Thursday 13th of March 2025

the Qld liberals (conservatives) shift the paradigm...

Queensland Premier explains his first budget


Premier Campbell Newman defends the deep cuts his budget inflicted on the public service and the increased taxes imposed on the mining sector, and calls for national industrial relations reform.

learning zilch...

The public at large "prefer" the Liberals (conservatives) because they sell inequality, floggings, slavery, hardship, poverty, wars, selfishness, general crap... all under the guise of spruiking free market.... We're suckers! Mr Merde-och's media subtly tells us to be dreaming how to become the top sociopath in this nasty heap...

damaging the economy, the liberal (conservative) way...

Meanwhile, a Sydney academic says the axing of thousands of public sector jobs will not help the Queensland economy.

University of Western Sydney academic Steve Keen is credited with correctly forecasting the global financial crisis some years ago.

He has told a national superannuation conference on the Gold Coast that shedding jobs will damage the economy further.

"Those public servants are going to be spending out of their dole cheques instead of out of their wages, and they're going to be spending a damn sight less," he said.

"Some of them are going to lose their houses as well, so you are going to depress housing prices when the Government is trying to inflate them with the first home owners scheme.

"It is the wrong policy."

he sez 14,000 I sez 15,000...

Thousands of protesters have rallied in Brisbane's CBD to protest against the Queensland Government's cuts to public sector jobs and services.

Dozens of unions joined forces in the biggest of a series of rallies and protests being held across the state as part of a day of action.

The march follows yesterday's state budget that confirmed the cutting of 14,000 jobs across the public sector.

Those participating in the protest say they fear more jobs will go as the Government moves to outsource services.

It is quite remarkable that every time a Liberal (conservative) government is in power, they always make sure you loose your job... All in the name of "fixing a black hole" that does not exist — or only exist because they make you loose your job, thus there is less money sloshing around...

And that's a thing the Liberals (conservatives) hate is money sloshing around in someone else's pocket... They want the cash to be neatly stored in the government's coffers and/or safely deposited in the Bahamas funds of their mega-rich friends... Thus now the Merde-och press is claiming that "industrial disputes are at an all time high" since about 8 years ago (after having been very quiet mind you) and of course blaming Labor in Canberra for it... when their silly Liberal sausages in charge of the States, like O'Feral and Newman, are doing the damage...

a source of wonder...

Yesterday's decision in the Queensland budget to increase coal royalties more than expected has put the mining industry into a frenzy of outrage, since the plunging price of coal has already reduced profits to the point where miners are being laid off.

How a state so blessed with fossilised forests that it can supply the world's turbines and blast furnaces with coal as well as the world's stoves with gas from the cracks in the coal beds managed to lose more than $6 billion this year is a source of wonder, but there it is. Years of growing expenditure at 7.5 per cent a year, or almost three times the inflation rate, will do that.

The answer is to sack public servants and tax the coal miners, since they have the money. Or at least they did. The faster than expected slowdown of the Chinese economy has cut the prices of both coal and iron ore, and mine workers are joining public servants on the dole: what the cycle gives, the cycle takes away.


Please Alan, don't blame the previous government for this "black hole".... Only Newman is too be blamed...


anyone with commonsense could see that Newman is an idiot...

employment for some...


A Minister's son at the centre of a Crime and Misconduct Commission probe over allegations his appointment was dubious will keep his job.

Ben Gommers, whose mother is Arts Minister Ros Bates, was made a departmental liaison officer on a pay packet of up to $103,000 after the LNP's election win in March.

A Government spokesman today confirmed he will remain working at the Department of Transport and Main Roads while the investigation continues.

The 25 year-old's previous jobs included a stint in his mother's lobbying business and as a salesman for Toys R Us.

The CMC acknowledged earlier today it had received information alleging official misconduct "relating to the process surrounding the appointment of a departmental officer at the Department of Transport and Main Roads".

"The CMC is now investigating the matter. As the matter is ongoing, it is not appropriate to comment further," a CMC spokeswoman said.

Read more:


hitler is a newman...

A former Queensland Government MP has launched a stinging attack on Premier Campbell Newman in an interview with 7.30 Queensland.

Alex Douglas, the Member for Gaven, resigned from the LNP this week after a public disagreement over his removal from the Parliamentary Ethics Committee.

He was one of three LNP backbenchers to leave the party in a tumultuous week for the Government.

In the interview, Dr Douglas predicts the downfall of the current leadership team and raises the prospect of the formation of another conservative political party in Queensland.

"I think this current leadership team will be expunged and will go and that ultimately there will be some sort of structural realignment and we will resume normality of democracy here in Queensland," he said.

"The Premier does not believe in teamwork. The Premier talks about teamwork, he does not practice it.

"He also talks about loyalty. He thinks you need to write it down and be pledged and to be terrified into it. You earn loyalty, you earn respect, and you set good examples."


Dear Voter. What you are seeing here is only shades of Tony Abbott... Don't be daft... Kick Tony and Campbell in the budgies...