Sunday 9th of March 2025

sour grapes...

sour grapes
JULIA Gillard was involved in the "conspiracy" to topple Kevin Rudd as prime minister days before the coup, according to new claims that contradict her own account.

In a new book, former Labor MP Maxine McKew calls Ms Gillard a "disloyal deputy" who was directly undermining her leader in the days before she challenged him. Ms Gillard has always maintained she was loyal to the then prime minister until the day she challenged him.
But Ms McKew writes that the then deputy prime minister showed internal Labor research critical of Mr Rudd to a senior member of the caucus in the days before the challenge. This Labor member believes that his encounter with Ms Gillard was part of a "conspiracy against Rudd", Ms McKew says.

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meanwhile, in the other plotters' den...

AS THE year runs down, Julia Gillard is dug into her trench; eyes trained on her internal and external enemies, Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott respectively. The former is looking a touch desperate; the latter a little discombobulated.
From her dire situation of several months ago, Gillard has consolidated. Her prospect of leading Labor to the election has strengthened, though it's not guaranteed.
Of course, now that she is doing better, one risk is that she becomes vulnerable to a new argument from the Rudd forces. Their case has been ''a change of leader is needed to save the furniture''. If the polls come to show Labor potentially competitive, the argument would be ''Rudd can give us a chance of winning''.

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three choices...


In the book Tales From The Political Trenches, Ms McKew says Ms Gillard showed an unnamed senior member of the caucus internal Labor Party research, which was critical of Mr Rudd, days before the spill took place.

The unnamed MP said the incident seemed to be part of a "conspiracy against (Mr) Rudd".

Asked about her source, Ms McKew said she had promised to protect the unnamed MP's identity but he was credible.

I give you three guesses to know who that "credible" source is... There weren't many Labor MP who were not "conspiring" to get Rudd out... So this leaves us with the left over and those who have already left... First those who don't like Julia Gillard. Julia said  that she only decided on the day and to get a ballot... Had it gone to a ballot, Rudd would have been hit 99 per cent against him. He knew that. So he chose to go with a tear in his eye and since that day he has undermined Julia as much as he could...

Even my Liberal (conservative) friends know that. 

So back to the identity of the "credible" source. Three choices:

a) Lindsay Tanner

b) someone who looks like Lindsay Tanner

c) someone who talks like Lindsay Tanner

If the MP is still in parliament, they know who he is...

And in my book, Maxine should have done better protecting her position rather than being bowled out by a tennis player... Sour Grapes?... Vinegar plus...


stop it or you'll go blind...


Kevin, the time has come to stop the agitation from your handful of malcontents and

acknowledge that Julia Gillard has your complete and undivided support. If you were to

declare publicly that in Julia, Australia has found a true and effective leader - and if you

were to take that message to every electorate you campaign in - you would have the

power to throw the Opposition into total confusion and virtually guarantee Labor's return.

So the question is this: are you really enough of your mother's son to forget? And are you

really Christian enough to forgive?

You might recall that when you have suffered the several blows of fortune these past few

years, my private message to you each time has been, "The best is yet to come."

Kevin, this is the way - the only way - you can make it so.



This piece was originally published on Robert Macklin's blog.

Robert Macklin is a writer and the authorised biographer of former prime minister Kevin



And may I add here there is noting to forgive... Politics is politics and should Rudd do as told here, I will forgive him as well... Meanwhile may Maxine's pile of books catch on fire during the launch tomorrow...

a book of leaky sour grapes...


High-profile former MP Maxine McKew has deplored the culture of leaks within the Labor Party, suggesting her own colleagues briefed against her during her three years in Canberra.
"One of the annoying things for me when I got to Canberra was to realise the extent to which so many people leak," she said."Colleagues leak against you, it saps the energy, and I'd like to see an end to that practice."

Ms McKew, a former ABC journalist, said she did not know who was behind a series of damaging media leaks aimed at Prime Minister Julia Gillard in the run-up to the 2010 federal election.

The leaks, which almost derailed Labor, have previously been attributed to former prime minister Kevin Rudd or his backers.
But Ms Mckew, one of Mr Rudd's close allies, said she believes they came from a range of people.
"I don't know who was responsible," she added.
"The theories I've heard are that it could have been a range of individuals.
"But I condemn all leaks."

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To which Maxine adds "but I don't mind if they end up complied in a book of sour grapes" And if she did not know, Kev may have been one of the biggest leakers.... Leaks RARELY directly fall into the pocket of  a Journo... NO. The leak travels via discreet channels that are securely trusted to the journo's pockets — except in the case of Laurie Oakes who gets his from the horse's mouth while wine-ing and dining..


a bad vinegar wine gone off ...

Former Labor MP Maxine McKew says the federal government's funding cuts to universities and recent campaigning on 457 visa rorts are undermining its efforts to embrace the Asian Century.

Ms McKew, former Labor member for Bennelong, says the 457 debate was a political stunt that risked alienating our Asian neighbours and marked a "return to the worst of Labor's past".

We pay lip service to the idea of an integrated knowledge economy, but we want it on the cheap.  

McKew will make the remarks on Thursday as part of an address to the Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne. She is critical of Australia's attempts to build relations with India, despite initiatives such as the Asian Century White Paper.
Read more:
Come on Maxine... You know better... If this report on your utterance is true, then you show more sour grapes than a bad vinegar wine gone off. Labor is still committed to the "Asian Century" and if things move slower than you would like, go and take a deep breath under water...
You know that some employers are rorting the 457 visas and this has nothing to do with the Asian century as other workers from other countries away from Asia also use this programme of employ.  You know too that unions are annoyed when one of their own Australian workers is not picked in favour of "cheaper" (it's rarely cheaper) labour that on some occasion is "unskilled". You know that Labor or the conservatives (liberals)  need to keep on the ball on this issue...
And one of the most annoying thing about you here is that "your" item is released ahead of you delivering this speech but on the same day as Julia Gillard is getting a bit of kudos for having moved on the NIDS... Do I smell the hand of your catholic boss, Kev Rudd, up your skirt on this "press release" today or am I too cynical?...