Friday 24th of January 2025

the thugs are here...


Pity western Sydney.

Crime out there, apparently, is out of control. Worse, the inhabitants' borders aren't being protected.

We know this because the Federal Liberal Party says so. In increasingly bold type. On Facebook. Must be true.

The NSW Bureau of Crime and Statistics, which takes the trouble to keep a close eye on these things, begs to disagree about the crime wave in western Sydney.

But it's a federal election year and the Abbott opposition and the Gillard government know that the vast suburbs of western Sydney hold the key to The Lodge.

Not to mention that Western Sydney is under the jurisdiction of the STATE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT... But apart from that... As I mentioned here the Liberals are going to throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at Julia...

western syd

new lies from the misogynist abbott...

CUE TONY ABBOTT, with another photo stop in front of a new Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) on 27 March. What was he going to say this time? Whose fault was it? How incompetent were the Government? And how many white chargers did he have in his stable today?

The answer was two shadows and himself. Once again, Abbott had come to cleanse the temple of the incompetence of the Gillard Government. This time it was different though — he had a new line and two whopping big new lies to tell about how bad they were and how good he was.

As always, the devil is in the detail. In true Independent Australia fashion, we asked the questions about his assertions and found them to be blatantly untrue. It was easy to ask the questions, and if IA hadn’t, Abbott would have got away with the two biggest whopping lies that have yet been told in Australian politics this year.

The most frightening thing about this story is that, apparently, the press have stopped asking questions. They just reprint Abbott’s assertions without question.

the magnanimous misogynist...

At one point, Mr Abbott rebuked a member of the audience for labelling the prime minister a "horrible woman".

"It's important that everyone in this audience and everyone in our polity generally be given a polite hearing," he said.

Read more:

the queensland thugs...


Of course, you would have all felt the misogyny in Mr Abbott rebuke (see above)...

Did he say "No! Julia Gillard is not a horrible woman!"?

No... He said:

"It's important that everyone in this audience and everyone in our polity generally be given a polite hearing."...

What does this mean?

Nothing much really, only that Tony Detritus want to be seen as a "polite" gentleman — a gentleman who hates THAT woman so much that it would be okay to call her "a horrible woman" should the press not be present...

Meanwhile in the Banana Bending country:


LAST WEDNESDAY, a very clear signal was shot across the bow of Campbell Newman and Tony Abbott.

The Together union, which represents Queensland public and private sector workers across health, education, clerical and administrative roles, commissioned Reachtel to conduct the “largest scientific political poll in Australian history” — a poll of 36,323 Queenslanders statewide.

The results are the stuff of nightmares for Premier Newman and his government.

Ever since taking office, the Queensland LNP government has sought what some see as political revenge attacks on Labor and the union movement. Bullying tactics, ill conceived words such as calling protestors “union stooges”, judgment errors and scandal have dogged this government. They have been ramming through changes faster than almost anybody can keep up with.

This is the “shock and awe” approach to politics. Get it done quickly and hope people forget or don’t notice.

The problem? People are noticing and they aren’t impressed.

Queensland Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie has been on a “red tape” cutting spree.

This is a man with seemingly unchecked power and the licence to pass whatever political predelication he has on any given day. They include making it easier to get a liquor permit for community events, allowing bottle shops to open earlier, allowing licenced premises banned from serving glass to do so again, and increasing how much you can be bet on pokies.

Combine this with the watering down of civil union laws to please the Australian Christian Lobby and surrogacy laws (plans later shelved) and you start to get the picture.

The committee process had been railroaded and they seem completely obliviousness to how poisonous they have become in the community. All opposition is ignored. Dissent is shutdown.

Health Minister Lawrence Springborg recently instructed senior public servants to start keeping track of who attends union meetings and who the union representatives are — an action that is seen at best unethical and by some as illegal.

It is my personal opinion Campbell Newman has little influence as leader of the LNP and the state. He can’t control his caucus and has very little ability to head off or handle disasters when they arise. All this has been beautifully on public display recently. The scandalsdefections and demotions too numerous to report in any detail here.

The real leaders of Queensland? Tim NichollsJeff Seeney and Jarrod Bleijie; there is no question in my mind. My sources say the same.

Not to mention Mal Brough as well...

kicking the thug abbott...

Legal papers have been served on Opposition Leader Tony Abbott by the co-founder of the now-defunct One Nation party.

David Ettridge is suing for $1.5 million, accusing Mr Abbott of acting unlawfully in 1998 by assisting and encouraging litigation against One Nation that led to the party being deregistered.

Mr Ettridge and fellow founder Pauline Hanson were jailed for electoral breaches but the conviction was later overturned.

Mr Ettridge outlined his allegations in an interview with the ABC's PM program.

"He assisted a gentleman who'd been a former One Nation party member to conduct a series of attacks through the Queensland courts against the One Nation party," he said.

"Those attacks were completely false and malicious in nature, there was no truth to them, but Mr Abbott continued to provide finance and support through the provision of legal firm barristers and a QC, to help drive that false and malicious argument through the courts.

"And of course by doing that, he was trying to give it credibility it didn't have."

the abbott kingdom...


From Austen Tayshus
Australia, May 2016. The Coalition has been in government for three years. Cardinal Tony Abbott is Prime Minister and honorary Archbishop of Warringah.

Malcolm Turnbull, bleeding-heart liberal and no-longer-just-suspected-communist, is the leader of the Labor Party. Julia Gillard has left politics and married Tim Mathieson, who turned out not to be gay. They have adopted two Indonesian orphans. Julia works as a speechwriter/janitor for the new AWU. Julie Bishop has also left politics and become an ophthalmologist. Joe Hockey is Treasurer and weighs 400 kilos. Barnaby Joyce is deputy prime minister and John Howard (not the actor) is governor-general. George Pell has been arrested for vote tampering in the recent papal election. Journalist David Marr received a life sentence for treason for his Quarterly Essay, Political Animal: The Making of Tony Abbott. He is interred in Gulag 17 on Christmas Island.

Work Choices has made a big comeback. Now known as Work Choice - Or Else. The carbon and mining taxes are now administered by Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd. The rich are getting richer and the boats just keep coming. Nauru is home to 500,000 refugees, who live in the most appalling conditions known to man or David Marr. Nobody seems to care.

Animosity between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition has escalated to open violence, with Turnbull's witty repartee proving no match for Abbott's devastating left-right combinations. It's just like the old days.

Read more:


not only the king but the valet as well...

A SENIOR Tony Abbott staffer threatened to "cut the throat" of an eminent Australian last night at the gala Qantas party, political commentator Peter Van Onselen has said.

Van Onselen, who witnessed the threat, told a male, "very senior member of Abbott’s staff" told the prominent Australian, who works in the not-for-profit sector, he would "cut his throat" when "we" are in Government.

Van Onselen tweeted about the incident last night.

He said on Twitter that the staffer warned him to keep his mouth shut, in exchange for leaked information from inside the Federal Opposition Leader’s office.

"Abbott’s staffer knew I heard the conversation, bailed me up & offered to be a source inside TA's office if I stayed quiet ... thanks, but no," van Onselen tweeted.

Mr Abbott is holding a press conference at 10am where he is expected to answer questions about the incident.

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