Sunday 9th of March 2025

chutzpah gold .....

chutzpah gold .....

The Olympics are replete with breathtaking sights and sounds. The blur of Usain Bolt. The wash created by that human propeller Michael Phelps. 

However, at London 2012, there is unlikely to be a moment more utterly gobsmacking than the Australian Olympic Committee president John Coates declaring the key to an improved performance by Australia was to make sport compulsory in school, and to thus increase participation rates.

The federal government has treated expenditure on Olympic sports mostly as an expensive photo opportunity. 

What made Coates's comment so jaw-dropping was it involved a backflip that, on the gymnastics mat, would have scored a perfect 10. This was the same John Coates whose organisation seemingly exercised every political muscle in its successful attempt to bury the findings of the Crawford Report into government sports funding - a report that, among many sensible suggestions, strongly advocated the restoration of physical education in schools.

This was the John Coates who was dragged before that inquiry, despite the quasi-diplomatic immunity claimed by International Olympic Committee grandees during their luxurious jaunts across the planet.

The same man whose organisation either cannot, or will not, justify the benefits its generous funding provides the broader community, beyond spurious notions such as the Olympic ''feelgood factor'', ''international prestige'' and the chest-beating contests with other nations similarly obsessed with the medals table.

The man whose organisation eventually delivered a 229-page submission to that inquiry that was little more than a longwinded and costly wish list on behalf of elite performers. The AOC's untested, perhaps even self-deluded, claims about its impact on grassroots sports were echoed in London by the Australian team's deputy chef de mission Kitty Chiller. In defending Australia's performance, Chiller said: ''There's thousands of kids running around the backyard because of Cathy Freeman. Thousands on a bike because of Cadel Evans.''

Evans's Tour de France victory, almost certainly, has accelerated already strong growth in cycling. Yet, what little research has been done - none of it by the AOC - suggests the Olympics have no significant impact on participation rates, beyond short-lived spikes in attendance at programs such as Little Athletics. Indeed, one study by the Australian centre for Olympic studies at the University of Technology, Sydney, showed that participation by people aged 15-plus in 14 out of 21 Olympic sports decreased after the Sydney Olympics.

One of the key recommendations of the Crawford Report was to empower individual Olympic sports, and to make them more responsible for their own administration. An eminently sensible conclusion given many of what are, between Olympics, minor sports are run like corner shops compared with the standards achieved by the major football codes.

But with elite athletes catered for in national and state institutes, and funding for Olympic sports guaranteed under the protective umbrella of the AOC and the Australian Sports Commission, there is little motivation for the administrators of marginal sports to improve those standards. For too many, marching in a blazer behind the national flag at the opening ceremony has been the objective, not merely a benefit.

As well-meaning and hard-working as many administrators might be, their sports are ill-equipped to recruit and nurture young athletes. Thus, the chance to broaden participation - with the benefit of improved public health and a larger pool from which to identify elite performers - has been lost.

Apart from some tinkering with the ASC administration, through which Olympic funding is channelled, the Crawford Report was torpedoed. It was a victim of the AOC's aggressive, self-protective lobbying, and opportunistic politicians; the type who can stare down a foreign despot, yet - as the soccer World Cup bid fiasco also proved - go weak at the knees at the sight of a green and yellow tracksuit.

Indeed, for its impertinence - Coates grandiosely referred to the Crawford Report as ''well-meaning'' - the AOC was rewarded with a generous funding increase, taking to $170 million the amount spent on elite athletes by the federal Government each year. Without anything so inconvenient as a cost-benefit analysis required.

Like its predecessors, the federal government has treated expenditure on Olympic sports mostly as an expensive photo opportunity, rather than a means of tackling important health issues. The sight of Olympic blogger and occasional federal Sports Minister Kate Lundy, cheering and tweeting her heart out in London, does little to suggest that will change.

In the thrall of the Olympic movement, what chance she will take a copy of the Crawford Report out of the bottom drawer, dust it down and implement findings that have a far greater chance of increasing grassroots participation than throwing yet more money at the AOC poobahs?

Hard To Win Medals When Turn-Coates Takes Breath Away

never allowed to speak again...

The kindest tweet I have seen about Channel Nein's coverage of the Olympics has suggested that every single person involved and their families should be doused in cat urine and thrown down a well; except for Eddie McGuire, who should be sent somewhere for 12 years or so to learn how to speak English, then never be allowed to speak again.

It is August in an Olympic year, so a couple of Australia's favourite First Class Business Lounge habitués (insert Coates, Gosper, etc.) have asked us for some more money; in 2008, it was because Australian athletes did so well, this time around it's because they haven't.

They have come with an interesting new tack on "it's all the government's fault", saying that school sport should be compulsory in order to build future Olympians.

Don't forget that Mr Coates squealed like a mining magnate when the 2009 Crawford Review suggested that some of the hundreds of millions of dollars that state and federal governments contribute to sport should be diverted away from the elite and into local sports and, yes, schools.

Someone connected with an Olympic sport has complained, as usually happens during an Olympics, that the AIS has a smaller budget than an AFL club.

This conveniently neglects the inconvenient fact that AFL clubs have so much money because the public, not the government, chooses to send money in that direction because Australian Rules (and both rugbies, while we're at it) are sports that many of us actually want to watch six months of the year and are happy to part with our hard-earned in order to do so.

Australian swimmers and many other athletes have behaved, on the whole, with a sense of entitlement on a par with Georgie the idiot Prince Regent in Blackadder The Third.

Their failures, such as they are, are nothing to do with not being good enough on the day, but caused by lack of money, bad administration and of course the internet. Several retired athletes and coaches have opined that things were better in their day, which is hilarious in the case of swimming, since we were the only nation that took it seriously for a long while there.