers? And why did Michael Lawler become so involved in HSU affairs? These questions need to be answered promptly and forensically.
A Senate Inquiry has failed to address these issues. Indeed, one member of that Inquiry, Eric Abetz, has had his name appear on Jackson’s phone records for the period the Inquiry was sitting. Another reason a Judicial Inquiry is vital.
I would also recommend a Royal Commission or an investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption into any Liberal Party involvement or influence over any of the investigations. (Perhaps this could also take in the James Ashby – Peter Slipper affair, which has a similar smell about it.)
We have seen phone calls and texts from Jackson to Eric Abetz’s staff and NSW Finance minister Greg Pearce. Tony Abbott has been making passionate speeches in Parliament praising Jackson. We have also seen Jackson making speeches at HR Nicholls Society events.
I would also like to see Rob Elliott stop receiving a wage, despite not having worked at the Union since 2002. Marco Bolano’s right hand man, Jamie Martorana, also still receives payments despite no longer working at the HSU. This is not good enough; members money should be spent defending members, not paying mates.
For anything less than the above to occur is going to deliver a half-arsed result and is, in my view, only going to confirm suspicions about corrupt practices at work.
It is also worth noting that this union controls over 600 delegate votes at ALP conferences. That is quite a substantial number and quite a lot of power.
The Union members are predominantly left leaning, however the votes under the management of Michael Williamson have propped up the ALP Right’s vote.
I, for one, would like to see the members delegates vote in a way that that reflects the wishes of the members — not the leader, and especially not one who is being investigated for corruption.
The members — because, after all, that what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Some of you in the Union hierarchy may remember them.
The ones who pay your wages?
Jacksonville 17: The Wixxy Report
dark forces at work .....
I have been writing articles about Jacksonville and its inhabitants for quite a while now. So, now it is time to look at another friend – well, ex-friend – of Kathy Jackson and his involvement in alleged misadventures with HSU funds.
However, you may have to bear with me, as there is not a lot of documentation I have received on any of these allegations. It seems any evidence against him was either found by police or is rumoured to be held by someone else.
Dark forces at work, perhaps?
His name is Michael Williamson, and for many years he was the General Secretary of a Union we have all become rather familiar with — the Health Services Union, or the HSU.
Some of you may also remember a post I did a while back which went into some family favours that were going on inside the HSU in regards to paid positions.
I reported that Michael Lawler, the vice president of Fair Work Australia, had two of his children working at his girlfriend Kathy Jackson’s branch. FWA, of course, were the body that conducted an investigation into any aspect of the HSU that, it appears, didn’t involve anyone called “Jackson” — and was the only investigation to implicate Craig Thomson, out of eight that have been so far conducted.
Anyway, back to Michael Williamson.
Michael Williamson was elected to the position of State Secretary of the Association, then known as the Health and Research Employees Association of NSW, in 1995. Whilst there, the rules changed and he became General Secretary. In 2003, a decision was made to adopt a new logo and change the name of the union to the Health Services Union.
Changing names and logos were not the only changes made unfortunately. In fact, there was a huge change in the way the Union was run, and a Union that was supposed to be “for the members” appeared to become anything but.
Below is a link to an email from Kathy Jackson to Peter Mylan, raising her concerns quite spectacularly about Williamson’s behaviour and the police investigations into his conduct — ones which are remarkably similar to those she is now facing herself. Irony…
Jackson Email
So, what is all the fuss about Canme Services, at any rate?
In a situation that is remarkably similar to the Neranto Number 10 (the K. Koukouvaos Consulting scandal), the consulting companies owned by Jackson that invoiced the HSU for vast sums of money, Canme Services is owned by Julieanne Williamson — Michael’s wife.
Canme Services, for those who doubt the Williamson family connection, owes it strange name to the family. You see, Christopher, Alexandra, Nicholas, Madeline, and Elizabeth; CANME, you see, are the Williamson children.
Canme Services were paid the extortionate amount of $384,625 by the Union’s membership. That is an awful lot of money to be shelled out by any stretch of the imagination — and one would hope that everything had been disclosed to the membership, and the executive committee of the union, given that the company being paid is owned by General Secretary’s wife. Especially when we consider that the Union is now reportedly close to insolvency.
One would be disappointed. It seems that nobody was aware of the family connection other than Williamson himself.
The services provided by Canme Services were to do with the electronic storage of old documentation. Old records and documentation were to be scanned in and then saved onto the HSU network.
Although this seems both an expensive and a lengthy process — it does seem to be a task that needed performing. However, where it becomes a bit puzzling is where the records list this as clerical or secretarial services. Not only that, it seems that although Mrs Williamson was flat out doing it for 7 long years — a substantial amount of document scanning and uploading still had to be done in-house. From what I am given to understand, not a lot of information on the system from the periods supposedly scanned in anyway. Hardly one years’ worth of scanning, allegedly, let alone seven…
Anyway, these matters are being looked into by the NSW police.
On a separate issue, I’m a bit of a music fan — I love seeing bands perform at pubs and clubs. It is important that these bands have places to rehearse, and these places can be quite pricey to set up.
There is a way of setting up a rehearsal studio cheaper though. Ensure that you daddy runs a union.
In 2006, the HSU under Williamson’s control spent $800,000 of the members’ money on a warehouse. That, to me, is 800,000 litres of blood sweat and tears, from some of the country’s hardest working, yet most underpaid, workforce. So, it would want to be a warehouse that the members thought held something pretty damn important.
Important to a member it may well be, if they are in a rock band.
You see, this $800,000 warehouse near Sydney Airport was used as Studio 19, a rehearsal studio. Funnily enough, the person running the studio goes by the name of Chris, or Christopher Williamson, also known as C in Canme Services. Union members will be pleased to know, however, that Michael didn’t overcharge his son Chris on the rent. Actually, it would seem he forgot to charge him rent at all.
I wonder if Union members got a discount rate?
Chris was a part of Tank Stream Productions, the media studio arm of the HSU. Interestingly, Kate McClymont reported in the Sydney Morning Herald that, according to the HSU Financial report, in 2010 the HSU spent $140,000 on the HSU History and Media Centre.
This did not even include salaries or payments to freelancers.
The members must be chuffed to bits….
The saga continues.
Jacksonville 15: Welcome to Williamson
the value of cash ....
from politicoz ….
Proceedings against Craig Thomson have begun over his alleged use of union credit cards to pay for prostitutes, among other allegations, with the national industrial umpire today lodging its claims against the MP in the Federal Court.
Craig Thomson to face court
politically motivated...
Today, everybody acted all shocked and surprised when Fair Work Australia announced its claims against Craig Thomson.
These claims were based on the Fair Work Australia investigation that took what seemed like an eternity to complete ― such was its total and utter mismanagement and mishandling.
This afternoon Bernadette O’Neill announced 37 alleged breaches of rules for officers of registered organisations such as unions, and 25 alleged breaches of the rules of the Health Services Union, of which Craig Thomson was secretary.
Craig is not the only one to have had allegations of breaches of union rules levelled at him ― you may remember Kathy Jackson faced similar allegations not that long ago.
For a start, we need to understand that these are civil claims, not “charges” as the propaganda pieces inThe Australian are already calling them. There are no such things as “civil charges”. Civil matters, civil cases, civil proceedings, and civil claims are real, but not civil charges. They don’t exist; it is like referring to hot ice ― total fiction.
Leave it to The Australian to create new terms like “civil charges” in an effort to incriminate Thomson over a civil matter.
Craig Thomson has denied all of these findings, and seems to believe that they are politically motivated. Who knows? Maybe he is right; maybe it is something to do with senate estimates, I don’t know, and frankly I’m not going to say I believe that as I haven’t given it much thought. I don’t really think that it matters.
What does matter, and what really surprises me, is how soon everybody seems to have forgotten the KPMG Report regarding the sorry excuse for what Fair Work Australia, loosely referred to as an “investigation”. Although, as I write this, someone at the ABC has remembered, I’m assured.
jacksonville 27...
However, Ean Higgins of The Australian has run a story virtually every day on the HSU goings on. You can bet your bottom dollar that if someone on a non-Jackson election ticket farts in public, Higgins will have a quarter page article with vivid descriptions of the ensuing odour. Bolano, Behrens, and Hart on the other hand, could raise campaign funds with Balaclava’s and sawn off shotguns and it wouldn’t rate a mention.
Higgins has , it seems, become the minister for propaganda and campaign material for the Jackson faction.
If this Jackson Five were a real band, Higgins would be a roadie. It would seem in this campaign he is doing all the heavy lifting.
I guess by pumping this post out, I may be seen as just as bad as the others in putting out factional propaganda. Well, I can accept this.
But it should be noted that I am on the side of the Union largest faction ― that of ordinary. This is the only faction that counts and the only faction with the power to put the corrupt factions out on their ass. So, I will not shy away from the cause.
tie me down and call me Nancy! ...
Because the dismally disappointing Temby Report did not go into any of the allegations, actions, or operations of the Victorian branches. Branches like the HSU #1 Branch and the #3 Branch merged with HSU NSW and formed HSU East. While the investigation went into allegations regarding Michael Williamson, pre-merger in NSW, nothing into the Victorian allegations was looked into whatsoever.
For Kathy Jackson to claim this report exonerates her is totally and utterly ridiculous. This is like a historian doing a report on the history of European war crimes and leaving out Germany entirely, overlooking anything that occurred after 1938, and then claiming the report exonerates Adolf Hitler.
Yes, Jackson’s claims are that ludicrous.
As for Temby’s report showing that Kathy was right about saying there was corruption within the HSU — well tie me down and call me Nancy! What a revelation that was. One only has to take a look at any newspaper on any day to see that it seems rife with corruption. Temby pointing out the bleeding obvious doesn’t exonerate anyone, it just shows one has powers of observation at least on a par with the average 2 year-old. In fact, Craig Thomson was talking about internal corruption long before Jackson and long, long, before Temby.
read more: