Friday 24th of January 2025

on the rim of australian politics....


Tony Abbott reminds me of Rimmer in the TV comedy Red Dwarf...

Rimmer is full of self-promoting hubris and as such Rimmer, the Hologram, is the self-appointed captain of a garbage disposal ship lost in space for about 3 million years... The only difference is that Rimmer from time to time realises he's a waste of space, but Abbott never does, though he is the Hollowman... See Tony's latest grand scheme of fiddling with the northern rivers... It's a bit like going from BLUE ALERT to RED ALERT, as the tin-can robot, Kryten, masterly ask Rimmer if that really was what he wanted as all he had to do was change the coloured light bulb in the flashing sign...

I think Tony has risen far beyond his Peter Principle's station of incompetence — except he's still there a) because there is no one else who want the job... b) there is no one else who could do the job since all of those who put him there are way beyond their own levels of incompetence and c) hubris is the only thing that keeps him there...

The lunacy of his (old and discredited but rehashed) lastest damming scheme is the summit of crap, but Tony mentions Aboriginal people, to give "his idea" an illusion of moral depth...

The scheme still is a Rimmer style of doozie. And if your have any trace of nature conservation in your bones, throw him out with your next north shore council clean up... 




An environment group has described a federal Coalition plan to irrigate northern Australia with dams as a "vampire that has to be slayed a few times".

A leaked draft discussion paper identifies 100 possible dam projects around the nation, with a heavy emphasis on irrigating a new "food bowl" in the Top End.

But Dr Stuart Blanch, director of the Northern Territory Environment Centre, says there is a lot of evidence the plan would not work.

"This thing keeps coming back from the dead," he said.

"I have spent many years trying to kill these dumb ideas, along with many people, including farmers and fishermen, Aboriginal communities, scientists.

"There is room for irrigation development in the north but it's not the food bowl, there's just not the scale."

Dr Blanch says it appears the Federal Coalition is running a strategy of encouraging public discussion about "hare-brained" schemes to develop northern Australia.

"(It seems they are saying) give us all your craziest, biggest ideas, that all the sort of good, solid, scientific reasons have said should never get up and we're gonna run with it," he said.


and water in the coffee...

Tony's northern hubris is so loopy that so far it has not made the news either in the Fairfax nor in the merde-och press... Or if it has in the merde-och press, it had soon been displaced by more "important topics" — such as the "scandal" that the NBN Co is spending more than $100,000 on office coffee-making machine... If you make the calculations, at about $4,000 a machine per 1000 employees, plus a discount for bulk, this mean that the NBN Co — a company that is spending about $35 billions on installing fiber-optic cable throughout the country — has bough about 30 coffee making machines, saving time from boiling water (that never boils when it's watched) to its employees...

Better coffee makes better minds...

meanwhile, rimmer wants to sacrifice something... your job...

Tony Abbott, like Rimmer on Red Dwarf, is always prepared to sacrifice sumpthin' or someone else... Today he reaffirmed his comitment to loose possibly up to 20,000 jobs in the public service... 


Mr Abbott says a Coalition government would "trim" the public service, arguing there are now 20,000 more public servants now than there were five years ago..

Five years ago, the Australian economy had less population thus less jobs... The numbers of jobs grew at more than 250,000 new jobs per year, and for the public service this meant about 4,000 new jobs per year, all needed to supply PUBLIC SERVICE....

Over the past five years, Australia has created an average of 271,209 jobs annually and on average almost 159,000 of these jobs that have been created are full-time jobs.


The only job that should be cut is Tony Detritus Rimmer's job... Let's not forget that Tony Abbott has more shadow ministers on the payroll than there are Labor ministers in the government... And if "fish rot from the head", Tony is right bang there...

Tony Abbott is a populist iddiott who talks like Rimmer:

"Now, I believe that the Coalition I lead understands all of this in the marrow of its bones and that's why I am confident that should there be a change of government later in the year, there will be an instantaneous adrenaline charge in our economy."

This means stupid squat and anyone with a brain should be scared from Tony's dangerous stupidity...

more from the populist idiot...

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott today took a barely disguised swipe at a prime ministerial adviser when he attacked Julia Gillard for "imported politics".

Mr Abbott's target was John McTernan, a Scotsman with a broad accent who heads the Prime Minister's communications section and is a political adviser.

"One thing which we never do in the Coalition is import political techniques and political personnel from other countries. We just don't believe in imported politics," Mr Abbott said today.

"We believe in a strong, home-grown policy. We believe in strong local candidates. That's what you'll always see from the Coalition under my leadership. We will always speak with a strong Australian accent."

British-born Mr Abbott was perhaps forgetting about his Belgian-born shadow assistant treasurer Mathias Cormann who sounds more like Arnold Schwarzenegger than Slim Dusty.

bad news for abbott-rimmer...

The Australian share market has finished company reporting season with a bang, closing up 1.3 per cent.

The All Ordinaries index closed 67 points higher at 5,120, while the ASX 200 added 68 points to close at 5,104.

The day started with a positive lead from Wall Street and the market rose further as more first-half profit results rolled in.

Food and drink business were among those that cashed in; supermarket giant Woolworths added 2.7 per cent and Treasury Wine Estates closed up 8.2 per cent.

But even companies with less than stellar profits rose; retailer Harvey Norman reported a 36 per cent slide in first-half profits but its shares still closed 9.2 per cent higher.


See toon and silly Tony-Rimmer at top...

directive 34368stroke5 and bum wipes...


From paul kelly


Tony Abbott will restore full cabinet rule

FORMER Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull says an Abbott government will operate a Westminster cabinet system, with the prime minister "first among equals", and shun the presidential model followed by Kevin Rudd in office.

In an interview with The Weekend Australian, Mr Turnbull pledged to work in a team relationship with Tony Abbott and made it clear that proper cabinet decision-making would be critical in an Abbott government.


Abbott-Rimmer is always a stickler for "rules" but Abbott-Rimmer breaks these rules all the time... and only refers to the rule-directive-book when desperation makes him surrender to a peaceful tincan of talking sprouts.

Of course Kryten reminds him that directive 34368stroke5 refers to the number of toilet paper sheets allowed by crew members per day and, in regard to the full cabinet rule, the directive was 34368strokeC...

Meanwhile Miss Kochanski (red-head Gillard) is put-off by Kryten mentioning he's on 24/7 wipe-duty since Mr Lister had lost his right arm... But Kryten (the dumb-headed media who hates Miss Kochanski-Gillard) explains tactfully that it is about removing crumbs from Dave's lips after eating biscuits... and polishing his boots.

Abbott-Rimmer, having become Abbott-Ace-Rimmer, the Hollowman, is touring space in search of a planet to save from doom — doom which does not exist before Abbott-Ace-Rimmer arrives... creating Kaos (Don't you like my reference to Get Smart?)...

Of course Mr Lister (the public — not so secretly in love with Miss Kochanski-Gillard, but Kryten makes sure this love is always distracted — while Kochanski secretly hard-loves Lister while she punches him in the face) has a sweet gay dream about Abbott-Ace-Rimmer coming back to the green space-drone, as Red Dwarf — the 3 milliion year old garbage disposal ship — has been lost since their visit to the Squid of Despair planet.

Thus Kryten, who still hates Miss Kochanski, organise a dream-decontamination unit to show Rimmer's full crap but it is of course too late for Dave who has been kissed by a 4 million year old zombie full of nasty crobs... and looses his arm.


Ah, Paul, Paul Kelly that is...

You'd buy anything from Abbott-Rimmer, the salesman of crap, the crappy commander of crap and of Mal Brough, the crappiest of liars... At least, Miss Kochanski knows how to pilot the ship as she has a class A navigator ticket.

Abbott-Rimmer before becoming the Hollowman was once a hospital vending machine repair-man and sucked at it. Still does in the deep blackest of space...

Malcolm does not rate much higher than Cat in this story... Always looking after the fluff between his legs... Unless Malcolm is "space-vermin"... Who knows.


fire at will...


from Gerard Henderson, who would not crack a joke about it:


Hostility to Abbott is partly personal, partly political and based among inner-city intelligentsia in Sydney and Melbourne, quite a few of whom are Greens voters. It finds strongest expression at the ABC - which still does not have one conservative presenter, producer or editor on any of its prime products - and in the publications of Black Inc.

The Melbourne-based property developer Morry Schwartz's publishing company produces such titles as The Monthly and Quarterly Essay which obsessively pump out material in print and online critical of the contemporary Liberal Party. Its publications include Tony Speaks! The Wisdom of The Abbott … (Black Inc, 2012) which was compiled by Russell Marks.

The reference to "the Abbott" is yet another anti-Catholic sectarian attack on the Liberal Party leader's religion. In fact, Abbott is not the fundamentalist Catholic his critics believe him to be. In any event, some Abbott comments which strike Marks and Schwartz as barking mad make sense to many electors, irrespective of their location. Take this one: "I don't much like pornography; I've never purchased it myself." Many Australians - Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and atheist alike - would share this position, even if it rates a sneer in the Black Inc office in fashionable inner-city Collingwood.

Read more:

Hostility towards Abbott-Rimmer is simple: He lies, he's an idiot, he's uncouth, He has no idea of reality, he jumps to the deep end with silly ideas about the future and he is supported by the media, especially the merde'och press, except a few boutique journals who can see through Abbott-Rimmer bullantics... Being a full-blown catholic from the Santamaria faction does not help either... Is Abbott-Rimmer a misogynist?... probably, in ways only he himself knows as he can be totally fixated about some women or men, not so much because he is or not, but because he is supported by a club of female who are super-anti-feminism in the media — even if his entourage of women, like his wife, his daughters and his chief of staff keeps him under their thumbs... That would make any male-geezer suffer from reactionary selective misogynism...

Labor's budget, though not perfect, is poised and massaged to restore and maintain a proper equilibrium in a difficult social context in which external pressures from a world economy gone wrong becasue of bankers have not helped a bit... Comes Abbott-Rimmer with a bowling ball in the bowling alley with his partner Joe Hockey and everyone except for rich dudes and bankers would be down and out... I am not an economist but people like Ross Gittins are.

I am proud... By being anti-Abbott, according to Gerard, I am part of the intelligentsia of inner-city Sydney... Rather be that... than being a silly catholic redneck who thinks global warming is crap.... Yes, yes, Abbott-Rimmer still does believe it's crap! If he did not he would embrace the carbon pricing as the best solution to help solve the problem... But as I know too well, the idea of "global warming" is anathema to Tony and all of Tony's friends — say like Gina for example... See Tony is not a misogynist... He can be friends with women who act like bulldozers for bucks. But friends with feminists? Never.... Well may be if there is a vote in it, let's appear to be... With Abbott-Rimmer, it's all fake gloss and straws...


And please, Gerard... Stop bashing the ABC for being left-wing... This is cheap and untrue... The ABC was never left-wing, but has become right wing a few years ago, after Mark Scott took over... The ABC Board is mostly ritewingnuttery. Producers and front personnel are made to walk over hot coals should they give one second more to the left in programming, but get flowers should they let run right wing stories overtime... Not one presenter?... What about Chris Ulhmann? I know there aren't any rite wing presenters at Play School yet but that could be due to the program not having been pushed into the Hitler Youth ideology yet.

and it's rubbish...

And as Gerard Henderson (see above) complains the ABC is run by leftist loonies, here comes the ABC with an opinion, like every week since PR (Peter Reith) came back to haunt the shore, by who else but Peter Reith once more telling us that :


The best outcome for Australia this year would be a fair and well-informed election, says Peter Reith. The Liberals have released their plan for the future; where is Labor's?

The federal campaign is now underway. Forget the promise that there is a time for governing and a time for campaigning. PM Gillard must surely have persuaded even the most committed Labor voters that everything done between now and the election will be to promote Labor's re-election bid. A seven-month campaign will create more policy uncertainty and more business uncertainty, and neither will help the economy.

I will be surprised if the policy debate reaches any new intellectual heights. But the election will be important - in fact, crucial - to Australia's wellbeing for the rest of this decade.

Tony Abbott has put out the broad elements of his policy position and his pitch. The big ticket items make for as substantial a manifesto as any put out by either side in recent elections. In Western Sydney yesterday PM Gillard promised a road, and while she has raised some other issues in the last fortnight, a lot of her policy is in limbo because of the financial position reluctantly conceded just before Xmas.

A much longer election period should bring forward some new approaches to the way the campaign proceeds. It is time for Labor to put out an opening brochure. Why can't the public at least have a matching list of Labor policies so we have something to consider in this early part of the contest? Maybe there should be an early leader's debate after the May budget?

Tony Abbott's list of policies in his 50-page brochure "Our Plan - Real Solutions for all Australians" contains a fair amount of information on what he would do if elected prime minister. It is targeted at the average person; it's a consumer product.

Go see the abc, I won't put the link to Peter's c... (sorry, the word nearly fell of the keyboard)...


...Consumer product? ...And it's RUBBISH...

"a fair amount of information" comes to squat in relation to costed policies... Sure, there plenty of ten-pin bowling to demolish all the good stuff created by Julia's Labor Government and create new abhorrent policies.

And there are many glorious ways to shaft your wages and entitlements under the theme of "flexibility"... And there is not s skerrick of understanding that by pushing this button, a domino effect follows that destroys the NBN and Australian real global warming efforts and other environmental policies.

And we all know that Peter Reith is always throwing the truth overboard.

And the economy? It's still booming for most...

If you know anything about engines, should you add nitro or remove the regulator, it will go crackers for ten seconds and then burn out in a gigantic puff of black smoke... That's Tony Idea of adrenaline induced economy until it gets a heart attack, two seconds later...


Kick PR out of the pages of the ABC. PR is a sneaky danger to humanity. 


Joe is lying, or is an idiot or both...

The ignorance and ineptitude of the man who would be Australia’s next treasurer was on full display last Thursday, writes Alan Austin.


Joe is lying, or is an idiot or both... Unless he is a politician... A lying idiotic politician like Abbott... I can see it... As soon as Tony's adrenaline charged (or laced or intavenously doped) economy would come in, the interest rates would go through the roof, wages would fall into the sewers and the environment would become a place to dig dirt, pump gas and juice flora till there is no tomorrow — which would be soon after...



IDIOTS!!!... Not Einstein, but Hockey and Abbott!!!!

betrayal alla liberal (conservative)...


Tony Abbott has rejected comparisons between Ted Baillieu's exit as Victorian premier and the dumping of Kevin Rudd as prime minister, arguing there is the "world of difference" between the two scenarios.

Mr Baillieu yesterday stood down as premier amid a dramatic day in Victorian politics, after realising he no longer had the support of his colleagues.

The new Premier, Denis Napthine, denies Mr Baillieu was "knifed", declaring there is "no blood on the floor".

Speaking on ABC local radio in Melbourne this morning, Dr Napthine refused to go into details of Mr Baillieu's resignation but denied suggestions he had been counting the numbers in the lead-up to last night's events.

The state leadership change has drawn comparisons with Mr Rudd's sudden axing Labor Prime Minister in 2010, when he was replaced by Julia Gillard.

The only difference is one saw it coming while the other one saw it coming... but one of them was in denial...

See Rimmer-Abbott on the garbage ship red dwarf... Some of the supercilious fans of the series would argue that Red Dwarf is not a "garbage space ship" (as I claim) but a mining ship... That even makes it go further down the list of importance. With Rimmer-Abbott in it, it makes zero difference...

Rimmer-Abbott betrays everyone, including himself, for his own self promotion...