Friday 24th of January 2025

precarious proletariats...

class divisions...

THE TRADITIONAL three-tier British class system is out of date, according to a survey of more than 161,000 people conducted by the BBC. Instead of upper, middle and lower classes the UK now has a total of seven social classes ranging from the 'elites' to the 'precarious proletariats'.

Other unfamiliar labels included in the new social order are 'Technical Middle Class', 'New Affluent Workers' and 'Emergent Service Workers'.

The new class system was devised by Manchester University's Professor Fiona Devine and London School of Economics' Professor Mike Savage. They based it on the findings of the Great British Class Survey - the largest ever study of its kind. A shorter version of the original 20-minute survey can be taken by Britons on BBC News' website.

The new system was greeted with scepticism by social media users, who pointed out the short version of the quiz could be easily manipulated to get wildly different results. One privately-educated Twitter user deemed to be 'traditional working class' wrote "perhaps I should ask for my public school fees back?".

Its methodology was also mocked by Mumsnetters with user 'eatyourveg' (who was deemed to be part of the 'established middle class') remarking: "Quite how they determine class by asking if you use Twitter/Facebook or know a scientist, nurse secretary or cleaner is rather dodgy if you ask me".

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class warfare in australia

In Australia we have at least 112.4 categories. Here are the top ten, starring in order of self-importance:


All of these mixed categories are part of a huge greater group — the JULIA HATERS... 
President : Chairman Rupert of the merde-och press
Vice President: the ABC — Producer of At Home with Julia and sheltered workshop for a lot of idiotic commentators such as Peter Reith and Chris Berg and Piers Akerman.
Vice president: SBS (Housos — bunch of nasty idiots with a total IQ of 12)
Fence-sitter in chief: Fairfax, though heavily weighted with Gina on board — herself a JULIA HATER first-class card holder.

I know... I've listed 11 categories but the third and fourth are totally the same.

if you want to whinge, blame murdoch...


An alternative view would be that the Poms simply don’t know any better. Good heavens, they nearly all follow soccer, just for a start.

Meanwhile Australia is indeed the poor little rich country, a nation that has lost perspective after more than two decades of unbroken growth. The last time Australia experienced genuinely hard times was the 1990-91 recession. The steady misery chorus about life and business being “really hard”, “the worst I’ve ever seen”, is a testimony to either youth or memory loss or both. Australians need to get out more.

Yet we do get out more. We’ve become fanatical travellers, punching way above our weight on international adventure and spending. We must be doing it with our eyes closed if we can’t understand our privileged international position. Indeed, it’s a symptom of how spoilt we’ve become that a regular international holiday is considered something of a necessity.

But it’s our domestic experience of the past decade that has warped our perspective. For all the surveys and pie charts you might try to throw at it, “wellbeing” and “happiness” are entirely relative. Our mistake is relating our present circumstances to the wonderfully wild party times immediately prior to the GFC.

The core of the message that’s been coming out of the Reserve Bank over the last year is that we were increasingly losing the plot in the lead up to the 2008 wake-up call. Actually, we had lost it – household savings disappeared, our per capita real consumption spending growth was rocketing along at 2.8 per cent a year, unsustainably above our amazingly high disposable income growth of 2.3 per cent.

With unemployment threatening to break below 4 per cent at one stage, anyone who really wanted to have a job, had one. Quite a few people who didn’t really want jobs had them too.  And politicians on both sides were competing to tell us that we were doing it tough and we needed, no, deserved more handouts of one sort or another from the government.

And that hasn’t changed. The politicians are still telling us that we’re doing it tough, that our lives are miserable and that we deserve to get more from government, which of course involves more spending that, somehow magically, we won’t have to pay for. Oh please.

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Now I can't go through all the whinges that one could have about the way the merde-och press has manipulated our whinging side... But there is not two ways about it: Mr Murdoch makes sure that daily, we whinge about something, be it the ABC, our neighbour's dog or the price of soggy lettuce...

All mass-media in Australia take their cue from the merde-och press. If it's not a whinge about someone else it's one about being too fat, too thin, too ugly and, boy, do we have the right product for you... But first you have to get rid of JULIA... This one is the biggest whinge in the gamut of merde-och whinges... And you shall love the idiot son, Abbott... who understands nothing and says anything to get your attention...

That is the price to pay when you suddenly find yourself bored by happiness... You want someone to kick your arse... Yes pain is a way to remember that one exists...

This country will never cease to amaze me...