In Australia there are no strong inhibitions or serious sanctions that would prevent media organisations publishing pictures of Duchess Kate's bosoms or cartoons of a nude Muhammad. Yet no one has.
The Media Alliance code of ethics baldly says: ''Respect private grief and personal privacy.''
The Australian Press Council has set out a statement of privacy principles and in 2010 upheld a complaint against a Bundaberg newspaper that published a photo of a woman at her front door while the snapper was on the street outside.
So what? Nothing happened, other than a mea culpa published in the newspaper.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority showed how commercial television could wangle its way around the code of practice with respect to the invasion of the former NSW minister David Campbell's privacy, by pulling out a dodgy ''public interest'' card.
As the federal cabinet sits down to consider remedies for invasions of privacy, it might reflect that restraint in a digital world is elusive and that what sounds like noble remedies for hurtful behaviour can now be freely mocked.
[email protected]
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/the-french-do-their-bit-for-privacy-law-reform-20120920-269gj.html#ixzz272sxjx7o
of tits and idiotic bums...
It’s an undersung truism of history that “where there's an empire, there's often a pair of breasts orbiting the land like planetary moons”, says Florence Williams in The Guardian. From Helen of Troy to Marie Antoinette, a pair of regal orbs is the stuff of legend. “It should come as no surprise, then, that there was such a fuss about the Duchess of Cambridge's breasts.” Harry's parallel dishabille in Las Vegas didn't generate quite the same uproar because people treat men's and women's body parts differently. “We giggle and swoon and peek and rage because we have not yet as a culture resolved our conflicts over breasts.” We sexualise them more than other cultures, and because we see them for one thing, we are incapable of seeing them for what they really are. Let's hope the Duchess takes back her breasts and shows the world what they’re really for - a baby and royal heir.
Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/opinion/49131/kate%E2%80%99s-breasts-are-designed-feed-baby-not-scandal#ixzz2734XwLgp
Another ROYAL mouth to feed?... Hold your horses, Flo... Let's make the royals honorary private citizens now and save us the expense and the hoopla of having to gawk at them in their royal fish bowl or on their holidays... Long live the democratic secular republic... where the breasts belong to ordinary folks and movie stars advertising the latest lingerie... and where the bums are used to advertise softness of toilet paper... Well aren't we all idiotic bums... still trying to make sense out of nonsense, with religious fervour...
of life and observations...
Pay attention to the bat with infant, for an instant so human......
her majesty's melons...
Seriously. Is it just me, but what happened to keeping your privates, well, um, private?
I'm not a queen-in-waiting, the wife of the second in line to the throne. I'm definitely not a photographed celebrity. I'm not even of interest to the guy who mows the neighbours' lawn. But I wouldn't take my bikini top off in public. Not even in my own backyard.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/topless-choice-a-bit-of-a-booboo-20120922-26djd.html#ixzz27Evzd4i5
The uneasy symbiotic relationship between the rag mags and the royals is strangely necessary for both to survive — a bit like lichen really... a composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus (the mucusroyal) and a photosynthetic partner (the photographer). I believe that should the royals not let hang out a boob or two from time to time, they would fall into disuse and become totally obsolete — which they are anyway — but obsolete, in obscurity rather than useless in full frontal... The royals are now but a family of clowns in an old dusty circus... They should be happy the mags are there to blow the cobwebs off the stage... and these rags let the plebs see some nipples from time to time to rekindle the interest.... I have been told there is a restaurant in Manly (Sydney seaside suburb) that sells a cocktail named "Her Majesty's Melons"... How rude, hilarious or is it my twisted mind?...
a dying breed...
Chris Packham slams laws that stop children from enjoying nature the way he and Attenborough did
LAST UPDATED AT 12:51 ON Tue 6 Nov 2012NATURALISTS David Attenborough and Chris Packham have lamented the "extinction" of the young naturalist, blaming legislation for preventing children from taking part in activities, such as egg collecting, that helped them develop their interest in wildlife.
Interviewing Attenborough for the Radio Times, Packham said: "When it comes to children, the one species that is extinct in the British countryside is the young naturalist.
"I'm out there all the time and I just don't see the boy that I was and you were. That's a disaster in waiting, isn't it?"
Attenborough replied: "Yes, and part of the reason for that is easy to identify, and that is because it's no longer allowed, no longer legal, to be a collector. I openly admit that I collected birds' eggs. And I knew, I bet like you did, when the right moment was when you could take one, and the bird would lay another, so you didn't damage the population, and I learnt a lot.
"Now, I think it's in the ledger of law, if you wanted to be pedantic, if you were to pick up a feather and put it in your pocket it would probably not be legal. And not to be allowed to collect fossils..."
Packham, who has introduced millions of children to nature in a TV career that included The Really Wild Show and, more recently, Springwatch said: "I wouldn't reprimand a young boy that I found climbing to a nest these days. I think I'd give him a bunk up into the tree."
Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/environment/49941/why-david-attenborough-could-be-last-his-species#ixzz2BUF99Avq
mardi-gras rights for critters...
A university academic has criticised David Attenborough's wildlife shows for not featuring enough gay animals.
Three of the veteran broadcaster's shows are identified in a new study as perpetuating the notion that animal relationships are predominantly heterosexual.
Dr Brett Mills of the University of East Anglia says wildlife documentaries should be offering viewers a wider perspective on animal behaviour.
Researchers found BBC wildlife documentaries portray animals as heterosexual families too often, even though animals can also be gay.
Dr Mills who carried out the study said: 'The central role in documentary stories of pairing, mating and raising offspring commonly rests on assumptions of heterosexuality within the animal kingdom.'
Dr Mills says this perception is created by the documentaries despite evidence that show animals have 'complex and changeable forms of sexual activity, with heterosexuality only one of many possible options.'
The study focussed on three BBC wildlife documentaries The Life of Birds, The Life of Mammals and Life in the Freezer, and analysed the way in which the animals were described in voiceovers
Having witnessed gayness in the dog world and the cattle world, I can only support the university academic...
see toon at top...
bird of the year...
New Zealand has voted for its bird of the year 2018 and it's one known for being "drunk, clumsy and a bit of a clown", organisers say.
The kereru has a liking for fermented fruits, which contain alcohol.
And that means the birds can get quite tipsy at times, displaying clumsy antics and falling off trees.
This year's campaign saw celebrity endorsements from actor Stephen Fry and comedian Bill Bailey, while one species even had a Tinder profile.
The kereru is one of the few native birds in New Zealand that is not endangered.
What kind of bird is it?"They have quite a reputation of being large and clumsy and being a bit of a clown," Megan Hubscher of Forest & Bird, the conservationist group that runs the annual vote, told the BBC.
The bird loves fruit and depending on the season, these fruits might be fermented. Hence, the bird will get drunk.
"There are a lot of videos around of kereru getting drunk and stumbling around in a comical manner," Ms Hubscher laughs. "That's part of the charm. they're just very loveable birds."
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Read from top.
the hail storm of the century...
A flash storm that ripped through parts of drought ravaged Far West New South Wales has left a trail of death and destruction for two grazier families.
Up to 400 kangaroos were found dead on Avondale station near Broken Hill, with the neighbouring property left to clean up over $20,000 worth of dead stock.
Tegan Langford said what began as joy and elation over the much-needed rain, later turned into utter disbelief.
"It was very eerie down there. It looked like something out of a movie where they say the world is going to end. Everything was just dead."
Tegan and her husband David own Ktank Station, 30 kilometres east of Broken Hill.
The Langfords, like many grazing families in the Far West, were desperately waiting for the rain that lashed the region a week ago.
They did not know, however, that with the rain came a hail storm that killed more than 400 kangaroos and 150 goats.
"We received 18mm of rain at the house, which we were over the moon about, but it wasn't until a couple of days later that we realised how bad the damage was,'' she said.
"We were out mustering a paddock that was next door to our goat paddock when we started to see dead roos and goats for no reason."
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