Monday 10th of March 2025

they lied and lied and lied...


Hitherto unseen evidence given to the Chilcot Inquiry by British intelligence has revealed that former prime minister Tony Blair was told that Iraq had, at most, only a trivial amount of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and that Libya was in this respect a far greater threat.

Intelligence officers have disclosed that just the day before Mr Blair went to visit president George Bush in April 2002, he appeared to accept this but returned a "changed man" and subsequently ordered the production of dossiers to "find the intelligence" that he wanted to use to justify going to war.

This and other secret evidence (given in camera) to the inquiry will, The Independent on Sunday understands, be used as the basis for severe criticism of the former prime minister when the Chilcot report is published.

Mr Blair is said to have "realised" and "understood" that Libya was the real threat and that he knew "it would not be sensible to lead the argument on Saddam and the WMD issue" according to evidence of a conversation on 4 April 2002, the day before he flew to the US to spend a weekend with Mr Bush.

See also:

still lying...


Former prime minister John Howard has hotly rejected the claim that he led Australia into the 2003 Iraq war on the basis of a lie.
Mr Howard said the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after the allied invasion was ''unexpected'' and that some of the key assessments of Western intelligence agencies had proved to be wrong.
But he told the Lowy Institute in Sydney, in a speech marking the 10th anniversary of the conflict, this was a ''world away from those [intelligence] assessments being the product of deceit and/or political manipulation''.

Read more:
No matter how much Howard, Blair and Bush tell us about "failures of intelligence", they are bullshitting big time... BIG TIME!...  And they will do it till the day they croak... at least Thatcher never lied in such fashion, despite being  a handful...
Unexpected?.... Come on, pull the other leg, it rings!... And the media has the gall to go along with that crap...


I could not agree more with John Howard...

Howard rejects claims Iraq war was based on a lie...


I could not agree more with John Howard. The war was not based on A lie but based on 125,615 lies bundled in a packet of sub-prime-porkie — equivalent to a giant double cross system of deception. Each and anyone of these lies could have been debunked at any time with proper procedures of spook-school 101... The point is that Blair, Bush and Howard did not want to know the reality...

actually they knew too well, they did not want you to know Saddam did not have WMDs... They knew Saddam only had peanuts-cannons and a couple of flower-crackers with a BANG flag at the end of a barrel, but no WMDs... Hans Blix knew that, the Europeans knew that, the genitor at the pentagon knew that... Even Powell knew that, but he was made the bunny to go and sell the war to the United nations — scuttling any chance he could have had to make it to the White House...


The lies came from a "sophisticated" series of lies (well whom am I kidding? — it was no more that a crude assemblage of hearsay, with not a single solid proof of anything) only a mad press eager for scoops as the coalition of the willing war-pen-pushers led by Mr Murdoch would help the dissemination of... It was FAKE information that any spy school student should be able to detect as a first assignment otherwise they would be failed...

The New York Times got taken in by the hoax and later on apologised to its readers for having fallen in the trap...


So I agree with John Howard... is was not a lie. it was 125,615 lies bundled in a packet of sub-prime-porkie — equivalent to a giant double cross system of deception. For those who do not know about the double-cross system go the link:

now, ain't that the truth ....

Yes Gus.

Little "rattus" is at it again.

In denying that Australia’s decision to go to war in Iraq was based on a lie, the little aussie battler & latter-day “man of steel” was quoted as saying: “Not only does it impugn the integrity of the decision-making process at the highest level, but also the professionalism & integrity of intelligence agencies here & elsewhere.”

Now, ain’t that the truth?

from our friend Dr Vacy Vlazna ....

The Editor,

Sydney Morning Herald.                                                                     

Howard's statement in his speech commemorating his collusion in the destruction of Iraq and its society had a small oversight.

"The belief that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction was near universal." … among a handful of warmongers.

Dr Vacy Vlazna