How can you compassionately tell the media of your faith in Australian human nature when you've been so busy destroying it? How can you dare to say that you don't believe in underlying racial tensions when mobs are attacking minorites? I can't work for you anymore... you never listen to me.
Read this cabbie's blog account of working in Sydney on Sunday night, and if you don't feel at least the slightest bit of shame, you'll never feel a sense of conscience again.
Down along Marine Parade fronting the beach, a large crowd numbering
around 200 locals were milling outside the hotel. Also present were
some 20 police officers who appeared to be receiving a briefing from
controllers. Plus keeping an eye on the locals. Much later after
midnight, I heard on the radio a similiar situation was occuring in
Cronulla, with police protecting a smaller number of locals from
taunting Lebanese gangs.
As I approached a road block two 30 something women jumped in,
‘Please get us out of here’, they requested. ‘Sorry it’s only up the
hill but it’s too dangerous here tonight’. (Ironically they lived 2
blocks from recently retired Premier, Bob Carr). ‘Why, isn’t it all
over ?’, I asked. ‘No, the police told us not to walk home because
there’s still carloads of gangs roaming around’. For nearly a kilometre
I witnessed damaged parked vehicles, which I estimated approached
around a hundred in number. Many were tow-away jobs.
The driver continues:
Shortly after midnight I accepted a radio booking from Prince of Wales Hospital Emergency section.
On arrival I was greeted by a middle aged couple. The fella helped
the woman into the front seat. She moved gingerly and had a bandaged
forehead. ‘Maroubra Road’, he ordered. ‘Ah, the riot street’, I said,
then made the connection. Looking across at the woman I said, ‘You
weren’t injured there were you ?’. She slowly nodded her head and her
partner told me the story.
As the gang marauded up their street, she had attempted to save her
car by driving off. Instead she was attacked with a baseball bat. Yet
as bad as it sounds, it would appear they went easy on her. Aside from
a large head gash, X-rays and scans had given her the all-clear to go
On stopping at their destination I told her, ‘‘Mate’, you’re really
lucky. Why...I mean, what did they say to you, anything ?’. She slowly
looked across at me and with a pained expression replied, ‘It’s our
country too’. Her partner then helped her out and I watched as she
hobbled across the road through the broken glass, stopping to inspect
their trashed vehicle. A night they nor Sydney, won’t forget in a hurry.
Take this as Fair Warning, John Howard... conscience-less or not, you now have the knowedlge that inter-relgious violence exists in your backyard, and it's your own fault.
As you sleep peacefully in your bed, it's happening again!
MOBS of men have damaged a number of vehicles
in an outbreak of fresh violence in the southern Sydney suburb of
Cronulla tonight.
A reporter from radio station 2GB said "chaos" had broken out in the
beach shopping centre with vehicles damaged and police making arrests
as mobs of men roam the streets.
"People are standing around in shock, just watching," the reporter said.
"Every window in some cars has been smashed. Roads have been blocked (by police)."
He witnessed police arrest a group of five people.
Sleep well without a conscience. Heaven help your soul.
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