Thursday 23rd of January 2025

playing the violin...

merde-och 2055

Read in the Un-Australian from the Merde-och press....

From Don Aitkin

To me the ABC seems committed to the view that anthropogenic global warming (AGW, now transmuted into "climate change") is a real and present threat to humanity. Such a position, if I am right that it exists, is at odds with its own editorial policies and code of practice (both excellent documents and similar in their content). Among other things they state that "aiming to equip audiences to make up their own minds is consistent with the public service character of the ABC" - and who could disagree? Accordingly, "the ABC has a statutory duty to ensure that the gathering and presentation of news and information is impartial according to the recognised standards of objective journalism."


Is this guy serious??? Did he get his university degrees by buying fairy floss at a country fete? Is the world still flat?


Don Aitkin dances around a pile of crap as if it were a sacred bonfire...

The ABC is actually slanted towards conservatism 55/45.... The real scientists there at the ABC have to use some nifty subterfuges to let the world know what is really happening on the subect of global warming... Jonathan Holmes at the ABC is not a scientist and his department of loonies is all about "slanted opinion"... So don't take a beef with the ABC staff in general, but argue against Jonathan if you must, like i do all the time... 

But on the subject of global warming, the IPCC science is correct... The few scientists who argue against it are using the wrong data, ALWAYS make UNSCIENTIFIC assumptions and MOST do the sums for the proponents of fossil fuel burning...

Ah, I see, the article as printed in the Un-Australian is a short version of an article first published in the Sydney Institute Quarterly, led by no other Mr Glum, Gerard Henderson... Say no more... But wait, there is more!... This fellow is the Chairman of the Australian Research Council, a governmental organisation designed to give scientists the nod by slipping them grants... Nero Merde-och plays the violin on the hottest day ever recorded in Sydney...

all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds...


Don Atkin babbles on about the ABC at the Un-Australian...

The third theme is what I would call a general political correctness, revealing itself in a systematic preference for "ought" implying "is". A regular ABC listener/viewer will learn that environmentalists are always virtuous. Species always seem to be in danger of extinction. Women are always coming up against patriarchy and glass ceilings. Outside the business news domain, corporations always seem to be acting badly.

Rich people are likely to be mean. Health and education seem to be in a disastrous situation, and the fault is plainly that of government. The UN is a good thing, and international organisations such as Greenpeace are plucky and well-intentioned.

"Boatpeople" are always "asylum-seekers", which suggests a political reason for their emigration, though on the face of it they simply have more money than those in refugee camps.

Scientists who are sceptical of the AGW scare, like Jennifer Marohasy, are made the subject of what seem to me tendentious personal attacks, in this occasion on Media Watch.


Yep, Mr Atkin, and the ABC IS SLANTED TOWARDS THE CONSERVATIVES... One would hate to see the news if it went further right!!!

From Jennifer Marohasy....

King Tide Not So High

The King Tides here, where I used to live from 1946 until the early 1950s, used to cover the lawn on this land by about an inch (25mm) or so. Today’s King Tide was 2.68 m at the Brisbane Bar (about as high as they get) and the barometer reading at high tide was 1012.5 hPa (normal).

There were no enhancing or diminishing factors influencing sea levels that I am aware of. The remaining decking on the ruined jetty (click on photograph to see more of jetty) is at the height of the top of the sea wall (lawn height) so it can be seen that the King Tide height is about 300 mm below the lawn height.

So, according to my observations, sea levels in Moreton Bay have gone down about 300 mm over the last 67 years.


The scientific record, compared to this unmeasured observation, shows otherwise.


Has this person never thought to check the local council records on how much the land there was topped up?... What was the atmospheric pressure at the time of her observations in the 1950s? Was she there at the REAL time of high tide...? Looking at the beams of the jetty in her blog picture, one can see that the water is about four inches below... If my memory is correct, beams of such jetty were installed at about ONE foot above the highest king tide possible — but may not have necessarily so.... And posts and jetties often sink slowly.... And did she pay attention to the sea current patterns?... And she based this assessment on one measurement?


300 mm? Sea levels fell by one foot??? That's her scientific conclusion?... A scientist, she may be, Einstein she ain't....

And by the way, in many places, the JETTIES WERE BUILT HIGHER THAN the dirt patch leading to them... Then the dirt patches were eventually sea-walled and filled in to the height of the jetties...