Monday 10th of March 2025

die brutale Kapital

das Kapital...

There is no debate.
As soon as one explains in irrefutable details to Liberal (conservative) honchos where Abbott's policies are lacking, are idiotic and are dangerous, the conservatives don't want to know nor argue. 

They don't want to know the truth. Stop. End of debate... 

They know that they are wrong, but they don't want to know. They hate Julia. 

And that's that... That is enough for them. They claim "Julia is incompetent..." and that's their only defense. When asked to back up this ludicrous claim, they are often like Abbott caught with his fried brains when asked to explain context to what he said ("shit happens") when an op went wrong in Afghanistan and an Aussie digger got killed. Not a word comes out — head boiling with white rage for being found out as an idiot who mouths inanities —WHETHER he means them or not.

Conservatives (Liberals) don't like Julia. And they are not the only dudes.. For one, the Catholics in the Labor ranks are fuming but they have a little bit of better sense — except when they try a swifty with Crean at the breach...

The Conservatives have tried to get rid of her — by crook or by hook since Julia replaced Kevin — and she is still there like a five tonnes-stone in their Armani shoe... 

Julia has done a lot of things they don't like: Royal commission into sex abuse of children, the NBN, Labor saving Australia from the jaws of the Global Financial Crisis (and still saving), Climate change policy, the NDIS (the national disability scheme) and more... They hate the way she has discreetly (and cleverly really) unpicked (and is still unpicking) ten years of ruthless Howardism — those ten bad years when porkies flew and soared with zeal as curly as tail winds. 

For heaven sakes she even talked equal to equal to the Chinese... Did you notice when Julia had a great success in China that the press led by the merde-och press started to make noises about China GOING BROKE? Wasn't this a hoot?... A grand piano-sized porkie especially designed to throw some cold water on Julia's kudos?...

For the conservatives (Liberals) telling the truth is a form of socialism... Telling the truth stifles their irrepressible need to sell snake oil. Please, forgive them, it's a disease the conservatives have... They can't stop for five minutes telling you about the value of stuff — in dollars... Even beauty is expressed in dollar increments. 

As soon as one mention global warming, it's a red-under-the-bed plot. Workers rights is a communist plot... Better education for all is a communist plot. The NBN is a socialist network. Trying to control an unruly LYING media is a socialist attack on the freedom to tell capitalist porkies. 

They hate Julia. 

When Howard used to tell us that "everyone knows that" we should get a stick pushed up our arse, as a nation we accepted it because he had said the smoothing cream magic words "everyone knows that"... 

These days, when Julia is launching a new progressive way to do better things for most people, she does not use the smoothing cream. So, straight away it's a huge problem because every one and his/her punditry tell us there are sticks in the mud like universities, cleaners and/or premiers that could object... 

The conservatives even tried to trip Julia with a clever set up when the premiers "decided to support" gay marriage while Tony could consider his cabinet (if ever) the option... bah blah blah... Julia did not bite despite a few too many journos humming and ahhing about her and the subject without noticing what the conservatives were doing... All I can say is wait for August...

The Libs (conservatives) will falsely claim that Julia is "anti-business"... She is not. Most businesses have had more sweeteners to operate under Labor than in the time of Howard Lazarus, the lying fibbing rat... No, the conservatives are desperate to apply the law of the jungle in which they are Tarzan and you are the monkeys... That's the "natural order" as seen by the conservatives... Tarzan. Monkeys.

Every second month my accountant sends me new concessions for businesses, tax breaks, investments facilitation, faster depreciation... but this is not good enough. The conservatives want to savage wages — and workers rights. They want to sack you and hire a monkey at will, like fodder. That's a big no-no for Julia. People are truly her concern. The conservatives have tried to stack the Fair Work Australia with their own cronies but the laws are such bastards to go around... Your rights remain somewhat preserved... But wait should Tony gets his hands on the levers...

One hears sometimes that at least Aboriginal affairs would be in safer hands with Tony Abbott... That's Tony's baby as he charitably spends some his holidays painting houses for (some) Aboriginal people... Tony is very good friend with Pearson... And that's good... But one has to remember that, with Tony, friendships can be very fickle. Actually, with Tony, friendships are not fully valued ... If friendship is in the way of making a buck, guess what happens?... Friendships are used for convenience, not a day after their usefulness, then placed in the rubbish bin... 

I may be unfair here, but look. Tony was part of the gang that brought in the "NT intervention". Something had to be done but the insensitivity of boots-and-all was not the way to go... Noel Pearson is in favour of the intervention and in reduction of welfare in favour of work... Good. But work needs the productions of goods to sell on a market place... It's a slow slog to implement a new culture of individualistic ownership in a community where everything is shared... It's akin to the destruction of the dreaming. I's delicately poised. 

So with Tony, one has to watch one's back... Ask Peter Slipper... For many years Slipper was Tony's friend. Tony was a best man at his wedding, though, secretly, the conservative party (LNP) wanted to get rid of Slipper. Tony "defended" Slipper — whose casting vote gave him the leadership of the conservatives — against the Queensland conservatives LNP, until he abandoned him to the rats. Instead of sticking by the side of "his" friend whom he knew may not have been kosher with some expense claims, Tony poured tons of shit on him, shit that TONY HAD KEPT IN RESERVE in bile files... 

Tony does not value friendships unless there is a dollar or an ounce of power for him in them... This is typical of many conservatives coming near you... And did I tell you they hate Julia?... And presently porkies are flying with impunity, all helped and promoted by the king of the lying media — Mr Murdoch. More crap to come from the conservatives (Liberals) soon and backed by fibs in the press...

die brutale Kapital

The conservatives (Liberals) see capitalism as a vicious game of monopoly in which everyone tries to charge people with the most outrageous rent. It's a game of ugly one-upmanship where there is little room for "community" spirit except for the small stack of cards, which if conservatives could, would be robbed blind... Fraud is rife... Banks will sell subprime product at premium prices, possibly in secret collusion with rating agencies — unless the rating agencies were blind...

We all have heard about Troppo Tony... "Go north young man" is his motto... In the US wild days, when Indians were shot or moved to reservations, it was "go west young man"... it became a different hollywoodian comedy of errors full of sexism, in which misogyny is thwarted by a buxomly swearing Mae West... I can see Tony being a bumbling butler in the Hillbillies...

Just be aware: capitalism is brutal in the hands of the conservatives (Liberals)... 

The conservatives always enjoy the spoils of capitalism like the nazis colonels enjoyed the spoils of war and occupation... It's elegance, impeccably pressed uniforms or pin stripes, it's champagne and relaxed glorious atmosphere at the Ritz. Meanwhile while the officers dance with blonde Lili Marlenes in a perfect shuffle, their troops shoot anyone on sight in the street, after the Sperrstunde...

This is die brutale Kapital... But in this Kapital ruthlessness, Tony is only a small front shop grocer like in open all hours... Most of the nazis colonels are waiting in their bunkers 35 storeys high at the top end of town... They are worried though... 

They know Julia is good...

They know Julia is clever. They know she is smart... That's why they want you to believe she is incompetent... They know too that their front man is a pissy jack-in-the-box character who more often than not puts his foot in his mouth... They have enlisted a clever media baron to do the disinformation like a Paul Joseph Goebbels. Uncle Rupe sees gold as well in the process. He is part of the kapital Nazi gang... Rupe has been decorated many times in these wars, including the "phone-tapping guerilla" despite the casualty of one of his best troopers... Rupe has seen many dictators come and go from Thatcher to Blair and Howard... Some like Bush and Abbott, Rupe only promotes to the shop front because they appear a bit dimwitted but it gives time for the top echelon Nazis to collect the spoils at the back..

For example when Tony announced a push to the north with dams and umpteen more mines, the miners could have killed him... He was letting an "Institute of Public Affairs" cat out of the bag without really understanding the full dynamic of supply and demand... This self-evident dynamic is what stopped the environmental desecration of the Kimberleys... 

There is something called the bottom line and another called the optimisation of revenue... The more supply, the lower the price in regard to the same demand, unless stocks grow to a point where one runs out of room. Competition becomes unruly, unmanageable and dangerous.  

So Tony got told quietly: "Shhhhh... only ONE new mine"... otherwise opening more mines was going to kill-off the entire business... It's like having a horse on the track that keeps winning all the time. What's the fun of betting on that? It would be killing the gambling industry should that horse raced once too many times... Imagine, too many mines and the price of dirt drops so low, no Aussie mine can make a profit despite savaging wages and destroying the entire social fabric, including more shopkeepers going to the wall... That's the bottom line bellow which one cannot stress the golden goose... 

Meanwhile, the conservative austerity measures for the poor, translated in riches for the rich, can be made palatable to the poor by promoting charity, bigotry and religious fervour amongst the clods. Alleluia!

The conservatives are shitting in their pants... Despite the polls, Julia might pull it off... They now have to go beyond the credible porkies to add to the sauce of deception... They are worried... They might panic and sell you inferior product you don't want like their erzatz broadband abortion...

Das kapital ist brutal... Gelt ist brutal...

It's a game of hungry lion and gazelle's guts... It is a game in which values can be manipulated by "clever" tools...

For example if no-one wants to buy or if no-one wants to sell, things have NO VALUE... The only values left are that the people place on themselves and that of the environment.. But these are still relative values... People can be lined up and shot against a wall... The environment can easily be destroyed for fun with a chain and balls until one runs out of petrol... Then the hooligans turn to defacing a few walls until they run out of paint... All this done mostly to keep fertile minds busy... Even in relationships, it's far easier to destroy a friendship that to maintain it in difficult times...

Since the industrial revolution, we have entered a social construct where people are consumers and manufacturers at the same time... Should people consume too little, the stock of products is going to hit the roof in the warehouse... But there are a lot of people employed in tertiary position from where they do not contribute directly to the product but to the consumption of the products...

They are part of the tools... The advertisers, the managers, the investors. They all want to fatten you up without creating a glut... You know the rest: fast food, TV advertising, gambling, Anything that is related to the opposite of self-sufficiency... 

If you are sustainably self-sufficient, you are a dead loss to the system.
They will burn your house. This is what happened to Gadaffi. Libya was self-sufficient and despite a bit of unrest, was rather well organised... Now Libya is an indebted mess. The west had to support the rebels to throw Gadaffi out and the rebels made sure he would not be coming back... Then they killed a few Americans as a thank-you... Now the country is divided and sinking into extremist Muslim territory... 

Das Kapital was a book for its time... Now we need a serious update and we need to be prepared for a full capitalist assault on our sense of decency...
In the hands of Julia's Labor, capitalism is still manageable. And this is what I guess the conservatives hate most. Labor has managed the capital quite well — too well for some of the socialists on the other side... But the sky did not fall after the introduction of the carbon pricing. Tony Abbott had waged his existence on the fact the country would sink in between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Armageddon was beckoning in his little head... 

In the hands of conservatives (Liberals), capitalism becomes an ugly dangerous brute... 

Das kapital ist brutal... Gelt ist brutal...

Gus Leonisky


bias at the ABC...

Inside Business - 2013, Episode 14Series Synopsis

Alan Kohler with analysis and comment on the events and issues concerning business, investors and entrepreneurs.

Previous Episode Synopsis

Episode 12
Alan Kohler with analysis and comment on the events and issues concerning business, investors and entrepreneurs.

And so on...


Of course, Alan Kohler interviews are totally biased... Alan does not challenge the ENTREPERNOURS (as Bush used to call them at the same time he wished the French had a word for entrepreneurs)... Last Sunday had a classic interview in which what I guess we were introduced to a complete scientific ignoramus. Not once the concept of global warming was looked at while discussing the carbon pricing, unless I missed the bit when I went for a pee.... Not worth the link...

no petty struggles...

ONE of Queensland's former union powerbrokers has quit the Labor party after 36 years, warning it has "lost the plot" and is being ruined by factional power struggles.

In a scathing critique of his party, David Harrison said Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her predecessor Kevin Rudd had trashed Labor's values with "crass politics".

Mr Harrison warned Labor was controlled by a small cabal who were only interested in petty power struggles.

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This is an article designed to belittle the Labor party... The power struggle is finished buried cremated killed... to quote a sneaky imbecile I don't remember the name of in regard to work choices...

Labor is painting the big picture with long needed reforms, but the papers and news organisations are only interested in old squabbles... David Harrison was himself a "powerbroker" in the factions bum fights and his Rudd faction did not win... So he puts heap on Gillard and Rudd to bring the winner down to the level of the loser... Very old technique of divide and conquer...


Wake up, sure this "news" of an old ALP codger now in a "Liberal employ" makes go copy and it annoys the shit out of good people doing a good job...


To the media out there: there is no petty power struggles... You should concentrate on the crap that the Conservatives (LNP) are planning to impose on this county and praise the good reforms like the Gonski reforms that the gillard government is trying to implement in a very difficult political lansdcape under the influence of a lying ratty puppet, Tonicchio...

may day may day may day...


In honor of May 1, Brad DeLong reposted a very interesting 2009 talk he delivered on"Understanding Karl Marx" that offers a number of criticisms of Marx that I would have enthusiastically endorsed in 2009 but which look weaker four years later. In particular, DeLong says that Marx the political activist was too pessimistic about the idea that the ruling class would agree to make economic growth pareto optimal within the context of a market economy:

[T]hat even though the ruling class could appease the working class by using the state to redistribute and share the fruits of economic growth it would never do so. They would be trapped by their own ideological legitimations--they really do believe that it is in some sense “unjust” for a factor of production to earn more than its marginal product. Hence social democracy would inevitably collapse before an ideologically-based right-wing assault, income inequality would rise, and the system would collapse or be overthrown. The Wall Street Journal editorial page works day and night 365 days a year to make Marx’s prediction come true. But I think this, too, is wrong.

To me that unquestionably looked wrong as of 2009. But in the interim, those Wall Street Journal editorial page tendencies have grown much stronger. You see a rising tide of Rand-inflected moralism about market outcomes and a reduced emphasis on Friedman-style pragmatism. You also see a sharply reduced emphasis on belief in any kind of macroeconomic stabilization policy, in favor of a "let them eat cake slash move to North Dakota" moralism about unemployment. Last but by no means least, it really has become the conventional wisdom among American elites that the appropriate policy response to fiscal imbalance in a time of high and rising income inequality is to restore balance by reducing the scope and generosity of social insurance programs.


Thank god for Julia's NDIS in Australia... and like her I am an atheist...

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capitalism and conservatives is like sugar and ADHD kids...


ON FRIDAY LAST WEEK in The AgeWaleed Aly wrote a thoughtful piece on the tensions that currently exist globally within “the Right” of politics.

Aly hit the nail beautifully on the head when he wrote that modern

‘…conservative politics [has come] to be built on a contradiction: a pact between the opposing forces of free market-liberalism and social conservatism.’

However, Aly didn’t quite go far enough in explaining just how strange and counter-productive to conservative ideals this alliance has become. Modern political thought tends to view this as a perfectly consistent philosophy, but I would contend that nothing could be further from the truth.

The way I see things, World War II and the Cold War induced conservatives in the West to go looking for the most anti-socialist (both national and garden variety) philosopher and economist they could find. It led them to F. A. Hayek, a man who diagnosed the brutally restrictive machines of state-centric Fascism and Communism earlier than most. However, this was an ironic choice for conservatives, seeing he had also written an essay entitled Why I’m Not A Conservative.

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Capitalism Is Humanity's Neurosis...

Philosopher Renata Salecl: 'Capitalism Is Humanity's Neurosis'

Freedom is a good thing, isn't it? Not always, argues Slovenian philosopher Renata Salecl. The liberty to choose from an unlimited number of career options or coffee brands ultimately becomes a burden. Our modern capitalist society is ruled by a "tyranny of choice."

The game is rigged, and we know it...



The madness of capital

World leaders remain wedded to economic metrics that say little about the well-being of humans and the environment.

by Dr Jason Hickel


Last month the Associated Press reported that the income gap in the United States broke a new record in 2012, with the 1 percent grabbing a greater share of total household wealth than ever before in history.

This news follows on the heels of the fact that the 1 percent not only captured all of the income gains during the first two years of the economic recovery, but also stole a portion of the already-existing incomes of the bottom 99 percent, causing median household income to decline despite overall economic growth.

The American people have not been silent in the face of this injustice. The fall of 2011 brought the biggest protest movement that the nation had seen in decades, with countless sit-ins, rallies, marches, and petitions across the country. How did the government respond to this unprecedented wave of democratic expression?  First they curtailed our freedom of speech and used "counterterrorism" units - in collusion with Wall Street banks - to coordinate military force against us. Then they proceeded to do exactly the opposite of what we asked.

Our voices have been heard loud and clear. Yet the US elite, and the political class that serves them, have moved in the past few years to siphon not less of our nation's collective wealth, but more. 

What is so interesting about this continuing heist is that it has been so brazen. There has been little attempt to hide behind the usual justifications. Why? Because no one really believes them anymore. We all know that trickle-down economics is a farce. We know that outrageous CEO salaries are not only unnecessary but actively wasteful. We know that raising minimum wages does not cause unemployment. We know that the bank bailout was an inside job, and, after the Citizens United ruling, we can all see how our political system has been captured by corporate interests. 

These are now open secrets. The game is rigged, and we know it. 

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