Monday 10th of March 2025

press conference with zero credibility...


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has indicated a Coalition government could change its position on gay marriage, after state Liberal premiers came out in support of the idea.

New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell has voiced his support of same-sex marriage and called for a conscience vote in Federal Parliament.

West Australian Premier Colin Barnett has also backed calls for a conscience vote, although he says he is personally opposed to gay marriage.

Speaking to ABC Radio in Melbourne, Mr Abbott said he did not want the marriage laws to change.

But he said the issue would be a "matter for the post-election party room" if the Coalition won September's federal poll.

"I'm not trying to say that the party is committed forever and a day to the current position," he said.

"I'm saying that this will be a matter for the post-election party room."

in vino veritas...


TONY Abbott's director of policy was "drinking" and made a throat-slitting motion when he threatened to "cut the throat" of funding to an Australian indigenous body at the gala Qantas party last night.

Political commentator Peter van Onselen, who witnessed the incident, said Dr Mark Roberts made the threat to Andrew Penfold, CEO of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), which provides indigenous children with high school scholarships.

Mr van Onselen was standing with his wife at the party, speaking with Mr Penfold and his wife, when Dr Roberts "stumbled over" to them.

"I don't think I'm being in any way unfair if I say he'd had a bit to drink," Mr van Onselen said.


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The truth comes out when people are pissed. Usually people hide their contempt rather well when sober, until the guards are dropped while being somewhat intoxicated...


The old fashion lie/truth detector:


In vino veritas is a Latin phrase that translates “in wine [there is the] truth". The expression, together with its counterpart in Greek, “Ἐν οἴνῳ ἀλήθεια” (En oinōi alētheia), is found in Erasmus' Adagia, I.vii.17.[1] Pliny the Elder's Naturalis historia contains an early allusion to the phrase.[2] The Greek expression is traced back to a poem by Alcaeus.[3]

The Roman historian Tacitus described how the Germanic peoples always drank wine while holding councils, as they believed nobody could lie effectively when drunk.

The phrase is often continued as, "In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas", i.e., "In wine there is truth, in water there is health."

Similar phrases exist across cultures and languages.


Gus: by the way I have no idea as to where the press conference was held. I "picked" a Cheese Factory by throwing dice... then guessed what the number 3 and 5 meant...



Meanwhile our useless lying idiotic misogynist punching-below-the-belt civil Tony says:


Abbott denies staffer made 'throat cut' threat

Updated 3 hours 43 minutes ago

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott denies his staffer told an eminent Australian a Coalition government would 'cut his throat' if elected. However, Mr Abbott says the staff member has been counselled over an 'unfortunate exchange'.


after the denial, the demotion...


Abbott denies staffer made 'throat cut' threat

Updated 3 hours 43 minutes ago

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott denies his staffer told an eminent Australian a Coalition government would 'cut his throat' if elected. However, Mr Abbott says the staff member has been counselled over an 'unfortunate exchange'.





Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has demoted a member of his staff for threatening the head of an indigenous education charity.

Mr Abbott has announced his director of policy, Dr Mark Roberts, has been demoted following an investigation into his behaviour at a Sydney dinner on Thursday night.

Political commentator Peter van Onselen has insisted several witnesses saw Dr Roberts make a throat slitting gesture to Andrew Penfold, the chief executive of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation, at a dinner at Sydney airport on Thursday night.


Read more:


Oh Abbott Abbott Abbott... Why don't you go away and let us live in peace for once... You must have known about the incident but you denied it happened until he media breathed hot flames on your butt, so you "demoted" your man... This means he is still there, amongst your manipulative staff, doing the same crap, but not officially at the front end...

loop de loop... and loopy...

loop de loop

zero credibility to tony's half-baked zero credibility...


Prime Minister Tony Abbott has warned anyone planning to marry under the ACT's new same-sex marriage laws to wait for the High Court to rule whether the legislation is valid or not.

The ACT yesterday became the first jurisdiction in Australia to pass laws allowing same-sex marriages.

However, the Federal Government is challenging the legislation in the High Court, arguing that it is not consistent with the Commonwealth Marriage Act.

A writ of summons was lodged with the High Court today and the matter is schedule for a directions hearing next week.

The Government says it has asked for an expedited hearing to avoid any distressing people who may marry under the laws, only to find their marriage is not legal.

"If as I think the ACT legislation turns out to be invalid under the Constitution, well then those marriages wouldn't be valid," Mr Abbott told 3AW.


The spiritual son of B A Santamaria is at it again, with his bullshit and threats... Go and play with kiddies, Tony... This era is for GROWN UPS... You're a disgrace to this fair country... You only got elected by the grace of Mr Murdoch who pleads that his reporters be treated as innocent until proven guilty — unlike his own merde-och press that trashed the reputation of a victim and proclaims the guilt of suspects with abandon... Fekin' cun ertist! as my friend the irishman would say... How do we let these clowns get away with such crap????


See toon at top...


love and all that...


An interesting thing happened in Canberra this week. On Tuesday, the Australian Capital Territory's legislative assembly became the first parliament in Australia to pass legislation allowing same-sex couples to marry.

The interesting thing was, the sky didn't fall in and the world didn't stop turning because the ACT decided that more people who love each other and want to acknowledge their committed and permanent relationships could get married.

Marriage is the bedrock of Australian society and is what most strongly binds together people and families, and in a broader sense communities.

It is the special pact that tells the world "we two belong together, we are family to each other."

That's why straight people want to and do get married. And that is why gay people like me and my partner Virginia Edwards want to get married.

It's also why I disagree most strongly with those who argue that allowing same-sex couples to marry would somehow threaten or undermine the institution of marriage.

Virginia and my relationship is just like that of heterosexual couples. It is special, loving and intimate. We intend it to be permanent, so we nurture it through the good times and nurse it when things get tough.

It is at the core of our social lives, drawing our families and friends together around us as a partnership which has become a single entity. It is, in every sense but the legal one, a marriage.


This enlightenment from Christine Forster, the great sister of our little shit...


meanwhile at the science lab of nature:

Scientists are now claiming the long observed practice of insects and spiders of the same sex mating is actually accidental, despite up to 85 per cent of male insects engaging in homosexual acts.

Instead the bugs are in such a rush to reproduce - one of the strongest evolutionary drives - they do not take enough time to inspect their potential mate’s gender, often leading to same-sex mating.

The collaborative study, published by Doctor Inon Scharf of Tel Aviv University and Doctor Oliver Martin of ETH Zurich University in the journal of Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, found spiders and insects have not evolved to properly discriminate in their mating choices.

They reviewed past studies of 110 species of male insects and spiders and found there is almost no evolutionary advantage to insect homosexuality, unlike birds and some mammals.



no credibility even with a caveated mea culpa

Prime Minister Tony Abbott doubts whether a new bill legalising same-sex marriage will ever come to a vote in the Senate.

Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm last week introduced a private bill to allow same-sex marriage, leading to renewed calls for Mr Abbott to allow coalition MPs and senators a conscience vote.

But the prime minister says such bills don't usually go to a vote.

"If this one is different, well, obviously the party room will consider it," he told reporters in Canberra.


Senator Leyonhjelm last week said the prime minister had counselled him against the bill because it would cause trouble for the government at a time when it was already facing a number of challenges.

Labor MPs already have a conscience vote on same-sex marriage.

read more:


See toon at top... Tony Abbott floats between sewerage and turdy water at most time while being constipated and while trying to tell you he smells okay... Your call...