Monday 10th of March 2025

the power of one ....

the power of one ....

from politicoz ….

keating lashes foreign policy ….

Former prime minister Paul Keating has blasted Prime Minister Julia ­Gillard over foreign policy and warned that Australia’s objectives have been surrendered to the United States, in a scathing critique that overshadowed Australia-US foreign and defence policy talks in Perth.Also: Forget The West, Our Future Is North (edited extract) – Paul Keating (National Times)

the pot calling the kettle black again .....

So, former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, has decided to get with the strength & support the view of over 70% of Australians, who contend that our foreign policy is too closely aligned with that of the United States?

Of course, whilst ready to stand in judgement of former Prime Ministers Howard & Rudd, & our current Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, for their fatuous & demeaning support of the policies of our US playpal, notwithstanding strong & consistent public opinion to the contrary, the great one himself was arguably just as ready to lift our skirts in his pursuit of a new Asian favourite in his day.

Notwithstanding ‘chewy’s’ view, many would argue that Australia has not enjoyed the services of a true national leader, willing to pursue our national interests above all else, since Gough Whitlam.

Maybe it’s time we looked for a Kiwi to help us do that too?