Sunday 9th of March 2025

an open letter...

open letter

Open Letter To Senators Brandis And Abetz

Peter Wicks

Peter Wicks
PO Box 6362
Rouse Hill Town Centre
Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Senators Brandis and Abetz,

I am writing to you both in the hope that you may be able to share with myself, and my readers, some of your expertise on the presumption of innocence.

It has come to my attention, via the News Ltd press yesterday, that there are calls for Kathy Jackson to resign from the Health Services Union, for numerous allegations of corrupt practices.

I am also aware that there have also been calls for her partner, Michael Lawler, vice president of Fair Work Australia, to resign also. This has come as a result of allegations of him interfering with a Federal Investigation and after revelations emerged that he would not co-operate with the KPMG investigation initiated by FWA — in effect, allegedly refusing to co-operate with his own investigation.

I understand that the leader of your Party, Tony Abbott, has made his opinion of Kathy Jackson quite clear, comparing her to Joan Of Arc — saying she is heroic, and worthy of great admiration. I also note that it was Tony Abbott that appointed Michael Lawler to his current position. However, I also trust that you are both entitled to form your own opinions on this matter, and are not required to share the opinion of your leader.

My views on both of these cases are well known and I think I have published enough material for people to determine my opinion on their innocence or guilt.

However, right from the outset of this matter, I have held onto the belief of the notion of “innocent until proven guilty”. This is a belief and is, in fact, a right in this country, that I have held onto throughout the Peter Slipper investigation and indeed the investigation into Mal Brough; and I have also clearly held onto this opinion throughout the campaign against Craig Thomson.

Given your continued calls, or demands, for Craig Thomson to resign – calls that were made on the flimsiest of evidence, and based on an investigation that has been shown to be fatally flawed, to the point of it being worthless – I seek your expertise on the Lawler and Jackson cases. Especially considering the overwhelming trail of evidence on Jackson, in particular, and also bearing in mind that there appears to be more evidence against Lawler than there ever was against Thomson.

I also note that you both spoke out regarding Peter Slipper, and demanded that he step down from his position based on allegations that were seemingly ignored whist Slipper was a member of the Liberal Party.

With these things in mind, I am interested, as are my readers, to know whether you apply the same rules to Kathy Jackson, and Michael Lawler, as you have seemingly applied to Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson.

Whilst I encourage the media to give Jackson and Lawler the same level of scrutiny as they afforded Craig Thomson in order to show balance, I would not like to see them being portrayed as guilty before being given the opportunity to defend themselves in court. Kathy Jackson may even show up for court to do that.

My readers and I await your response and public statements on this issue, as the presumption of innocence is a right that the majority of Australian’s hold dear.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Wicks

PS: You can follow Peter Wicks on Twitter @madwixxy or read his blog Wixxyleaks. See the full investigation into Jacksonville.

buddies in crime?...

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has described the controversial national secretary of the Health Services Union, Kathy Jackson, as ''heroic'' for her whistleblowing.
As Prime Minister Julia Gillard again declined to be drawn on the affair involving her MP Craig Thomson, who allegedly misused union funds, Mr Abbott attacked unionists who he said were trying to blacken Ms Jackson's name.
Ms Jackson wrote in The Age this week that she warned Labor well before his preselection for the 2010 election that Mr Thomson had likely misused a large amount of union money and this was likely to be established during the life of the Parliament.
Ms Jackson said yesterday that Mr Abbott's support caused her ''great discomfort''.

Read more:


Read also letter above...

visiting whore-houses in jacksonville...

Maybe it’s just me, but if I was conducting the investigation and I was confident that I knew of Thomson visiting a particular brothel, then that brothel would have been on my first list of those to receive a subpoena. This second round of subpoenas gives the impression that either the first was based on misinformation supplied to them, or it was just a fishing expedition. Given the first round’s failure to produce anything, it would appear to the onlooker as if someone has pulled out the Yellow Pages, looked up B for Brothel and sent more subpoenas out with their fingers and toes crossed.

I also wonder about the supposed Fairfax evidence of brothel visits that created the media circus and ensuing harassment of Thomson and his family. I am referring to the receipts we have discussed previously that Fairfax pulled from their websites. If Fair Work Australia do not now regard these receipts as useful in their case – given the amount of time, effort, and resources spent on trying to find the flimsiest of evidence – my uneducated guess would be that this evidence is about as rock solid as a marshmallow in a microwave. It is also worth remembering that this disowned evidence has formed almost the entire basis for the public’s now tainted perception of Craig Thomson.
