Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

the zutbots...


divorce from rhubarb...

KATIE HOLMES'S demand for a divorce from Tom Cruise, just days short of his 50th birthday, has raised considerable speculation in the American and British press. 

Is she sick of living with Tom's mother and sister? Does the 33-year-old former Dawson's Creek sweetheart want to get her acting career back on track? Is she fed up with Tom’s Napoleon complex (at 5ft 7in, he's two inches shorter than his wife and has a reputation for being over-controlling)? Is Tom gay (an old chestnut)? 

Or is it that she wants to save the couple's six-year-old daughter, Suri, Hollywood’s most high-profile princess, from the clutches of Scientology?

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I usually would not indulge in commenting about "stars" tits and bum affairs, but I "hate" any forms of "controlling" religions or cults... Scientology in one of these outfits that fits the bill...

uncle crawly condemns creepy rhubarb...

Media mogul takes to Twitter to condemn the 'creepy' and 'evil' Church supported by Tom Cruise

LAST UPDATED AT 10:15 ON Mon 2 Jul 2012

AS SPECULATION about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's divorce reached fever pitch across the world's media - social and otherwise - this weekend, even media mogul Rupert Murdoch found time in his busy schedule to join in the gossiping and get himself into trouble.

"Scientology back in news. Very weird cult, but big, big money involved with Tom Cruise either number two or three in hiearchy", the 81-year-old billionaire wrote on Sunday on his Twitter feed. "Watch Katie Holmes and Scientology story develop. Something creepy, maybe even evil, about these people", he subsequently tweeted.

An hour later, Murdoch returned to reveal that "Since Scientology tweet hundreds of attacks. Expect they will increase and get worse and maybe threatening. Still stick to my story".

Evidence on Twitter of the attacks was sparse, however, with most wryly noting a considerable degree of chutzpah in the one-time News of the World supremo attacking others' intentions.

Asked by a Twitter follower if he was a Christian, Murdoch replied: "I try to be", and when pushed about whether Mormonism - the religion of Republican presidential wannabe Mitt Romney - was similar to Scientology, Murdoch replied: "Mormonism a mystery to me, but Mormons certainly not evil".

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rhubarb from rhubarb...

An American pulp sci-fi writer of the Thirties and Forties called Lafayette Ronald (L. Ron) Hubbard. He launched himself on a new career after declaring at a New Jersey science fiction convention: "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man wanted to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion."

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the old fox is trying to appeal to our good side...

Mr Murdoch was the most "significant figure" to have come out against Scientology, said Nick Xenophon, the independent South Australian senator who has championed the fight against Scientology in Australia. He "wholeheartedly congratulated" News Ltd's chairman for his comments.

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If I was not so naive, I'd be prepared to say that the old fox is tring to appeal to our good side and make us forget his sins, by siding with many of us against a "religion".... especially "that" religion... But one has to be careful... It is a well-know warfare technique to make allies with your enemies to go and fight another one, until such time that one forgets what the first fight was about...


Now should the old fox fight against the climate change denialists instead of supporting them, I'd pay a bit more attention to his tweets...