Friday 7th of March 2025

gone fishin'...


gone fishin';...

The government's push for a two-year ban on the controversial Abel Tasman supertrawler faces a stormy ride in the Parliament with the Coalition opposing the legislation and the former Labor MP Craig Thomson expressing reservations.
After Coalition MPs met this morning to discuss their position, shadow environment spokesman Greg Hunt told the Parliament that the Opposition would vote against the bill, which would effectively ban the supertrawler for up to two years while further scientific work can be done to assess its environmental impact.
Mr Thomson - who now sits on the crossbench - told the National Times that he was "currently in discussion" with the government and would not elaborate on his voting intentions.

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very fishy...

If Thomson votes with the coalition will we see Pyne and Abbott run for the exits????

going dutch...



THE Dutch government has raised its concerns about the last-minute ban on the Abel Tasman supertrawler with the European Union.
The escalation came as the Gillard government squeezed its legislation banning the Dutch-owned vessel through the lower house, although with changes demanded by crossbench MPs.
The legislation, if it clears the Senate, would see the Dutch-Australian FV Abel Tasman slapped with a two-year ban on fishing in Australia.
The Dutch Deputy Head of Mission, Nico Schermers, told the Herald yesterday he had raised his government's concerns about the supertrawler ban at a meeting of European Union countries.

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This trolling trawler is designed to catch fish — a lot of fish at once — possible destroying the sustainability of fish stocks in the southern waters... Why is such a giant trawler coming south?... Mostly because it's become unprofitable to run in waters that have already been overfished... by big trawlers like this one... I can show pictures (I took in the 1970s) — of big brand new idle trawlers rusting in European harbours because of collapsing fish stocks... but I won't.



fishy conflict of interest...

It was wrong to allow the director of a super trawler operator to participate in fishing quota deliberations despite a declared conflict of interest, the Commonwealth ombudsman says.
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has admitted its advisory committee allowed Seafish Tasmania director Gerry Geen to participate in discussions.Seafish Tasmania is the operator of the controversial super-trawler Abel Tasman.
Laws that would see the trawler slapped with a two-year ban passed the lower house of federal parliament on Thursday, after Environment Minister Tony Burke told parliament "serious" questions had been raised about processes at AFMA.

In a letter addressed to Independent MP Andrew Wilkie yesterday, senior assistant Ombudsman Rodney Lee Walsh said Mr Geen had declared a conflict of interest in the matters to be deliberated by the South East Management Advisory Committee at a February meeting.
Although the committee did not seek a final position from Mr Geen about the total allowable catch for jack mackerel, he "was allowed to remain in the meeting and to participate in deliberations".
"By allowing Mr Geen to remain in the meeting while the total allowable catch matter was deliberated, after noting his conflict of interest as the holder of statutory fishing rights for the fishery, the committee chairperson failed to follow the process set out [in the act]."

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tuna tony


The Abbott government has been rebuked by Japan and New Zealand for ditching Australia's commitment to monitor closely its catch of the endangered southern bluefin tuna.

Australia had undertaken to bring in a stereo-video monitoring system to measure more accurately its live catch after Japanese claims that Australian fishers were falsely counting their take of the prized fish.

Parliamentary secretary to the Agriculture Minister Richard Colbeck has shelved the proposal, claiming its $600,000 cost was unwarranted in an industry worth $150 million a year in exports.

Australia takes 5151 tonnes of southern bluefin tuna a year, the lion's share of a 12,449 tonne global catch split between nine nations.

The fish is listed as critically endangered by environment group the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Almost all of the Australian quota is taken by purse seine vessels operating in the Great Australian Bight under the control of Port Lincoln's tuna tycoons.Schools of the fish are towed in nets and transferred live to holding pens to be grown on before harvest, according to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority.

To measure compliance with the quota, 100 fish are killed and weighed during the tow under the authority's supervision.

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See toon at top


a big hole in the legislation fish net...


Supertrawlers will be permanently banned from Australian waters, the federal government announced on Wednesday.

The move follows the temporary bans on supertrawlers imposed by the Labor government two years ago and re-endorsed by Tony Abbott in March. The first ban expired in November and the second was up for review in April.

The parliamentary secretary for agriculture, Richard Colbeck, said the government would stop vessels longer than 130m from fishing in Australian waters.

This definition of supertrawler does not take into account the processing capacity of a vessel, which proponents of the ban say is just as critical as the size of the vessel.

“This government will introduce regulations under the Fisheries Management Act to give effect to this decision,” Colbeck said in a statement released on Wednesday afternoon. “This decision will have policy effect immediately.”


Colbeck said the government “has consulted widely and accepts the legitimate concerns of many in the community, including those involved in recreational and commercial fishing”.

“The government is determined that Australian fisheries management remain among the best in the world,” the statement said.

Labor banned supertrawlers, or large freezer-factory vessels, after outcry from the public. The Stop the Supertrawler petition has nearly 63,000 signatures.

“Supertrawlers are large freezer-factory fishing trawlers that threaten our unique marine life and fisheries, and the recreational fishing, commercial fishing and tourism industries that rely on these,” the petition said.

“Supertrawlers are part of a global problem that has led to the devastation of the world’s fisheries, marine life and local livelihoods, and we don’t want that kind of fishing in Australia.”

Abbott addressed the House of Representatives in March, saying: “The supertrawler was banned from Australian waters … it was banned with the support of members on this side of the house. It was banned. It will stay banned.”

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Errr.... I remember when... well I don't... But I have a line of articles here and can prove that looking at the "historical" record of the CONservatives led by his majesty Turdy the First (see info at top), the CONservatives opposed the ban on this big ship and should one study the new legislation by the CONservatives, it does not hold any credibility... 130 metres is 30 metres longer than a soccer field (or about two and a half Olympic swimming pool in length — to use the official Olympic swimming pool length — against weight measurements which are done in double-decker buses or elephants) and even under that length one can pack a huge amount of fish catching, processing and factory facilities MUCH MUCH larger than inside the banned supertrawler... It is a legislation with a big hole in its fish net...

See toon at top... At the time of the ban, Abbott argued that the ban on super-trawlers would have an effect on amateur fishermen...

as usual the abbott CONservatives' laws fish shit...

The federal government’s ban on supertrawlers is inadequate because it defines ships only by size and not by industrial fishing capacity, environmental and recreational fishing groups have said.

The parliamentary secretary for agriculture, Richard Colbeck, released a statement on Christmas Eve saying supertrawlers would be permanently banned from Australian waters. The ban defined a supertrawler as a vessel longer than 130 metres.

Environmental and fishing groups making up the Stop the Trawler Alliance have criticised the decision because it allows smaller vessels with large industrial fishing capacity to fish in restricted areas.

The co-ordinator of the alliance, Rebecca Hubbard, said: “There is a fleet of supertrawlers sitting on Australia’s doorstep that are shorter than 130m that could have an equally devastating impact on our marine life, our fisheries and our local fishing. What is Senator Colbeck going to do to stop these industrial freezer trawlers destroying our marine environment and recreational fisheries?”