Thursday 9th of January 2025

war criminal, nuclear proliferator & hypocrite .....

‘Vice President Dick Cheney has
vowed unshakeable solidarity with Israel, and condemned the new Palestinian

made it clear Iran would not be allowed to have a nuclear weapon, described the
Iranian regime as "irresponsible," and warned the United States had
"all options on the table." 

Iranian regime needs to know that if it stays on its present course, the
international community is prepared to impose meaningful consequences," he

Cheney was addressing 5,000 pro-Israel activists from all
50 states Monday who gathered in Washington, D.C., to attend the two-day Annual
Policy Conference of AIPAC, America's pro-Israel lobbyist organization, which
began Sunday. The focus of the conference was "the urgency of stopping
Iran from developing nuclear weapons and isolating the Palestinian government,
which is now controlled by the terrorist group Hamas." Additionally, AIPAC
delegates had 400 lobbying appointments with members of the House and Senate
who were in attendance.’ 

the terrorist?

Will Be Stopped: Cheney Vows To Israeli Lobbyists

The nation with the most criminals

Extracted from the BBC

Half of the world's prison population of about nine
million is held in the US, China or Russia.
Prison rates in the US are the world's highest, at 724 people
per 100,000. In Russia the rate is 581.
At 145 per 100,000, the imprisonment rate of England and
Wales is at about the midpoint worldwide.

UNITED STATES prison population 2,135,901 prison rate 724
CHINA prison population 1,548,498 prison rate 118
RUSSIA prison population 828,900 prison rate 581
BRAZIL prison population 336,358 prison rate 183 1
INDIA prison population 322,357 31 prison rate 140.2
MEXICO prison population 201,931 prison rate 191
UKRAINE prison population 170,057 prison rate 364
SOUTH AFRICA prison population 156,175 prison rate 344
POLAND prison population 85,048 223 prison rate 117.
ENGLAND/WALES prison population 76,678 prison rate 143
JAPAN prison population 76,413 60 prison rate 105.9
KENYA prison population 55,000 prison rate 169
TURKEY prison population 54,296 prison rate 76
NIGERIA prison population 40,444 prison rate 30
AUSTRALIA prison population 24,171 prison rate 120
SCOTLAND prison population 6,886 prison rate 135
N IRELAND prison population 1,391 prison rate 80

SOURCE: International Centre for Prison Studies

The nation with the most criminals, teaching sanctity to the world?
The nation lead by warmongers, teaching non-violence to the world?
The nation with the largest nuke arsenal, preaching nuke rectitude to the world?